Ever, never, just, already, yet, since, for, always, so far, how long, lately, recently. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ever, never, just, already, yet, since, for, always, so far, how long, lately, recently.


Past Perfect


· Для дії, що завершилась перед моментом або іншою дією у минулому. Напр.. She had watered all the flowers by five o’clock in the afternoon. They had done their homework before they went out to play yesterday afternoon.


Вирази часу:

Before, after, already, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, та ін.

Future Perfect


· Для дії, що завершиться перед моментом або іншою дією у майбутньому. Напр.. They will have finished their meeting by four o’clock this afternoon. I will have tidied up by the time you get back.

Вирази часу:

By, by the time, before, until, by then, та ін.

Тривало-заверені часи (Perfect-Continuous Tenses)


Present Perfect-Continuous

I / You have been reading. He / She / It has been reading. Haveyou been reading? – Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Hashe / she / it been reading? You have not (haven’t) been reading. He / She / It has not (hasn’t) been reading.

Past Perfect Continuous

He had been crying. Hadhe been crying?- Yes, he had. / No, he hadn’t. He had not (hadn’t) been crying.

Future Perfect Continuous

I / you / we / will (‘ll) have been working. WillI / you / we have been working? – Yes, I / we will. No, I / we won’t. I / You / We / will not (won’t) have been working.


Часи Perfect Continuous підкреслюють тривалість і завершеність дії. А саме: Present Perfect Continuous називає дію, що тривала і завершилась перед моментом мовлення; Past Perfect Continuous називає дію, що тривала і завершилась перед моментом або іншою дією у минулому; Future Perfect Continuous називає дію, що триватиме і завершиться перед моментом або іншою дією у майбутньому.

He is tired because he has been studying for his exam all morning.

She had been studying English for only three months before she went to Great Britain.

By the end of this month he will have been working at the same hospital for twenty years.

He told us that by the end of that month he would have been working at the same hospital for twenty years.


Present Perfect-Continuous


· Для дії, що почалась у минулому і все ще триває у момент мовлення, при чому є вказівка на період тривалості цієї дії, яка вводиться словами since або for. Напр.. He has been painting the house for three days. (He began painting the house three days ago and he is still painting it.)

· Для дії, що тривала і завершилась безпосередньо перед моментом мовлення. Напр.. Her eyes are red. She has been crying.


1. Ми використовуємо present perfect замість present perfect continuous з дієсловами, що не вживаються в часах continuous (know, believe, like, та ін.). Напр.. I have known Sharon since we were at school together.

2. З дієсловами live, work, feel, teach ми можемо вживати present perfect або present perfect continuous без різниці у значенні. Напр.. He has been living/has lived here since 1994.


Вирази часу:

Since, for, all morning/afternoon/evening/week/day, how long (у запитаннях).


Past Perfect Continuous


Для дії, що тривала і завершилась перед моментом або іншою дією у минулому. Напр.. She had been waiting for the bus for half an hour before it came.


Вирази часу:

Since, for, how long, before, until, та ін.

Future Perfect Continuous


· Для дії, що триватиме і завершиться перед моментом або іншою дією у майбутньому. Напр.. By the end of next month, Alec will have been building houses for ten years. By the time she arrives in Paris, she will have been traveling for four hours.

Вирази часу:


Перевірте себе:

Вправа 1

Поставте дієслова в потрібні колонки згідно правилам читання [t], [d], [id]).

[ t ] [ d ] [ id ]

Вправа 2

Вставте дієслово to be в правильній формі.

Hello! I (1) ____ a boy. My name (2) ____ Frank. I (3) ___ a pupil of the 4th form. I like animals. I have got two pets. They (4) ____ a cat and a dog. The cat's name (5) ____ Pussy and the dog's name (6) ____ Spot. They (7) _____ funny, because they (8) ____ a kitten and a puppy. They like playing together. Pussy (9) ___ white and Spot (10) ___ black. Their tails (11) ___ long. The cat's tail (12) ___ bushy and the dog's one (13) ___ not. I love my pets very much.

And what about you? What (14) ___ your name? How old (15) ___ you? Have you got any pets? If you have, what (16) ___ they?

Write soon! Best wishes, Frank.

Вправа 3

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Present Simple.

1. My friend's name (to be) _____ Peter.

2. He (to have) _____ got a pet.

3. It (to be) ____ a turtle.

4. Peter (to take) _____ care of it.

5. Every day he (to give) _____ it some food and water.

6. He often (to invite) ____ me to his house.

7. I (to like) ______ to watch his pet.

8. The turtle (to run) ______ about the room and (to try) _______ to bite my foot.

9. It (to be) _____ a real fun to play with it.

Вправа 4

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Past Simple.
Можете вивчити вірш напам’ять.

