Biology and related sciences 

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Biology and related sciences

Biology may be defined as the science about life and how to sustain it on the planet Earth. The word biology is derived from the Greek words “bios” (“life”) and “logos” (“word” or “science”). Biology deals with all kinds of living things and living systems. In studying them we learn some of the great fundamental laws and processes of nature.

Biology is a very old science and it is closely bound with other natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, geology, anthropology, psychology, medicine and others. Biology is called the most vital of the sciences.

Modern biology is a very broad science which has a lot of subdivisions. But there are two principle divisions in it: botany which deals with plants and zoology which deals with animals. Ecology is the study of environmental factors and how organisms interact with them. Biochemistry deals with chemistry of living system and studies chemical substances and chemical changes in an organism. One of the most important biological sciences is genetics which deals with the nature of genes and how different traits are inherited.

Biologists have made a great contribution to science. They have developed new and better varieties of plants and animals. They have obtained various physiologically active substances: enzymes, vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, amino-acids and proteins.


Задание 2. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

сохранить жизнь на планете Земля; слово происходит от; иметь дело с (заниматься изучением чего-либо); живые организмы; тесно связана; жизненно-важная наука; подразделы науки; факторы окружающей среды; взаимодействие с живыми организмами; черты, получаемые наследственно; вклад в науку; получать новые вещества


Задание 3. Complete the sentences

1. Biology may be defined as…

2. When studying biology we learn the relations of…

3. Biology is closely bound with…

4. Biology may be subdivided into…

5. Ecology studies…

6. Biochemistry deals with...


Задание 4. Направлено на формирование ОК-7

Применение методики интерактивной формы обучения, проблемного подхода: студенты получают задание соотнести термин и его определение, опираясь на ранее полученные знания по естественным наукам и знания терминоэлементов, составляющих международную научную лексику.


Match words in the left column with the definitions on the right

1. genetics 1. The scientific study of the formation, structure, and function of cells
2. enthymology   3. cytology   4. ornithology   5. biology   6. biochemistry   7. microbiology 2. The study of the chemical composition of the substances that form living matter and of the chemical processes that go on in living matter 3. The scientific study of the biological processes involved in the transmission of characteristics from an organism to its offspring 4. The scientific study of fishes 5. The scientific study of birds 6. The scientific study of micro-organisms
8. ichthiology 7. The scientific study of living things and life processes, including growth, structure, and reproduction 8. The scientific study of insects

III. Работа над грамматикой.

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных.

Задание 1. Прочтите информацию на стр 100, выполнитеупр 7

Притяжательные местоимения

Задание 2. Прочтите информацию на стр 101, выполнитеупр 8


Личные местоимения в объектном падеже

Задание 3. Прочтите информацию на стр 101-102, выполнитеупр 9

Занятие 3.

Этапы занятия:

I.Речевая разминка, устная речь. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-11

Задание 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the science of biology study?

2. What natural sciences is biology bound with?

3. What branches of biology do you know?

4. What contribution have biologists made to sciences?


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