Правила чтения гласных в открытом и закрытом слогах. 

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Правила чтения гласных в открытом и закрытом слогах.

Кафедра иностранных языков




В. Н. Митюкова


Учебное пособие



Набережные Челны – 2009

УДК 175.4

ББК 81.2 англ.

   М 66                     


Печатается по решению секции социально-экономических дисциплин

учебно-методического совета

Института экономики, управления и права (г. Казань)


Митюкова, В.Н

М 66TEXTS AND DIALOGUES: учебное пособие / В.Н. Митюкова. –

Казань: Изд-во «Познание» Института экономики, управления и права (г. Казань), 2009. – 88 с.


Обсужден и одобрен на заседании кафедры иностранных языков.


Данное учебное пособие предназначается для студентов факультета менеджмента на весь курс обучения иностранному языку. Оно содержит тексты на бытовые темы и адаптированные тексты по специальности «менеджмент». Пособие рекомендуется для использования на начальном этапе с постепенным переходом к среднему этапу изучения английского языка. Помимо текстов каждый раздел содержит диалоги с переводом с английского языка на русский язык и обратным переводом.

Целью данного пособия является развитие навыка диалогической речи бытового и делового общения, а также навыка монологического высказывания на пройденные темы.



УДК 175.4

ББК81.2 англ.

© Институт экономики, управления и права (г. Казань), 2009

© Митюкова В.Н., 2009                     



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ........................................................................................................... 4

ПРАВИЛА ЧТЕНИЯ.................................................................................................... 5

Unit 1. GREETING. PROFESSION. FAMILY......................................................... 6

Unit 2. FLAT................................................................................................................ 11

Unit 3. SEASONS. CLIMATE AND WEATHER. HOLIDAYS.......................... 15

Unit 4. WORKING DAY............................................................................................ 21

Unit 5. MY DAY OFF. FREE TIME......................................................................... 24

Unit 6. TRAVELLING................................................................................................ 28

Unit 7. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES....................................................... 31

Unit 8. OUR TOWN.................................................................................................... 34

Unit 9. SHOPPING...................................................................................................... 36

Unit 10. MEALS IN BRITAIN................................................................................. 40

Unit 11. MY FRIEND. APPEARANCE. CHARACTER...................................... 44

Unit 12. GREAT BRITAIN. THE USA................................................................... 49

Unit 13. OUR COUNTRY.......................................................................................... 58

Unit 14. SO MANY COUNTRIES SO MANY CUSTOMS.................................. 62

Unit 15. BUSINESS. FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANISATION....................... 65


Unit 17. MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS................................................................. 72

Unit 18. MARKETING. MARKETING MIX......................................................... 76

Unit 19. BUSINESS ETHICS.................................................................................... 81

ТАБЛИЦА НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ...................................................... 84

СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ.............................................. 86



Данное учебное пособие предназначается для студентов факультета менеджмента на весь курс обучения иностранному языку. Оно содержит тексты на бытовые темы и адаптированные тексты по специальности «менеджмент». Пособие рекомендуется для использования на начальном этапе с постепенным переходом к среднему этапу изучения английского языка. Пособие состоит из 19 разделов и построено по тематическому принципу.

Помимо текстов каждый раздел содержит диалоги с переводом с английского языка на русский язык и обратным переводом. Все тексты снабжены вокабуляром, что поможет ускорить процесс изучения английского языка.

Целью данного пособия является развитие навыка диалогической речи бытового и делового общения, а также навыка монологического высказывания на пройденные темы.

Пособие содержит дополнительные тексты, и могут быть использованы для изучающего, ознакомительного и поискового чтения, для развития навыков чтения, навыков работы со словарем.




Аа [ei] Jj [Gei] Ss [es]
Bb [bi:] Kk [kei] Tt [ti:]
Сс [si:] Ll [el] Uu [ju:]
Dd [di:] Mm [em] Vv [vi:]
Ее [i:] Nn [en] Ww [dAbl ju:]
Ff [ef] Oo [ou] Xx [eks]
Gg [Gi:] Pp [pi:] Yy [wai]
Hh [eit∫] Qq [kju:] Zz [zed]
Ii [ai] Rr [a:]  



Правила чтения гласных в открытом и закрытом слогах.

