The education of malajusted children 

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The education of malajusted children

1. Maladjusted children are those who are unable to form good relationships with other children because of problems in their character and behaviour. Socially and emotionally maladjusted children are referred for special programs by parents or by teachers when they find it difficult to manage the child at home or in school.

2. Autistic children make a separate part of maladjusted children. Autism is a severe mental illness that affects children and prevents them from communicating with other children or people. Psychiatrists together with social workers and teachers, determine the eligibility of maladjusted and autistic children for special programs. Children with learning disabilities are assessed by psychoeducational diagnosticians, who through educational and psychological diagnostic tests determine the child’s potential for learning and his level of achievement.

3. Psychotherapy and behaviour modification by psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers are generally a part of mental illness, for example depression, by talking to maladjusted children and discussing their problems rather than using drugs or medical treatment. Behaviour modification means the control of behaviour in which desired behaviours are rewarded, and vice versa, undesirable ones are punished. Behaviour modification helps teachers shape individual behaviour toward some desired effect and control behaviour in classrooms.

1. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста:

o Maladjusted children suffer severely from being badly treated because of their low intelligence level.

o Though maladjustment is considered to be a serious mental disorder in some cases it can be corrected by talking.

o As a rule parents are able to manage with maladjusted children in contrast to teachers or some social workers.

o All maladjusted children need special therapeutic services in order to avoid their difficulties in communication.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Children with poor communicative skills as a result of their severe mental disease are …

o children with learning disabilities

o maladjusted children

o disabled children

o autistic children

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What psychological technique can be used by teachers in classroom environments for students’ behaviour correction?

o Psychoeducational tests can determine the child’s potential for learning and his level of academic and intellectual accomplishment.

o Talking to maladjusted children and discussing their problems are sometimes more effective than using drugs or medical treatment.

o Maladjusted children are referred for special programs by parents or by teachers when they find it difficult to manage the child at home or in school.

o Teachers can use behaviour modification to form the required behaviour type toward some desired effect and to control behaviour in classrooms.

4. Определите основную идею текста:

o As maladjustment is a mental illness maladjusted children are to be paid special attention to by psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers to help them with their studies and social adjustment.

o Maladjusted children represent a great problem for parents, psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers as they are difficult to deal with and their behaviour is practically uncontrollable.

o Psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers facilitate maladjusted children’s learning skills and academic progress level by applying educational and psychological diagnostic tests.

o There are different types of maladjusted children, autistic children being a separate part of them due to autism is a severe mental disease preventing children from communication.

Кейс-задача 5


1. A standardized test or Examination system is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or «standard», manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.

2. Any test in which the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers is a standardized test. Standardized tests need not be high-stakes tests, time-limited tests, or multiple-choice tests. The opposite of a standardized test is a non-standardized test. Non-standardized testing gives significantly different tests to different test takers, or gives the same test under significantly different conditions (e.g., one group is permitted far less time to complete the test than the next group), or evaluates them differently (e.g., the same answer is counted right for one student, but wrong for another student).

3. Standardized tests are perceived as being fairer than non-standardized tests. The consistency also permits more reliable comparison of outcomes across all test takers. The considerations of validity and reliability typically are viewed as essential elements for determining the quality of any standardized test.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждение:

o Non-standardized testing shows more trustworthy results of an each test-taker due to subjective conditions of the test taking procedure.

o The time, test type and test outcomes are no less important for standardized test-takers as for those who do non-standardized tests.

o Consistency in the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations in standardized testing provides more reliable outcomes.

o At non-standardized testing test takers are given to do different kinds of tests under comparatively similar conditions.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

The key qualifying criteria of standardized tests are…

o validity and reliability

o objectivity and consistency

o conditions for administering

o consistent scoring procedures

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What unites standardized tests and non-standardized ones?

o Both of them reveal test-takers’ achievements in a test manner.

o Both of them control test-takers in the same way.

o Both of them are given to test-takers for a certain period of time.

o Both of them are designed for the same purposes.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o Standardized tests are designed in a standard manner: the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent.

o Standardized tests and non-standardized ones are quite different types of testing, the former being considered to be more reliable due to its educational design purposes.

o Non-standardized tests are of different contents for all test takers as well as time-limited, so all test takers are evaluated in different ways.

o Standardized testing allows getting more reliable comparison of outcomes across all test takers, standardized tests being more favorable among them.

Кейс-задача 6


1. Instructor-led training, ILT, is the practice of training and learning material between an instructor and learners, either individuals or groups. Instructors can also be referred to as a facilitator, who may be knowledgeable and experienced in the learning material, but can also be used more for their facilitation skills and ability to deliver material to learners.

2. ILT is an effective means of delivering information, as it allows for real-time feedback, questions and answers manipulation and changeable delivery to suit the needs of learners in a real-time environment, and a learning environment can be created by the instructor’s style.

