God of Ziplanda, Katahhi of Ankuwa, and Teteshapi, whose main cult center was 

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God of Ziplanda, Katahhi of Ankuwa, and Teteshapi, whose main cult center was

.. 196

* awimya.

A group of gods mentioned at the beginning of the list and ending with the

Mysterious GAL.ZU constitutes the basic Hittite pantheon which was tantamount

To the pantheon of Hattusa itself. This group appears in many cult ceremonies, also

in the Empire period. The Sun-goddess of Arinna, ‘Lady of the land of Haiti,’ is listed

Before the Storm-god as a rule. In its classical form, the group of the most import

Ant Hittite divinities includes six (or seven) deities who received offerings in the

following sequence: Sun-goddess (of Arinna), Storm-god, Mezzulla, Inar, Hulla, Teil-

pinu (and GAL.ZU), ' The king drank a ritual toast to these gods Standing on the

Ceremonial throne halmasuil. The adding of the War-god ZABABA /Wurunkatte to

This group of divinities in the list belonging to the Kl.LAM festival drew from his

Role played in the ideology of kingship (see below).

192 ABoT 5++ i 5’ff., Neu 1980: 29f. (no. 12): Singer 1984: 32f.; Yoshida 1996: 76.

Cf. Yoshida 1996: 76.

194 ABoT 5++ i lo’ff.

KUB 57.59 ii 9’ff., Yoshida 1996: 77.

De Martine 2006. For the loeation of Tawiniya norfchwest of Hattusa, see Barjamovic 2005: 303ff.

Cf. Yoshida 1992: 148ff.; 1996: 88 ff.

The pantheon of the Capital originallv comprised solely the gods of Hattusa and

Nearby Arinna. This stage of the pantheon development is documented by the list

From the KI.LAM festival cited above. The first place held by the Storm-god (along

With his companion Wasezzili) indicates that the KI.LAM festival was actually

Celebrated for the Storm-god of Haiti, the main divinity of the Capital. Descriptions

Of other ceremonies confirm this conclusion, gods for whom a given festival was cel

Ebrated always received sacrifices first in line. As far as the.KI.LAM festival is con-

Cerned, the tradition probably goes back to the obscure time of the foundation of the

Citv-state of Hattusa, when the Storm-god and the Sun-goddess from the holy city of

v ' ^9g

Arinna became the euperior divine couple of the pantheon. The circumstances and

Chronology of the changes that made the Storm-god in effect the supreme divinity of

Hattusa remain elusive for lack of written sources referring to this early period. It

Is not unlikely that these changes took. the same course as in Kanes where Anna,

goddess of the city from the kärum Level II, was replaced in this role by the Storm-

god in the kärum Level Ib period (see 2.1).

Inar, goddess of Hattusa, presumably belonged to the category of tutelary god-

Desses connected with the realm of nature, the countryside and wild fauna in par-

Ticular. 199 This bringt; to mind an anonymous goddess of the same category, who is

Known from representations on Cappadocian seals (see 2.2), indicating her promi

nent position in the local pantheons. Düring the KI.LAM festival a procession left

The ternple of Inar carrying Images of wild animals made of precious metals: silver

leopard, golden lion, boars of silver and lapis lazuli, and silver bear.' ' Cult sing

Ing was in this case in Hittite, 201 suggesting that the Hittites of Hattusa considered

Inar their own divinity. Volkert Haas argued, on the basis of the name, that Inar’s

For a possible early Anatolian tradition of the KI.LAM festival, see Kryszat 2004: 21 f. who

suggests a Connection between the festival’s name and the market-place {Akkadian MAHJRUM

= KI.LAM) which is mentioned in Old Assyrien texte in association with the sikkätum ceremonies

Celebrated in Kanes.

Kammcnhuber 1976a; 1976-1980a; Haas 1994a: 436ff.; Klinger 1996: 169ff. Cf. also Archi

A: 13.

Singer 1983: 90ff. On the role of Inar and the procession during the KI.LAM festival, see also

Archi 1988a: 29ff.; 1993a: 4081 For the animals: Collins 1989: 298ff.; 2002a: 328 n. 70.

201 KU B 20.10+ i 17, ii 14, Neu 1980: 132 (no. 59); Mp 1983: 244; Yoshida 1996: 67; KBo 21.70

i 24’, Yoshida 1996: 122; KBo 17.83++ in 17’!, Yoshida 1996: 142. Cf. also Yoshida 1996:

328 (Ll ' 5 - ME ®iVesumc:ies/ LÜ f ME§) NAK mv Kanii Si ß BE/); Klinger 1996: 91,1601; Archi 2004a:

With n. 4.

The Old Hittite Period


companion, Habandali(ya), shouid be interpreted as a Luwian shepherd goddess; Haas

Sees her cult in Hattusa as vet more proof of early contaets between the Luwians



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