Тема 9 Коммерческая деятельность предприятий 

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Тема 9 Коммерческая деятельность предприятий



Товар – продукт коммерческой деятельности. Торговые операции. Оптовая торговля. Розничная торговля. Товарные запасы. Ценообразование.

Внешняя торговля. Методы внешней торговли. Финансово-торговая компания.

Финансирование коммерческой деятельности. Начальное финансирование.

Краткосрочное финансирование. Долгосрочное финансирование.



Методические рекомендации


Приступая к изучению этой темы, необходимо изучить специальную лексику, которая необходима при чтении экономических текстов и при деловом общении.

Вначале следует изучить лингвокоммерческий комментарий, после этого перейти к изучению языкового комментария. Затем рекомендуется выполнить предтекстовые упражнения, прочитать и перевести тексты с полным пониманием содержания, используя словарь. Далее необходимо выполнить послетекстовые упражнения, которые способствуют более прочному усвоению знаний, полученных при чтении текстов.

Следует обратить особое внимание на экономические термины данной темы.

Закончить изучение темы необходимо повторением всей лексики, подлежащей активному усвоению, и выполнением теста для закрепления материала.


Литература: [3. c. 69-75];

[10, с. 88-90, 146-150];

[11, с. 68-89, 130-133].



Вопросы для самоконтроля

1 What does the term «goods» mean?

2 What does the broker convey the market order to?

3 What is the wholesaling?

4 What are the three major types of nonstore retailing?

5 What are the two sides of every trade relationship?

6 What is the main difference between domestic trade and international trade?

7 What is the purpose of arranging exhibitions and fairs?

8 What is the difference between the privately owned business corporation and nonprofit corporation?

9 What types of financing are available to business firms?

10 What money can small business start with?

11 What do the companies spend short-term funds on?

12 What is a long-term loan?

Методические рекомендации по выполнению домашней контрольной работы

В процессе изучения теоретического материала учащиеся заочного отделения по каждой дисциплине выполняют домашние контрольные работы, предусмотренные учебным планом.

По дисциплине «Английский язык» (профессиональная лексика) предусмотрено две домашние контрольные работы.

Контрольная работа выполняется в школьной тетради, на обложке которой учащийся указывает фамилию, имя, отчество, шифр (номер личного дела), номер группы, наименование дисциплины, вариант, номер контрольной работы, домашний адрес или на листах формата А4.

Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена в установленные учебным графиком сроки и написана грамотно, разборчиво, без сокращения слов, с полями для замечаний рецензента.

Условия заданий следует переписывать полностью на левой стороне разворота тетради. На правой стороне напротив, пишется выполнение заданий.


Левая страница Правая страница
Поля Английский текст Русский текст Поля


Строго соблюдайте последовательность выполнения заданий.

В конце работы указывается перечень используемой литературы, ставится дата выполнения и личная подпись. Необходимо оставить 1-2 чистых листа для рецензии преподавателя.

Выполненная контрольная работа сдается (высылается) в колледж на рецензирование в соответствии с учебным графиком.

После получения работы с рецензией необходимо внимательно изучить замечания и рекомендации преподавателя и доработать контрольную работу (только ту часть, где содержатся ошибки или неточности перевода). В случае, если работа не зачтена, ее необходимо выполнить повторно в той же тетради, в которой работа была выполнена первоначально, с учетом рекомендаций рецензента, и сдать в колледж на рецензию.

Контрольная работа, выполненная не по своему варианту, возвращается без проверки.

Вариант контрольной работы определяется в зависимости от последней цифры номера личного дела (шифра) учащегося.

Все контрольные работы с исправлениями и дополнениями следует сохранять до экзамена, так как они являются важным учебным документом.


Перед выполнением контрольной работы необходимо освоить лексико-грамматический материал рекомендуемой литературы.

Рекомендуется изучить следующий грамматический материал:

1 Морфология

Имя существительное. Категории рода, числа. Образование множественного числа имен существительных. Падеж.

Артикль. Виды артиклей. Случаи употребления различных видов артиклей. Отсутствие артикля.

Имя прилагательное. Количественные прилагательные. Степени сравнения. Сравнительные конструкции с прилагательными.

