Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences) 

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Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences)

Под условным предложением обычно подразумевают сложноподчиненное предложение, в котором придаточное предложение выражает условие, а главное – следствие, вытекающее из этого условия. В зависимости от характера выраженного условия (реально оно или нет) условные предложения делятся на реальные (со сказуемым, выраженным формой изъявительного наклонения глагола) и нереальные (со сказуемым, выраженным формой сослагательного наклонения глагола).

Условные предложения I типа


Условие, содержащееся в условном придаточном предложении, рассматривается говорящим как реально предполагаемый факт, относящийся к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему временам. Сказуемые главного и придаточного предложений выражаются глаголами в формах изъявительного наклонения.

If the weather is nice, we go for a walk. Если погода хорошая, мы ходим на прогулку. If the weather was nice, we went for a walk. Если погода была хорошая, мы ходили на прогулку. If the weather is nice, we'll go for a walk. Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём на прогулку.

Условные предложения II типа


Условие, содержащееся в условном придаточном предложении, рассматривается говорящим как маловероятное. Для выражения малой вероятности осуществления действия в настоящем или будущем временах сказуемое главного предложения употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения should / would + Indefinite Infinitive без to, а сказуемое придаточного предложения - в форме сослагательного наклонения, аналогичной Past Indefinite или were для всех лиц от глагола to be.

If he were free, he would do it. Если бы он был свободен, он бы это сделал.
If we paid more attention to grammar, we should know the language better. Если бы мы уделяли грамматике больше внимания, мы бы знали язык лучше.

Условные предложения III типа


Условие, содержащееся в условном придаточном предложении, рассматривается говорящим как неосуществимое, так как относится к прошлому времени. Сказуемое главного предложения употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения should / would + Perfect Infinitive, а сказуемое придаточного предложения в форме сослагательного наклонения, аналогичной Past Perfect.

I should not have been late yesterday, if my watch had been right. Я бы не опоздал вчера, если бы мои часы шли правильно.

They wouldn’t have quarreled if they both had not been so nervous. Они бы не поссорились, если бы оба не так нервничали.

It wouldn’t have been so cold in the morning if the wind had stopped blowing. Утром не было бы так холодно, если бы ветер перестал дуть.


Придаточные условные предложения смешанного типа


Придаточные условные предложения смешанного типа бывают двух видов:

а) условие относится к прошедшему времени, а следствие – к настоящему или будущему времени: If you had visited this city lastyear, you would know it better now. Если бы ты посетил этот город в прошлом году, ты бы теперь лучше знал его. If we had sent a letteryesterday, they would receive it tomorrow. Если бы мы послали письмо вчера, они бы получили его завтра.

б) условие относится к неопределенному времени, а следствие – к прошедшему времени: I should have invited them if I liked them. Я бы пригласил их, если бы они мне нравились.


Союзы условных придаточных предложений:

if - если; in case - в случае, если; suppose (that) - предположим, что; on condition (that) - при условии, что; provided (that) - при условии, что; unless - если … не; but for - если бы не.


Упражнение 1. Закончите глагольные формы в условных предложениях:


1. If she … finish work by 4 o'clock, she will go home.

a) will b) is c) has d) -

2. If they understood the problem, they… find a solution now.

a) will b) would c) would have d) can

3. If she … known the facts, she could have told us what to do.

a) have b) will have c) would have d) had

4. You'd better come by noon tomorrow. If you go by train, you … get there earlier.

a) will b) would c) - d) would have

5. My car smashed into a wall the other day. If I could …, there would have been no accident!

a) have stopped b) stopped c) stop d) be stopping

6. If I … had your advantages in my youth, I would be better off now.

a) I have b) would c) had d) would have


Упражнение 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола, чтобы образовать условные предложения:


1. If I … a spare ticket, I would take you to the concert tomorrow.

a) have; b) had; c) had had; d) will have

2. If I … trying harder, I would have succeeded when I was younger.

a) was trying; b) have been; c) had tried; d) am trying

3. If I were you, I … the facts before I wrote that letter. I wish you hadn't sent.

a) would have checked; b) would check; c) could check; d) checked

4. If I … more time, 1 would take up tennis.

a) had had; b) would have; c) will have; d) had

5. If I had been in a hurry, I … for dinner yesterday.

a) would stay; b) wouldn't stay; c) wouldn't have stayed; d) will not stay

6. If a fire starts, the alarm … off.

a) will go; b) would go; c) will have gone; d) would have gone

7. If you … the ticket in advance, we wouldn't be so nervous now.

a) booked; b) had booked; c) would book; d) have booked

8. Your English …, unless you study more.

a) would improve; b) will improve; c) won't have improved;

d) won't improve


Упражнение 3. Дайте перевод выделенных слов в форме сослагательного наклонения, напишите перевод предложений:

1. Вы бы пошли куда-нибудь вечером, если бы я пригласил вас?

