VIII . Переведите фразы и предложения, обращая внимание на функции причастия I и герундия и способы их перевода. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VIII . Переведите фразы и предложения, обращая внимание на функции причастия I и герундия и способы их перевода.

1. Making an experiment with a new substance showed.... Making an experiment with a new substance the student....

2. He is producing new devices for.... Our aim is producing new devices for....

3. Carrying out observations will give.... Carrying out observations the astronomers....

4. When adding heat we can change the state of a substance. Upon adding heat we can change the state of a substance.

5. Generators producing electricity.... Another way of producing electricity is....


IX. Определите форму и функцию «ing». Предложения переведите.

1. Scientific information is growing very fast.

2. Most people like travelling.

3. Translate the text without using a dictionary.

4. Introducing the new method requires much time.

5. The student standing at the window is my friend.

6. You can improve your knowledge of English by reading more.

7. We think of visiting his new experimental laboratory.

8. Translating from one language into another we can use electronic computers.


Х. Переведите следующий текст, обращая внимание на слова с окончанием «ing».


A Few Words About Electron


The tiny electron discovered by J.J.Thomson is the giant in modern times. Thomson’s discovery paved the way to many exciting new discoveries. Scientists are moving towards a better understanding of its laws.

Electrons do wonderful things in calculating machines, which, besides working hundreds of times faster than any human calculator, can see, hear, feel, touch. It is hard to imagine how we could calculate without using electronic calculating machines. More and more often we hear scientists’ using these machines in new fields. With the help of electronic calculating machines our scientists succeeded in decoding the language of an ancient people of Mexico.


Text 3A


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Назовите области исследования и имена ученых, которые внесли свой вклад в развитие науки в России.


Задание 2. Переведите текст.


Russian Scientists


Russia gave the world many outstanding scientists. Russian scientists made a great contribution to world science.

V.V.Petrov (176l-1834), the follower of Lomonosov in studying electricity, is called a pioneer of the world electrical engineering. He was experimenting with electricity and made many discoveries of great importance. He published a great number of articles on electricity. The electric arc discovered by Petrov became the first source of electric lighting. Petrov discovered the possibility of getting metals out of ores by means of electricity.

Academician E.Kh.Lenz (1804-1875) is one of the most prominent Russian physicists. He discovered the law of heat generation by an electric current and the law defining the direction of an induced electric current.

P.M.Yablochkov (1847-1894) is a prominent inventor and designer. He did much for using alternating current. He is famous for inventing the "Yablochkov candle"(arc lamp) known abroad under the name of the "Russian Light".

A.S.Popov (1859-1906) is known for his invention of a radio. After demonstrating his device Popov was offered a lot of money for the commercial use of the radio abroad. But he was a true Russian patriot, he refused to leave Russia. He said that all his knowledge and his achievements belonged to his native land.

Dolivo-Dobrovolsky (1862-1919) is a Russian engineer. He is the inventor of a three-phase generator and a three-phase transformer. He proposed а number of original designs of measuring instruments.

We know many other names of great Russian scientists and we are proud of them.

Lobachevsky's non-Euclidean geometry 1 brought about a revolution in science. Mendeleev discovered the periodic law of elements. The world's first photoelectric cell was built by Stoletov. Lebedev succeeded in measuring the pressure of light experimentally. Zhukovsky and Chaplygin worked out the theory of flight and the principles of aerodynamics. Vernadsky laid the foundations of geochemistry- the science of chemical elements.

The first atomic power station and Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, lasers, semiconductors and many other achievements of modern science and technology have been created and discovered by such prominent Russian scientists as Tsiolkovsky and Kurchatov, Keldysh and Korolyov, Basov and Prokhorov and many others.


Note to the text:

1non-Euclidean geometry – неэвклидова геометрия


Задание 3. Подберите пары синонимов, переведите их.

Law, to propose, prominent, many, instrument, to be known for, principle, to offer, outstanding, a lot of, device, to be famous for.


Задание 4. Образуйте как можно больше словосочетаний и переведите их на русский язык.





Задание 5. Найдите в тексте 3А английские эквиваленты для следующих словосочетаний:

под названием, вносить большой вклад, осуществлять революцию, гордиться учеными, первый в мире, использовать изобретение за границей.



Задание 6. Определите, с какими предлогами употребляются следующие глаголы и глагольные словосочетания. Найдите втексте 3А предложения с этими глаголами и переведите их на русский язык.

1. to be famous a. out
2. to succeed b. to
3. to belong c. for
4. to be proud d. in
5. to bring e. of
6. to work f. about


Задание 7. Переведите словосочетания с герундием, используя данные предлоги:

in – при изучении электричества, при измерении давления, при определении направления.

of – возможность получения металлов, способы (методы) измерения, план проведения эксперимента.

for – для применения тока, для определения проблемы, для развития науки.

after – после демонстрации прибора, после разработки теории, после создания генератора.


Задание 8. Найдите в тексте 3А слова с окончанием – ing и распределите их в таблицу. Предложения, содержащие Ving, переведите.

