Arm Yourself With Conversation Topics 

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Arm Yourself With Conversation Topics

Практичне заняття №1

Тема заняття: Мовний етикет

План заняття

І. Знайомство з правилами спілкування. Робота над текстом та обговорення теми практичного заняття.

1.Read and translate the text “Conversation Etiquette”. Prepare for discussion.

Conversation Etiquette

Everyone knows a person who speaks out of turn, says the wrong thing that creates an awkward moment, or never allows anyone else to get a word in edgewise. He might have good intentions, but being around him can grate on the nerves. Don’t become that person.

Regardless of how smart or witty you are, there are times when you need to stop and evaluate the appropriateness of what you are saying. Make sure you have good speech filters to prevent saying something rude. Acquiring the skill of a good conversationalist requires learning some fundamental guidelines and practicing them.


Before you open your mouth to speak, stop and think about what you are going to say. Too many people speak as they think, and when the words come out, they don’t convey the intended meaning. Pause a moment to allow your internal filters to take over. This may make the difference between being considered a good conversationalist and others thinking you are boorish.

Pay Attention to Signals

As you chat with others, pay close attention to signals that you are losing them in conversation. If you continue talking long after they have mentally zoned out, you may find yourself alone, or worse, not invited to the next get-together. The instant you realize you’ve said too much, take a breath and give someone else a chance to talk.

Signs the other person is no longer engaged in the conversation:

· She yawns.

· She stops making eye contact.

· She glances around the room looking for an escape.

· She starts backing away.

· She stops responding.

Listen to Others

One of the best ways to have people thinking you are good at conversation is to listen to what they have to say. This shows your interest in them, and they are more likely to show interest in you when you speak. Give the other person your undivided attention.

How to show you are listening:

· Maintain eye contact.

· Nod or interject an occasional, “Yes, I agree,” or “I know what you mean.”

· Ask questions during pauses in the conversation.

Дієслово to be

Present Simple
I am I am not Am I?
He She is It He She is not (isn’t) It he? Is she? it?
We You are They We You are not (aren’t) They we? are you? they?
Past Simple
I He was She It I He She was not (wasn’t) It I? he? Was she? it?
We You were They We You were not (weren’t) They we? were you? they?
Future Simple
I shall be (‘ll be) We I shall not be (shan’t be) We Shall I We He she     Be?
He She It will be (‘ll be) You They He She It will not be (won’t be) You They Will It You They     Be?


1. Change the following sentences into interrogative, then give short answers according to the sign. Look at the examples.

e.g.: Mr Smith is at home. * Y Is Mr Smith at home? Yes, he is.

Tim and Peter are in the library. * N Are Tim and Peter in the library? No, they aren’t.

1) My aunt’s surname is Horner. * N

2) Ms Peabody is married. * Y

3) There is an orange in your bag. * N

4) Her middle name is Clark. * Y

5) These are my pens and pencils. * Y

6) You are tired. * Y

7) Linda is in the kitchen. * N

8) Fluffy is a great dog. * N

9) My exercise book is in my bag. * Y

10) Tim and Kim are at school. * N

2. Ask questions about the underlined words.

e.g.: She is at home. Who is at home?

1) We are in the bed.

2) That is a camera.

3) His name is Edward.

4) This is my daughter.

5) I am from Austria.

6) Sarah is 11.

7) Frank and Milo are in the garden.

8) Leslie is happy today.

9) My toothbrush is blue.

10) The ball is small.

3. Put the right form of the verb to be:

1. Where … your brother now? – He … in his room.

2. … she … at work tomorrow? – Yes, she …

3.... you at school yesterday? – Yes, I....

4. My sister... at school now. She... not at home.

5. My pens... not on the table. Where... they?

6. We... pupils last year, but now we... students.

7. His brother... a child. He... 7.

8. My aunt... in Paris now.

9. Where... your grandmother? – She... in Richmond.

10. When... you at work yesterday? – I... there at 8 o'clock.

11. My brother... not ill now.

12. I... not in Kyiv now. I... in London.

13. All my family... at home tomorrow.

14. When he... young, he... a pilot.

15. She... a good student.

16. Where... you last Friday? – I... at the cinema

17. Nick... ill last month.

18. Where... your father now?

19. I think he... not... a doctor.

4. Translate into English using the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Indefinite.

1. Я сейчас дома. 2. Вчера он был на работе. 3. Завтра ее не будет дома. 4. Дети в парке. Они не в школе. 5. Он не был вчера в школе. Он был дома. 6. Где она? – Она на работе. 7. В про­шлом год я был учеником. В этом году я студент. 8. Где вы были? – Мы были в театре. 9. Его отец доктор. Он тоже будет доктором. 10. Завтра дети будут во дворе. 11. Где вы? Вы не дома? 12. Мой друг болен. Он не в институте. Он дома. 13. Где вы будете завтра? 14. Они не были в Крыму в прошлом году. Они были в Киеве. 15. Я не инженер, я певец. 16. Сегодня в 3 часа мы будем в кино. 17. Где книги? – Вчера они были на столе. 18. Ты будешь в школе завтра? – Нет, не буду. Я болен. 19. Он болел на прошлой неделе? – Да, он был болен. 20. Почему их не было дома? – Они были в театре.