Английские гласные в открытом слоге, т.е. в слоге, оканчивающемся на гласную букву или на непроизносимое е, которому предшествует одна согласная, читаются так, как они называются в алфавите:

Kate [keit]                  no [nou]

he [hi:]                       cube [kju:b]

fine [fain]                   by [bai] (у читается [ai])

Гласные         в закрытом слоге, т.е. в слоге, оканчивающемся на согласную букву, читаются следующим образом:

а [æ] – glad                     e [e] – text

о [о] – not                      i [i] – still

u [A] – but                      у [i] – gym





Members of the family:

family – семья wife – жена house wife – домохозяйка husband – муж daughter – дочь granddaughter – внучка son – сын grandson – внук brother – брат sister – сестра parents – родители grandparents – бабушка и дедушка relatives – родственники child – ребенок children – дети kid – ребенок, дитя mother – мама grandmother – бабушка mother-in-law – теща; свекровь father – отец grandfather – дед father-in-law – тесть; свекор uncle – дядя aunt – тетя niece [ni:s] – племянница nephew [nevju:] – племянник grandchildren – внуки cousin – кузен (кузина), двоюродный брат (-ая сестра) sister-in-law – невестка; золовка; свояченица brother-in-law – зять; шурин; деверь; свояк  


1. Прочитайте тексты и расскажите о своей семье:



My name is George. I'm a businessman. Our family is large.

My father's name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Jane. She is a doctor.

My parents are not old but they are not very young. My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are on pension.

I have a brother and a sister.

My sister is a student. Her name is Ann. She is not married.

My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife's name is Kate. She is an economist. John and his wife have no children.


to be on pension быть на пенсии; to be married быть женатым (замужней)



I have a friend. His name is Vladimir. Vladimir is 35. He is married and has a daughter. They have got a large and comfortable flat in Moscow. Vladimir is an economist. He works at the Ministry of Economics. His office is small but very nice. Vlad is not at the office now. He is in Rome. He is at an international conference.

Vlad's wife is 30. She is an office clerk. She is at work now. She is very busy. Vlad's daughter is at school. Vlad's parents are at home. They are pensioners.

I like my friend. He is always friendly and helpful.


at the Ministry of Economics в Министерстве экономики; to be busy быть занятым; always всегда; helpful отзывчивый

2. Прочитайте диалоги и составьте аналогичные:

1. Robert: I am a new student. My name is Robert.

Alice: How do you do? My name is Alice.

Robert: Are you French?

Alice: Yes, I am. Are you French, too?

Robert: No, I am not.

Alice: What nationality are you?

Robert: I'm Italian. Are you a teacher?

Alice: No, I'm not.

Robert: What's your job?

Alice: I'm a typist. What's your job?

Robert: I'm an engineer.

2. Jill: Good morning. My name's Jill Baxter. I'm your English teacher. Welcome to London and to our school. Now, what are your names, please?

Ali: My name's Mr. Badran.

Jill: And what's your first name, please? I'm Jill, not Mrs. Baxter.

Ali: О.К. I'm Ali. I'm from Egypt.

Jill: Thank you, Ali. And who are you, please?

Monika: I'm Monika Wengli from Brugg.

Jill: Where's that? Is it in Germany?

Monika: No, it isn't. It's in Switzerland, near Zurich.

Jill: Thank you, Monika. And where are you from?

Annegret: I'm from Germany. My name's Annegret Wade.

Jill: Wade? But that's English.

Annegret: Yes, that's right. I'm married to an Englishman.

3. Mr.Jackson: Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.

Mr. Richards: Thank you, Mr. Jackson.

Mr. Jackson: This is Miss Grey and this is Miss Taylor.

Mr. Richards: How do you do? Those girls are very pretty. What are their jobs?

Mr. Jackson: They are typists. This is Mr. Baker and this is Mr. Short.

Mr. Richards: They aren't very busy. What are their jobs?

Mr. Jackson: They are clerks. They are very lazy.

Mr. Richards: Who is this young man?

Mr. Jackson: This is Jim. He is our office boy.


3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. What nationality are you? 4. How old are you? 5. What's your job? 6. What's your address? 7. What's your telephone number? 8. What's your wife's first name? 9. How old is she? 10. What is she like? 11. Is she kind? 12. What is your friend's name? 13. Where is he from? 14. How old is he? 15. What's his job? 16. What's his address? 17. What's his telephone number? 18. Is your friend married or single? 19. What is your friend like? 


4. Переведите диалоги на английский язык и воспроизведите их:

1. Ник: Добрый вечер, Петр. Как поживаешь?

Петр: Хорошо, спасибо. А ты?

Ник: Тоже хорошо. Это - Андрей, мой товарищ.

Петр: Здравствуйте. Рад с вами познакомиться. Вы тоже студент?

Андрей: Нет, я инженер.

2. Олег: Тот мужчина – ваш директор?

Сергей: Да, это наш новый директор.

Олег: Он очень молод.

Сергей: Да, он действительно очень молод.

3. Г-н Кузнецов: У вас большая семья, г-н Смит?

Г-н Смит: Да, у меня жена и двое (two) детей – сын и дочь.

Г-н Кузнецов: Ваш сын школьник?

Г-н Смит: Да, а дочь – студентка.

Г-н Кузнецов: Она замужем?

Г-н Смит: Нет.

4. Влад: У Петра есть сестра?

Кирилл: Да. Его сестру зовут Анной.

Влад: Она замужем?

Кирилл: Да, но у нее нет детей.

