Base knowledge, skills, the skills necessary for studying of the theme (interdisciplinary integration). 

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Base knowledge, skills, the skills necessary for studying of the theme (interdisciplinary integration).

Names of the previous disciplines The got skills
1. Normal anatomy. To be guided in the basic questions of a structure of maxillofacial area.
2. Topographical anatomy and operative surgery. To know topographical anatomy of maxillofacial area. Principles of operative access to different departments of maxillofacial area. To define a topical diagnosis of traumatic damages of maxillofacial area.
3. Pathological physiology. To represent the aetiology of combine traumas of maxillofacial area and traumatic illness.
4. Neurosurgery. To know classification, clinic, diagnostics and the general principles of treatment of the brain trauma. To make the plan of examination and treatment of victims with damage of the face and skull and brain.
5. Clinical pharmacology. To know pharmacology products which are prescribe at сombine damages of maxillofacial area.
6. General surgery. To be able to make the plan of inspection of the patient with traumatic damage and to fill up the medical documentation.


4.1. List of basic terms, parameters, characteristic, which a student must master at preparation to lesson:

A term A definition
1.Mechanicaland radiating defeats. It is a mechanical trauma and a radiation injury or pollution by radioactive substances and a wound.
2.Mechanicaland chemical defeats. It is a mechanical trauma and defeat by poison gases.
3. Radiation sickness. Pathological process which develops in an organism under action of a radioactive irradiation.

4.2. Theoretical questions to the lesson: 1. Mechanisms of injuring of a penetrating radiation.2. Pathogenesis of a symptom of mutual aggravation at mechanical and radiating wounds of maxillofacial area.3. Features of medical aid for the maxillofacial wounded with mechanical and radiating wounds of maxillofacial area.4. Mechanisms of action of poisonous substances. 5. Pathogenesis of a symptom of mutual aggravation at mechanical and radiating wounds of maxillofacial area.6. Features of medical aid by the maxillofacial wounded with mechanical and radiating damages of maxillofacial area. 7. Features of surgical treatment of maxillofacial wounded with the combined damages.

4.3. Practical works (task) which are executed on lesson: 1. Professional training from the first aid by the victim with the combined trauma in maxillofacial area. 2. Professional training for medical complex treatment of victims with the combined defeats in maxillofacial area.


Trauma survival

Facial injuries are but one component of a spectrum of morbidity and mortality resulting from trauma. World Health Organisation mortality data show that 5 per cent of all deaths worldwide are caused by trauma, and at least 1 per cent of gross national product is consumed in even the poorest countries in the treatment of injuries. The management of a patient with a facial injury has to be seen in the context of the treatment of injuries in general, and the first priority is obviously ensuring survival. The emergency treatment of even the simplest maxillofacial injury involves securing an airway and an assessment of cervical spine and head injuries, all of which are of vital importance in the general management of a patient whose injuries do not necessarily include the face and jaws. It is pertinent therefore to give a brief outline of the modern approach to managing general acute trauma as a preliminary to a more detailed discussion of the immediate treatment of maxillofacial injuries.

Following trauma there are three recognized peaks of mortality. The first occurs within seconds of injury as a result of irreversible brain or major cardiovascular damage. The second peak occurs between a few minutes after injury and about 1 hour later. It is during this 'golden hour' that modern methods of resuscitation have shown dividends in improved survival. A third peak is found some days or weeks after injury as a result of multi-organ failure despite good medical management. In recent years attention has been directed to the second of these peak periods, mainly as a result of a system of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), originally introduced and widely taught by the American College of Surgeons Committee of Trauma. Their aggressive interventionist approach to trauma management has also reduced mortality in the third group as active resuscitation leads to less late organ failure.


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