Task 3. Write down international words from the text. 

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Task 3. Write down international words from the text.

Task 4. Give each paragraph a heading of your own. Compare your headings with other members of the group. Are all the headings possible?

Task 5. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions in the text:

Ціла галузь вчень; набір правил та розпоряджень; присвятити відповіді на це питання; поведінка людей; у межах суспільства; cтворювати закони; осуджувати вбивство; не обов’язково незаконний; незалежно від того, що каже закон; брехати другові; підтримувати відносно стабільне суспільство; робити внесок у соціальну стабільність; вирішувати суперечки у цивілізованій манері; сприяти господарській діяльності; забезпечити деяку ступінь свободи; вчинити злочин; обвинувачувати у вчиненні злочину; порушувати цивільну справу проти особи; нерухомість; халатність; захист прав споживача; у справах здоров’я, освіти та добробуту; наріжний камінь нашої культури.


Task 6.Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

For our purposes; relationship of law and moral; confusion, fear, disorder; to take advantage of one another; to regulate public conduct; to imprison offenders; to punish in some other way; to bring a case against somebody; be imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision; to commit a crime; to feel wronged or injured; consumer protection; real estate; negligence; to inhibit social discrimination; within the framework of an ordered society; to improve the quality of individual life; to enjoy rights; to live their lives accordingly.


Task 7. Choose a word or a phrase (a, b, or c) which best completes the unfinished sentence:

1. Law regulates …… a) traditional ideas of what is right or wrong; b) the conduct of people within a society; c) everything that is moral or immoral.
2. Jurisprudence answers the question …… a) «Are all laws written?» b) «What is good and fair?» c) «What is law?»
3. There are two main groups of laws: …… a) criminal and civil: b) international and constitutional; c) family and public.
4. Everything that they consider immoral is not necessarily …. a) legal; b) illegal; c) unjust.
5. Law …… to social stability by resolving disputes in civilized fashion. a) inhibits; b) contributes; c) improves.
6. Criminal laws require …… a) imprisonment; b) recovery of damages; c) payment of medical bills.
7. A civil action is brought against a person … a) who suffered damages; b) who committed a crime; c) committed a wrong.
8. Laws …… business activities and private planning. a) inhibit; b) contribute; c) facilitate.
9. An example of a civil case is.. a) a robbery; b) a murder; c) a divorce.

Task 8. Find in the text and read:

1) what jurisprudence is and how we define law;

2) how morals influence our legal system;

3) the functions of law;

4) about the laws that regulate public conduct and set our duties in the society;

5) about the laws that regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals.

Task 9. Find in the text the sentences that prove the following statements:

¨ Traditional ideas of right and wrong influence our legal system.

¨ We are far better off with the imperfect laws which we have, than if we had none at all.

¨ Law is the cornerstone of our culture.

Task 10. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:

1. Traditional ideas of right and wrong don’t influence our legal system.

2. Immoral actions are always illegal.

3. Every society needs laws.

4. All laws are fair and good.

5. Members of every community keep guns in their houses for self-defense.

6. Penalties for crimes under civil law are imprisonment, fines, placing under supervision.

7. The law is an enabler, something that inhibits us to have rights.

8. Law helps to provide some degree of freedom that is impossible to achieve in another way.

9. Law is the cornerstone of jurisprudence.

10. A person can bring a civil action when another person commits a crime


Task 11. Find in the text a word or a phrase that means:

1. Procedures taken in court synonymous to lawsuit.

2. Rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a society or correct conduct in life.

3. To bring someone to court.

4. Legal ending of a marriage by law.

5. Safeguard against loss, provision against sickness, death, etc. in return for regular payment.

6. To put or keep in prison.

7. Sum of money paid as a penalty for breaking a law or rule.

8. Happiness and prosperity.

9. To prevent an action or progress.

10. Carelessness, failure to take proper care or precautions.

11. Make less difficult or more easily to achieve.

Task 12. Fill in the appropriate word:

injured; insurance; penalty; conduct; fear; takes advantage; offences; purpose; condemn; enable; charged with; offenders

1. The main tendency is to refer to crimes as....

2. The police are sure that this person committed the crime, so they... him… it….

3. He … always of the mistakes made by his rivals.

4. We all … cruelty to children.

5. They condemned him for his bad ….

6. The … company will pay for the damage to my car.

7. The …of punishment is to correct anti-social behaviour of ….

8. The … for non-performance of contract is heavy.

9. We need a set of rules of conduct to … us to live in any kind of satisfactory state.

10. If it were not for the law, you could not go out without the … of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered.