5. Сэм: Привет, Билл. Рад тебя снова видеть. Как поживаешь?

Билл: Здравствуй, Сэм. Хорошо, спасибо.

Сэм: А как поживает твой брат? Он женат?

Билл: Да, у него теперь семья - жена и ребенок.

Сэм: Поздравляю. Чем занимается его жена?

Билл: Она - машинистка.

Сэм: А как ее зовут?

Билл: Эрн. Она милая женщина.

Сэм: Я рад за него. Передай привет брату. До свидания.

Билл: Спасибо. До свидания.


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Дик Браун – инженер. Ему 30 лет. Он врач. Он женат. Его жену зовут Анной. Она журналистка. Они из Лондона.

2. Александр: Как вас зовут?

Гарри: Гарри Стоун.

Александр: Из какой вы страны?

Гарри: Из Англии.

Александр: А откуда ваши друзья?

Гарри: Они из Франции.

Александр: Кто вы по профессии?

Гарри: Мы все инженеры.

3. Дэвид: Как зовут вашего брата?

Лиза: Александр.

Дэвид: Он женат?

Лиза: Нет, он холост.

Дэвид: Кто он по профессии?

Лиза: Врач.

4. Елена: Здравствуй! Как поживаешь?

Мария: Спасибо, хорошо.

Елена: Как поживает твоя сестра?

Мария: Тоже хорошо, спасибо.

Елена: Передай ей от меня привет, пожалуйста.

5. Виктор: Здравствуйте! Я Виктор Иванов, дипломат из Минска.

Патрик: Здравствуйте, м-р Иванов. Рад с вами познакомиться.

6. Лаура: Как выглядит ваш приятель?

Стивен: Он высокий худощавый мужчина.

Лаура: Сколько ему лет?

Стивен: Примерно 30.


6. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью словаря:


Ivan Mirsky is thirteen and he is the number 13 chess player in the world.

He was born in Russia but now lives in America with his father, Vadim. They live in a one-room flat in Brooklyn. Ivan doesn't go to school and his father doesn't have a job. They practise chess problems all day, every day, morning, afternoon, and evening. Ivan was different from a very young age: he could ride a bike when he was eighteen months old and read before he was two. He could play cards at three and the piano at four. When he was twelve, he was the under-20 chess champion of Russia.

His father can't speak English and can't play chess, either! Ivan translates for him. Vadim says, “I know that I can't play chess, but I can still help Ivan. He and I don't have any friends – we don't want any friends. Other teenagers are boring! We don't like playing sports or watching TV. We live for chess!”

Jaya Rajah is fourteen, but he doesn't go to school. He studies medicine at New York University in a class of twenty-year-olds. Jaya was born in Madras in India but now lives in a house in New York with his mother, father and brother. They can all speak English fluently. His father is a doctor.

Jaya was different from a very young age. He could count before he could say 'Mummy' or 'Daddy'. He could answer questions on calculus when he was five and do algebra when he was eight. Now he studies from 8.15 to 4.00 every day at the university. Then he studies at home with his father from 6.30 to 10.00 every evening. Jaya doesn't have any friends. He never goes out in the evenings, but he sometimes watches TV. He says, “I live for one thing – I want to be a doctor before I am seventeen. Other children of my age are boring. They can't understand me.”


7. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) How old is he?

b) Does he go to school?

c) Where was he born?

d) Where does he live now?

e) Who does he live with?

f) What does his father do?

g) How was he different when he was very young?

h) What does he do in the evening?

i) Can his father speak English?

j) Does he have any friends?

k) What does he do in his free time?





downstairs – внизу; вниз favourite – любимый comfortable – удобный соsу – уютный   light – свет; светлый wall – стена window – окно fireplace – камин floor – пол; этаж on the ground floor – на первом этаже on the first floor – на втором этаже upstairs – наверху; наверх carpet – ковер furniture – мебель fridge – холодильник sitting room – гостиная sofa – диван chair – стул armchair – кресло dining room – столовая bedroom – спальня study (room) – кабинет bathroom – ванная комната kitchen – кухня


1. Прочитайте текст и расскажите о своей квартире:



My parents have got a flat in the new district. There is a living-room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom in their flat. The living-room is larger than the bedroom. It is a nice and comfortable room. It is light and airy. There are beautiful curtains on the windows. There is a table and four chairs a sofa and two armchairs there too. There is a colour TV-set in the corner of the room. There is a nice green carpet on the floor. My parents have got a lot of Russian and English books. They are in the bookcase and on the shelves.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room. There is not much furniture there. There are two beds, a dressing-table and a wardrobe in the bedroom.

The kitchen is not very large. There is a kitchen-table, four chairs, a cupboard and a big fridge in it.

