II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations: 

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II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

According to, centuries-old recipes, well-defined taste, sour, sauerkraut, dried mushrooms, preserve, contain delicacies, main course, culinary tradition, stuffing, blackberries, buckwheat, cream sauce, pancakes, dumplings, recipe, snack, home-made, poppy-seed cakes, honey gingerbread.



Ex. 2. What are the English equivalents for:

Традиційна їжа, швидко перекушувати, спеціалізуватися на приготуванні національних блюд, їжа приготована по домашньому, легкі напої, доступні ціни, різноманітність начинок, прикрашати, голубці, запікати, млинці, сметанний соус, добрий смак, оладки, стародавні рецепти приготування страв, делікатеси, десерт, компоненти, консерванти, кулінарні рецепти.


Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the information given in the text:

1. Polish cuisine is characterised by ….

2. The main ingredients of Polish cookery are …

3. One of the oldest methods of preserving foodstaffs is …

4. Sour vegetables contain …

5. The main meal in the Polish culinary tradition is …

6. “Obiad” consists of …

7. “Pierogi” are said to have come ….

8. “Pierogi” are made of …

9. Stuffed cabbage is cooked with …

10. Potato-pancakes and potato dumplings are prepared with...


Ex. 4. Complete the following table:

Noun Verb
……….. stay
specialization ………….
…………. serve
preparation ………..
………….. characterize
definition …………..
…………… preserve
filling ………….
………….. stuff
dependence …………..
…………. vary
taste ……….
…………… presentation
recommendation …………..
feeling ……………
……………… add


III. Speech exercises


Ex. 1. Ask questions to fit these answers:

1. A lot of Polish restaurants specialize in traditional Polish cooking.

2. The dishes are prepared according to the best, centuries –old recipes.

3. Polish cuisine is characterized by dishes with a well-defined taste.

4. Sauerkraut, vegetables, fruits, and fresh or dried mushrooms are the main ingredients of Polish style cooking.

5. Sour cucumbers and sauerkraut are rich in vitamin C and mineral salts.

6. A classical “objad” consists of soup, the main course, and dessert.

7. A real hit of the Polish culinary tradition are ‘pierogi’.

8. Another folk dish is stuffed cabbage.

9. The folk cuisine also offers potato pancakes and potato dumplings.

10.Each Polish housewife and each restaurant has a unique recipe for almost every dish.


Ex. 2. Make up an outline of the text.

Ex. 3. Retell the text.





Beetroot soup or “barszcz”, has a tradition of a very long standing, going back to pagan times. The farming population of present-day Poland supplemented their modest crops with what they could find in the forests and meadows. “Barszcz” was probably a soup made of a wild plant with a sour taste which is still called by that name in some dialects.

Centuries passed, and the wild growth was replaced by cultivated plants, and “barszcz” was now made with red beetroot. First, it was made with the sour-tasting fermented beetroot juice: today this ingredient is replaced by vinegar or lemon juice. True Polish beetroot soup has sour taste.

Beetroot soup made with vegetable stock and served with mushroom-filled “ears” is a traditional Polish dish for Christmas Eve supper.

“Chlodnik”, a truly delicious Polish soup, is served cold. It is made of sour milk and thick cream, and all sorts of ingredients, such as baby beets, beetroots, cucumbers, radishes, chives, dill, and other fresh raw vegetables.

“Chlodnik” may be compared to the Spanish “gazpacho”, or the Russian “okroshka”.

Other traditional Polish soups also have sour taste. Let us take the cucumber soup, for example, made of sour cucumbers, or “kapusniak” – sauerkraut soup, or “szczawiowa” – sorrel soup, which used to be made of wild sorrel. Mushroom soup is certainly worth recommending, especially its Christmas Eve variety, served with square shaped noodles.


Vocabulary notes

1. pagan Þ язичеський
2. supplement Þ доповнювати
3. wild plant Þ Дика рослина
4. sorrel Þ щавель
5. raw vegetables Þ необроблені овочі
6. dill Þ кріп
7. square shaped noodle Þ Локшина,  порізана квадратиками


Ex. 1 Discuss in pairs the peculiarities of soup cooking in Polish and Ukrainian cuisines.


A Pole’s favorite dish is a pork cutlet prepared in a variety of styles: “au naturel”, with fried onions, or coated in bread crumbs or pieces of toast. Pork cutlet is usually served with stewed cabbage, which is considered to be a classical accompaniment to pork dishes.

Poles also like pork roast, hot and cold. Hot pork roast is especially tasty when it cooks covered with dried prunes and sprinkled with red wine.

An old Polish dish which must be especially ordered is a piglet Polish style, with a stuffing of buck wheat.