Имя числительное. Количественные и порядковые числительные.

Местоимение. Личные, притяжательные, указательные, относительные, неопределенные.

Глагол. Основные формы глагола. Времена изъявительного наклонения в действительном залоге (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect). Страдательный залог. Способы перевода страдательных оборотов на русский язык. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив, его формы и функции. Конструкции с инфинитивом. Герундий, его формы и функции. Причастие, его формы и функции.

Наречие. Классификация наречий по значению и их употреблению. Место наречия в предложении. Степени сравнения наречий.

Предлог. Значение и употребление предлогов. Место предлогов в предложении.

2 Синтаксис

Типы предложений. Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении. Вопросительное предложение. Инверсия. Сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения. Виды придаточных предложений. Согласование времен.

Далее рекомендуется приступить к изучению лексические тем программы дисциплины «Английский язык делового общения».


Домашняя контрольная работа № 1





1 Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary:



Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm. An accounting department records and measures the activity of a business. It reports on the effects of the transactions on the firms financial condition. Accounting records give a very important data. It is used by managers, stockholders, creditors, independent analysts, banks and government.

Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records. That is the income statement and balance sheet. These statements show how money was received and spent by the company.

In finance we operate with three main categories of ratios. One ratio deals with profitability, for example, the Return on Investment Ratio. It is used as a measure of a firm's operating efficiency.

The second set of ratios deals with assets and liabilities. It helps a company to evaluate its current financial position. The third set of ratios deals with the overall financial structure of the company. It analyses the value of the ownership of the firm.

2 Answer the following questions:

1) What is the purpose of accounting?

2) Who uses the data provided by accounting firms?

3) What can you know analyzing the income statement and balance sheet of a company?

3 Change the following statements to questions beginning with the question words given:

1) We had an opportunity to visit several towns. (What, How many)

2) We spent five days in Riga. (How many)

3) My friend is fond of hiking. (Who)

4) He will be having breakfast at 8 tomorrow. (Who, When)

5) Yesterday all the shops were closed. (When, What)

4 Translate the following sentences into English and state their tense and voice:

1) Товары будут осматриваться завтра.

2) Радиоприёмник на столе.

3) За доктором послали несколько минут назад.

4) Моя мама не работала в школе в прошлом году.

5) Деловые письма обычно пишутся на специальных бланках.

5 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct forms:

1) He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow.

2) My sister (to invite) to the birthday party by her friend yesterday.

3) She often (to visit) the museums.

4) Last century Chicago (to attract) many people.

5) We (to see) an interesting film tomorrow.

6 Change each of the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1) They study at the Mogilev State-Technological College.

2) My mother worked at school last year.

3) The old teacher is seen in the park every morning.

4) He is a second-year student.

5) We saw them here yesterday.

7 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive. Do not change the tense:

1) They often refer to his book.

2) I am sure that nobody will object to this plan.

3) Nobody laughed at him when he said it.

4) The sun attracts the planets.

5) My son takes French books from the library.

8 Translate the following sentences into Russian and state their and voice:

1) Thousands of people come to Moscow every day.

2) He learned many new English words last week.

3) He was invited to the theatre yesterday.

4) Books in foreign languages are sold in this shop.

5) My father came back from the office at a quarter to seven yesterday.




1 Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary:


Wholesaling is a part of the marketing system. It provides channels of distribution which help to bring goods to the market. Generally indirect channels are used to market manufactured consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to the consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer.

Wholesaling is often a field of small business, but there is a growing chain movement in the western countries. About a quarter of wholesaling units account for one-third of total sales. Two-thirds of the wholesaling middlemen are merchant wholesalers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don't take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession though. These agents don't earn salaries. They receive commissions. This is a percentage of the value of the goods they sell.

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. For example, the average supermarket stocks 5,000 items in groceries alone, a retail druggist can have more than 6,000 items. As a wholesaler handles a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces the problems of both manufacturers and retailer.

2 Answer the questions:

1) What is the aim of wholesaling?

2) How can you describe a direct channel of distribution?

3) What is an indirect channel of distribution?