2. Если я увижу ее в ближайшее время, я расскажу ей об этом.

3. Если бы я жил за городом, я выращивал бы овощи.

4. Если бы у меня тогда были деньги, я купил бы эту замечательную машину.

5. Если я женюсь, мне понадобятся деньги.

6. Я помог бы тебе сейчас, если бы у меня не было столько дел.

7.Даже если бы вы позвонили (call) вчера, я бы не смог прийти.

8. Если бы я был писателем, я бы написал об этом роман.

9. Если бы не эта умная собака, его бы никогда не нашли.


Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами:


a) unless; b) if; c) but for


1. … I were you, I would send him a telegram.

2. You will fail your exam … you work harder.

3. … your help I would have never been able to finish the work by Friday.

4. She spends Sundays in the garden … the weather is awful.

5. … the snow we would have been on time.

6. I would do it gladly … I could only find the time.


Упражнение 5. Перестройте второе предложение так, чтобы оно соответствовало значению первого:


1. It's a pity you have given up your German class.

I wish you …your German class.

2. It's a pity I am not good at sports.

I wish I … good at sports.

3. Peter is always late and it irritates me.

I wish Peter … in time today for a change!

4. I regret I didn't answer his letters.

I wish I … his letters.

5. I feel guilty that I don't have time to visit the old lady in the hospital.
I wish I … time to visit the old lady in the hospital.

6. I'm so sorry that my daughter had been so nasty to our dear aunt.
I wish she … so nasty to our dear aunt.


Упражнение 6. Какой тип условных предложений должен быть использован для перевода этих предложений: a) тип 1; b) тип 2; c) тип 3; d) смешанный тип:

1. Если вы счастливы, вы будете жить долго.

2. Если бы ты больше двигался, ты бы был всегда в форме.

3. Если бы вчера вы сообщили, что заболели, мы бы сегодня прислали вам замену.

4. Если бы я не забыл паспорт, я бы вчера получил ваш перевод.

5. Если бы завтра была хорошая погода, мы бы устроили пикник.

6. Если она позвонит, попросите ее оставить сообщение.

7. Если бы он пришел вовремя, этого могло бы не случиться.

8. Если бы ты мне вчера напомнила, я бы сегодня принесла тебе эту книгу.


Упражнение 7. Закончите глагольные формы в предложениях:


1. If she had passed the driving test, I.... given her my car.

a) had; b) would; c) would have; d) will have

2. IfI … busy, I'll visit you.

a) isn't; b) will be; c) won't be; d) am not

3. IfI had left three weeks ago, I … be at home now.

a) will; b) would have; c) would; d) have

4. If I hadn't worked hard when I was young I … own the firm now.

a) - b) wouldn't; c) won't; d) had

5. Unless you … stop wasting time, I'm leaving right now.

a) will; b) can; c) - d) are

6. What would you say, if I … you for advice now?

a) asked; b) had asked; c) would ask; d) will ask


Упражнение 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. Why didn't you warn him? If I were you, I (to warn) him.

2. If I had known the rule, I (to make) the mistake in my test.

3. If it (to rain) next weekend, we won't be able to plant the vegetables.

4) I could have saved some food for you, if I (to know) you were coming.

5). He (to be) very tired today, if he hadn't played rugby yesterday.

6). Unless you (to change) your mind, I won't be able to help you.

7). Even if you (to give) me ten thousand dollars, I wouldn't go down

a coal mine.

8) I (to make) that mistake, if I had read the instructions.


Упражнение 9. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами:

a) if; b) unless; c) but for:

1. … the wind the weather would be fine.

2. … the questions had been easier, I would have passed the test.

3. He'll probably get lost … someone shows him the way.

4. … you rest, you'll make a full recovery.

