Give examples of objectives that sales, production, and personnel managers might set. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Give examples of objectives that sales, production, and personnel managers might set.

3. Phrasal verbs with out. Find in the text sentences with sort out (paragraph 4) and spell out (paragraph 5) and translate them into Russian.

Complete the following sentences, using suitable forms of the verbs in the box below

sort out spell out sell out make out buy out sound out bring out carry out turn out pull out

1. The firm …………… about five hundred sports car a year.

2. We hope …………… our production problems soon.

3. If the firm doesn’t make a profit, the owners will probably …………….

4. I’m willing to consider introducing flextime, but would you first …………… the advantages of the system, please?

5. Givenchy have …………… an exciting new perfume.

6. Would you …………… the cheque to David Cotton, please?

7. In order to develop new products, pharmaceutical companies have to …………… a lot of research.

8. Several leading banks such as Barklays have …………… of South Africa.

9. A group of senior managers want to take over the firm by …………… it …………….

10. We’re looking for a new executive. I understand one or two possible candidates have already been …………….

In pairs, use some of the verbs above in sentences of your own.



Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the verbals (participle, gerund, infinitive):

  1. These organizations are essential to our existence, helping to create our standard of living and our quality of life.
  2. There are people carrying out the work of a manager although they do not have that title.
  3. They have a responsibility to use the resources of their organization effectively and economically to achieve its objectives.
  4. To manage is «to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control».
  5. Instead of talking about command, they say a manager must motivate or direct and lead other workers.
  6. Managers at this level spend a great deal of time communicating, coordinating and making decisions affecting the daily operation of their organization.
  7. Managers must select people for the jobs to be done.
  8. Managers not only need analytical ability but also understanding of human beings.
  9. Their task is to motivate and communicate effectively.
  10. To succeed in this task, managers need social skills.
  11. Having set targets and standards, managers have to measure the performance of the organization, and of its staff, in relation to those targets.
  12. Managers develop people, including themselves

Инфинитив в предложении

Английский вариант Русский вариант Функция и место инфинитива в английском предложении
To read English books is useful Читать английские книги – полезно. Подлежащее; в начале предложения и другого подлежащего нет. Переводится существительным или неопределенной формой глагола
To live is to learn Жить – значит учиться частью сказуемого;стоит после форм глагола to be или после модальных глаголов must, can, may, should и др.). Переводится неопределенной формой глагола.
I like to work   дополнением;стоит после сказуемого Простые формы переводятся существительным или неопределенной формой глагола, сложные формы придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы.
To raise the labour productivity we must apply the new equipment Чтобы повысить производительность труда, мы должны применить новое оборудование Обстоятельство;стоит в конце или в начале предложения иногда вводится союзом in order to или словами too, enough перед или после прилагательного. Переводится неопределенной формой глагола с союзом чтобы, для того чтобы или существ. с предлогом для.
The work to be finished next week is of great interest.   He was the last to come to the meeting   Работа, которую необходимо (нужно, следует) закончить на следующей неделе представляет большой интерес.     Он последний пришел на собрание     определением;стоит после определяемого существительного. Переводится: а)придаточным предложением с союзом который, сказуемое которого выражает долженствование, возможность или будущее время; б) неопределенной формой глагола, в) иногда существительным. в) инфинитив после слов the first, the last и т.п. переводится глаголом в том времени, в котором стоит глагол to be.



Participle 1 Причастие 1 1. строящийся 2. строя формальные маркеры; when (while) building при строительстве строя когда (пока) строят     The working motor (какой?)-работающий мотор   Applying the method the technologists will get the results desired - Применяя метод технологи получат желаемые результаты (ф.обст.) being built
  1. строящийся (который строится)
  2. будучи построенный (т.к., когда строится)
having built –построив, когда построили
Verbal noun Отглагольное существительное здание строительство формальные маркеры: артикли a, the Vings – множественное число Gerund Герундий   1. строить 2. строительство маркеры: глагол + ing-форма предлог+ ing-форма переводится: предлог +сущест. деепричастие (а, я, ав, ив)   the working model (для чего?) – рабочая модель, модель для работы Applying the method will give the results desired – Применение этого метода даст желаемые результат

Read the presented texts and find main ideas using the following expressions:

The text is about …

At the beginning of the text the author stresses (underlines, points out) that …

Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) …

After that the author passes on to (description of, statement of, analysis of …}

At the end of the text the author comes to the conclusion (pays attention to the fact) that…


The American company, IBM, believes in creating good working conditions for its employees and in building up employee-manager relationships. One of its key policies is its Open Door programme.

This policy was started by IBM's founder and first Chairman, T. J. Watson, about fifty years ago. Watson had close contacts with staff working in the plant and field offices. Therefore, staff often brought their problems to him. Using telephone broads casts, Watson told his staff that they should go first to their plant or branch manager if they felt they were being unfairly treated. But if they were still not satisfied, they should come to him.

Many of his staff took advantage of his offer. Some would take a day off work, leaving the plant in Endicott to go to see Watson in his office in New York City. He would give them a sympathetic hearing, often deciding in favour of the employee who had complained. By the time he left the company, Watson had become a trusted friend to thousands of IBM employees.

Today, the Open Door policy is still practised by IBМ. The programme works like this: if employees think they have been unfairly treated by their immediate manager, they can appeal to a higher level of management to solve the problem. In fact, they can go to higher and higher levels of management if they wish. Alternatively, they can take their case directly to an executive director. In practice, some cases are taken to senior management and executive management level; others are resolved py the immediate manager's manager. Staff may raise any subject they wish. Generally, appeals are about promotions, relations with immediate managers, and assessments of staff performance.

In recent years, there have been 20-25 Open Door appeals dealt with by executive management annually. The employee's appeal has been favourably received in a quarter of those cases.


When Paula, aged twenty-five, joined the Packing and Despatch Department, she was determined to do a good job and get on in the company. There were six other women in the department, mostly older women. Paula, being young and keen, worked harder than all of them. Soon, in fact, her work-rate was double that of everyone else. About a year after she joined the company, the supervisor of the department retired. Paula was offered the job, which she accepted with delight.

From the very beginning she had problems. For one thing, she wasn't popular with the other women. They made jokes about her to her face, saying that she was trying to impress the management by working so hard. And, whenever she tried to persuade them to increase their work-rate, they said that the department was becoming a «sweat shop». Another thing that annoyed them was Paula's attitude to life. She made no secret of the fact that she had several different boyfriends. She was a «liberated women» wanting to get the most out of life. «You only live once» was her favourite expression. The other women didn't like her attitude at all, and made this clear to her.

One day, Paula criticized one of the women for taking an unofficial fifteen-minute tea break. A little later, the group of women came to Paula. One of them, Eileen - a sort of leader of the group - told Paula they were stopping work for the day. «We're not putting up with this kind of treatment», Eileen told her.


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