3. Instructors may deliver training in a lecture or classroom format, as an interactive workshop, as a demonstration with the opportunity for learners to practice, or even virtually, utilizing video-conferencing tools; and the instructor may have facilitation and teaching skills, in which they can utilize different methods to engage learners and embrace different learning styles.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения:

o Instructors are to have profound knowledge of the subject being taught.

o An instructor can’t have an effect on learning environment.

o The effectiveness of ILT can be related to its feedback immediacy.

o ILT is the way to convey knowledge to learners in a real-time environment.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

It’s not obligatory for instructors to…

o be ready for real-time feedback

o work out the learning material

o have (audio-)visual aids

o possess teaching skills

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

Can ILT be considered a personality-oriented approach to education?

o Yes, it can. An instructor can create learning environment using different learning facilities.

o Yes, it can. Instructors are people who are not always considered to be facilitators of knowledge for learners.

o Yes, it can. Learners collaborate with instructors for the purpose of receiving more profound information.

o Yes, it can. Learners are ensured with proper knowledge delivery and immediate feedback in a real-time environment.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o ILT is an effective means of delivering knowledge as it provides not only knowledge delivery under the use of appropriate facilities in accordance with learners’ needs but also real-time feedback.

o Instructor-led training is designated for such learners who experience difficulty while learning in common education spaces as it facilitates their communication with teachers through immediate feedback.

o Instructor-led training is an effective means of delivering information because learners can benefit from instructions being the main facilitators possessing profound knowledge of the learning material.

o Instructors’ aim is to provide learners with training in a real-time environment trying different education styles in various educational spaces: lecture halls, classrooms, the Internet, etc.

Кейс-задача 7


1. Teaching to the test is an educational practice where curriculum is heavily focused on preparing for a standardized test. It consists in teaching information and then giving a test over the information at the end of the unit. It is frequently used for skill-based learning, like typing or athletics.

2. Teaching to the test forces teachers to limit curriculum to a set range of knowledge or skills in order to increase student performance on the mandated test. This produces an unhealthy focus on excessive repetition of simple, isolated skills and limits the teacher’s ability to focus on a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

3. Critics of the practice argue that students taught using this method lack a comprehensive understanding of subject matter; even if it raised test scores – which it fails to do – students may not truly grasp the key concepts of the domain. Teaching to the test activities emphasizes rote memorization and excludes creative and abstract-thinking skills.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждение:

o Teaching to the test doesn’t worsen students’ ability to train creative and abstract-thinking skills.

o While teaching to the test teachers succeed in giving comprehensive knowledge of the subject being taught.

o Being taught to the test students experience difficulty in understanding of the subject matter as a whole.

o Repetition of simple, isolated skills enables students to improve and strengthen their knowledge faster.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Teaching to tests calls attention to…

o development of rote memorization skills

o a holistic understanding of the subject matter

o improvement of creative and abstract-thinking skills

o development of testing techniques

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What do teachers have to undertake to improve their students’ performance while teaching to certain tests?

o It makes them revise their tests.

o It makes them emphasize the role of education.

o It makes them limit curriculum.

o It makes them develop creative thinking.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o Teaching to the test is an educational program of preparing students for successful executing standardized tests possessing more negative than positive sides.

o Teaching to the test has a lot of drawbacks preventing students a holistic understanding of the subject matter and development of creative and abstract-thinking skills.

o Teaching to the test is an educational practice frequently used for skill-based learning which consists in teaching information and then giving a test over the information.

o Teachers don’t support teaching to the test as they have to limit curriculum to certain range of knowledge or skills to improve their students’ performance on the tests.

Кейс-задача 8


1. Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. It is different from a skill, in that skills are learned or acquired behaviors. Like a talent, intellectual giftedness is usually believed to be an innate, personal aptitude for intellectual activities that cannot be acquired through personal effort. Various ideas about the definition, development, and best ways of identifying intellectual giftedness have been put forward.

2. Intellectual giftedness may be general or specific. For example, an intellectually gifted person may have a striking talent for mathematics, but not have equally strong language skills. When combined with an adequately challenging curriculum and the diligence necessary to acquire and execute many learned skills, intellectual giftedness often produces academic success.

