Task 1. Before you read the text look through the following words to make sure that you know them. Learn those that you don’t know: 

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Task 1. Before you read the text look through the following words to make sure that you know them. Learn those that you don’t know:

to devote (to) [di´vəut] присвячувати;
to define [di´fain] визначати, давати визначення;
definition [,defə´ni∫n] визначення;
to exist [ig´zist] існувати
purpose ціль, мета;
regulation регулювання; розпорядження; статут, інструкція (мн.)
to regulate регулювати, приводити в порядок;
set набір, склад;
conduct [´kond ʌ kt] поведінка;
society [sə´saiəti] суспільство
to arise (arose, arisen) виникати;
immoral аморальний;
relationship відношення, співвідношення, зв'язок;
illegal [i´li:gl] незаконний;
thus [∂ʌ s] таким чином;
to condemn [kən´dem] осуджувати;
murder [´mə:də] вбивство
regardless (of) [ri´ga:dlis] в незалежності від;
to recognize [´rekəgnaiz] визнавати, впізнавати;
fear [fiə] страх, побоювання;
confusion [kən´fju: ʒn] замішання, збентеження,
disorder [dis´o:də] плутанина, безлад, розгардіяш;
to take advantage (of) скористуватись, обманути,
fair [feə] справедливий, чесний
imperfect недосконалий
to maintain підтримувати, утримувати
orderly організований, дисциплінований
relatively відносно
to contribute[kən´tribju:t] робити внесок
to resolve вирішувати, приймати рішення
to facilitate сприяти, просувати
to inhibit перешкоджати, стримувати
welfare добробут
enabler той, що дає можливість чи право
to permit дозволити
framework межі, рамки, структура
cornerstone наріжний камінь
to owe [əu] завдячувати
case [keis] (судова) справа
action позов, обвинувачення
lawsuit [´lo:sju:t] судовий процес, позов
to commit [kə´mit] вчинити
to charge with обвинувачувати в (злочині)
penalty [´penlti] / punishment покарання, кара
to punish [´p ʌ ni∫] покарати, карати
to require [ri´kwaiə] вимагати
offence [ə´fens] правопорушення, злочин
offender [ə´fendə] правопорушник, злочинець
prison [´prizn] в’язниця
to imprison ув’язнити
to fine / fine штрафувати / штраф
supervision нагляд, догляд
individual приватна особа
to wrong образити, скривдити, скоїти
wrong правопорушення
injure [´inʤə] несправедливість, правопорушення
to suffer [´sʌfə] страждати, зазнати, пережити
marriage шлюб, одруження
divorce розлучення
real estate нерухомість
insurance [in´∫uərəns] страхування
consumer [kən´sju:mə] споживач
negligence [´negliʤ əns] недбальство, халатність

Task 2.Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian:


The question ‘What is law?’ has troubled people for many years. Scientists devote an entire field of study known as jurisprudence to answering this question. Many definitions of law exist, but for our purposes, we can define law as the set of rules and regulations by which a government regulates the conduct of people within a society. Even with this explanation, many questions arise. Where do laws come from? Do we need laws? Are all laws written? Can laws change? If so, how? What is the difference between laws and morals?

To understand the law, we must consider the relationship of law to morals. Traditional ideas of right and wrong influence our legal system. Thus, most people condemn murder, regardless of what the law says. However, everything that they consider immoral is not necessarily illegal. For example, lying to a friend may be immoral but not really illegal.

One thing is certain: every society that has ever existed has recognized the need for law. These laws may have been written, but even primitive people had rules to regulate the conduct of the group. For a very long time now, members of every community have made laws for themselves in self-protection. Without laws, there would be confusion, fear, and disorder. This does not mean that all laws are fair or even good, but imagine how people might take advantage of one another without some set of rules. We are far better off with the imperfect laws which we have, than if we had none at all.

Law serves a variety of functions. It helps to maintain a peaceful, orderly, relatively stable society, to contribute to social stability by resolving disputes in civilized fashion, to facilitate business activities and private planning, to provide some degree of freedom that would not otherwise be possible, to inhibit social discrimination and improve the quality of individual life in matters of health, education and welfare. The law is an enabler, something that permits us to enjoy rights within the framework of an ordered society. In many ways law is the cornerstone of our culture. The rule of law provides society with the rules by which all of us live. Citizens can know the law and live their lives accordingly.

Laws fall into two major groups: criminal and civil. Criminal laws regulate public conduct and set of our duties owed to society. A criminal case is a legal action by the government against a person charged with committing a crime. Criminal laws have penalties requiring that offenders be imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision, or punished in some other way.

Civil laws regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals. A person can bring a civil action (lawsuit) when this person feels wronged or injured by another person. Civil laws regulate many everyday situations such as marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection and negligence.


law n 1. закон

to go beyond the law порушити закон;

2. право; юриспруденція

international law міжнародне право;

law and order правопорядок;

3. професія юриста

to go in for law обрати професію юриста;

4. суд; судовий процес;

to be at law with smb. судитися з кимсь


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