1. Yesterday when I (to be) _____ at the Zoo.

2. I (to watch) _____ the mother Kangaroo.

3. Inside her skin she (to have) _____ a pocket.

4. She (to put) _____ her baby there to rock it.

Вправа 5

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Future Simple.

Hello! My name is Peter. Next summer I (1) ______ (to go) to my granny's house. She lives near the Black sea. I (2) ______ (to go) there with my mother and my younger sister by train. Every day we (3) ______ (to bathe) in the sea. I think my brother (4) ______ (to gather) shells, because he collects them. I (5) ______ (to cut) grass, water flowers in front of the house. My brother(6) ______ (to help) granny about the garden too. He (7) ______ (plant) apple-trees and peach-trees. Our granny's house is not far from the town. There (8) ______ (to be) a summer circus next summer in it. We (9) ______ (to visit) the town circus, because we like watching animals very much.

Вправа 6

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в часі, що вимагається.

1. David _______ (to be) an English teacher.

2. He _______ (to work) at school.

3. He usually _______ (to get up) at 7 o'clock in the morning and _______ (to have) a shower.

4. David _______ (to leave) home at 8 o'clock and _______ (to go) to school by bus.

5. It _______ (to take) him 20 minutes to get it.

6. Yesterday he _______ (to miss) the bus, so he _______ (to catch) a taxi.

7. He _______ (to be) in time at school.

8. Next weekend he _______ (to go) on a hike with his students.

9. They _______ (to take) everything for their trip.

10. David _______ (to hope) that the trip _______ (to be) a success.

Вправа 7

Напишіть, що ви робите зараз.

Зразок: Look at the window, please!
- I am looking at the window

1. Look at the blackboard, please!

2. Write your exercise into your exrcise-book!

3. Take your textbook!

4. Answer my question!

5. Give me your pen, please.

6. Show me your exercise-book, please!

Вправа 8

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Present Continuous.

1. We ______(to fly) to America.

2. I ____ (to sit) next to a very nice American girl, Linda, by name.

3. Linda and her younger sister _______ (to play) games together.

4. Linda's brother ________ (to teach) me American English.

5. We ______ (to fly) over the Atlantic ocean.

6. Some people _______ (to read) newspapers or magazines.

7. Other people ________ (to talk).

8. A group of students ________ (to watch) TV.

9. The little girl in front of me ______ (to sleep).

Вправа 9

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Past Continuous.

1. I ____ (to read) an interesting book at 12 o'clock yesterday.

2. My friends _____ (to play) football from 3 till 4 o'clock yesterday.

3. My mother ______ (to cook) supper at 6 o'clock yesterday.

4. When I came home my brother _____ (to watch) TV.

5. At this time yesterday my grandparents ________ (to listen) to music at the Chaikovsky Hall.

6. Yesterday at 7 o'clock I and my friends ______ (to talk) on art.

7. Then from 8 till 9 o'clock we ______ (to look) through magazines.

Вправа 10

Прочитайте речення та напишіть, що ви це вже зробили. Використовуйте дієслова в Present Perfect

Example: Open your book, please.
- I have already opened it

1. Write down these new English words into your notebooks.

2. Recite the poem "Autumn" by Pushkin, please.

3. Read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by M.Twain. It's very interesting.

4. It's an interesting educational program on TV today. I think you'd better watch it.

5. Help your sister about the house.

6. Write a letter to your granny.

Вправа 11

Завершіть речення, напишіть, що ви/він/вона вже або щойно зробили те, що інші роблять зараз. Використовуйте дієслова в Present Perfect.

1. He is reading a magazine but I ______.

2. They are watching the second film of a new American serial on TV now but I ____.

3. She is doing her homework but he _____.

4. We are learning new English words now but they ____.

5. They are reciting poems now but we ______.

6. My brother is having dinner now but I _____.

7. My friends are sending a message via e-mail now but I _____.

Вправа 12.

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous..

I 1) … (write) to tell you my news. My school 2) … (choose) me to spend six weeks at a school in the USA. I’m very happy about it! At the moment, I 3) … (pack) things for my trip, because I 4) … (leave) next week. My mother 5) … (book) the ticket. I 6) … (wait) for this opportunity for ages, so I’m very excited. I 7) … (finish) reading two books about the USA and I 8) … (borrow) another one from the school library. I 9) … (become) more and more nervous every day!

Well, I must go now. I’ve got a lot of things to. I’ll write to you from the USA

Love, Tracy

Вправа 13.