ІІІ. Робота з текстом за фахом.


The tablet is the most common form for the administration of a drug in a dry state.

A tablet shows definite properties of mechanical strength and is characterized by a definite rate of disintegration with water.

It is observed that tablets can be made from certain drugs, even without the addition of auxiliary substances.

But for some drugs, the addition of auxiliary substances is found to be necessary to overcome certain difficulties in their tabletting.

The application of different pressure during tabletting plays a very important role. It helps to avoid unnecessary complications. Tablets, which should dissolve in the mouth, must be more strongly compressed than other tablets for in-ternal administration.

Another important effect of higher pressures is an increase in friction, which demands the use of greater amounts of lubricants and glidants. Glidants are added to the tablets to improve their flow properties.

ІV. Виконання пілятекстових вправ.

1) Підготуйте до словникового диктанту слова та словосполучення:

the most common form of medication — найрозповсюдженіша форма ліків

without the addition — без додавання

auxiliary substances — допоміжні речовини

to overcome difficulties — долати труднощі

friction — тертя

lubricants — смазывающие вещества

glidants — скользящие вещества

flow property — скользящее свойство

2) Доповніть речення:

1. A tablet is characterized by a ……….

2. It is generally observed that tablets can be made easily from certain ……..

3. The correct pressure must be applied in order to avoid unnecessary …….

4. Tablets which should …… slowly in the mouth must be more strongly compressed.

5. ……. are added to the tablet materials to improve their flow properties.

Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ / Т.В. Барановська. – К.: ВП Логос-М, 2008. – 384 с.

2. Верба Л.Г. Граматика сучасної англійської мови/ Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. – К.: ТОВ Логос-М, 2007. – 352 с.

3.Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений/ Ю.Б. Голицынский. – 3-е изд. - СПб.: Каро, 2001. – 512 с.

Практичне заняття №2

Тема заняття: Особливості ведення бізнесу в різних країнах

План заняття

I. Робота над текстом. Обговорення особливостей ведення бізнесу в різних країнах.

1. Read this article and choose one of these titles for it:

  • When in Rome...
  • Travelling abroad
  • Doing business in Europe
  • Problems that business people face
  • Good manners, good business
  • I didn't mean to be rude!

Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes ever more international, it is increasingly easy to get it wrong. There may be a single European market but it does not mean that managers behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark.

In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. In France good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone present. This can be a demanding task and, in a crowded room, may require gymnastic ability if the farthest hand is to be reached.

Handshaking is almost as popular in other countries -including Germany, Belgium and Italy. But Northern Europeans, such as the British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical demonstrations of friendliness.

In Europe the most common challenge is not the content of the food, but the way you behave as you eat. Some things are just not done. In France it is not good manners to raise tricky questions of business over the main course. Business has its place: after the cheese course. Unless you are prepared to eat in silence you have to talk about something — something, that is, other than the business deal which you are continually chewing over in your head.

Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact, in Italy the biggest fear, as course after course appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on business. If you have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally ends, and offer to pay. Then, after a lively discussion, you must remember the next polite thing to do - let your host pick up the bill.

In Germany, as you walk sadly back to your hotel room, you may wonder why your apparently friendly hosts have not invited you out for the evening. Don't worry, it is probably nothing personal. Germans do not entertain business people with quite the same enthusiasm as some of their European counterparts.

These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems of doing business in a foreign language. Language, of course, is full of difficulties - disaster may be only a syllable away. But the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less likely you are to get into difficulties. It is worth the effort. It might be rather hard to explain that the reason you lost the contract was not the product or the price, but the fact that you offended your hosts in a light-hearted comment over an aperitif. Good manners are admired: they can also make or break the deal.

2.Decide whether they are true or false according to the writer:

  1. In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you meet.
  2. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.
  3. In France people prefer talking about business during meals.
  4. It is not polite to insist on paying for a meal if you are in Italy.
  5. Visitors in Germany never get taken out for meals.
  6. A humorous remark always goes down well all over the world.

3.Answer the following questions:

  • Which of the ideas in the article do you disagree with?
  • What would you tell a foreign visitor about “good manners“ in Ukraine?
  • How much do you think international business is improved by knowing about foreign people`s customs?

4. Decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our country. Put “Yes” or “No” for each idea. Make a short speech about the difference you have discovered.