I like to go to my home town when I am on holiday. My parents are always happy to see me.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do you live? 2. What's the name of your district? 3. Is the district new or old? 4. Is your district green and nice? 5. Are the houses in your district large or small? 6. Are there many shops in your district? 7. Are there any cinemas in your district? 8. Is there an underground station in your district? 9. Is it far from your house? 10. Have you got a flat? 11. What floor is your flat on? 12. Is there a lift in your house? 13. Is your flat large? 14. Do you live with your parents? 15. How many rooms are there in your flat? 16. Have you got a sitting room? 17. Have you got a separate bedroom? 18. Is your kitchen large? 19. What is your favourite place in the flat? 20. Do you like to stay at home with your family?


3. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью словаря:



weather – погода                                                         to get sunburnt – загореть

changeable – изменчивый                         all the year round – круглый год

frosty – морозный                                       opportunity – возможность

sunny – солнечный                                     as [æz] – так как, поскольку

humid – влажный                                        time [taim] – время 

dry – сухой                                                    hockey [hoki] – хоккей

wet – сырой                                                   air – воздух 

windy – ветрено                                           fresh – свежий 

nasty – плохой (о погоде)                         swimming – плавание 

foggy – туманно                                          other – другой 

cloudy – облачно                                        seasons – времена года

hot – жаркий


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Расскажите о временах года:


There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn.

September is the first autumn month. Sometimes there are many sunny days in September and the weather is very pleasant. October and November are usually cold and rainy months. It often rains in autumn. The sky is dark and cloudy. The streets and the houses are wet.

It is colder in December than in November, as it is the first winter month. Russian winters are sunny, frosty and snowy. The temperature is usually 10-18° below zero. It often snows in winter. Winter is a good time for skating, skiing and hockey.

Spring, too, is a nice season. The days are longer, the sun is brighter, the air is fresh and it is not so hot as in summer.

Summer is usually a hot season. Many people are on holiday in summer. It is a good time for swimming, tennis, volleyball and other games.

People usually have a good time in summer.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many seasons are there in a year? 2. What are they? 3. What is the weather like in September? 4. What is the weather like in October and November? 5. When is it colder, in December or November? 6. What are Russian winters like? 7. When are the days longer? 8. Why is summer a good time for people? 9. What do they do in summer?


3. Переведите тексты со словарем:



Where can you go for a holiday? You have a lot of opportunities. Of course, most people would like to go to the south or to the seaside, but you must consider the weather and the season.

You may want to go to Siberia, for example. The nature is wonderful there. You will never see such a lot of sparkling white snow. You will enjoy frosty fresh air if you go skiing or bear-hunting, but you should remember that it's very cold there in winter. The temperature may be about 50 degrees below zero.

Some people prefer to spend their holidays in warmer places. There is no warmer place than Africa. It's warm there all the year round. The sun shines every day, but in summer it's too hot and sometimes it's humid there. And you won't be able to go lion-hunting until the sun sets. But when it starts raining, it may rain the whole week, if you want to get sunburnt it's the best place. You can get as sunburnt as the natives.

Anyway choosing a place for your holiday you must consider the weather forecast.






to get up – вставать to clean teeth – чистить зубы morning exercises – утренняя зарядка to go by (bus) – ездить на (автобусе) wash – умываться to begin – начинать (ся) dress – одеваться to get to – добираться до breakfast – завтрак go to bed – ложиться спать it takes – занимает (время) to talk – разговаривать dinner – обед newspaper – газета supper – ужин to be ready – быть готовым



I usually get up at half past six. I open the window, make my bed and do my morning exercises. Then I wash, clean my teeth and dress. In half an hour I'm ready for breakfast. I go into the kitchen and have breakfast. After breakfast I put on my hat and coat, take my bag and go to the Institute of Economics, Management and Law. I go there by bus. It takes me 25 (twenty-five) minutes to get to the institute. Classes begin at eight o'clock. We usually have six or eight classes every day. After the lessons I go home, have dinner and have a short rest.

In the evening I do my homework. Sometimes I go to the cinema or visit my friends in the evening. At 7 o'clock I have supper. After supper our family get together in the living room where we talk, read newspapers and books and watch TV. At eleven o'clock I go to bed.


Smirnov is the President of a foreign trade firm. In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. His wife and children get up later. He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. Then he has breakfast. For breakfast he has some eggs, coffee and sandwiches. He leaves for work at eight o'clock. His office hours begin at 9 o'clock but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.

In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads the mail and sends answers to foreign firms. He often receives foreign businessmen at his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business points. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. Smirnov can speak two foreign languages.

At 12.30 Smirnov has lunch. He finishes his work at 6 o'clock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business he stays at the office longer.

Smirnov usually has dinner at home. After dinner he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches television and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.00. 


letter письмо, cable телеграмма, price цена, term of payment срок платежа, shipment and delivery погрузка и доставка, business points деловые вопросы


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What time do you get up? 2. What do you do after you have got up? 3. When do you have breakfast? 4. Where do go after breakfast? 5. How do you get to the institute? 6. When do the classes begin? 7. How long do you study at the institute? 8. What do you do after classes? 9. At what time do you have supper? 10. Where do your family usually get together?


