Translate the following sentences into English. 

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Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. За допомогою функції bluetooth можна передавати зображення з одного телефону на інший.
  2. Чи можу я замовити міжміську розмову звідси, з готелю?
  3. Такий спосіб спілкування, як листування, вже не актуальний на сьогодні.
  4. Я ніяк не можу набрати номер. Весь час короткі гудки. Напевно, апарат не працює.
  5. Сьогодні кожен другий має доступ до Інтернету, за допомогою якого ми можемо отримати будь-яку інформацію.
  6. Мобільний телефон удосконалюють із кожним роком, додаючи до нього bluetooth, GPS, MP3 програвач.
  7. Сучасні засоби зв’язку, такі як ICQ, Skype, CDMA, набули широкого застосування.
  8. Перевага мобільного телефону полягає в тому, що ти можеш зв’язатись із будь-ким де б ти не був.


Study the text and do the following.

a) match the headings to the paragraphs.

A Differences between people and animals

B Communication today

C How we communicate

D History of communication

b) answer these questions.

Ø Which animals are mentioned? What can they do?

Ø What is special about human communication? What can we do?

Ø Which four forms of media are mentioned in the last paragraph?

Ø What is good and bad about information technology today?

c) what do you think?

Ø What can animals do that people can’t?

Ø How do you like to communicate?

Ø What is happening in information technology today?

PEOPLE – the great communicators

1_ ____________________________________

We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.

2 _____________________________________

Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We have language – about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.

3 _____________________________________

Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies:

• Around 2900 BC, paper and hieroglyphics transformed Egyptian life.

• The ancient Greeks loved the spoken word. They were very good at public speaking, drama, and philosophy.

• The Romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the Roman alphabet.

• In the 14th century, the printing press helped develop new ways of thinking across Europe.

4 ____________________________________________________________________________

Radio, film, and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t. Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day.



Read the following dialogue.

Assistant 1: Sunder’s Enterprises, good morning.

Mr. Shapiro: Good morning. May I speak to Andrew Tirelli, please.

Assistant 1: I’m sorry, Mr. Tirelli is at the meeting at the moment. Can he call you back?

Mr. Shapiro: Yes, this is Peter Shapiro from De Mario, I’m at 457-4765.

Assistant 1: I’ll tell him to call you right back.

Mr. Shapiro: Thanks.

(A bit later)

Mr. Tirelli: Mr. Shapiro, please.

Assistant 2: I’m sorry, Mr. Shapiro just stepped away from his desk. May I take a message?

Mr. Tirelli: I’m just returning his call.

Assistant 2: O.K. I’ll give him a message.

Mr. Tirelli: Thanks. Good-bye.


Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

The phone has just rung in the Jackson’s house and Kenny has gone to answer it.

  1. – I’m still here at school. I’ve decided to stay and work on my history project with Carol.
  2. – Wait a minute…
  3. – Hey, Mom. It’s Debbie.
  4. – Hello?
  5. – Thanks, Mom.
  6. – See you later.
  7. – Have you had anything to eat yet?
  8. – Sure.
  9. – No, but I’ll go to the Pizza Place later.
  10. – Can you pick me up there at 8 o’clock?
  11. – O.K., dear, bye.
  12. – Debbie, dear. Where are you?
  13. – Hi, Kenny. Can I talk to Mom, please?


Fill the gaps in these phone conversations with suitable words or phrases.

A: Hello.

B: Hi……………Sandra?

A: No, sorry. I’m ………………Sandra’s not here at the moment.

B: Oh. Do you know when she’ll………………?

A: No, I’ve no idea.

B: OK. Well in that case, could I ………………a ……………… for her?

A: Yes, of course.

B: Could you ask her to………………. this evening, please?

A: Sure. What’s your name?

B: Catherine. I’m a colleague from work. She’s got my number.
A: Right. I’ll tell her.

B: Thanks very much. Bye-bye.

A: Bye.




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