  In Ukraine It is usual In the UK it is usual to
Take your shoes off as you enter someone`s home   NO
Shake hands the first time you meet someone   YES
Shake hands when you meet a friend you last saw yesterday   NO
Kiss people on one cheek   YES
Kiss people on both cheeks   NO
Queue in one line if you are waiting for a bus   YES
Give flowers to a man NO   NO
Arrive early for a party   NO
Arrive at exactly the time you were invited   YES
Write to say thank you when you get home after you have stayed with someone   YES

II. Робота над граматичним матеріалом. Повторення. Present, Past, Future Continuous.

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous
to be (am, is, are)+ V(-ing) was,were + V(-ing) shall\will + be+ V(-ing)
I am working He (she, it) is working We (you, they) are working. I was working He (she, it) was working We (you, they) were working. I shall be working, He will be working
I am not working He (she, it) is not (isn’t) working We (you, they) are not (aren’t)working. I was not working He (she, it) was not (wasn’t) working We (you, they) were not (weren’t) working. I shall not be working, He will not be working
Am I working? Is he working? Are they working? Was I working? Was he working? Were they working? Shell I be working? Will he be working?


Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous
1.Для вираження тривалої дії, що відбувається в момент мовлення. Наявність слів, що позначають момент мовлення (now зараз; at this moment у цей момент), не обов'язкова, оскільки сама форма вказує, що дія відбувається в момент мовлення. Who is reading a book in that room? — Хто читає книжку в тій кімнаті? 2. Для вираження тривалої дії, що відбувається в теперішній час. She is writing a new book. — Вона (зараз) пише нову книгу. 3. Для вираження запланованої дії у найближчому майбутньому: We are going to the theatre tonight. —. Ми йдемо в театр сьогодні ввечері. 4. Для вираження наміру: I'm going to spend ту holidays in the Crimea. — Я збираюся провести канікули в Криму.   1. Для вираження дії, що тривала в певний момент у минулому. Цей момент може бути визначений: а) точним позначенням часу, наприклад, at that moment у той момент; at that time у той час, at 7 o'clock yesterday вчора о 7-й годині: At 7 o'clock we were listening to the radio. — О сьомій годині ми слухали радіо. Не was not reading a journal at that moment. — Він не читав журнал у топ час. б) іншою минулою дією, вираженою у the Past Indefinite: It was raining when I went out. — Коли я вийшов, ішов дощ.   Майбутній тривалий час означає тривалу дію в майбутньому: at five o'clock, at that (this) time, at noon (дія відбуватиметься в певний час у майбутньому): At this time tomorrow my mother will be waiting for me at the school gate. — Завтра у цей час моя мати буде чекати на мене біля шкільних воріт. They will be translating the text from two till four. — Вони перекладатимуть текст з другої до четвертої години.  


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Her baby always (to sleep) after breakfast. 2. He can't talk to you now. He (to go) out. 3. The programme (to start) at nine o'clock every night. 4. I am sorry, but my friend (to wait) for me. 5. They (to go) to the beach now. 6. She never (to want) to go to the cinema. 7. Look at my daughter! She (to read). 8. Your grandmother (to sit) in the garden now? 9. She (to cook) dinner now? 10. They (to go) to the cinema very often? 11. It's nine o'clock but Jane still (to play) chess with her father. 12. Mary (to drive) to her office every day? 13. He (to be) in the library now? 14. I (not to study) at the moment. 15. Nick and Jane (to be) in their room. They (to speak). 16. He (to leave) the office every day at five. 17. What magazine you (to read) now? 18. Wait a minute! I (to put) my coat on. 19. Listen to Helen! She (to sing) a new song. 20. Where (to be) your husband? - He (to fish) now?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into Present, Past, Future Simple or Continuous.

1. We (to be) very busy now. We (to discuss) a very important question. 2. Where (to be) Peter? He (to have) his English lesson now? – No, he (to have) his English tomorrow. 3. Where (to be) Susan? – She (to work) in the library at the moment. She (to stop) working in an hour. 4. What the children (to do) when you (to come) home yesterday? – They (to play) in their room. 5. At two o'clock tomorrow we (to take) our French lesson. 6. This problem (to be) too difficult to discuss it now. I (to think) we (to discuss) it tomorrow, when we (to have) more time. 7. He (to spend) last week in hospital. He (to be) ill. 8. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (to be) cold. 9. He (not to eat) when I (to come) yesterday. He (to read) a book. 10. As a rule he (to trans­late) two articles a week. But he (to translate) three articles last week. 11. She (not to see) me when I (to come) into the room. She (to read) at the moment. 12. We (to wait) for them at two o'clock tomorrow. We (to be) sure they (to come) in time. 13. My friend (to walk) when it (to begin) raining 14. Tomorrow he still (to work) when I come home. 15. Yesterday I (to return) home at eight o'clock it (to get) dark and (to rain) at the time. 16. I (to cut) my finger when I (to peel) an apple. 17. Let's go to the cinema when the lessons (to be) over. 18. He (to become) furious when he (to understand) that he was late. 19. If she (not to come) tomorrow, ring her up.

