Exercise 8 Fill in the gaps with missing words consulting the text. 

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Exercise 8 Fill in the gaps with missing words consulting the text.

1 If somebody damages your car while parking you can sue him in the tort of...

2 Liability on behalf of someone else is called... liability.

3 Attacks against someone's reputation through the written and spoken word are covered by the tort of...

4 The tort of conversion resembles the crime of...

5 The injured party in a criminal action is the...............

6 The injured party in a civil action is called....

7 The person charged with committing a tort or a crime is called....

8 A tort resembles a crime, but...,..., and damages are different.

9 In a tortious action a plaintiff is entitled to... to compensate him for his...

10 The convicted defendant in a criminal action either..............or................

11 Crimes usually involve.................

12 An unreasonable interference with a person's use or enjoyment of land is covered by the tort of………..

13 The tort of negligence covers a breach of..................

14 A committer of a tort is a....

15 Statutory torts are those where the breach of duty is defined in a...

16 Vicarious liability is useful when............are sought.

17 A wrongful act committed by an individual againstanother individual's person, property or reputation is called a....

18 Torts help those who are not in..............

19 If you enter someone's land without the owner's permission you may be sued in the tort of...


Exercise 9 Find a suitable definition for each word in the right column.

liability on behalf of someone else                           a. contractual relationship


wrongful act                                                              b. reputation


breach of a legal duty of care                                    с defendant


opinion about someone held by others                      d. the tort of trespass


person who tells in court what he saw happen          e. burden of proof


the duty to prove the facts of the case                       f. vicarious liability


committer of a tort                                                     g. tortfeaser


person against whom an action is started                  h. the tort of negligence


relations based on a contract                                      i. witness


entering someone's land without the owner's             j. tort



Exercise. 10 Change sentences using the Passive Voice.

1 They charged Mr.Green with committing a tort.

2 The prosecutor represents the state.

3 We can sue our neighbour in the tort of nuisance.

4 The plaintiff is seeking high damages.

5 The robbers stole expensive equipment yesterday.

6 He has committed a tort.

7 They recognize this action as a tortious one.

8 We must prove a breach of duty.

9 They have sued him in the tort of trespass.

10 The company compensated Mr. Brown for his injury.

11 The injured party must receive damages.

12 Law imposes contractual liability.

13 His neighbour created much noise.


Подберите к английским словам и словосочетаниям из текста русские эквиваленты.

A                                                                                               B


1) battery                                                           a) деликт, гражданское правонарушение

2) defendant                                                      b) совершить деликт

3) products liability                                             c) преследоваться по суду

4) to be sued                                                     d) причинить ущерб кому-либо

5) automobile accident                                     e) потерпевший

6) plaintiff                                                         f) случайно

7)malpractice                                                   g) иметь право на получение судебной защиты

8)negligence                                                    h) денежное возмещение

9) assault                                                           i) запретительный судебный приказ

10) restraining order                                         j) предъявить иск

11) to be entitled to remedies                              k) истец

12) premises liability                                        l) ответчик, обвиняемый, подсудимый

13) slander                                                        m) небрежность

14) to commit a tort upon smb.                        n) дорожно-транспортное происшествие

15) fraud                                                           o) ответственность за помещение

16) libel                                                             p) недобросовестная практика,  

                                                                          врачевание в нарушение закона

17) invasion of privacy                                     q) ответственность производи- 

                                                  теля (перед потребителем за качество товара)

18) fraudulent act                                              r) диффамация

19) to inflict an injury upon smb.                     s) устная клевета

20) monetary compensation                              t) клевета письменная или че

                                                                            рез печать

21) accidentally                                               u) нарушение неприкосновенно

                                                                             сти личной жизни

22) defamation                                                 v) нанесение ударов, побоев,                            


23) to bring a lawsuit                                       w) обман, мошенничество

24) tort                                                              x) обманное, мошенническое


25) injured person                                             y) нападение, словесное         

                                                                           оскорбление и угроза

                                                                          физическим насилием

26) intentionally                                                z) намеренно, умышленно


Types of Damages


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