Beef, with the exception of steak tartar, is not a favorite kind of meat among Poles, unless you try “zrazy’ – beef rolls, filled with the delicious stuffing of bacon, dark bread, sour cucumber, and mushroom mixture.

Traditional Polish poultry dishes include chicken Polish style and duck with apples. The chicken is filled with a stuffing of liver, rye bread, egg, butter, spices, and parsley springs, and it is roasted in the oven. The duck is rubbed with marjoram, filled with apple sections (sour apples are best) and roasted in the oven, often basted with water and red wine.

Bigos is a dish of fresh and sour cabbage, stewed for as long as several days with all kinds of meat cuts and sausage. Classical recipes specify that the amount of meat should be equal; to the amount of cabbage. Bigos is an idea dish for cold winter days, and it is no accident that it has become a favourite snack of hunters, travelers, and members of sledge excursions.

Polish fish dishes are certainly worth recommending. They are: eel, perch, sturgeon, shellfish, and many others. The fish can be boiled, fried, roasted, fried in breadcrumbs, and served with delicious stuffing, sauces, and accompaniments. Poles like carp. It comes in different varieties: in aspic, fried, or served in grey Polish sauce with raisins and almonds. Carp is a basic Christmas Eve dish.


Vocabulary notes:

coat (v) обвалювати
bread crumbs хлібні сухарі
accompaniment додаток
Piglet молоде порося
liver печінка
rub (v) натирати
baste (v) поливати печеню
amount сума, кількість
eel угор
pike щука
perch окунь
carp карп
aspic залівні
raisin родзинка
almond мигдаль



The selection of Polish cakes and cookies is imposing, although this wealth results from several borrowings. Cream puffs and eclairs, filled with whipped cream. “Napoleon” cakes, apple tarts and cup cakes filled with fruit and icing, have been taken over from the French cuisine.

Traditional Polish cakes served on special holidays include “baby”, cakes made of yeast dough, “mazurki”, thin flat cakes covered with a layer of nuts and fruits, poppy-seed cakes, cheese cakes, and honey gingerbread.


When in Poland it is natural for you to try the taste of Polish vodka. It is very popular but its tradition is not very old. Mead, made of natural honey, and sparkling beer used to be the most common Polish beverages for many centuries. In the 16th century they were considered Polish national drinks. Beer was served with meals for its thirst-drenching qualities. It is still popular among beer lovers, especially Zywiec and Okocim. Mead varieties available at present are “dwojniak” and “trojniak” (double and triple variety).


Vocabulary notes:

1. borrow (v) Þ запозичувати
2. cream puff Þ Тістечко безе
3. eclairs Þ Еклер булочки
4. whip (v) Þ взбивати
5. tart Þ пиріг з фруктовою начинкою
6. honey gingerbread Þ медова коврижка
7. mead Þ медовуха
8. cookies Þ печиво
9. thirst-drenching Þ Задовольняючий  спрагу


Ex. 1. Read and translate the recipes.

Ex. 2. Do you know the similar recipes in Ukrainian cuisine? Which ones?






Byelorussian cuisine offers a wide choice of the most delicious things.

Many dishes have changed radically over the ages, and some have become commonplace rather than the special occasion dishes they used to be. However, time has failed to diminish the popularity of Byelorussians’ favorite dish: boiled new potatoes, served hot, with slightly pickled cucumbers in their brine.

Byelorussians adore potatoes. Potatoes are very much like bread to them. They are eaten with meat and bacon, fish and mushrooms, milk and butter.

How many dishes can be made of potatoes? About 200.

There are plenty of dishes made of grated potatoes, all kinds of mushrooms (salted, pickled, stewed, etc.) cold soups of sorrel, beetroot, served with sour cream, and pork sausage, blood-pudding or liver sausage.

There is a tradition of treating guests at rural weddings to at least twelve dishes, including gelatin of pork, meat well spiced with garlic and horseradish, and served with beetroot kvass: boiled meat out in small pieces: pancakes with crushed poppy-seed and sugar; special cheese and butter; cottage cheese and sour cream; eggs and bacon, and fruit kvass.

The pride of the menu is the so-called pyachista: stuffed fried duck, goose or sucking pig. A karavai, a specially made huge cake, is an absolute must.


Active Vocabulary

commonplace повсякденний
special occasion урочисте свято
diminish(v) зменьшувати,
new potatoes молода картопля
brine розсіл
adore (v) обожнювати
grate(v) терти, подрібнювати
sorrel щавель
blood –pudding кров’янка
rural сільський
gelatin of pork холодець
horseradish хрін
poppy-seeds макові зерна
sucking pig молочне поросятко

I. Speech exercises


Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Mark the stresses:

Byelorussian, choice, delicious, radically, commonplace, occasion, diminish, popularity, favorite, slightly, adore, grated potatoes, blood-pudding, rural wedding, karavai, absolute.



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