3. Translate into English using Present, Past and Future Simple or Continuous.

1. Она была очень счастлива, когда получила приз. 2. Посмотри на котёнка! Он прыгает по комнате. 3. Он упал с лестницы и ушиб руку, когда красил стену. 4. Если вы перемешаете коричневый и белые цвета, вы получите бежевый цвет. 5. Я поговорю с ним об этом, когда встречу его. 6. Мой сын ещё будет делать уроки, когда я приду домой. 7. Мы надеемся, что он примет участие в этой работе. 8. Всю прошлую неделю он готовился к экзаменам. 9. Вчера в шесть вечера она возвращалась с работы. 10. Когда я пришёл домой, я увидел, что дома никого нет. 11. Мы отдыхали в своей комнате, когда отец вернулся с работы. 12. Я зашел на кухню и увидел, что моя жена готовила обед.13. Она позвонит вам, как только получит необходимую информацию. 14. Не приходите завтра в два часа: он будет занят в это время и не поможет вам. 16. Я думаю, что мы пойдем на прогулку, когда закон­чится дождь.


III. Робота над текстом за фахом.


Braille /ˈbreɪl/ is a tactile writing system used by the blind and the visually impaired. It is traditionally written with embossed paper. Braille-users can read computer screens and other electronic supports thanks to refreshable braille displays. They can write braille with the original stylus or type it on a braille writer, such as a portable braille note-taker, or on a computer that prints with a braille embosser.

Braille is named after its creator, Frenchman Louis Braille, who went blind following a childhood accident. In 1824, at the age of 15, Braille developed his code for the French alphabet as an improvement on night writing. He published his system, which subsequently included musical notation, in 1829. The second revision, published in 1837, was the first digital (binary) form of writing.

Braille characters are small rectangular blocks called cells that contain tiny palpable bumps called raised dots. The number and arrangement of these dots distinguish one character from another. Since the various braille alphabets originated as transcription codes of printed writing systems, the mappings (sets of character designations) vary from language to language. Furthermore, in English Braille there are three levels of encoding: Grade 1, a letter-by-letter transcription used for basic literacy; Grade 2, an addition of abbreviations and contractions; and Grade 3, various non-standardized personal shorthands.

Braille cells are not the only thing to appear in embossed text. There may be embossed illustrations and graphs, with the lines either solid or made of series of dots, arrows, bullets that are larger than braille dots, etc.

In the face of screen-reader software, braille usage has declined. However, braille education remains important for developing reading skills among blind and visually impaired children, and braille literacy correlates with higher employment rates.

IV. Виконання пілятекстових вправ.


1.Підготуйте до словникового диктанту слова та словосполучення:

tactile – тактильний

writing system – система письма, система запису

visually impaired – слабозорий

embossed – рельєфний

refreshable – той, що оновлюється

stylus – стилус

rectangular – прямокутний

cell – чарунка (рус.ячейка)

palpable bump – відчутна випуклість

raised dot – рельєфна точка

mapping – відображення, схема

shorthand – умовне позначення

graph – графік, схема

solid – суцільний, без прогалин

bullet – маркер, чорна точка


2.Продовжіть речення:


1. Braille is a tactile writing system used by …

2. Braille is named after …

3. Braille characters are called …

4. Cells that contain … called …

5. One character from another is distinguished by …

6. In English Braille there are … levels of encoding: …

7. Braille education remains important for …


Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ / Т.В. Барановська. – К.: ВП Логос-М, 2008. – 384 с.

2. Верба Л.Г. Граматика сучасної англійської мови/ Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. – К:ТОВ Логос-М, 2007. – 352 с.

3.Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми / Тетяна Гужва. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006. – 320 с.


Практичне заняття №3

Тема заняття: Реєстрація в аеропорту (на вокзалі, в порту). Митний контроль.

План заняття

I.Робота з новим лексичним матеріалом. Читання та переклад діалогів з теми. Дискусія з теми практичного заняття.