3. Gifted children may develop asynchronously: their minds are often ahead of their physical growth, and specific cognitive and emotional functions are often developed differently (or to differing extents) at different stages of development. One frequently cited example of asynchronicity in early cognitive development is Albert Einstein, who did not speak until the age of four, but whose later fluency and accomplishments belied this initial delay.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения:

o All people can develop intellectual giftedness but it can happen faster when it is evident.

o Mental development of gifted children can take place with greater pace than their physical growth.

o Gifted children’s specific cognitive and emotional functions can develop asynchronously.

o Intellectually gifted people are skillful in all academic subjects but they prefer to «specialize» in a certain one.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

One can’t acquire intellectual giftedness…

o not being diligent

o because it is an innate ability

o faster than one’s muscles

o through making efforts

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

How can intellectual giftedness declare itself?

o Gifted children are featured by asynchronicity of their overall development.

o Like a talent, intellectual giftedness is considered to be an innate, personal aptitude.

o People can be intellectually gifted despite their temporary speech disorders.

o An intellectually gifted person can have talent for one or several academic subjects.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o Gifted children are treated as extraordinary ones due to peculiarities of their mental and physical development.

o Intellectual giftedness is a person’s innate aptitude for intellectual activities within one or several academic subjects which has its features in a person’s development.

o Like a talent, intellectual giftedness can be understood as a person’s intellectual ability significantly higher than average.

o Gifted children can display different extent of intellect for this or that academic discipline at school.

Кейс-задача 9


1. Homeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents or by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to attending public or private schools.

2. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in many countries, allowing them to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the individual’s home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of homeschooling parents in the United States are concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with academic instruction at public and private schools.

3. As a synonym to e-learning, homeschooling can be used as a form of supplementary education, a way of helping children learn, in specific circumstances. For instance, children that attend downgraded schools can greatly benefit from homeschooling ways of learning, using the immediacy and low cost of the Internet. Homeschooling can be combined with traditional education and lead to better and more complete results.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждение:

o Parents can choose homeschooling for their children’s misbehavior.

o In some countries homeschooling is sanctioned by law.

o Being educated at home children never attend any other educational institutions.

o Homeschooling implies teaching by tutors without using the Internet.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Nowadays in developed countries homeschooling can be opposed to…

o supplementary education

o e-learning

o dissatisfaction with academic instructions

o attending private schools

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What homeschooling ways of learning do facilitate children’s learning at schools?

o Homeschooling is an alternative to public or private schools outside the person’s home.

o Using the advantages of telecommunication technologies greatly aids not only in homeschooling.

o As well as e-learning homeschooling can be sometimes used for helping children learn.

o Being combined with traditional education homeschooling can lead to more complete results.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o The USA experience in the field of schooling is the demonstration of the fact that homeschooling combined with traditional education can greatly promote both by leading to better and more complete results.

o In many countries parents can choose homeschooling as a legal alternative to public or private schools, considering it to be able of providing a proper school environment avoiding unnecessary religious or moral instruction.

o The majority of homeschooling parents in the United States are not satisfied with the school environment, religious or moral instruction, and academic instruction being provided at public and private schools.

o Homeschooling possessing a number of positive characteristics facilitating learning, American parents choose it for providing their children with a proper learning environment as an alternative to private schools or as a form of supplementary education.

Кейс-задача 10


1. A knowledge café is a type of organizational workshop which aims to provide an open and creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to surface their collective knowledge, share ideas and insights, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject and the issues involved. The knowledge café begins with the participants seated in a circle of chairs. It is led by a facilitator who introduces the café topic and poses one or two key open-ended questions.

2. When the introduction session is complete, the group breaks into small groups, with about five people in each group. Each small group discusses the questions for about 45 minutes. The small group discussions are not led by a facilitator, and no summary of the discussion is captured for subsequent feedback to the large group. Participants then return to the circle and the facilitator leads the group through the final 45 minute session, in which people reflect on the small group discussions and share any thoughts, insights and ideas on the topic that may have emerged.

3. A knowledge café is most effective with between 15 and 50 participants. Thirty is an ideal number of people. If there are more than 50 participants it is usually necessary to employ microphones for the large group conversation, and this tends to inhibit the flow of the conversation. One to two hours is required for a worthwhile knowledge café. The only hard and fast rule is that the meeting is conducted in such a way that most of the time is spent in conversation.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения:

o A facilitator tries to find the topic which can cause great interest among the participants of a knowledge

o No conclusions for the large groups are to be made by the participants of the small group discussions.

o There is no limit in the duration of a knowledge café

o A facilitator doesn’t take part in the small group discussions.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

A knowledge café enables people to…

o improve their communication skills

o exchange ideas and personal opinions

o discuss the topics being interesting to all the participants

o get rid of some harmful habits

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

Why is it better when the number of partakers in a knowledge café doesn’t exceed 50 ones?

o The greater is the number of participants, the more extensive small groups are.

o An excessive number of participants negatively influences the pace of the conversation.

o It’s more difficult for so many participants to gain a deeper understanding of the subject involved.

o A great number of participants can cause difficulties in revealing the essence of some topic.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o A knowledge café is the action when people discuss their urgent matters in order to settle them down.

o A knowledge café is a type of organizational workshop with its own purposes and organizational features.

o The effectiveness of a knowledge café depends mostly on a facilitator, a person who leads this arrangement

o It is evident that the effectiveness of a knowledge café is determined by its participants’ work.

