Are these sentences true or false? 

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Are these sentences true or false?

1. In the 19th century and early 20th century, natural gas was usually burned off in the oil fields.

2. Gas needs a system of pipelines to get to the customer.

3. Natural gas is a synthetically produced mixture of methane and other gases.

4. Natural gas will never become as important as oil or coal.

5. The world’s largest proven gas reserves are located in Russia.

6. The resulting liquid is called natural gas liquid (NGL).


4. Vocabulary. Match the words from list A with their definitions from list B.

A. 1) natural gas

2) a reservoir

3) to remove impurities

4) fossil fuels

5) biogenic methane

B. a) the result of decomposition of organic matter under great pressure without air for a long time

b) gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons

c) the result of transformation of organic matter by tiny microorganisms

d) to refine gas from water, sand and associated hydrocarbons

e) an underground trap made up of porous and permeable rocks

5. Vocabulary. Match suitable words from column A and B to form word combinations.

            A    B
to draw compounds
to warm back into alternatives
to freeze our life
to provide with oil
to improve gaseous state
to replace attention
to contribute into gas
to run on quality of life
to contain transportation

6. Grammar. Find conditional sentences in the text above. What type of conditionals are these sentences? Translate them.

7. Vocabulary. Choose the suitable word(s) in brackets. Both answers may be correct.

1. The total amount of oil or gas in the (a. reservoir, b. reserves) is called original oil- or gas-place (исходный нефтяной или газовый пласт).

2. Most observers agree that significant (a. deposits, b. wells) of oil and gas remain undiscovered in the Middle East.

3. Even when it is technically feasible to remove oil or gas from a specific reservoir, the (a. costs, b. prices) involved in doing so may exceed the value of the oil or gas recovered at projected (c. costs, d. prices).

4. When prices rise, underground (a. reservoirs, b. fields) can be developed economically.

5. New sources of oil and gas will replace (a. production, b. recovery) from existing wells as they decline, and help to assure adequate oil and gas supplies to meet world energy needs for the foreseeable future.

6. Reserves will also grow as more oil and gas (a. deposits, b. wells) are found around the world.

7. Oil and gas exist in the pore spaces of (a. rock, b. traps) in the subsurface of the earth.

8. Advanced technology also allows development of deep-sea (a. properties, b.fields).

8. Vocabulary. Put the missing words into gaps (a list of words is below the text).

   Thousands of years ago, people in parts of Greece, Persia, and India noticed a gas seeping from the ground that caught … very easily. These flames of … sometimes became the focus of myths or religious beliefs. Natural gas is a …. of gases, but it contains mostly …., the smallest and lightest hydrocarbon. Like oil, natural gas is formed …. from the remains of tiny marine organisms, and it is often brought up at the same wells as …. oil. It can also come from wells, that …. only gas and condensate, or from “natural” …. that provide natural gas alone. Little use was made of natural gas until fairly ….. In the early 20th century, oil wells burned it off as a ….. Today, natural gas is highly valued as a clean …. that supplies a quarter of the world’s …..


Words to insert: energy, contain, natural gas, wells, fire, mixture, underground, crude, recently, waste, methane, fuel.


9. Skills development. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Природный газ - одно из важнейших горючих ископаемых, занимающих важное место в экономике многих государств, и является важным сырьём для химической промышленности.

2. Основу природного газа составляет метан – простейший углеводород (органическое соединение, состоящее из атомов углерода и водорода).

3. Природный газ содержит и более тяжёлые углеводороды – этан, пропан, бутан, а также азот, углекислый газ, пары воды и другие газы.

5. Газ, добываемый из нефтяных скважин, называется попутным (associated) газом.

6. Чистый природный газ не имеет цвета и запаха.

7. Природный газ является полезным ископаемым, которое добывается, как самостоятельно, так и в качестве попутного газа.

8. Газ является самым экономичным и удобным типом топлива.

9. Газ, так же как нефть и уголь, образуется в земных недрах из органических веществ под действием высоких давлений и температур.


10. Skills development.

A. Give the summary of the text in Ex. 5 about natural gas formation using the following word phrases:


The article is entitled … / the title of the article is …

The article is about …

The article considers the effects of …

The article refers to the study/ research / survey / report / … official figures

The article reflects the views of …(smb) on … (smth)

The research shows that …/ the results imply that …

… is important because … 

The conclusion is that …

B. Express your opinion on the issue.


According to the article …; I don’t think that …; I believe it’s true / it’s not right; I can’t agree with; that’s wrong; on the one hand …; on the other hand ….

11. Reading. Read the text to answer the questions below.                                  


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