1. Translate the new vocabulary and learn by heart. Read and translate the dialogue.

a flight reservation

a destination

to hold on a moment

to check the flight schedule

to depart

a direct flight

a transit flight

a passenger

a return ticket

a one-way ticket

a window seat

an aisle seat

to confirm your reservation

a payment in cash

a payment in credit card

Making a Flight Reservation


 Customer       Excuse me, I would like to make a flight reservation.
 Ticketing Staff   Sure, Madam. Where is your destination?
 Customer       From Tokyo to Sydney.
 Ticketing Staff   And when would you like to depart, Madam?
 Customer       On the 30 Nov.
 Ticketing Staff   Hold on a moment, please while I check the flight schedule for you, Madam.
 Customer Sure.
 Ticketing Staff Madam, we have 2 flight flying to Sydney on the 30 Nov. One flight would be departing from Tokyo Narita in the morning at 10:30, arriving in Sydney at 18:22 in the evening. And this would be a direct flight. The other would be a transit flight making a stop at Singapore Changi Airport and it would depart from Tokyo, Narita at 15:15 in the afternoon, arriving in Sydney at 02:45 next morning. Which flight would you prefer, Madam?
 Customer       Well, I prefer the direct flight.
 Ticketing Staff   Okay. So the reservation for the direct flight departing from Tokyo, Narita to Sydney. It would be for how many person, Madam?
 Customer       For 2 person, please.
 Ticketing Staff   Could I have the names of the 2 passengers?
 Customer       One is Sarah Carlton and the other is Joe Mackenzie.
 Ticketing Staff   Any return ticket for you, Madam?
 Customer       No, just a one-way ticket.
 Ticketing Staff   Would you like a window or aisle seat, Madam?
 Customer       Window seat, please.
 Ticketing Staff   To confirm your reservation, it would be Flight BA 801, departing from Tokyo, Narita at 1030, arriving in Sydney at 18:22. One-way ticket for 2 person, economy class and window seats. Would that be all, Madam?
 Customer       Yes. How much would that be?
 Ticketing Staff   The total would be $4,500 for 2 flight tickets. Would you like to make the payment in cash or credit card, Madam?
 Customer       Cash, please.
 Ticketing Staff   Thank you very much and enjoy your flight.
 Customer       Thank you.

2.Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps using the words from the box.


— I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred Euro. — No, nothing. Just the normal allowance. — Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine. — No, I don´t. — Thank you. I´m sure I will. — Certainly. Here you are.


Customs officer:   — May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?
You:   —...
Customs officer:   — Do you have anything to declare?
You:   —...
Customs officer:   — What do you have in this suitcase?
You:   —...
Customs officer:   — Okay, do you have anything else besides these?
You:   —...
Customs officer:   — How much money do you have on you?
You:   —...
Customs officer:   — That´s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the United States.
You:   —...  


3.Translate and fill in the customs declaration.

4. Read the text and be ready to discuss the services available at the European airports for disabled people.

Under European law, people with disabilities or with reduced mobility (PRM) have legal rights to assistance when travelling by air. It’s important to let airlines know your needs at least 48 hours before you travel.


Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime.

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations. Thus, disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.

An individual may also qualify as disabled if they have had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. Mental disorders (also known as psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and various types of disease may also qualify as disabilities.

Some advocates object to describing certain conditions (notably deafness and autism) as "disabilities", arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them developmental differences that have been unfairly stigmatized by society. However, other advocates argue that disability is a result of exclusion from mainstream society and not any inherent impairment.



IV. Виконання пілятекстових вправ.

1.Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What is disability?

2. When can one become disabled?

3. What is the difference of an impairment from an activity limitation?

4. Mental disorders are qualified as disabilities, aren’t they?

5. What is the subject of advocates’ arguments?


2.Доберіть англійські відповідники до поданих слів, затранскрибуйте та запишіть у словник:

Disability, impairment, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, activity limitation, participation restriction, interaction, mental disorder, deafness, autism, stigmatized, inherent.



3.Складіть анотацію до тексту (дивіться План анотації).

План анотації

  1. Назва статті (матеріалу): The title of the article (material) is…

The head-line of the article (material) is…

  1. Автор статті (матеріалу): The author of the given article is…

The material is written by…

  1. Джерело інформації (місце, дата видання):

The article was published in “The Times”, 7th June, 2005.

The source of the material is…

  1. Короткий зміст статті: The plot of the article:…

The article is about…

The material is devoted to…

The article deals with…

The author in the article raises a very serious (important, urgent) problem, concerning…

  1. Структура статті (кількість абзаців, послідовність викладу матеріалу):

At first (firstly) the author gives information about…

Then the narrator writes about…

Finally he/she concludes that…

  1. Цільова аудиторія: The article is written (prepared) mostly for…

It is going to be interesting for…


Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ / Т.В. Барановська. – К.: ВП Логос-М, 2008. – 384 с.

2. Верба Л.Г. Граматика сучасної англійської мови/ Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. – К:ТОВ Логос-М, 2007. – 352 с.

3.Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми / Тетяна Гужва. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006. – 320 с.

Практичне заняття №4

Тема заняття: Сервіс у літаку (у потязі, на судні).

План заняття

I. Підготовка та обговорення теми практичного заняття. Вивчення нових слів. Читання, переклад діалогів.

1. Answer the questions:

1. If you had to choose the way of travelling what would you choose: bus, ship, plane, car, train? Explain.

2. Have you ever travelled by plane? When and where?

3. Would you like to try to fly on a plane?

2. Study the new vocabulary. Translate and learn by heart.

duty-free shops shops in the airport where you are not charged any tax
departure lounge the area where you wait before boarding the plane
runway the 'road' where the planes land and take-off
control tower the building where the air traffic controllers work
air traffic controller the person who directs the planes, to make sure there are no accidents
immigration officer the person who checks the passports and visas
customs officer the person who checks that people are not bringing guns, drugs or illegal items into the country
cabin crew the people who look after, help and serve the passengers during the flight
cockpit the front of the plane where the pilot sits and flies the plane
galley the part of the plane where the cabin crew keep and prepare the food, and keep the duty free goods
overhead locker the storage area above the passengers where they can store their hand luggage
hand luggage small bags that the passengers can carry onto the plane with them
checked luggage large bags that the passengers do not carry onto the plane with them. They are kept in the hold during the flight.
aisle seat a seat that is located next to the long corridor (aisle) that runs down the centre of the plane
window seat a seat next to the window
cabin pressure the air pressure inside the aircraft when it is flying
boarding pass the ticket that you need in order to get onto the plane


3. Read the dialogue and prepare the presentation with your group mate.

On the Plane

A.: This aircraft looks very comfortable.

