Упражнения по теме «Герундий» 

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Упражнения по теме «Герундий»

Упражнение 1. Образуйте герундий от данных ниже глаголов. Используйте образец. Переведите их.

to fish (рыбачить) – fishing (рыбалка)

to collect (коллекционировать) – collecting (коллекция)

to read (читать) –

to paint (рисовать) –

to watch –

to listen –

to grow –

to build –

to play –

to cook –

to swim –


Упражнение 2. Найдите в предложениях герундий и определите время, залог и его функцию. Переведите предложения.

1. Smoking costs a lot of money.

2. I will call you after arriving at the office.

3. Please have a drink before leaving.

4. I am looking forward to meeting you.

5. Do you object to working late?

6. Mary always dreams about going on holiday.

7. Please excuse us for waiting too long.

8. My favoutite occupation is reading.

9. We are interested in buying these goods.

10. I have three shirts that need washing.

11. They insisted on being sent the results of tests.

12. What is the purpose of his going there?

13. This letter requires signing.

14. I am grateful for his helping me. I am grateful for his having helped me.

15. We thank you for sending us your letter.

16. The house wants repainting.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст, переведите его. Скажите, в каких функциях упортеблен герундий.

Bad habit.

Lena has a bad habit. She smokes. Her friends always tell her to stop smoking. They say that smoking is unhealthy. Lena knows it, but still keeps on smoking. She wants to stop, but she can`t. Smoking is a habit she just can`t break.


Упражнение 4. Назовите функции герундия.

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for engineers.

2. They finished installing tha apparatus only on Sunday.

3. They began making the experiment in May.

4. After failing his examination in January he had to take it again in February.

5. At the meet they discussed different ways of improving their work.

6. Speaking foreign anguages is important for everyone.

7. They objected to his staying at home.

Упражнение 5. Переделайте предложения по образцу, используя can remember/ can`t remember.

1. He was in hospital when he was 4.

2. He went to Paris when he was 8.

3. Once he fell into a river.

4. He cried on his first day at school.

5. He said he wanted to be a doctor.

6. Once he was bitten by a dog.

He still remembers 1, 2, 4.

He can not remember 3, 5, 6.

ü He can remember being in hospital when he was 4.





Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения по смыслу, используя need(s).

clean, cut, empty, redecorate, tighten

1. Her jacket is dirty. It needs cleaning.

2. The glass is very long. It needs………

3. The room is not nice. It ………………

4. The screw is loose. It…………………

5. The bin is full. It………………………

Упражнение 7. Дополните предложения, используя likes/ doesn`t like.

1. George is a detective. He enjoys his work. He likes solving mysteries. (solve mysteries)

2. Ann very rarely travels by plane. She_________________(fly).

3. Rose always carries a camera with her. She____________(take photographs).

4. Christine doesn`t use her car very often. She__________(drive).

5. Dave is a gardener. He likes his job. He_______________(work in the open air).

6. Ted is extremely lazy. He ____________________(do nothing).


Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. Do you mind ……. (travel) such a long way to work?

2. Ann loves ……. (cook) but she hates…….(wash) up.

3. I tried to be serious but I couldn`t help (не мог не) ….(laugh)

4. You can improve your English by ……(do) a lot of reading.

5. Tom left without ……(finish) his dinner.

6. She ran 5 miles without ……… (stop).

7. They got into the house by …(break) a kitchen window and climbing in.

8. It`s nice to go on holiday without …..(have) to worry about money.

Упражнение 9. Выберите предлоги, данные в скобках (in, of, for, to, like, on)

1. He insisted ….buying me a dress.

2. I`m looking forward ….meeting her.

3. Has he succeeded ….finding a job yet?

4. He apologized … keeping me waiting.

5. I`m thinking ….buying a flat.

6. We don`t feel …going out tonight.


Упражнение 10. Образуйте из двух данных вам предложений одно. Используйте образец.

1. Don`t worry about it. It is no use. – it is no use worrying about it.

2. Don`t get a taxi. It is not worth it. – ……………………………..

3. Don`t try to escape. It is no use. – ……………………………....

4. Don`t smoke. It is a waste of money. – ………………………....

5. Don`t hurry. It`s not worth it. – ………………………………....

6. Don`t read newspapers. It`s a waste of time. – ……………….....

7. Don`t get angry. It`s not worth it. – …………………………......

8. Don`t study if you are feeling tired. There is no point. –………..


Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу глаголом.

Answer, apply, be, listen, be, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write

1. He tried to avoid answering my question

2. Could you please stop….. so much noise?

3. I enjoy ……..to music.

4. I considered ……..for the job but in the end I decided against it.

5. Have you finished …….your hair yet?

6. If you walk into the road without looking, you ….knocked down.

7. Jim is 65 but he isn`t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on...

8. I don`t mind you …the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

9. Hello! Fancy …. you here! What a surprise!

10. What a stupid thing to do. Can you imagine anybody ….so stupid!

11. I`ve put off... the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

12. Sarah gave up.... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

Упражнение 12. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы смысл совпадал с исходным предложением.

1. I can do what I want and you can`t stop me. – You can`t stop me doing what I want.

2. It s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. – It`s better to avoid………………........................................................................................

3. Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today? – Shall we postpone……………until…………....................……………………………….?

4. The driver of the car said it was true he didn`t have a license. – The driver of the car admitted……..…….……………………………….......

5. Could you turn the radio down, please? – Would you mind…….....................................................................................................…?

6. Please don`t interrupt me all the time. – Would you mind……..................................................................................................…...?

Упражнение 13. Закончите самостоятельно предложения.

1. She is a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her.

2. I`m not feeling very well. I don`t fancy………………………

3. I`m afraid there aren`t any chairs. I hope you don`t mind……

4. It was a lovely day, so I suggested……………………………

5. It was very funny. I couldn`t stop…………………………….

6. My car isn`t very reliable. It keeps……………………………

Причастие (The participle)


Причастие в английском языке представляет собой неличную форму глагола, которая наряду со свойствами глагола имеет свойства прилагательного или наречия.

Обладая свойствами прилагательного, причастие служит определением к существительному. В этой функции оно соответствует русскому причастию. Причастие I выражает активное действие. Причастие II выражает действие, совершаемое над подлежащим.

A broken cup lay on the table. – Разбитая чашка лежала на столе.

Обладая свойствами наречия, причастие служит обстоятельством, определяющим действие, выраженное сказуемым. В этой функции оно соответствует русскому деепричастию.

Standing on the bank of the river, he watched the dockers at work. – Стоя на берегу реки, он наблюдал, как работают докеры.

Образование форма причастия

Present Participle (причастие настоящего времени) образуется путем прибавления ing к инфинитиву глагола (без частицы to):

To read – reading

To study – studying

To give – giving

To tie tying

To die + ing dying

To lie lying

To sit – sitting

To travel – travelling

Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени) правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления к глаголу в форме инфинитива окончания – ed:

To ask – asked

To order – ordered

Past Participle неправильных глаголов образуется различными способами:

To give – given

To buy – bought



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