Task 13. Look through the text once more and say:

1. What law is.

2. Why we need law.

3. What functions of the law are.

4. What criminal laws are.

5. What civil laws are.

Task 14. Home assignment. Translate into English:

1. Право – це набір правил, які регулюють поведінку людей у суспільстві. 2. Закони необхідні, для того щоб люди жили в цілковитій безпеці (safety). 3. Без законів люди можуть використовувати один одного, незалежно від того, чи вважають вони це справедливим, чи ні. 4. Не завжди незаконним є те, що ми вважаємо аморальним. 5. Традиційні ідеї сильно впливають на нашу правову систему. 6. Примітивні люди також мали певний набір правил, який регулював поведінку у межах їх групи. 7. В сучасному суспільстві певний законодавчий (legislative) орган створює закони. 8. Ми поділяємо закони на цивільні та кримінальні. 9. Кримінальні закони вимагають таке покарання, як тюремне ув’язнення, штраф тощо. 10. Особа порушує цивільну справу проти іншої особи, якщо вона почуває себе несправедливо ображеною. 11. Поліція обвинувачує його у вчиненні злочину. 12. Закони обмежують (to limit) владу уряду, таким чином вони забезпечують певну ступінь свободи громадянам.


Task 15. Work in teams and present your ideas to the rest of the group:


1. Say why we need laws.

2. Explain what law is.

3. Tell us what one could rely on in the absence of laws.

4. Express your point of view if there is any country in the world successful in producing laws which are entirely good.

5. Say if laws are the same as social rules and customs.

6. Express your thought if laws haven’t changed since primeval times.

7. Think and say if laws are enforced against all the categories of people.


Useful Phrases:

to keep within the law дотримуватись закону
to break a law порушувати закон
to obey rules дотримуватись правил
to rely on smb./ smth покладатися на когось/щось
imperfect laws недосконалі закони
self- protection самозахист
to require a set of rules of behaviour вимагати систему правил поведінки
to provide all kinds of possibilities передбачати всі можливості
to regulate relations between people регулювати відносини між людьми
to break the public peace порушувати громадський порядок
to ignore rules of behaviour or laws зневажати правила поведінки або закони
to escape justice by using one’s money, contacts or influence уникати правосуддя завдяки грошам, зв’язкам чи впливові
to enforce the law against someone застосовувати закон стосовно кого-небудь


Task 16. The text for discussion. Read the following text and try:

Ø to explain the need for rules;

Ø to develop a list of guidelines for good rules;

Ø discuss laws in your life.

World of Rules

A rule is a guideline for behavior. It is meant to manage the way a person acts or does something. For example, there are rules in the game of baseball. These rules tell baseball player how to play the game of baseball. They tell the players what they can and cannot do. Rules may be written or unwritten. They may also be started by habit or custom. For example, it is a rule in my house that we must eat dinner, at the table, together. We cannot watch television while eating. This is a family custom or habit.

Good rules are helpful, and bad rules are sometimes confusing. For example, ‘Do not run in the swimming pool area’ is a good rule because it protects people from getting hurt. ‘Be friends with everyone in class’ is not a good rule because it is not reasonable to order friendships. How will a teacher know if students are actually friends? Also, should there be a punishment for people who are not friends? What makes these rules good or bad?

Look at the chart below.

Guidelines for Good Rules
A.Rules should be clear and easy to understand. B. People should be able to do what the rules say. C. Rules should not conflict with other rules. D. Rules should be enforceable. E. There should be a penalty for breaking rules.


Many places in your community have rules. In shopping malls, for example, people are not allowed to run or play loud radio music. What is the purpose of these rules? Can you think of other places where there are rules? What are some other rules?

Laws are rules which are set and enforced by a government. They protect people and help people get along with each other. Laws are written by the government for the entire community. They are out in a code or law book. Every town or city has laws. Imagine what community would be like without laws. What might happen in a community where there are no laws?


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