Anna's alarm clock rang at a quarter past seven as usual. And, as usual, she lay in bed for another ten minutes. Then she got up, washed, cleaned her teeth and combed her hair. Then she had breakfast.

Anna likes to go to work by bus; it takes her twenty-five minutes to get to work by bus. When she got off the bus she walked to her office. She got there at a quarter to nine. Fifteen minutes later one of the office girls opened the main door. The first customer arrived. The day's work began.

Anna likes to take things easy, but Susan is always in a hurry, sometimes late and often absent-minded. Classes at the business college usually start at nine fifteen, except on Fridays when the first class begins at ten.

Michael, her brother, usually bangs on her bedroom door at eight o'clock. He did so that morning. "All right," said Susan, but she just turned over and went to sleep again. At half past eight Michael went upstairs and banged on his sister's door again. Susan jumped out of bed, washed herself quickly and ran back to her room. She ran downstairs to the kitchen, but looked at her watch and understood that she didn't have time for breakfast. "Bye, mother," she said and ran out. Mrs. Bond did the washing up. She had ten minutes before she had to leave for work. She sat down and smoked a cigarette. Suddenly the house seemed very lonely. She was glad that she had a job. Not because she needed money but she did not want to be alone all day in her house.



to be tired – уставать                                  enjoy – получать удовольствие

to be impressed by – получить                 foreign – иностранный

удовольствие                                               opportunity – возможность

to be on – идти (о фильме)                        performance - представление

exhibition – выставка                                 ticket – билет

circus – цирк, цирковой                           to go for a walk – идти гулять

to go out – выйти; выходить;                   try – пытаться

бывать в обществе

1. Прочитайте и расскажите о своих выходных:



I usually study 6 days a week. When my lessons are over, I'm very tired and I hurry home. I help my mother about the house.

But when the weekend comes I try to enjoy it as much as I can. I'm fond of music and I listen to the songs of Russian and foreign composers. So when I have an opportunity I go to S. Sadykova's concert hall or to any other cultural palaces. There are often concerts, ballets, musical comedies, performances there on.

I'm lucky because I've got a ticket for the Saturday concert. Oleg Gazmanov and the group "Lyube" will come to our town. I am sure I'll enjoy the music and the singing very well. On Sunday I am going to the picture gallery. There is an exhibition of famous Russian paintings there.

So from Saturday afternoon till Monday morning students are usually free. We may go for a walk with our friends, go to the cinema, theatre or disco.

If we stay at home we try to have a good time, too. We watch TV, read books and work on a computer.

My parents like to relax after a hard week, too. They like to go out on Saturdays.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do you spend weekends with your family? 2. Do you go to the theatre? 3. Do you read much? 4. What book are you reading now? 5. Do you often have parties? 6. Do you often invite friends to your place? 7. What games and sports do you like? 8. Where do you go on your days off? 9. What places of interest can you visit in your town? 10. Do you like music? 11. Who is your favourite singer or group? 12. What song do you like best of all?



Many people in Britain work five days a week, from Monday to Friday. So, from Friday evening till Monday morning people are usually free. When Friday comes English people know where and how they are going to spend the weekend.

Very many people plan to go away for the weekend. If young people are away from home they may go home to stay with their relatives or friends in different parts of the country. Some people go to the seaside and stay at a hotel there.

Some people like to travel by plane or by train, but many families go to the seaside by car, as it is very comfortable and rather cheap.

4. Переведите текст со словарем:



My days off are Saturday and Sunday. I never know how to spend them. On Friday night when I go to bed I think that I will get up very early on Saturday and I will have enough time to do a lot of things that I did not do during the week. I also plan that on Saturday I will have a good rest. But Saturday comes and all my plans change. I usually set my alarm clock for 8 o'clock, I did so last Saturday too, but I never hear it. I think it did not work. When I got up it was about 11, it took me an hour to cook breakfast. After breakfast I decided to go shopping because I looked into the refrigerator and saw that I had no food for the next week. I came back home only in the evening because Saturday was not the most convenient day for shopping.

I forgot about it. Late in the evening I went washing and cleaning, and watched some TV programmes. I went to bed at 1o'clock. But before I fell asleep I made plans for Sunday. "I will have the whole day to myself tomorrow'' I thought.





trip – поездка see off – прощаться hike – прогулка rucksack – рюкзак expensive – дорогой on foot – пешком railway – железная дорога carry – нести country-side – сельская местность beforehand – предварительно to enjoy smth. – наслаждаться seaside – берег моря to swim – плавать  to lie in the sun – загорать sea-scape – морской пейзаж   seashore – морской берег voyage – (морское) путешествие restaurant – ресторан sunrise – восход солнца sunset – заход солнца sunshade – зонтик от солнца in the sunshine – на солнце pier – пирс, дамба cruise – круиз on board – на пароходе railway station – железнодорожный вокзал to go boating – кататься на лодке to travel by (air, sea) – ездить (на самолете, по морю)



I like to travel. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. If we want to see country-side, we have to spend a part of our summer holidays on hikes. It is useful for all members of our family. We take our rucksacks, we don’t hurry up and we walk a lot. During such hike we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people.