5. You are not allowed to park here … you are a member of staff.

6. … his cold he would go hiking with us.


Упражнение 10. Перестройте второе предложение так, чтобы оно соответствовало значению первого:


1. I am sorry, I didn't explain everything to you then.

I wish I … everything to you then.

2. I'm so sorry I didn't know you then.

I wish I … you then.

3. If only she had a car when we lived in the country.

I wish she......................... a car when we lived in the country.

4. I often dream to be really wealthy.

I often wish I....................... really wealthy.

5. I feel guilty I was rude to her yesterday.

I wish I … to her yesterday.

6. I'm talking to you and you're watching TV.

I wish you … TV while I am talking to you.


Задания для самоконтроля

Test 1

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:


One dark night a young man (go) home from the railway station. It (be) very late and there (be) very few people in the streets. The young man (be) very nervous because he (return, never) home so late. Suddenly he (feel) that somebody (follow) him. The young man (think) that it (be) a robber and (decide) to walk as quickly as he (can). When he (look) back he (see) that the man (follow, still) him. The young man (turn) into another street. The man (turn) into that street too. Now the young man (be) quite sure that the man (be) a robber. The young man (turn) round and (ask): "What (want, you)? Why (follow, you) me?" "I (go) to see Mr. Brown," (say) the man, "and the porter at the station (tell) me: 'If you (follow) this young man, you (find) his house easily, he (live) next door to Mr Brown.'"


2. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:

1. I Michael for ages.

(A) didn't see (C) haven't seen

(B) don't see (D) saw not

2. I _____ get up very early now.

(A) must to (C) should to

(B) have to (D) ought

3. How much_____ to fly to New York?

(A) costs it (C) does cost

(B) it costs (D) does it cost

4. My brother Nick is very good ______maths.

(A) for (C) about

(B) at (D) in

5. When did you discover that your car ______?

(A) was disappeared (C) had disappeared

(B) had been disappeared (D) disappearing

6. If he______ hard, he'll fail his final exams.

(A) doesn't work (C) hadn't worked

(B) won't work (D) wouldn't work


7. Have you heard the_____news?

(A) last (C) latest

(B) previous (D) latter

8. Which of you _____to go on an excursion?

(A) wants (C) does want

(B) want (D) do want

9. I'd like to know ____.

(A) where is my diary (C) where my diary is

(B) where it is my diary (D) my diary is where

10. I'm very busy at the moment. I ______for my English exam.

(A) am preparing (C) have been preparing

(B) prepare (D) am going prepare


11.______ you've given me!

(A)What a good advice (C) What the good advice

(B)What good advices (D) What good advice

12. Ann said that she _____a new dress.

(A) had bought (C) will buy

(B) bought (D) buy

13. Christmas is _____popular and colourful holiday in Great Britain.

(A) most (C) most of all

(B) the most (D) very

14. There is_____ noise in Moscow.

(A) so many (C) such much

(B) so much (D) a lot

15. Have you read any books _____Oscar Wilde?

(A) from (C) by

(B) since (D) for

16. Are you_____ angry with me?

(A)yet (C) still

(B)else (D) while

17. This time tomorrow ______in the Black Sea.

(A) I swim (C) I'll swimming

(B) I'll swim (D) I'll be swimming

18. I have known Dr Simon _____1982.

(A) since (C) about

(B) for (D) from

19. Do you know _____foreign languages?

(A)some (C) any

(B)some of (D) the

20. This book ______into 14 languages.

(A) translated (C) being translated

(B) has translated (D) has been translated


21. If the weather _____fine tomorrow, we'll go to the park.

(A) is (C) will be

(B) will (D) were

22. I'd like you to meet a very good friend of _____, Robert White.

(A) us (C) our

(B) we (D) ours

23. My friend and I _____ go to the tennis court every Sunday.

(A) occasionally (C) usually

(B) ever (D) often

24. You'd better _____.

(A) stop worrying (C) stop to worry

(B) to stop worrying (D) to stop worry


25. You have never been to Canada, _____?

(A)isn't it (C) haven't you

(B)is it (D) have you


Test 2

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:


It (happen) many years ago. I (be) in India. I (hunt) there. Once I (spend) the whole day in the jungle. It get) completely dark when I (decide) ___ to

return to my camp. I (walk) along a narrow path. Strange sounds (hear) everywhere. On my right there (be) a river and on my left there (be) a thick tropical forest. Suddenly I (see) something terrible in the jungle on my left. Two green eyes (look) at me. It (be) a man-eating tiger, ready to spring at me. I (know) that if I (start) to run the tiger (catch) me easily. As I could swim well I (make up) my mind to escape that way. I (look) at the river on my right. There in the river, (be) a huge crocodile. It (wait) for me with open jaws. I (faint). A moment later I Gump) to my feet again. What do you think I (see)? The tiger (be) in the jaws of the crocodile. Five years (pass) since that time but I (remember, still) every moment of that terrible night.

to faint — падать в обморок


2. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:


1. I want to become a teacher _____.


(A) when I will leave school (C) when I am leaving school

(B) when I leave school (D) when I had left school


2. The Sahara is ______ desert in the world.


(A) the hottest (C) the most hot

(B) hottest (D) the hotter


3. John is not interested ______ politics.


(A) about (C) for

(B) in (D) over


4. I'm sure we ______ before.


(A) have never met (C) didn't met

(B) haven't never met (D) had met


5. I don't know _____.


(A) where this museum (C) where this museum is

(B) where is this museum (D) this museum is where


6. They were in Spain last summer, ______?


(A) were they (C) didn't they

(B) isn't it (D) weren’t they

7. When I came home late in the evening, my parents _____.

(A) had already had dinner (C) have been having dinner

(B) have already had dinner (D) had dinner

8. New Year's Day is _____ popular in Britain than Christmas.

(A) more less (C) less

(B) more little (D) little

9. _____ Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

in the Vatican.


(A) At the age of 33 (C) At the age of 33 years

(B) At 33 years (D) At the age of 33 year-old


10. The cost of living in our country has again _____.

(A) rose (C) picked up

(B) raised (D) risen

11. I want_____ at the airport.

(A) you meeting me (C) you to meet me

(B) that you meet me (D) you meet me

12. What______ we are having!

(A) the rainy weather (C) rainy weathers

(B) a rainy weather (D) rainy weather

13. Alex was sure that he _____the exams successfully.

(A) will pass (C) passes

(B) would pass (D) has passed

14. Who______ to go to the cinema with us?

(A) want (C) wants

(B) does want (D) is wanting

15. The teacher asked me _____for the lesson.

(A) was I ready (C) if was I ready

(B) if I was ready (D) that I was ready

16. If you aren't going to Liverpool, _____.

(A) I'm not too (C) neither I am

(B) I am not also (D) neither am I

17. Jane has been trying to write an essay for three hours, but she hasn't written _____.

(A) anything (C) anyone

(B) nothing (D) something

18. I think that John Lennon is _____musicians in the world.

(A) greatest one of (C) one of greatest

(B) the greatest (D) one of the greatest

19. I don't like coffee with _____.

(A) the milk (C) milk

(B) a milk (D) milks


20. Mrs Johnson told us _____.

(A) to not wash up (C) not to wash up

(B) to do not wash up (D) that we don't wash up

21. I've lost my wallet. – When _____?

(A) have you lost it (C) had you lost it

(B) did you lose it (D) you lost it

22. It's not very difficult _____.

(A) to learn how to drive (C) learn how to drive

(B) to learn how drive (D) to leam how driving

23. I don't want to go to the country, I'd rather _______ at home.

(A) staying (B) to stay

(C)stay (D) will stay

24. I usually go to school ____bus.

(A) on (C) in

(B) by (D) at

25. It is_____ a boring book that I don't dare to advise you to read it.

(A) so (C) very

(B) such (D) too


Test 3

l. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:



Once a sailor (come) to South America. He (have) a lot of red woollen caps with him. He (be going) to sell them there. On his way to the nearest town he (must) go through a forest in which there (be) a lot of monkeys in the trees. At noon, when the sun (shine)_______________ brightly in the sky, the sailor (lie) down on the grass to rest under a large tree. He (take) one of the caps out of his bag and (put) it on his head and almost immediately he (fall) asleep. When he (wake up) he (find) that all the caps (disappear). Suddenly he (hear) some strange noise over his head. He (look up) and (see) the trees full of monkeys and each monkey (wear) a red woolen cap! They (steal) all his red caps! The sailor (begin) to shout and throw stones at them but the monkeys (be going, not)_______ to give the red caps back. They (be) very pleased with themselves. The sailor (get) very angry with the monkeys. He (take off) the cap which he (put on) before going to sleep and (throw) it angrily on the ground: "If you (keep) my caps and (want, not) to give them back to me, you may take this one too!" At the same moment all the monkeys (take off) the red caps and (throw) them on the ground. The sailor (take) the caps, (put) them into the bag and (go) away.


2. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:

1. Shakespeare is _____to understand than Agatha Christie.

(A) difficult (C) most difficult

(B) more difficult (D) the most difficult

2. I took a shower, shaved and _____ my best suit.

(A) wore (C) put on

(B) dressed (D) took off

3. The weather forecast said that _____.

(A) it will rain in the afternoon (C) it rains in the afternoon

(B) it would rain in the afternoon (D) it will be raining in the afternoon

4. If you ______to Paris you'll see the Eiffel Tower.

(A) go (C) went

(B) will go (D) would go

5. Who ______America?

(A) discovered (C) did discovered

(B) did discover (D) discovers

6. She's got 3 children, and her _____has just started school.

(A) oldest (C) the oldest

(B) eldest (D) the eldest

7. The most striking feature of the giraffe is its long neck, _____

has always been a source of curiosity.

(A) who (C) what

(B) whose (D) which

8. St Basil's Cathedral____ in the mid-18th century in memory of the victory over Kazan.

(A) built (C) was builded

(B) was built (D) had been built

9. I usually go to school _____foot.

(A) in (C) on

(B) with (D) by


10. _____we had a lot of free time, we decided to go to the park.

(A) For (C) So

(B) Thus (D) As

11. I ______English since last December.

(A) will be learning (C) have been learning

(B) am learning (D) learn

12. Tell me________ there is anything else you would like to see in London.

(A) that (C) which

(B) so (D) if

13. A secretary is a person who _____ letters.

(A) is typing (C) typed


(B) types (D) will type

14. Our planet is in grave danger _____human activity.

(A) because (C) for

(B) the reason why (D) as a result of

15. My parents have_____ lived in London.

(A) always (C) from time to time

(B) usually (D) ever

16. It was_______ a boring film that I fell asleep in the middle of it.

(A) so (C) too

(B) such (D) very

17. We ate_______ cake. It was delicious.

(A) the all (C) the every bit

(B) the whole (D) each

18. If I were you, I _____smoking.

(A) would give up (C) will give up

(B) gave up (D) give up

19. When I______ at Baker Street, Holmes was sitting by the fire

deep in thought.

(A) reached (C) arrived

(B) entered (D) came

20. Нe ______to go to the dentist because he has toothache.


(A) ought (C) should

(B) must (D) have


21. James said that he _____ a horse before.


(A) never rode (C) had never ridden

(B) has never ridden (D) would never ride


22. Neither Alex nor Nick ______ German.


(A) know (C) don’t know

(B) are knowing (D) knows


23. _____ difficult work!


(A) Which (C) What a

(B) What (D) How


24. I felt so_____ yesterday that I couldn't even get up.

(A) bad (C) well

(B) badly (D) good

25. Tom ______ Ann since childhood.


(A) is loving (C) has been loving

(B) was loving (D) has loved

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С. Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике к базовому курсу “Easy English”: Учебное пособие для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. – М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 2000.-176с.

2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – 5-е изд.,- СПб.: КАРО, 2006.- 544с.

3. Гиндлина И.М. Вся грамматика английского языка с упражнениями. – М.: ООО «Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2002. – 504, [8]с. – (Школьникам и абитуриентам).

4. Ионина А.А., Саакян А.С. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика: учеб. – М.:ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2006. – 448 с.

5. Кузьмин А.В. Английская грамматика в таблицах и схемах. – СПб.; КАРО, 2005. – 128с.

6. Павлоцкий В.М., Тимофеева Т.М. Практикум по грамматике английского языка. – Санкт-Петербург: ООО «Оракул», 1999. – 535с.

7. Романова Л.И. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – 8-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008. – 384с. – (Домашний репетитор).

8. Угарова Е.В. Английская грамматика в таблицах. – 3-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008. – 128с.: ил. – (Английский клуб).

9. Хведченя Л.В., Хорень Р.В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. – 11-е изд. – Мн.: Выш. шк., 2000. – 431с.

10.Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы. – 4-е изд. – М.: Изд-во «Глосса», 2000.


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