Further investigation – дальнейшиеисследование 

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Further investigation – дальнейшиеисследование

· In warmer waters, wood-boring organisms flourish, and can do untold damage to relics such as this, but here, the chemistry of the Baltic — and the unknown nature of the fluit's sinking — have left us with a remarkable relic for further investigation.

Cargo vessel – грузовоесудно

· The material was processed in the port and loaded onto a Danish cargo vessel.

Advancement – продвижение/успех/прогресс/развитие

· My company offers multiple opportunities for advancement.

Three-mastedfluit – трёхмачтовыйфлейт

· The three-mastedfluit bore a cost-effective and capacious design fully intended to maximize cargo capacity.

Cost - effective - экономически выгодный/рентабельный

· This is also the most cost-effective method.

Design fully intended to maximize cargo capacity - конструкцияполностьюрассчитананамаксимальнуюгрузоподъемность

· The three-mastedfluit bore a cost-effective and capacious design fully intended to maximize cargo capacity.

Maritime archaeologist – морскойархеолог

· Maritime archaeologist VelloMäss of the Estonian Maritime Museum was featured in the January Daivings.Net story The Wreck of the Mermaid, which described his search for the Russian ironclad Russalka.

To offer a unique opportunity – предложитьуникальнуювозможность

· The wreck thus offers a unique opportunity to investigate the development of a ship type that sailed all over the world and became the tool that laid the foundation for early modern globalization.

To lay the foundation – заложитьфундамент

· The wreck thus offers a unique opportunity to investigate the development of a ship type that sailed all over the world and became the tool that laid the foundation for early modern globalization.

Tosail – плавать/идти под парусами

· On 15 May Collingwood and his squadron of seven ships received orders from the Admiralty to sail for Barbados.

Ancient – древний

· He knows as much about Ancient technology as I do.

48) To be dependent on = to depend on – зависеть о

· She does not want to be dependent on her parents.

Floodplain – пойма

· Most settlements in ancient Egypt were situated on the alluvium of the Nile floodplain.

Alluvium – Аллювий

· Most settlements in ancient Egypt were situated on the alluvium of the Nile floodplain.

T ransportationartery – транспортная артерия

· The river served first as a barrier, forming borders for New Spain, New France, and the early United States, and then as a vital transportation artery and communications link.

W ell-definedboundary - четко определенная границ

· If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares

P opulatedarea – заселённая территория, место обитания.

· It fell in a populated area in the southern part of Ashkelon, causing damage to a school.

C ultivableland - пахотная земля

· Diversion of cultivable land for producing biofuels is compounding the problem.

55) A ccess to products - доступ к продуктам\товара

· Strategically, this benefits your product development group, giving them access to products that are available across the globe.

N omadicpopulation - кочевое население/кочевники

· The nomadic population numbered over 1.2 million.

P redictability – предсказуемость, возможность просчитать

· The predictability and stability they confer benefits all of us.

F easible – выполнимый / возможный

· However, all feasible cost-effective financing options should be investigated.

Marsh – болото

· In Chonburi province, there is a village named "NongKrasue" (Krasue marsh).

Species of mammals - видымлекопитающих

· The ecoregion is home to 149 known species of mammals.

T o becomeextinct – вымирать

· It was the last of the indigenous parrots of Réunion to become extinct.


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