В.: Oh, it's bound to be; "The Company" takes a good care of its passengers.

A.: I'm sure of that. What about these two seats, will they do or would you rather sit

nearer the pilot's cabin?

В.: I really don't mind whichever you prefer.

A: Then let's sit down here. You must have the seat by the porthole, of course.

В.: Thank you, that's what I like.

A.: I say, we're already off.

В.: Yes, "No smoking" and "Fasten your belts" have been lighted up over the door to

the pilot's cabin, so we must be off, though I hardly feel anything yet.

A.: Perhaps, we are still on the runway.

В.: Yes, that must be. Look here, you haven't done up your safety-belt yet.

A.: Oh, thank you, I've forgotten all about it in the excitement of our departure.

В.: You mustn't, it's dangerous not to fasten your safety-belt when the plane is taking

off or landing.

A.: I know it is.

В.: A friend of mine lost her front teeth that way. It was a rough landing, though.

A.: Poor girl. So I owe my front teeth to you.

В.: Oh, no, we are having a very smooth take-off

A: Thanks all the same.

В.: Here comes a stewardess with a tray. What will you have, some juice or lemonade?

A.: Oh, good. My ears are beginning to ache a little, I think I'll have some lemonade.

And you?

В.: Orange juice, please.

Stewardess: Here you are, madam.

В.: Thank you.

4.Place the phrases according to the categories

1) Buying a ticket

2) Checking In

3) On the Airplane

4) The Arrival

5) Getting through Customs

6) Getting your luggage

7) Going through Immigration

8) Get out!

ü It's? 819. Will you pay by check or by credit card? ü Here's my Visa Card. Can we get an aisle seat please? ü Here they are. Can we get one seat near the aisle? ü Yes, that's no problem. You're in seats 27B and 27C. ü Thanks. Where do we go next? ü You can choose your seat when you check in. ü At which carrousel will our luggage be? ü At number 5, over there. ü Great! I'll get a trolley right away. ü Will that be one way or return flight? ü Go to Gate A8, straight ahead then turn left. ü It contains 750ml. ü Would you like something to drink? ü Could I have Coke with no ice? ü Here you are. Please fill out this form before the plane lands. ü What is this form for? ü It's a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the airport before you can enter the country. ü How much is a return ticket? ü What's in the small bag? ü I have a laptop computer and some books. ü Could you open it please and turn on your computer. ü I'd like to reserve two seats to London. ü Thank you for flying Happy Airlines! ü I had a good trip. Thanks for your help. ü It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again. ü Can I see your ticket and passport, please? ü Do you have anything to declare? ü I just have one bottle of wine. It's a gift for my friend. ü How much wine is in the bottle? ü That's fine. Have a nice stay. ü Sure. It will take a few moments to boot up. ü Okay, everything seems okay. You can go. ü Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? ü Go down to the end of the hall and the taxis are waiting just outside.  


5. Fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word in the box below.

emergency momentarily responsibilities
fasten exit devices
panels unable adjust
as necessary federal marked

1. The questions that you got wrong are _______________ with an “X”.

2. You can adjust the volume of the TV _______________. If it is too loud, turn the volume down. If it is too quiet, turn the volume up.

3. Oxygen masks will drop down from the _______________ above your seat if there is a loss of cabin pressure.

4. In the event of an _______________, call the police.

5. The flight will be landing _______________, so please fasten your seatbelts and securely stow all electronic devices.

6. The _______________ sign shows a man walking out of a room.

7. People who are _______________ to walk can use wheelchairs.

8. If you are too hot, you can _______________ the temperature on the air conditioner.

9. The Japanese have invented many interesting electronic ______________.

10. _______________ law prohibits tampering with smoke detectors.