3 Change the following statements to question beginning with the question words given:

1) He is fond of fishing. (What)

2) In winter he spends hours on end near ice holes. (Where)

3) Last year during my winter vacation I travelled by train. (When, how)

4) I shall be finishing my work at 10 tomorrow. (Who, when)

5) These goods were brought last week. (What, when)


4 Translate the following sentences into English and state their tense and voice:

1) Финансовые документы подписываются директором.

2) Мы будем жить на первом этаже?

3) Мои родители были в кино в прошлый вторник.

4) У тебя будут тетради в понедельник?

5) Краны применяются для подъема тяжелых грузов.

5 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct forms:

1) They usually (to play) football on Sunday.

2) My report (to discuss) tomorrow.

3) Your sister’s flat (to be) on the first floor.

4) They (to have) lessons tomorrow.

5) Heat and light (to give) to us by the sun.

6 Change each of the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1) He sleeps in the open air.

2) The radio set in the open air.

3) She bought a new dress last week.

4) English films are shown at the cinema every Friday.

5) They returned to Moscow from Sochi two months ago.


7 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive. Do not change the tense:

1) They told me an interesting story yesterday.

2) They will show us some new magazines.

3) They teach the children French and German.

4) My brother showed me a new dictionary.

5) The teacher explained the rule to us.


8 Translate the following sentences into Russian and state their tense and voice:

1) Yesterday our lesson began at a quarter to nine in the morning.

2) Was the article translated yesterday?

3) He is always laughed at.

4) New Year is one of the most beautiful and interesting holidays.

5) He cut the bread with a knife.



1 Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary:

Product Development and Planning

The number of new products coming into the market of western countries every year is overwhelming. The major part of these products is not new, but adaptations. It means that these products are not new, they are existing items to which a modification has been made. Only few products are really original or innovations. A great number of innovations and adaptations are designed, produced and marketed be small businesses. Very often a new product is formed on the basis of the new business more successful. But it happens very often that market research hasn’t been dome carefully.

Even in case larger scale producers do more research and testing there is no sure success. A promising new product may be also robbed of success by unreasonable prices, inadequate promotion and poor selling methods.



2 Answer the following questions:

1) How can you explain the term adaptation?

2) Why is it so important to obtain a patent?

3) Why does the failure of a new product take place?


3 Change the following statements to question beginning with the question words given:

1) He leaves town at daybreak and returns home late. (When)

2) Sometimes he has a good catch. (What)

3) Everybody enjoyed the new film. (Who, what)

4) Mary will be working in the library at this time tomorrow. (What, where)

5) The first line of the Moscow metro was built in 1935. (When, what)


4 Translate the following sentences into English and state their tense and voice:

1) Эти товары будут экспортироваться в различные страны.

2) Петя учится хорошо.

3) Ему задали много вопросов.

4) Они предложили Борису интересную работу.

5) Этот вопрос обсуждается сейчас на собрании.


5 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct forms:

1) I (to see) him last Monday.

2) We usually (to pass) exams in June.

3) Exercises (to write) in the classroom every day.

4) London (to stand) on the river Thames.

5) He (to go) to Minsk last summer.


6 Change each of the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1) He answered my question well.

2) These newspapers were bought by mother yesterday.

3) This shop is visited by many customers.

4) I shall watch TV tomorrow.

5) They walked very quickly without stopping.


7 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive. Do not change the tense:

1) This mine will produce large quantities of coal this year.

2) A famous architect designed this theatre.

3) The student read the text aloud.

4) They showed us a new film.

5) I give him an English magazine.


8 Translate the following sentences into Russian and state their tense and voice:

1) What size shoes do you wear?

2) The work will be finished tomorrow.

3) This note was written with a pencil.

4) I shall go shopping after breakfast.

5) This machine is operated by electricity.




1 Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary:



Retailing is selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer. Thus, the retailer is the most expensive link in the chain of distribution. Being middlemen, they make their profit by charging the customer 25 to 100 per cent more than the price they paid for the item.

The retailers operate through stores, mail-order houses, vending machine operators. There are different types of retail stores: department stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers. The major part (over 95 per cent) of retail establishments concentrate on a single line of merchandise for example, food, hardware, etc. But nowadays there is a trend for many single line stores to take on a greater variety of supplies.

