Exploration of the planets would include a search for life in any form. 

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Exploration of the planets would include a search for life in any form.

3. Electrons at less than a million volts would reach practi­cally a constant speed, almost that of light.

The absolute zero is the temperature at which an ideal gas would have zero volume at any finite pressure.

A helicopter would be a useful vehicle on the Moon since it could take off and lend vertically.

Примечание: Если действие предложения относится к будущему времени по проекту, то предложение перево­дится изъявительным наклонением в будущем времени или м настоящем времени.

Text 4. About the Moon. I) Словообразование.

Образуйте новые слова при помощи отрицательного пре­фикса dis-, который выражает как отрицание, так и иро- | нкоположное действие. Переведите как те, так и другие.

To approve, to like, to obey, honest, to appear, to arm, to connect.

2)Образуйте новые слова с префиксом sub-, соответ­ствующим русской приставке под-; переведите:

committee, division, marine, conscious

3)Образуйте существительные от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -ness; переведите:

bitter, cold, dark, kind, weak

4)Образуйте существительные от глаголов с помощью суффикса -иге; переведите:

to depart, to please, to press, to seize


The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, and on the average it is 384,400 km., or 60 radii of the Earth away. As the Moon moves along its elliptic orbit, the distance varies from 354,000 to 406,000 km. The Moon's diameter is 3,476 km., a quarter of that of our planet. Its area is one-fourteenth of that of the Earth and is approximately equal to the teritory of Asia. The Moon's gravity is only Veth of the Earth's, so that man's average weight would drop to 10-12 kg. and he/ she would be able to jump six times higher on the Moon than on the Earth. A man weighing 120 lb. would weigh only 20 lb. there: he could be carried by a child. It takes the Moon 27 '/з days to make one revolution round its axis and as many round the Earth; consequently we always see only one half of its sphere. The Moon keeps the same side turned towards the Earth, therefore we can see only one side of the Moon. In 1959 for the first time in history pictures were taken of the far side of the Moon. Photos of the far side of the Moon show it to be differ­ent from the side we see — it has many more peaks and fewer "seas". Recently Russian astronomers concluded that this asym­metry may well have resulted from internal causes rather than from external influences.

One of the causes may have been the rapid deceleration of the Moon's rotation reducing the centrifugal force, which, in turn, changed the balance between the two sides. The photos were taken by means of a space rocket "Luna 3", but the American astronauts stepped on the Moon's surface.

The American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the Moon on July 21,1969. As he de­scended from the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft and stepped onto the Moon, he said "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong was followed a little later by Edwin Aldrin.

The Moon is devoid of atmosphere or water. Beacause of the absence of the atmosphere the temperature changes there are very great. For example, if one moved a few yards from sunlight to shadow, the temperature would fall 400T in a matter of seconds. The Moon's "sky" even on a "sunny day" is absolutely black, owing to the absence of atmosphere. As soon as the Sun disappears beyond the Moon's horizon, pitch darkness sets in — the lunar night.

6) Vocabulary:

natural - естественный

on the average - в среднем

radii, radius - радиус

to move - двигаться вдоль

ellipic - эллиптический

to vary - варьировать

gravity - притяжение, сила тяготения

It lakes the Moon 27 1/3 days... Луне требуется 27 1/3 суток...

consequently - следовательно

peak - пик, остроконечная вершина

recently - недавно

lo conclude - решать, заключать; делать вывод

asymmetry - асимметрия

cause - причина

Internal - внутренний

external - внешний, наружный

deceleration - замедление скорости

to reduce - уменьшать, сокращать

centrifugal - центробежный

devoid of - лишенный (чего-либо)

owing to - благодаря, из-за

beyond - вдали, за

horizon - горизонт

pitch darkness - кромешная тьма

pitch - смола, деготь, вар

to set in - наступать

lunar - лунный

lunar vehicle - луноход

7)Слова для активизации:

to move, gravity, to conclude, cause, internal, external, de­celeration, to reduce, centrifugal, devoid, horizon, to set in, pitch.

8)Вопосы по тексту:

1. Вы можете назвать естественный спутник Земли?

2. По какой орбите движется Луна?

3. Диаметр Луны меньше земного, не так ли?

4. Территория Луны равна территории Азии, правда?

5. Что вы знаете о лунном притяжении?

6. Сколько дней требуется Луне чтобы совершить один оборот вокруг своей оси?

7. Мы видим обе стороны Луны?

8. В каком году были сделаны фотографии обратной стороны Луны?

9. К какому выводу пришли недавно русские астрономы?

10. Чьи астронавты вступили впервые на лунную поверхность?

11. Какие слова сказал Нил Армстронг?

12. На нашем спутнике есть атмосфера и вода?

12. Что вы знаете о лунной температуре?ерритории Азии, правда?


9)Переведите на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы.

What is the nearest satellite of the Earth?

Do you know the diameter of the Moon and of the Earth?

Do you know the names of the planets of our Solar System?

Are the orbits of the planets always round or may they be elliptic?

5. Are the orbits of the planets always constant?

Is the territory of the Earth bigger than that of the Moon?

Is the distance to the Moon always constant or does it vary?

8. Does the Sun move round its axis?

9. Has the Moon atmosphere or water?

Do you know the names of any stars away from Solar System?

10)Переведите на английский язык:

1. Луна является естественным спутником Земли?

Расстояние от Земли до Луны равняется 60 радиусам Земли.

3. Диаметр Луны равен четверти диаметра Земли.

I. Территория Луны составляет 1/14 (часть) территории Земли и равна, приблизительно, территории Азии.

Сила притяжения на Луне в б раз меньше, чем на Земле.

I). Человек может прыгать в 6 раз выше на Луне, чем на Земле.

7. Колебания (изменения) температуры на Луне очень значительны, если вы двигаетесь из (от) солнечной сто­роны в тень.

Луна не светит и не греет, она отражает солнечный свет.

11)Переведите выражение: II takes...

1. It takes me half an hour to get home.

2. It takes the Earth 24 hours to make one revolution round the Sun.

3. It took him the whole year to finish his scientific work.

Test. Составьте предложения но образцам:

a) It takes me ten minutes to get to the college. Does it take you ten minutes to get to the college?...to get to your country house.

...to read his report....to write a letter.

b) It look him two hours to prepare for his lesson. Did it take him two hours to prepare for his lesson?...to get to Moscow.

...to speak at the meeting....to tell his biography.

c) It will take us some days to be ready for our examina­tion.

Will it take you some days to be ready for our examina­tion?

...to learn these English words....to make a report.

To get to the place of our destination.

12) Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вни­мание на то, какими способами передается английский страдательпый залог в переводе подлежащего на русский язык (над подлежащим производится действие).

1. This museum has been opened this year.

2. This book has been brought by my sister.

3. The letter has not been posted yet.

4. We have been told the news just now.

5. Geometry has been much written about.

The doctor has not yet been sent for.

Your remark has not been taken notice of.

Special attention has been paid to the research work.

Attention lias been called to this phenomenon.

A discussion of X-ray spectra has been omitted, as it can be found in almost any advanced text on physics.

11. The invention of the nitrogen-filed lamp has been fol­lowed by the orgon and neon lamps for specisl purposes.

12. Many methods for detection of uranium have been pro­posed for use under various conditions and only a few can be referred to here.


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