Кейс-задача 11


1. Research and experimental development is formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.

2. It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects, or the project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.

3. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, etc.

1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения:

o Research and experimental development is theoretical and practical activity.

o Research and experimental development facilitates the accumulation of knowledge.

o Humanities and sciences have common approaches to research.

o Applied research is aimed at the advancement of human knowledge.

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Research and experimental development implies…

o the obligatory use of new data

o working out theories

o the study of similar types of knowledge

o solving various problems

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What influences the variety of approaches to research into humanities and sciences?

o It is influenced by the nature of knowledge.

o It is influenced by the choice of scientific procedures.

o It is influenced by the sphere of scientific research.

o It is influenced by validity of scientific research.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o Research and experimental development enables scientists to choose the right approach to the sciences they are engaged in.

o The form of any research is determined by its epistemology, purposes, methods and the way of displaying data.

o Research and experimental development is aimed at increase of the stock of knowledge of all spheres of our life, and the use of this stock to devise new applications.

o A research needs a certain amount of knowledge, the choice of its methods, data interpretation means.

Кейс-задача 12


1. Sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. It’s most concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.

2. Education has often been seen as a fundamentally optimistic human endeavor characterized by aspirations for progress & betterment. It’s understood by many to be a means of overcoming handicaps, achieving greater equality & acquiring wealth & social status. Education is perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs & potential. It is also perceived as one of the best means of achieving greater social equality.

3. Many would say that the purpose of education should be to develop every individual to his full potential & give him a chance to achieve as much in life as his natural abilities allow. Few would argue that any education system accomplishes this goal perfectly. Some take a particularly negative view, arguing that the education system is designed with the intention of causing the social reproduction of inequality.


1. Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения:

o Education isn’t the means of improving people’s financial standing.

o Each child can develop as per his needs & potential in the process of education.

o Some people perceive education like an alien element in their lives.

o The sociology of education studies the influences of…

2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Most people are sure that due to education the scope of their achievement in life depends on their…

o natural abilities capacities

o marital status

o social position

o gender

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What educational system does the sociology of education study more closely?

o The public schooling systems are studied more thoroughly

o It’s more concerned about adult education

o The expansion of higher education gives more causes for concern

o It takes care of different educational systems integration.

4. Основной идеей текста является:

o The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes.

o The sociology of education is most concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies.

o All people understand the purpose of education in their own way: somebody takes a positive view, somebody a negative view.

o Education promotes progress & betterment, development of everybody’s potentials as well as the means acquiring wealth & social status.

Кейс-задача 13


1. Cognitive psychology is a discipline within psychology that investigates the internal mental processes of thought such as visual processing, memory, problem solving, and language. The school of thought arising from this approach is known as cognitivism which is interested in how people mentally represent information processing.

2. Cognitive psychologists use psychophysical and experimental approaches to understand, diagnose, and solve problems, concerning themselves with the mental processes which mediate between stimulus and response.

3. Cognitive science differs from cognitive psychology in that algorithms that are intended to simulate human behavior are implemented or implementable on a computer. In other instances, solutions may be found through insight, a sudden awareness of relationships.

1. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста:

Начало формы

Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа

□ Cognitive psychology researches the mental processes which take place when humans communicate.

□ Unlike cognitive psychology, cognitive science uses more advanced methods of simulation human behaviour.

□ From cognitive science perspective it’s possible to work out algorithms for simulation human behaviour using a computer.

□ Cognitive science is based on theoretical study of human’s processes of understanding, analyzing and problem solving.Конец формы


2. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста:

Cognitive psychology doesn’t only study the essence of internal mental processes of thought …

Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа

□ but also is interested in how people mentally represent information processing

□ such as visual processing, memory, problem solving, and language

□ but also tries to represent them as algorithms by means of a computer

□ but also investigates their influence on human communicative skills

3. Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the investigation of cognitive scientists focused on?

o They use computer science to analyze the algorithms of human behavior.

o They are interested in the role of information processing in areas ranging from decision making and problem solving, to name but a few.

o They hesitate about the application of a computer in working out the algorithms that are intended to simulate human’s behavior.

o They study the possibilities of computer technology applications while investigating human mental processes.

4. Определите основную идею текста:

o Cognitive psychology tries to influence people’s behaviour through the analysis of their mental processes.

o Cognitive psychology challenges the idea of knowledge of human internal mental processes.

o Cognitive psychology nowadays prefers computer technologies to analyze people’s mental processes.

o Cognitive psychology is a theoretical study of people’s information processing, while cognitive science uses computer technologies to investigate human’s behavior.

Кейс-задача 14


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