The United Kingdom legislation 

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The United Kingdom legislation

       In Great Britain laws are made in Parliament at Westminster. The British Parliament consists of the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. Their work is similar: making laws (legislation), checking the work of the government (scrutiny), and debating current issues. The House of Lords is composed of life peers and hereditary peers. The House of Common is composed of Members of Parliament (Mps).

       The idea for a new law can come from a variety of sources: bills may be introduced by any member of either House (a "Private Member's Bill"), a Minister of the Crown (a "Government Bill"), by the general public ("Public Bills"), by an individual or small group of individuals (a "Private Bill").

       First reading is the first stage of a Bill’s passage through the House of Commons - usually a formality, it takes place without debate. The short title of the Bill is read out and then the Bill is printed. The Bill is published as a House of Commons paper for the first time.

       The next stage is second reading, the first opportunity for MPs to debate the general principles and themes of the Bill.

       Once second reading is completed the Bill proceeds to committee stage. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes placel, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. This is therefore often considered the most important step in the parliamentary process for researchers aiming to determine legislative intent. It is at this stage that amendments are made. If the Bill has been amended the Bill is reprinted before its next stage.

       Once committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where the amended Bill can be debated and further amendments proposed. All MPs can suggest amendments to the Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.

       Report stage is normally followed immediately by debate on the Bill's third reading. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes place, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. Amendments (proposals for change) cannot be made to a Bill at third reading in the Commons.

       The process in the House of Lords is very similar to the process in the House of Commons. The bill will have a pro forma first reading, then a second reading. After the second reading the bill will normally be referred to a Committee of the Whole House. The bill then passes through a consideration stage and a third reading. In the House of Lords amendments may be made in the Committee of the Whole House, the consideration stage, and the third reading (this is different from the House of Commons where no amendments can be made in the third reading).

       If the Bill started in the Commons it goes to the House of Lords for its first reading. If the Bill started in the Lords it returns to the House of Lords for consideration of any amendments the Commons has made. Both Houses must agree on the exact wording of the Bill. A Bill may go back and forth between each House (‘Ping Pong’) until both Houses reach agreement.

       When a Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages in both Houses, it must have Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). Royal Assent is the Monarch's agreement to make the Bill into an Act and is a formality. When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, the announcement is usually made in both Houses by the Lord Speaker in the Lords and the Speaker in the Commons.

2. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста и переведите их на русский язык.


1. The British Parliament consists of ____________________.

2. During the first reading the short title of the Bill _____________.

  1. The second reading is the first opportunity __________________.

4. Committee stage is _______________________________.

5. Once committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where __________________________.

6. Report stage is followed by ________________________.

  1. The process in the House of Lords is ________________.

8. Royal Assent is _________________________________.

9. When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, __________.

3. Просмотрите текст 3 и заполните таблицу, отражающую этапы принятия закона в Великобритании. 


4. Используя информацию из текстов 1, 2, 3, а также дополнительные источники заполните таблицу. Проанализируйте таблицу и сделайте вывод, что общего и в чем различия законодательного процесса в России, США и Великобритании.

  The Russian Federation The United States of America The United Kingdom
The legislative body and its structure      
Members of each House      
Requirements for the members of both Houses      
Who can introduce the bill?      
The number of steps in the legislative process      
Who signs the bill?      


5. Работа в парах. Используя таблицу, задайте друг другу вопросы по каждому пункту. Сделайте совместную мини-презентацию темы.


«We are making laws»

Организация игры.

1.Все вместе предложите закон на рассмотрение (вы можете воспользоваться законами из «Loony Laws или вспомнить реально существующий законопроект). Решите, кто инициирует законопроект.

2. Выберите одного человека на роль Президента. Его задача: ознакомиться с законопроектом, предложить свои поправки, одобрить, подписать и огласить закон, или отклонить его (наложить вето). Обосновать свое решение.

3. Остальную часть группы поделите на две подгруппы — Государственная Дума (большая часть группы) и Совет Федерации.

4. Задача обеих палат: выбрать председателя и под его руководством осуществлять рассмотрение законопроекта и выносить решение о принятии или отклонении закона.

5. Прежде чем вступать в игру, вспомните содержание текста 1, еще раз проанализируйте процесс принятия закона в России. Для удобства можно изобразить процесс схематично на доске или воспользоваться схемой из Упражнения 4. Четко сформулируйте последовательность действий в игре (какая палата должна обсуждать законопроект первой, что потом происходит с проектом, как может действовать каждая палата, когда в игру вступает президент и др.). Помните, что игра интересна только тогда, когда она четко организована.



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