I like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time. When we go by car, we don’t take tickets too, we put all things we need in a car. We don’t carry them.

It is comfortable to travel by train and by plane. When I travel by plane, I don’t spend a lot of time going from one place to another. But it is difficult to buy tickets for the plane. That’s why we take our tickets beforehand. I like to fly. If I travel by train or by plane my friends see me off at the railway station or in the airport. Sometimes we go to the seaside for a few days. As usual the weather is fine. It is warm, we can swim. It is a pleasure to watch white ships.

I think that travelling is a very useful thing for us and I enjoy all kinds of travelling very much.



Almost all the people like to travel. When you have got holidays you can travel by car, by train, by plane and by sea.

I like to travel by sea best of all. Some years ago we took a cruise along the Black Sea coast, from Sochi to Sukhumi on board the liner “Russia”. We came to Sochi by train. Then we went to the seaport and saw our ship. It was big. We liked it very much. I remember the ship and our cabin. Our cabin was comfortable. It had got two berths, a table, two chairs and one wide window, and the warm wind was blowing through it. There was fresh air in our cabin during all the voyage. We had breakfast, dinner and supper on board the ship. When it was time to have meals we went to the restaurant.

The weather was fine. After breakfast we spent a lot of time on the deck sitting in deck-chairs or standing at the rail, watching the ships, passing not far from our ship. It was pleasant to watch the waves too.

I remember the sunrise and the sunset well. It was unforgettable. In the afternoon I took a sunshade because the sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the sunshine.

In the daytime we liked to watch the sea-scape. At four o'clock we entered the port of Adler. There were some ships there. We saw many people on the pier. We had some free time in Adler and we went for a walk while the ship was in the port. The water was clean and it was easy to swim in the sea. I like the Caucasus and that's why I was pleased.

At 4 o'clock we came back. The liner was going to sail off. In the evening we watched TV, danced or stayed on the deck when the weather was fine.

I enjoyed my trip to the South. This voyage impressed me for all my life.


2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Are you fond of travelling? 2. Why do people travel? 3. Why do people take a camera with them? 4. What do they usually photograph? 5. What do we see and learn while travelling? 6. Do you agree that travelling broadens our mind? 7. How do different people spend their holidays? 8. What means of travel do you know? 9. What are their advantages and disadvantages? 10. What places have you visited? 11. Have you ever taken a holiday cruise along the Black Sea coast or down the Volga? 12. Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What about you? 13. What countries would you like to visit? 14. Do you like to explore new places? 15. If someone invites you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree? 16. Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel in space? 17. Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?




necessary – необходимый; нужный science – наука letter – письмо population – население scientific – научный official language – государственный язык process – процесс politics – политика throughout the world – по всему миру educated – образованный, культурный trade – торговля diplomacy – дипломатия

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


One billion people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it's either a second or a foreign language.

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zeeland. It is one of the official language in Canada, the Irish Republic of South Africa.

As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, businessmen and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music.

80% of all information in the world's computers is in English.

70% of the world's letters and faxes are in English.

60% of all international telephone calls are made in English.

More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time.

English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. English is a world language, isn’t it? 2. How many people speak English? 3. In what countries is English the official language (one of the official languages)? 4. Is English popular in Russia? 5. Is learning languages an easy thing? 6. When did you begin learning English? 7. How long have you been learning English? 8. Have you seen any films in English? 9. Have you ever visited an English-speaking country? 10. What other languages would you like to know?


3. Прочитайте и перескажите коротко содержание:



Russia has political, business, trade, economic and cultural relations with many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin Аmerica. A lot of tourists and businessmen come to our country and lots of Russian people go abroad. We have good relations with developing countries. We help them to build plants, factories, schools, stadiums, hospitals, radio- and TV-stations, etc.

Many young people come to Russia to study at our institutes and universities. Russian scientists cooperate with foreign scientists. Russia participates in international exhibitions abroad and arranges similar exhibitions in our country. Exhibitions help to improve our relations with different countries. More and more people in our country learn foreign languages. Many people learn to read books, newspapers and magazines in foreign languages in order to know more about life and people of other countries.


learning изучение, developing развивающийся, to build строить, etc [it'setra] и так далее, scientist ученый, young people молодежь, international международный, to participate участвовать, to arrange организовывать, to improve улучшать, in order to для того чтобы




capital – столица                                                         church – церковь

nearly – почти                                              square – площадь

thousand – тысяча                                      tasty – вкусный

friendly – дружелюбный                           food – еда

hospitable – гостеприимный                     rest – отдых; отдыхать

part – часть                                              are situated – находятся

large – большой                                           plant – завод

famous – знаменитый                                places of interest –

building – здание                                          достопримечательности 


1. Прочитайте и перескажите текст, используя вопросы:



I would like to tell you about my home town. I live in Naberezhnye Chelny. It is a young town near Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. It is nearly 80 years old. About five hundred thousand people live here. They are very friendly and hospitable. People of various nationalities live here in friendship: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Estonians, Bashkirs, Byelorussians and others.