11. I have many _______________ at home, like taking out the trash and washing dishes.

12. According to federal law, you must _______________ your seatbelt when you are in a car.


II. Виконання граматичних вправ. All Tenses Revision.

Таблиця часових форм англійської мови

  Present Past Future
Simple / Indefinite V (+ -s/-es) Повторювана / постійна дія в теперішньому часі He goes there every day. He does not go there every day Does he go there every day? Показники часу: Every day (week, month, year), always, often, sometimes, seldom, usually, rarely V + -ed or V2 Одноразова / постійна або повторювана дія в минулому; низка послідовних дій у минулому He stopped. He did not stop. Did he stop? Показники часу: Ago, yesterday, last month (week, year) will (shall) + V Дія, що відбудеться у майбутньому He will come in a minute. He will not come in a minute. Will he come in a minute? Показники часу: Tomorrow, next month (week, year)
Progressive /Continuous am/is/are + V + -ing Дія, що відбувається в момент мовлення / в певний період теперішнього часу He is reading now. He is not reading now Is he reading now? Показники часу: Now, at the moment was/were + V + -ing Дія, що відбувалась, тривала в певний момент або протягом якогось періоду часу в минулому He was eating when I came. He wasn’t eating when I came. Was he eating when you came? Показники часу: While, when will (shall) + be +V + -ing Дія, що відбуватиметься в якийсь момент або період часу в майбутньому He will be reading at this time next week. He will not be reading at this time next week. Will he be reading at this time next week? Показники часу: At this time tomorrow (next week, next month, next year)
Perfect have/has + V3 Дія, яка відбулась до моменту мовлення, і той, хто говорить, має на увазі результат цієї дії He has just come. He has not just come. Has he just come? Показники часу: Already, recently, lately, seldom, rarely, just, yet had + V3 Дія, що вже закінчилась до іншої минулої дії або до певного моменту в минулому He had come before we left. He had not come before we left. Had he come before we left? Показники часу: After, before, by, unless, until, till will (shall) + have + V3 Дія, що закінчиться до певного моменту або до початку іншої дії в майбутньому They will have done it by Monday. They will not have done it by Monday. Will they have done it by Monday? Показники часу: By, until, till, before
Perfect Progressive /Continuous have/has + been + V + -ing Дія, що почалася в минулому і тривала протягом певного періоду і або все ще продовжується в цей момент, або щойно закінчилася. We have been jogging since morning. We have not been jogging since morning. Have we been jogging since morning? Показники часу: For, since had + been + V + -ing Дія, яка почалася до якогось моменту в минулому і або продовжувалася в цей момент, або закінчилася безпосередньо перед ним. Children had been quarrelling for ten minutes before father stopped them. Показники часу: Before will (shall)+ have + been + V + -ing Майбутня дія, що, розпочавшись у майбутньому, триватиме протягом певного періоду часу до настання іншої, більш пізньої майбутньої дії або моменту. By May Ann will have been teaching here for ten years. Показники часу: By… for

1.Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. Her sister lives in Moscow. 2. My friends learn English. 3. He opened the window before classes. 4. Our teacher speaks French. 5. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week. 6. These engineers work at our office. 7. His wife goes to the office in the morning. 8. I finished work at five o'clock the day before yesterday. 9. He went to Kyiv five years ago. 10. Her friend does English exercises at home. 11. They were at home in the evening. 12. They will have a dictation tomorrow. 13. His name is Pavlov. 14. They read a lot of articles from these French magazines last week-end.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. Who usually (to do) the homework in this room? – This student (to do). 2. I (to live) near my office last year. I always (to walk) there. 3. How well your friend (to speak) English? – He (to speak) English badly. 4. What language you (to learn) five years ago? – I (to learn) French. 5. How long your class usually (to last)? – It usually (to last) two hours. 6. How long your class (to last) on Wednesday morning? – It only (to last) an hour. 7. Who you (to discuss) this question with last night? – I (to discuss) it with my friends. 8. Who you usually (to go) home with? – I (to go) home with my friends. 9. How well he usually (to know) his lessons? 10. I (not to work) at this office three years ago. – You (to work) there now? 11. How long you (to stay) in Kiev last year? – I (to stay) there a month.

3.Translate into English.

1.Я очень люблю детей. 2. В будни вечером я редко бываю дома. 3. Мой сын очень любит играть в футбол. 4. Сын моей сестры собирается поступить в институт в этом году, а мой сын уже учится в институте. 5. Когда вы ответили на письмо вашего друга? – Позавчера. 6. Завтра будет прекрасная погода. 7. Мы решили прочитать эту статью и обсудить её. 8. Пять лет назад я жил в Минске. 9. Последний раз я играл в волейбол пять лет назад. 10. Когда он решил лечь в больницу? – На прошлой неделе.


III. Робота з текстом за фахом.


The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts. The brain and spinal cord form the control center known as the central nervous system (CNS), where information is evaluated and decisions made. The sensory nerves and sense organs of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) monitor conditions inside and outside of the body and send this information to the CNS. Efferent nerves in the PNS carry signals from the control center to the muscles, glands, and organs to regulate their functions.

The brain lies within the skull and is shaped like a mushroom. The brain consists of four principal parts:

the brain stem

the cerebrum

the cerebellum

the diencephalon

The brain weighs approximately 1.3 to 1.4 kg. It has nerve cells called the neurons and supporting cells called the glia.