Participle I Gerund


Задание 9. Еще раз просмотрите текст 3А. Выразите свое согласие, несогласие или сомнение в справедливости следующих высказываний. Используйте речевые модели.

I think so. – Думаю, что да.

Most likely. – Весьма вероятно.

Of course not! – Конечно нет!

I doubt it. – Я сомневаюсь в этом.

Hard to say. – Трудно сказать.

A. Petrov is the follower of Lomosov in studying electricity.

B. The electric arc was the first source of electric lighting.

C. Yablochkov is known for his arc lamp.

D. Popov was offered a lot of money for the commercial use of radio in Russia.

E. It was non Euclidean geometry that brought about a revolution in science.

F. Lebedev measured the pressure of light experimentally.

G. Chemistry is a science of chemical elements.


Задание 10. Восстановите вопросы по ответам.

- Yes, they did. Russian scientists made a great contribution to world science.

- «Yablochkov candle» is called abroad the «Russian Light».

-... because Popov was a true Russian patriot.

- The periodic law of elements was discovered by Mendeleyev.

- Many achievements of modern science and technology have been made by prominent Russian scientists.


Задание 11. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста 3А.

1. What country gave the world many outstanding scientists?

2. Who is called a pioneer of the world electrical engineering?

3. What are the discoveries of academician Lenz connected with?

4. What is Yablochkov known for?

5. Popov was a true Russian patriot, wasn't he? Prove it.

6. What is Dolivo- Dobrovolsky famous for?

7. Whose name is non-Euclidean geometry connected with?

8. What field of science did Mendeleev and Vernadsky make great contribution to?

What scientists worked in the sphere of space flights?

10. A great number of achievements of modern science and technology have been created and discovered by prominent Russian scientists, haven't they? Name some of them.


Задание 12. a). Пользуясь информацией текста ЗА, заполните следующую таблицу.

Inventor Invention Field of science



б). Используя данные таблицы и словарь активной лексики,расскажите о наиболее значительных открытиях и достижениях русской науки.


Задание 13. Следующий тест позволит Вам увидеть, насколько глубоки Ваши знания по теме «Русские ученые и изобретатели прошлого».

1. Who was the first to formulate the law of conservation of matter and movement? 2. Do you know the name of the outstanding engineer, designer and inventor who made one of the most remarkable watches of all times? 3. The Ural region was the homeland of such inventions as the first pedal bicycle, the steam-engine and the locomotive. What names are connected with these inventions? 4. Who was the first man to set up a printing press in our country? 5. Whom did the idea of the incandescent lamp belong to? 6. Synthetic rubber was produced in Russia in 1910. Who was the author of this invention? 7. The way for the scientific use of anaesthesia was paved by a great Russian surgeon. What is his name? 8. Who is the founder of the materialist teaching on the higher nervous activity of animals and men? a) E.E.Artamonov b. I.Fedotov c. A.N.Lodygin d. I.I.Polzunov e. S.V.Lebedev f. M.V.Lomonosov g. N.I.Pirogov h. I.P.Pavlov i. I.P.Kulibin j. The Cherepanovs


Задание 14. Подготовьте сообщение по одной из предложенных ниже тем:

а). In a new district of your town a new street has just been built. Now, there is a competition among citizens of your town for the best name of it. You are sure that the street should be named after a scientist. Try to convince the jury in it. In your speech present information on:

a) the name of the scientist you would like the street to be named after;

b) where and when she/he was born and worked;

c) the field of science this scientist worked in;

d) the discovery or invention she/he made;

e) where the results of her/his work are used now;

f) why you have chosen this very scientist.


b). The film studio is going to make a film about the greatest inventions of the mankind. You are invited to the studio as an expert to decide what inventions should be included in the film. You are supposed to speak about one invention only. Present information on:

the invention you consider to be one of the greatest in the world;

the name of the person it was designed by;

the country this invention was made in;

what this thing was made for;

how it is used now;

how it influenced our life;

why you are sure that it should be included in the film.


Задание 15. Игра «Guess who it is».

The game is played by two teams. One team thinks of a well-known scientist of the past or present. The order is to find out her/his name by putting questions. The only rule is that the name should not be asked for directly.


Задание 16. Прокомментируйте следующие цитаты:

"Necessity is the mother of invention"

Plato/427-327 B.C./

"Experience, the universal Mother of Sciences"

Miguel de Cervantes /1547-1616/

"Invention breeds invention"

Ralph Waldo Emerson /1803-1882/



В с п о м н и т е!


Verb Forms

I Infinitive II Past Indefinite III Participle II IV Participle I
to study to know studied knew studied known studying knowing



Образуйте форму Participle II от следующих глаголов (обратите внимание на нестандартные глаголы):

to call, to give, to offer, to build, to create, to discover, to make.


The Passive Voice


  to be + Participle II  

to be studied

to be known



глаголами на -ся,

кратким причастием,

неопределенно-личным оборотом.

Engineering subjects were studied in the first and second years. (изучались, были изучены, изучали)




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