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past perfect Continuous.

One fine morning, a man 1) … (fish) in a river. The sun 2) … (shine) and the man 3) … (sit) on the river bank. Everything was very quite and peaceful. The man 4) … (wait) patiently for several hours when suddenly he 5) … (feel) something pulling on the fishing line. He 6) … (stand up) quickly and 7) … (begin) to take in the line. He 8) … (just/lift) the huge fish he had caught out of the water when there was a loud splash and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what 9) … (happen). Then, he 10) … (look) carefully at his fishing line. It 11) … (snap). The poor man was so disappointed that he 12) … (pack) away all his things and went home.

Вправа 14.

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслово в FutureSimple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect ( де потрібно ).

Dear Lionel,

I’m writing to tell you my exciting news. I have won a competition! I think my life 1) … (change) a lot now! I 2) … (meet) the competition organizers next week to get my prize – a cheque for £50,000.

As soon as I 3) … (have) the money, I 4) … (buy) a new car, and I 5) … (also/redecorate) my house. Hopefully, I 6) … (finish) the whole house by the end of June. Then, on the fifth of July, I 7) … (fly) to Tahiti for an exotic holiday in the sun. I 8) … (return)by the end of July and then I 9) … (throw) a big party for all my friends. I hope you 10) … (come).

Well, it’s almost lunchtime, so I 11) … (say) goodbye for now. I promise I 12) … (send) you a postcard from Tahiti.

Best wishes, Emily



після дзвінких приголосних, крім [d] та після голосних після глухих приголосних крім [t] після [t] та [d]
[ t ] [ d ] [ id ]

Вправа 2

  1. am
  2. is
  3. am
  4. are
  5. is
  6. is
  7. are
  8. are
  1. is
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. is
  6. is
  7. are
  8. are

Вправа 3

  1. is
  2. has
  3. is
  4. takes
  5. gives
  6. invites
  7. like
  8. runs, tries
  9. is

Вправа 4

  1. was
  2. watched
  3. had

Вправа 5

  1. shall go;
  2. shall go;
  3. shall bathe;
  4. will gather;
  5. shall cut;
  6. will help;
  7. will plant;
  8. will be;
  9. shall visit.

Вправа 6

  1. is;
  2. works;
  3. gets up; has;
  4. leaves; goes;
  5. takes
  6. missed; caught;
  7. was;
  8. will go;
  9. will take;
  10. hopes; will be.

Вправа 7

  1. I'm looking at the blackboard.
  2. I'm writing this exercise into my exercise-book.
  3. I'm taking my textbook.
  4. I'm answering your question.
  5. I'm giving you my pen.
  6. I'm showing you my exercise-book.

Вправа 8

  1. are flying;
  2. am sitting;
  3. are playing;
  4. is teaching;
  5. are flying;
  6. are reading;
  7. are talking;
  8. is watching;
  9. is sleeping.

Вправа 9

  1. was reading;
  2. were playing;
  3. was cooking;
  4. was watching;
  5. were listening;
  6. were talking;
  7. were looking.

Вправа 10

  1. We have already written them.
  2. I have already recited it.
  3. I have already read it.
  4. I have already watched it.
  5. I have already helped her.
  6. I have already written it.


Вправа 11

  1. have already read it.
  2. have already watched it.
  3. has just/already done it.
  4. have just/already learned them.
  5. have/just recited them.
  6. have just/already had it.
  7. have just/already sent it.

Вправа. 12

1. am writing

2. has chosen

3. am packing

4. am leaving

5. has booked

6. have been waiting

7. have finished

8. have borrowed

9. am becoming

Вправа. 13

1. was fishing

2. was shining

3. was sitting

4. had been waiting

5. felt

6. stood up

7. began

8. had just lifted/was just lifting

9. had happened

10. looked

11. had snapped

12. packed

Вправа. 14

1. will change

2. am meeting

3. have

4. will/am going to buy

5. will also/am also going to redecorate

6. will have finished

7. will be flying/am flying

8. will have returned

9. will/ am going to throw

10. will come

11. will say

12. will send


Порядок слів – Word order

Порядок слів у розповідному, запитальному та заперечному реченні. Коротка відповідь на запитання.


У розповідному реченні порядок слів прямий і фіксований:

Підмет Subject Присудок Predicate Додаток Object Обставина An Adverbial Modifier of…
місця Place способу дії Manner часу Time
Хто? Що робить? Що? Де? Як? Коли?
Mr. Grant I got found a message a job from America in a shop by e-mail through Internet yesterday. last year.


У заперечному реченні частка not ставиться після допоміжного дієслова. Напр.. They do not (don’t) study English at school.