There are two parts in the town: the new and the old. The houses are high, large and modern in the new part, in the old part there are some old buildings. There are not many places of interest in my town: the Russian and the Tatar drama theatres, the puppet theatre, the sport palace, a dolphinarium, the museum of history, several beautiful churches, cultural palaces, an organ hall, monuments and cinemas.

The streets are wide and long. I think Naberezhnye Chelny is a very green city. There are also beautiful parks and squares in our town. There are many shops in the town. Some cafes and restaurants are situated in the middle of the town. There we can eat very tasty food. There are a lot of interesting places for rest in my town. Children also like to go to Mc Donald's.

Our town is famous for its plants. The biggest plant produces the trucks “KamAZ”. The plant sells them to other countries, too.

The city is a cultural centre. There are many schools, institutes, universities.

I like my town very much.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do you live? 2. What's the name of your district? 3. Is the town new or old? 4. Are the houses in your district large or small? 5. Are there many places of interest in your town? 6. Are there any cinemas and theatres in the town? 7. What is worth seeing there? 8. Is there an underground station in your town? 9. What transport can you see in the streets? 10. Do you go to the institute by bus or by tram? 11. Are the streets wide or narrow? 12. Are there many colleges and institutes in your town? 13. Do you have any large factories? 






to (go) do shopping – ходить по магазинам shop – магазин shop assistant – продавец store – магазин; запас department store – универмаг supermarket – универсам  get personal service – обслуживаться персонально to buy – покупать  to sell – npoдавaть to pay – платить price – цена pound – фунт (= 453,6 г); фунт стерлингов to change (money) – менять (деньги) сhange – сдача bottle – бутылка  juice – сок the baker's – булочная jacket – жакет; куртка the dairy – молочный магазин the butcher's – мясной магазин the grocer's – бакалея the greengrocer's – oвощной магазин department – отдел  shoe department – oбувной отдел counter – прилавок to try smth on – померить что-л. coat – пальто raincoat – плащ frock (dress) – платье gloves – перчатки stockings – чулки cheap – дешевый to wear – носить (об одежде) to match – подходить tight – узкий, тесный sweater – свитер cash desk – kacca umbrella – зонт blouse – блузка skirt – юбка shirt – рубашка suit – костюм



(Part I)

It's Saturday morning. It's Susan's day off. She is waiting for her friend Ann. They are going to do some shopping. They want to go to the nearest shop, Susan doesn't like supermarkets and big stores. In smaller shops you get personal service.

Shop assistant: Good morning. Miss Bond!

Susan: Good morning, Mr. Davis. This is my friend Ann.

Shop assistant: Glad to meet you. Welcome to my shop. I hope you will like it here and be my customer.

Ann: I hope so, thank you.

Shop assistant: Now, what can I do for you?

Susan: A pound of butter, please, a dozen eggs, half a pound of sugar and a small tin of instant coffee.

Shop assistant: Anything else?

Susan: Yes, I'll have some juice, please. What juice have you got?

Shop assistant: We have pineapple juice, orange juice, mango juice and grapefruit juice.

Susan: Please, three bottles of pineapple juice, and two bottles of grapefruit juice. How much is that?

Shop assistant: Two pounds.

Susan gave the shop assistant a five pound note, got her change and they left the shop. Then Susan and Ann went to the greengrocer's to buy some fruit and vegetables. They bought apples, bananas, tomatoes, and a big bag of potatoes. Then they bought some meat at the butcher's, some bread at the baker's and a bottle of milk at the dairy. Susan goes shopping once a week on Saturday and she likes to have a good store of everything for the next week. 



(Part II)

Next Saturday Susan and Ann decided to go shopping again. So they went to the nearest big shopping centre. It is a big department store where you can buy practically everything. Susan took Ann around and showed her all the departments. First they went to the shoe department where Ann tried on several pairs of sandals and at last bought her style in white that fitted her perfectly and at a reasonable price. They were under two pounds. The two girls then went to the department of ready-made clothes where they sold dresses, skirts, blouses, shirts, sweaters, jackets and so on. But ready-made clothes were very expensive in this shop. The only thing Ann bought for herself was a pair of socks.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What day is it today? 2. What is Susan doing? 3. What are Susan and her friend going to do? 4. Do they go to the supermarket? 5. What did two friends buy in the shop of Mr. Davis? 6. Where did Susan and Ann go after Davis' shop? 7. What did they buy at the greengrocer's (at the butcher's, at the dairy)? 8. Where did Susan and Ann decide to go next Saturday? 9. What did Ann try on? 10. Did the girls buy anything in the department of ready-made clothes? 11. What did Ann buy there?