There are two types of matter in the brain: grey matter and white matter. Grey matter receives and stores impulses. Cell bodies of neurons and neuroglia are in the grey matter. White matter in the brain carries impulses to and from grey matter. It consists of the nerve fibers (axons).

The spinal cord is along tube like structure which extends from the brain. The spinal cord is composed of a series of 31 segments. A pair of spinal nerves comes out of each segment. The region of the spinal cord from which a pair of spinal nerves originates is called the spinal segment. Both motor and sensory nerves are located in the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is about 43 cm long in adult women and 45 cm long in adult men and weighs about 35-40 grams. It lies within the vertebral column, the collection of bones (back bone).


ІV. Виконання післятекстових вправ.

1. Складіть анотацію до тексту, користуючись планом.

2. Складіть до тексту словник фахових термінів за схемою: термін (англійською мовою), транскрипція, переклад терміну українською мовою. Обсяг словника – не менше 10 слів.



Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ / Т.В. Барановська. – К.: ВП Логос-М, 2008. – 384 с.

2. Верба Л.Г. Граматика сучасної англійської мови/ Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. – К.: ТОВ Логос-М, 2007. – 352 с.

3.Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений/ Ю.Б. Голицынский. – 3-е изд. - СПб.: Каро, 2001. – 512 с.



Модуль самостійної роботи за змістовим модулем 1

1. Прислівник.

2. Скласти діалоги з теми «Здійснення формальностей під час подорожі».

3. Статті суспільно-політичного характеру для анотування.

4. Презентація рекламного туристичного проспекта.


Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Дайте визначення прислівника.
  2. Назвіть п’ять основних груп прислівників в англійській мові, наведіть приклади.
  3. Які найбільш поширені суфікси для утворення прислівників?
  4. Які ступені порівняння прислівників існують в англійській мові? Дайте їм характеристику
  5. Особливі випадки утворення ступенів порівняння прислівників.

№ 1. Заповніть пусті місця словами з правго стовпчика:

1. Mind, it is... confidential. 2. He'll have to limit his expenses.... 3. It changes..., like night and day. 4. We'll contact you.... 5. They never took me.... 6. This morning they quarrelled.... 7. In the grate a log fire burned.... 8. This chap plays the piano so.... 9. He expresses his ideas.... 10. They didn't think twice and came 11. I go to the theatre.... 12. Her mind on her son, she cooked... 13. They considered the contract.... 14. I... get up at 8 o'clock. 15. "Can we come in?" she asked.... 16. Always try to breathe.... a. brightly b. well c. hopefully d. badly e. briefly f. automatically g. occasionally h. regularly i. directly j. seriously k. clearly l. immediately m.severely n. normally o. strictly p. deeply



№ 2. Утворіть|дайте| ступені|міри| порівняння наступних прислівників|такого|:

Badly, briefly, carefully, clearly, distinctly, early, effectively, efficiently, far, fast, frankly, frequently, hard, heartily, honestly, late, little, much, often, patiently, soon, well, willingly.

№ 3. Розкрийте дужки, утворюючи правильний ступінь порівняння прислівника:

1. Statistics say that women drive (carefully) than men, 2. Please talk a bit (quietly) and (little) aggressively. 3. There's nothing (annoying) than losing your door key, 4. Tom prefers to be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office. 5. This time he tried (hard) than last time. 6. A big car can be parked (easily) than a small one. 7. We walked (far) than we had planned. 8. Today David acted (generously) than ever before. 9. The final exam was (little) difficult of all. 10. This month Caroline worked (badly) of all, though actually she works (well) of all the pupils of her class. 11. You don't remember some details, You should study the papers (closely). 12. They can get here at 7 o'clock at (early). It's a long way from here. 13. Changes will become necessary by the autumn, at (late). 14. Really, Alex, you could work (efficiently)!

№ 4. Розкрийте дужки і оберіть правильний варіант:

1. The chances are.... This is a... complex law. (high, highly) 2. He was a tall man with... shoulders. The child yawned.... (wide, widely) 3. We have a very... opinion of you. The review is... critical, (high, highly) 4. Her books sell.... The gap between the poor and the rich is, very.... (wide, widely) 5. They are... educated people This is... fashion, (high, highly) 6. She opened her еуеs... and stared. These books are... known, (wide, widely) 7. The students spoke... of the teacher. He lives to very... standards, (high, highly) 8. She loved her husband.... They dug... down into the earth, (deep, deeply) 9. They are... religious people. The river was three meters.... (deep, deeply) 10. We had a... talk. They stopped.... Ho told me... what to do next, (short, shortly) 11. The Marathon runner was breathing.... We... know each other, (hard, hardly) 12. The sun was... above the trees. Her dress was cut... in front, (low, lowly).


1. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Посібник. – логос, 1997.- 341 с.

2. Грамматика английского языка: пособие. Ч. 1. Морфология / Под ред. Б.А. Ильиша. - 6-е изд. –, К.: Б.в., 1997. - 214 с.


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