The retailer performs many necessary functions. First, he may provide a convenient location. Second, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer helps to promote the product through displays, advertising or sales people. Fourth, the retailer can finance the customer by extending credit. Also the retailer stores the goods in his outlet by having goods available.

2 Answer the following questions:

1) What is retailing?

2) What are four different types of retail stores?

3) Which per cent of the price of the good sold goes to the retailer?



3 Change the following statements to question beginning with the question words given:

1) He often goes hiking in spring and summer. (When)

2) I sometimes give Peter my exercise-books. (What, whose)

3) I looked forward to seeing many interesting places. (Who, what)

4) They were waiting for us at that time. (Who, when)

5) This news was broadcast last night. (What, when)


4 Translate the following sentences into English and state their tense and voice:


1) Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

2) Приятная новость была сообщена им.

3) Мэри попросила мужа купить их старшему сыну подарок ко дню рождения.

4) За ним следовала большая толпа людей.

5) Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлом собрании.

5 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct forms:

1) Young trees (to plant) in streets of our town last autumn.

2) When the radio (to invent)?

3) She (to watch) TV every evening.

4) They (to be) students next year.

5) They (to begin) to study at school last year.


6 Change each of the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1) These articles were translated form Russian into English a week ago.

2) I shall tell you about the film.

3) She usually has her vacation in summer.

4) This brown dress was bought by mother yesterday.

5) They were told a funny story.


7 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive. Do not change the tense:

1) Scientists are making wonderful discoveries.

2) The workers are unloading the streamer.

3) They laughed at him.

4) A letter followed the telegram.

5) A great number of students, attended the lecture.



8 Translate the following sentences into Russian and state their and voice:

1) The price of this hat is rather high.

2) He promised to return the magazines to me in a few days.

3) We shall go to see them next Sunday.

4) It was raining when we left home.

5) Now he is painting a new picture.




1 Translate the following text in written from using a dictionary:



All products and all services have prices. He price depends on different things such as credit terms, delivery, trade-in allowance, guarantee, quality and other forms of service. A perfect price should produce the biggest possible profit during a long period of time. It’s hardly possible to determine such a price. The price may be too high to produce a large volume, or too low to cover costs. No other area of marketing operations has been a subject to bad practice. Many businesses pursue unsound price policies for long periods of time and are not aware about it.

Prices can be determined in different ways. For example, the prices of meat, cotton and other agricultural produce can be decided in large central market where forces of supply and demand exist. This is pure price competition. The prices on industrial products (iron, steel, etc.) are usually decided by large companies. As a rule the amount and price of goods sold to large number of buyers is controlled by a few rival sellers. Prices also can be set by the government, usually for different public services – railroads, electricity, manufactured gas, bus services, etc.


2 Answer the following questions:

1) Why is it difficult to determine the right price?

2) In what way are agricultural prices decided?

3) How are industrial products usually priced?


3 Change the following statements to questions beginning with the question words given:

1) You go to work every day. (Where)

2) He passed his examinations well.(What, how)

3) They will translate this text next week/ (Who, what, when)

4) Tom was reading the whole evening.(What, when)

5) The radio set was hidden in the book-case. (What, where)


4 Translate the following sentences into English and state their these and voice:

1) Наш багаж был осмотрен таможенниками вчера.

2) Её не было дома прошлым вечером.

3) В этом магазине тысячи людей перевозятся эскалаторами каждый день.

4) Наша бабушка будет жить с нами в будущем году?

5) Он не будет студентом в будущем году.


5 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct forms:

1) The newspapers (to bring) in the morning.

2) Everybody (to see) the picture soon.

3) These goods (to carry) in a lift.

4) This article (to translate) tomorrow.

5) Water to (boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade.


6 Change each of the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1) Tomorrow breakfast will be served at eight.

2) They have a black cat.

3) This book was bought by father yesterday.

4) Nick will spend his summer holidays in Riga.

5) They came to see us yesterday.


7 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive. Do not change the tense:

1) We sent for the doctor.

2) They listened to her with interest.

3) Heavy storms affected shipping.

4) His friends helped him.

5) These circumstances hindered their work.


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