Прочитайте текст і скажіть, на які чотири групи та за яким принципом підрозділяються університети у великобританії. 

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Прочитайте текст і скажіть, на які чотири групи та за яким принципом підрозділяються університети у великобританії.


There is no single, universally accepted definition of what a university should be like. British universities are different.

In 1960 there were only 23 British universities. Today there are 90. They can be roughly divided into the following groups:

Oxford and Cambridge: Scholars were studying in these ancient universities in the early thirteenth century. Since that time Oxford and Cambridge have continued to grow, but until the nineteenth century they were the only universities in England, and they offered no place to girls.

Four universities were founded in Scotland before Scotland and England were united: St. Andrews (1411), Glasgow (1450), Aberdeen (1494) and Edinburgh (1583).

The Redbrick Universities: In this group are listed all universities founded between 1850 and 1930 including London university. They were called "redbrick", because that was the favourite building material of the time, but they are rarely referred to as "Redbrick" today.

The New Universities: These were all founded after the Second World War. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

In 1992 the majority of British polytechnics, that offered a wide range of subjects and many had close links with industry and Commerce in their local area, were also incorporated into universities. So at present there are four different types of universities in Great Britain.

The typical academic programme for university students in Great Britain is composed of a varying number of courses or subjects within a field of specialization.

The academic activities for each subject fall into three types: lectures, at which attendance is not always compulsory, tutorials and examinations. These three categories provide the means by which students prepare themselves in specialized fields of knowledge.

However, universities have never had a monopoly on higher learning. In Britain, full-time higher education also takes place outside the universities.


1. а) Прочитайте наступні слова, що мають загальний корінь зі словами української мови, і назвіть їхні значення. Значення виділених слів перевірте за допомогою словника:

universal, divide, group, favourite, material, popular, local, incorporate, typical, specialization, monopoly, activity, commerce, modern

б) Знайдіть речення з даними словами в тексті та перевірте правильність знайдених вами значень.

2. а) Прочитайте наступні числівники.

Model: 125 100 and 25   one hundred and twenty-five

605,420   600 and 5 thousand, 400 and 20     six hundred and five thousand four hundred and twenty

432,612; 1,056,073; 13,604,270; 100,100; 385; 64; 1,002; 422; 121,000; 6,334,958; 3,767,546

б) Прочитайте наступні сполучення із числівниками. Зверніть увагу на різницю утворення порядкових і кількісних числівників.

2,000 students; 6,935 books; 101 engineers; 12,000 pupils; 16 per cent; 200 branches; 4,005 tables; 300,000 cars;

785,344 grams; 90 per cent; on the 12th day; the 2nd week; the 5th group; on the 3rd of May; the 21st of June

Зверніть увагу на читання хронологічних дат в англійській мові.

1987  19/87 nineteen eighty-seven

1900  19/00   nineteen ou ои або nineteen hundred


2000  two thousand

2001  two thousand one

Знайдіть у тексті “British Universities”хронологічні дати й прочитайте їх.


Дієслово to have (мати)

Дієслово to have теж вживається і як повнозначне, і як допоміжне. (в цьому випадку воно служить для утворення різних часових форм інших дієслів.)

Дієслово to have відмінюється таким чином:



Affirmative Interrogative form Negative form
I have a book. You have a book. He has a book. She has a book. It has a book. We have books. You have books. They have books. Do I have a book? Do you have a book? Does he have a book? Does she have a book? Does it have a book? Do we have books? Do you have books? Do they have books? I don’t have a book. You don’t have a book. He doesn’t have a book. She doesn’t have a book. It doesn’t have a book. We don’t have a book. You don’t have a book. They don’t have a book.

4. Переклад дієслова to have залежить від контексту

have + N — мати (повнозначне дієслово);

have + Ved — не перекладається (допоміжне дієслово);

have + to V — повинен (еквівалент модального дієслова).

а) Знайдіть у тексті “British Universities” речення з дієсловом to have і визначите, у якому з перерахованих вище значень воно вжито.

б) Визначите функцію дієслова to have у наступних реченнях.

1 The scientists have to carry out this experiment very carefully. 2. They have proposed a number of ways for achieving good results. 3. The results of this experiment have a great importance for the development of chemical industry in our country and abroad. 4. Specialists in organic chemistry have taken a new approach to the problem of the obtaining organic chemicals directly from organisms. 5. It is useful to have materials whose properties can be changed and controlled. 6. Carbon has so many more compounds than other elements. 7. Specialists in this field have to create the new materials.


а) Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання, починаючи відповідь з there:

1. How many elements are there in the Periodic Table of elements? 2. How many elements with atomic number 1 are present in the Periodic Table? 3. Is there free nitrogen in the air? 4. Of how many atoms does the molecule of water consist?

b) Дайте відповіді на запитання а), використовуючи дієслово to have. Пам’ятайте, що речення “There is one electron in hydrogen” подібне реченню “Hydrogen has one electron”

6. Іноді модель N + have/has + N за змістом відповідає моделі there is/ are + N + prep N (географічному звороту).

Порівн. This institute has two faculties = There are two faculties at this institute — У цьому інституті (є) два факультети.


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