Запитальні речення бувають чотирьох типів.


I. Загальні запитання

Загальне запитання – це запитання до змісту всього речення. На нього можна дати відповідь „ Так ” або „ Ні”.

У загальному запитанні перед підметом, тобто на перше місце в реченні, виноситься допоміжне або модальне дієслово. Решта слів залишаються на своїх місцях. Напр..

They study English at school.

Do they -study English at school?

На загальне та розділове запитання можна дати коротку відповідь. Вона складається із слів Yes або No, підмета, вираженого займенником, та допоміжного або модального дієслова, після якого у заперечній відповіді ставиться частка not. Напр..

Do they study English at school?Yes, they do./No, they don’t.

I. Спеціальні запитання

Спеціальне запитання – це запитання до якогось члена речення: підмета, присудка, додатка, означення, обставини. Спеціальні запитання починаються питальними словами (what, how, when, where, why, who), або питальними групами слів (how…, what…, which…, whose…). На другому місці, тобто після питального слова або питальної групи слів, у такому запитанні знаходиться допоміжне дієслово, на третьому місці – підмет, на четвертому – смислове дієслово, а за ним решта слів, якщо такі є. Напр..

Where do they study English?

What do they study at school?

What do they do at school?


Запитання до підмета як правило, починаються питальними словами who або what. У цих запитаннях дієслово вживається у розповідній формі. Напр.

John saw Alice yesterday.

Whosaw Alice yesterday?

Запитання до додатка, як правило, також починаються питальними словами who або what. У цих запитаннях дієслово вживається у запитальній формі. Напр.

Johnsaw Alice yesterday.

Who did John see yesterday?


III. Альтернативні запитання

Альтернативні запитання – це запитання, у яких є альтернатива, тобто вибір. Альтернативне запитання можна поставити до будь-якого члена речення: підмета, присудка, додатка, означення, обставини. Альтернативне запитання, як і загальне, починається допоміжним дієсловом. Частка or ставиться безпосередньо після того слова, до якого ставиться запитання. Напр..

Do they study English at school or at home?

Do they study English or French at school?

Do they study or teach English at school?

Але: у альтернативному запитанні до підмета допоміжне дієслово повторюється і перед другим підметом. Напр..

Do they study English at school or does he?

IV. Розділові запитання

Розділові запитання використовуються тоді, коли ми узгоджуємо свою думку з думкою інших людей. Воно складається з основної частини і „хвостика” (question-tag). В основній частині іде прямий порядок слів, як у розповідному реченні, у „хвостику” – запитальний. „Хвостик” складається із допоміжного або модального дієслова та підмета, вираженого займенником. Слід також пам’ятати: якщо основна частина є стверджувальною, то „хвостик” є заперечним. І навпаки: якщо основна частина є заперечною то „ хвостик” єстверджувальним. Напр..

They study English at school, don’t they?

They don’t study English at school, do they?

Порядок слів– Word order

Розповідні речення Statements (Declarative sentences)   Прості непоширені речення Simple unextended statements ПІДМЕТ+ПРИСУДОК SUBJECT + PREDICATE Anna teaches. We are reading. He will understand.  
Поширені речення Extended statements SUBJECT + PREDICATE + object + adverbial modifier Anna teaches mathematics. We are reading a story now. He will understand it later.
Заперечні речення Negative statements He doesn’t like beer at all. She is not from Canada. He didn’t go there yesterday. I won’t go to Rome this year.
Питальні речення (типи) Questions (Interrogative sentences)   Загальний General (“Yes”, “Now” questions) Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier). Is that your CD? Am I right? Do you like comedies?
Питання до підмета Questions to the subject Question word + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier) Who lives here? What happened? Whose book is this? How many people came to work?
Спеціальний Special Who, What, What kind of, When, How, Why, Where, Which Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier). Why are you so happy? Where have you been?
Альтернативний Alternative (“or”) Alternative questions have the same word order as general questions. Is that your CG or is it Mary’s? Did you do to a picnic or to a disco on Friday?
Розділовий Disjunctive (Tag-question) Tag questions consist of two parts. The first part has the same word order as statements, and the second part is a short general question (the tag) He likes foot ball, doesn’t he? He doesn’t like football, does he?
Спонукальні речення Commands (Imperative sentences)   Commands have the same word order as statements, but the subject (you) is usually omitted. Go to your room. Listen to the story.
Окличні речення Exclamatory sentences   Exclamatory sentences have the same word order as statements. She is a great singer! How well he knows history! What a beautiful town this is!

Перевірте себе:

Вправа I.


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