Complete the first half of each sentence with the best second half. 

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Complete the first half of each sentence with the best second half.

1. If you have a fever a. you have some pain and redness

2. If you feel faint b. you have difficulty sleeping

3. If you have insomnia c. you feel hot

4. If you have a sore throat d. you chest may hurt

5. If you have a bad cough e. the contents of your stomach come out of your mouth

6. If you have an inflected wound f. you have difficulty talking and swallowing

7. If you vomit g. you have difficulty standing up

1.___ 4.___ 7.____

2.___ 5.___

3.___ 6.___


Doctor Smith is a “radio doctor”. He answers listeners’ questions about their medical problems. Read their questions to him.

a) Hello, Doctor Smith. Well, three days ago I fell over and cut my arm. There was a little blood, but it quickly stopped bleeding and I forgot about it. Now the wound is painful and red. It hurts when I touch it. I also think I may have a fever. I feel a little hot and quite weak. Do you think I should see my doctor?

b) Doctor Smith, I am a 63-year-old woman. A few months ago, I was walking upstairs when I suddenly felt very faint and almost fell over. Now, whenever I do just a little exercise I get out of breath very quickly. Even when I’m sleeping. I have breathing problems. I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. I’m really worried, because I have never had insomnia in my life before. I don’t have a pain in my chest, so I don’t think I have heart problems. I’m very worried. What do you think?

c) For the last two days, Doctor Smith. I have been feeling absolutely terrible. My whole body aches. I have a backache and all my muscles ache. I have a terrible headache too. But the worst thing is the vomiting. Food just won’t stay in my stomach for more than a few minutes. And the diarrhea – I’m in the bathroom every half an hour. I called my doctor and asked for a prescription for some medicine, but she said there wasn’t much she could do for me. She said I should stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids. Is that right?

d) I hope you can understand me all right, doctor, but I can’t talk very well because of my sore throat. I’ve had it a few months now. And a cough, too, even though I don’t smoke. And I seem to be tried all the time, but I’m never so sick that I can’t go to work. I’ve been to the doctor and had some tests, but they can’t find anything wrong with me. What do you think I should do now?

Here are Doctor Smith’s answers. Match his answers and the questions.

1___You should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will arrange for you to have a complete series of tests. It’s best to take care of these things right away.

2 ___You’ve probably got a minor infection. Sometimes they take a long time to go away. The important things is to get plenty of rest. And maybe you should get an opinion from another doctor.

3___ It sounds as if you have an infection. You’ll have to see your doctor, who will probably write you a prescription for an antibiotic and some medicine to put on your skin as well.

4___ You probably have the flu. It’s very important that you drink a lot of liquids. You should feel better soon. If it continues much longer you should see your doctor.


Самостійна робота №7

Тема: Ліки та їх класифікація..

Знати: класифікацію лікарських засобів, вміти правильно зіставляти захворювання та засіб для його лікування;

Вміти: узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію, використовувати її під час написання анотації до тексту.

Classification and Major Characteristics of Drugs



Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

1. Powder- порошок

To take a powder for…________________________________________________________

A sweet (bitter) powder_______________________________________________________

2. tablet -таблетка

To take a tablet three times a day________________________________________________

A half tablet________________________________________________________________

These tablets have no side effects________________________________________________

3. pill- пілюля

To take a pill after (during, before) meals_________________________________________

To take some milk after the pill_________________________________________________

4. ointment -мазь

To put the ointment on________________________________________________________

5. suppository -супозиторій

To keep the suppositories in cool place___________________________________________

6. ampule- ампула

To keep the ampules in dark place to give injections_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. solution -розчин

To read the doctor’s instruction before given the solution_____________________________


8. mixture -мікстура

To shake the bottle with the mixture before use_____________________________________


9. decoction- лікувальний відвар

To give the decoction four times a day before meal_________________________________


10. drops -краплі

To keep the drops in dark place_________________________________________________

To wash the pipette before (after) use ____________________________________________

To drop five drops___________________________________________________________

11. tincture- настоянка

To take twenty drops of the tincture________________________________________________________________

12. tablespoon- столова ложка

To take a table spoon of_______________________________________________________

13. teaspoon -чайна ложка

To take a teaspoon on an empty stomach________________________________________________________________

Form word combination taking one word from the letter column and one word from the right one.

1. medicinal a) effect

2. undesirable b) substances

3. therapeutic c) reaction

4. hydroalcoholic d) preparation

5. allergic e) action

6. mineral f) solution


Make up sentences with the new words.

Match the following English words/word combinations and their Ukrainian translations.

1. Tonics a) подразнення

2. Liniment b) відхаркувальний засіб

3. Drops c) мікстура від кашлю

4. Drugs d) кашель

5. Antiseptic e) знеболюючі засоби

6. Expectorant f) аплікація, прикладання

7. Cough mixture g) ліки

8. Laxative h) лінімент (рідка мазь)

9. Analgesics i) краплі

10. Application drugs j) зміцнюючий засіб

11. Cough k)послаблюючий (проносний) засіб

12. Irrtiation l) антисептичний засіб

1__ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___9___ 11___ 12___

Classification and major characteristics of drugs

A drug or medicine is ant substance or mixture of substances which is taken into the body for the purpose of improving one’s physical or mental condition. In the past, medicines were usually mixtures of many plants and mineral substances, prescribed in Latin by physicians and made up by pharmacists into elixirs, powders or ointments that were often strange smelling and tasting. Today we live in an entirely different era of drugs and medicines.

Rarely are prescriptions written in Latin and reraly does the pharmacists himself prepare drugs. Instead, most medicines are manufactured in large quantities in the form of tablets, capsules, timereleased particles, creams, suppositories and liquids for oral use or injections. Production, distribution and availability of each type of drug is controlled by legislation dating back to the first half of this century, although new laws continue to be made.

Nowadays, before a drug is introduced on the market, it must meet srtingent standards of safety and effectiveness, since it may be used by millions. To determine whether it does meet these requirements, it is first tested in many animals and later in human volunteers and persons with specific diseases which the drug is designed to treat.

All drugs can be grouped according to the action they possess. The main groups are:

1. Therapeutic effect is a selective action on an organ.

2. Side effects are an undesirable action (nausea, vomiting, and rash, ect).

3. Allergic reaction is an expected individual reaction.

T o these we can add indication, shelf life, and storage condition.

Drugs are most commonly can be administered in a number of ways:

· Orally, as a liquid or solid, that is absorbed through the stomach.

· Inhaled, (breathed into the lungs), as a vapour.

· Parentarally (by injection): intramuscular, intravenous.

· Rectally as a suppository, that is absorbed by the colon.

· Vaginally as a suppository, primarily to treat vaginal infections.

· Topically as applications for the skin.

Many drugs can be administered in a variety of ways.

Answer the following questions.

1. Can you find definition of a drug given in the text?


2. How did medicines look like the past?


3. Are most medicines manufactured nowadays? In what forms?


4. By whom is production, distribution and availability of drugs controlled?


5. What happens before a drug is introduced on the classified?


6. In what two groups can the drugs be classified?


7. What is the action of antiseptics?


8. What are expectorants used for?

9. What are the applications?


10. What forms of drug do you know?


11. Can you describe the major characteristics of drugs?


12. How are drugs administered?




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