Why does not the child want to go to the kindergarten. 

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Why does not the child want to go to the kindergarten.


The causes which the kid does not want to go to the kindergarten in can be a lot. I will remain the most typical ones on.

The most essential reason is the natural unwillingness of the child to break away from the environment and the familiar surroundings.


The letter
The mother: My son could not get used to the kindergarten at all. There he was sent that is crying, when I came to take him that is I saw him running with the tears to me. The caregivers told that he lay into the bed, turned from the communication, the games away and refused to eat from eleven o’clock. We were hard this way for three weeks. Later, after the conversation with my husband, we stopped bringing him to the kindergarten. How long could the one fray his nerves? My mother had to sit with him at home.

The letter
The caregiver: I have a girl, clever and reasonable, in the group. And what to do with her, I do not know. She sits the whole days, by the window, and asks everybody: “And when will my mother come to me?” if I sit, tell and read any books, about a time she keeps calm. And for her own then again. But after all I cannot work only with her alone; I have other children in the group who need my attention and my care too. They are thrown in this situation.


The baby, not being able to think in time perspective, sees every separation from his mother and his family as an irreversible loss. This will last until he understands the new order of meeting and the separation for him and he can be used to the children and the caregivers. After all even a cat or a dog, having left in the care of the neighbours, misses the owners and it behaves unnaturally. What to tell about such the complex being like a man. The kid is not always used to the noise, a lot of people and the emotional isolation of the life quickly and painfully in the kindergarten. Some children suffer from it for months. And being forced to go where the baby feels uncomfortable undermines his faith in the parental love.

The other cause of the child’s unwillingness to visit the kindergarten is passing change of the regime and the environment. Both the activities and the daily schedule designed for a norm – diligent and age in the kindergarten, they sometimes do not take into account their individual characteristics of the children. In the link with that many parents face with the problem of waking up – hard and morning or the complaints of the kid on the poignancy [¢poınjesı] some moments of the regime for him, for example the quiet hour.


Imparting of the child to the regime is the formation the skill of going to bed, getting up in time and also to eat, to walk by hours. At the moments it is necessary to mean that two or three cases of the desadaptation – last and full to the conditions of the kindergarten accept every hundreds of the children. As a rule this is the only children in the family or the children who is often sick sitting with their mother or their grandmother at home for a long time.


As I have noted, the best age for getting used to the regime of the kindergarten by the kid both successful and earliest is from two or three years old. And more thankful less one is four years old and the space from five to six years. Do not forget about it, dear parents, when deciding to bring your child to the kindergarten.

Another reason which the kid does not want to go to the kindergarten in is unusual food for him.


The letter
The mother: Our daughter Natasha has been going to the kindergarten for the second years. The caregivers complained about her that she eats badly. She eats everything in a row and in the large quantities at home, when coming from the kindergarten back. When asking her that is why she does not eat in the kindergarten. She keeps silence – she does not tell anything.


And here are the lines of other letter:

The letter
“Our son does not eat much. He does not eat anything and if the caregivers try to feed him with the spoon, there is vomiting. And it is a pity to leave the kindergarten. There either the ones work with him very well or the caregivers are soulful. But we bother the son. After all it is harmful for the kid that is to go hungry from seven o’clock of the morning till seven o’clock of the evening”.


Three or four meals in the kindergarten what ensures the vital activities and the efficiency of the kid’s body. However the parents often complain that the children do not eat well in the kindergarten. This applies especially to the dishes such as any soups and any porridge. If we can be with no them enough for a long time in home menu this prefers everyday their usage.

One day I had to work with a boy who started his morning getting up with the laments: “I do not want the porridge!..” on the dacha during the two-months being in the kindergarten.

What are so wrong such the healthy dishes as the porridge and the soups for our children?

The porridge cooked in milk, often burns. The babies try the product with the smell and the taste of burning milk enough once time and its view will be occur the aversion. The children start refusing from the food as the digestive reflexes forms very quickly. It is needed to notice that this is not a whim and a strong reaction of the organism that is the salivation and the secretion of the gastric juice stop and the urge to vomiting occurs. And eating is fed forcibly lingers in the stomach for a long time, causing the unpleasant feeling and even the illness.

Let me tell some words about the soups now a little. Their usage is the thing enough hard and delicate. The dish is liquid however it is prohibited to drink. Eat it carefully with the spoon far not every preschooler can. In addition, there are such the unappetizing products in the soups from the children’s point of view as the onion fried, a carrot and the fat. There are a lot of children who cannot bear their tastes and the smell. The individual selectivity also plays the unimportant role here. Somebody does not like fish soup; someone does not like the one – milk or rice and there is no the choice again. Therefore the babies have to sit for thirty or forty minutes over the plate with the cooled soup while the entire group sent to the bedroom for the quiet time. And if we can replace one dish after another enough easily in home conditions, then it is much more difficult to do this in the kindergarten. The food standards approved exist here the purchase of the products is carried out organized and their distribution on the groups, the replacement (for example, instead of the first dish – two of the second ones) is not provided.



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