Заключительный этап 2020-2021 уч. год. Социально-гуманитарное направление 

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Заключительный этап 2020-2021 уч. год. Социально-гуманитарное направление

Социально-гуманитарное направление



Задание 1


Письменно охарактеризуйте объективные и субъективные причины обострения экономического и политического кризиса в Российской империи накануне революции 1917 года.

Задание 2


Письменно проанализируйте основные направления в развитии отечественной культуры периода нэпа.

Задание 3


Напишите краткое историческое сочинение на тему «Решающий вклад СССР в победу антигитлеровской коалиции над фашизмом».



Задание 1


Выбери верные суждения

Деятельность законодательных органов власти относится к:

А) духовной сфере жизни общества;

Б) экономической сфере жизни общества;

В)политической сфере жизни общества;

Г) социальной сфере жизни общества.

Задание 2


Выбери верные суждения

Отличительной особенностью элитарной культуры является:

А) сложность содержания;

Б) ограниченность национальными рамками.

В) способность приносить прибыль;

Г) ориентация на широкую публику.

Задание 3


 Выбери верные суждения

Высшим представительным органом РФ является:

А) Федеральное Собрание; Б) правительство;

В) Верховный Суд; Г) Президент.

Задание 4


Одним из основных признаков правового государства является:

А) публичная власть;

Б) система государственных законов;

В) система правоохранительных органов;

Г) разделение властей.

Задание 5


Выбери верные суждения

Отклоняющееся поведение – это:

А) любые изменения в жизни человека;

Б) перемещение человека в пределах своей группы;

В) несоблюдение принятых в обществе норм;

Г) изменение социального статуса человека.


Иностранный язык

Задание 1


For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

What is genealogy?

Genealogy is a branch of history. It concerns family history, (1) _________ than the national or world history studied at school. It doesn’t merely involve drawing a family tree. However, tracing your family history can also (2) _________ in learning about your roots and your identity. The Internet enables millions of people worldwide to (3) _________ information about their family history, without great (4) _________.

People who research their family history often (5) _________ that it’s a fascinating hobby which (6) _________ a lot about where they come from and whether they have famous ancestors. According to a survey involving 900 people who had researched their family history, the chances of discovering a celebrity in your past are one in ten. The survey also concluded that the (7) _________ back you follow your family line, the more likely you are to find a relation who was much wealthier than you are. However, the vast majority of people who (8) _________ in the survey discovered they were better off than their ancestors.

1 A instead B rather C except D sooner
2 A cause B mean C result D lead
3 A accomplish B access C approach D admit
4 A fee B price C charge D expense
5 A describe B define C remark D regard
6 A reveals B opens C begins D arises
7 A older B greater C higher D further
8 A attended B participated C included D associated

Задание 2


For questions 9–16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Motorbike stunt rider

I work as a motorbike stunt rider – that is, I do tricks on my motorbike at shows. The Le Mans race track in France was (9) _______ I first saw some guys doing motorbike stunts. I’d never seen anyone riding a motorbike using just the back wheel before and I was (10) _______ impressed I went straight home and taught (11) _______ to do the same. It wasn’t very long before I began to earn my living at shows performing my own motorbike stunts.

I have a degree (12) ______ mechanical engineering; this helps me to look at the physics (13) _______ lies behind each stunt. In addition to being responsible for design changes to the motorbike, I have to work (14) ________ every stunt I do. People often think that my work is very dangerous, but, apart (15) _______ some minor mechanical problem happening occasionally during a stunt, nothing ever goes wrong. I never feel in (16) _____ kind of danger because I’m very experienced.

Задание 3


For questions 17–24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

An incredible vegetable

Garlic, a member of the Liliaceae family which also includes onions, is commonly used in cooking all around the world. China is currently the largest (17) _______ of garlic, which is particularly associated with the dishes of northern Africa and southern Europe. It is native to central Asia and has long had a history as a health-giving food, used both to prevent and cure (18) _______. In Ancient Egypt, workers building the pyramids were given garlic to keep them strong, while Olympic athletes in Greece ate it to increase their resistance to infection. The forefather of antibiotic medicine, Louis Pasteur, claimed garlic was as (19) _______ as penicillin in treating infections. Modern-day (20) _______ have proved that garlic can indeed kill bacteria and even some viruses, so it can be very useful for people who have coughs and colds. In (21) _______, some doctors believe that garlic can reduce blood (22) _______. The only (23) _______ to this truly amazing food is that the strong and rather (24) _______ smell of garlic is not the most pleasant!     PRODUCT     ILL   EFFECT SCIENCE ADD PRESS ADVANTAGE SPICE


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