Mr. Scott has a bulldog and he thinks that his bulldog is his best friend.

One day Mr. and Mrs. Scott went to buy a present for Mr. Scott's birthday. The dog was with them. They came to town and went to a shoe shop. Mrs. Scott wanted to buy a pair of slippers for Mr. Scott as a present.

"These slippers are very nice," said the shop assistant as she was showing them a pair of red slippers with blue pom­pons. Mrs. Scott did not think they were nice. Then the shop assistant showed a pair of slippers in green and yellow.

"This is a beautiful pair, said Mrs. Scott.

"I don't like it," said Mr. Scott.

"But they are my present to you," said Mrs. Scott.

"No, I don't like them anyway,"said Mr. Scott.

"Then I'll buy the red slippers with blue pompons," said Mrs. Scott and asked the shop assistant to give her the slippers. The shop assistant began to look for them everywhere, but she did not find them.

Suddenly Mrs. Scott cried out in horror. She saw their dog who was sitting under the counter eating off the pair of slippers.



meal – еда (трапеза)                                   fork – вилка

We have four meals a day. – Мы             spoon – ложка

едим четыре раза в день.                                          to be hungry – хотеть есть

dish – блюдо                                                 to be thirsty – хотеть пить

boiled eggs – вареное яйцо                        to have a snack – перекусить

tongue – язык                                                to order – заказать

sausage – колбасаto lay the table – накрыть на стол

apricot – абрикос                                                                                              

ham – ветчина                                             tasty – вкусный

mutton chop – баранья котлета              to taste smth.– попробовать

roast meat – жареное мясо                       fried fish – жареная рыба

to smell – нюхать; пахнуть                       substantial – основательный delicious (tasty) – вкусный                to follow – следовать

green peas – зеленый                                  have to chat – поболтать горошек knife – нож

course – блюдо                                             rice – рис

for the first course – на первое                  porridge – овсяная каша

chicken broth – куриный бульон             cereals – сухие

biscuits – печенье полуфабрикаты; крупы

pie – пирог                                                      cornflakes – кукурузные хлопья

plate – тарелка                                                 



The usual meals in England are: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, or in simpler houses, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. In England mealtimes are as follows: breakfast time is between 7 and 9 a.m., lunch time is between 12 and 2 p.m., dinner is between 7 and 10 p.m.

Breakfast is generally the bigger meal than you have on the Continent. Usual breakfast is porridge, bacon and eggs, marmalade with buttered toast and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham or perhaps fish. Breakfast is often a quick meal, because the father of the family has to get away to his work, children have to go to school, and the mother has her housework to do.

Englishmen generally have lunch at one o'clock p. m. The businessmen usually find it impossible to come for lunch and so they go to a café or a restaurant where they usually find a mutton chop, or cold meat, or fish with potatoes, salad, then a pudding or fruit to follow. Some people like a glass of beer for lunch.

People often come in for a chat with their cup of tea. Some English families like to have the so called “high tea” which is quite a substantial meal. They have it between 5 and 6 o'clock. It usually consists of ham or tongue, tomatoes, salad or sausage with strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or apricots with cream or a cake.

The main meal of the day is called dinner. Dinner is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. The midday meal usually consists of two courses – meat course with a lot of vegetables and a soup.


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the usual meals in England? 2. What do the Englishmen have for breakfast? 3. Where do they have lunch? 4. What do they eat for lunch? 5. What meal do English families have between 5 and 6 o'clock? 6. What dishes does “high tea” consist of? 7. What is the main meal of the day? 8. At what time is it? 9. What two courses does the midday meal consist of?



I'm a terrible cook. I've tried hard but it's no use. I've got lots of cookery books, I choose a dish I want to cook, I read the recipe, I prepare all the necessary ingredients and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick snack. So I often eat out. I don't like grand restaurants. It 's not the expense, it's just that I don't feel at ease in them. First the water gives me a menu which I can't understand because it's complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the bill I never know how much to leave as a tip. I prefer fast food places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like take-away places, where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.



Maureen often gives dinner parties at home. She loves entertaining. She lays the table: puts the cutlery in the right places, sets out the plates and puts a clean white napkin at each place. For the meal itself, she usually gives her guests some kind of starter first, for example, soup or melon. Next comes the main course which is usually meat (unless some of her guests are vegetarians or they're on a special diet) with a side-dish of salad. For dessert it's usually fruit or ice-cream and then coffee. When everyone has gone home, she must think about doing the washing up, as in the kitchen the sink is full of dirty cutlery.



slim – худой, стройный                             funny – смешной, забавный

pretty – хорошенькая                                 round – круглый


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