Translate the following word combinations. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Translate the following word combinations.

Killed lime, cable line, to keep away from moisture, plastic window light, waterproof fabric, index of corrosion, fire – fighting equipment, material debris, water supply

Chapter 3



angle -угол

assemble -составлять

attic space -аттическое пространство

back hoe -экскаватор, канавокопатель с обратной лопатой

basement (BSMT)-подвал, основание, фундамент

beam -балка, брус

brick (BRK)-кирпич

brick facing -кирпичная облицовка (накладка)

budget -бюджет

building (bldg)-здание

cantilevered section -консольный отдел; заделанный одним концом

carpenting -ковровая олицовка

channel -канал, канава

cinder - block wall -блок из шлакобетона, шлакоблок

compressibility - сжимаемость

concrete -бетон

conduit -трубопровод

counter -счётчик, счёты; гибкий раскос фермы

crane -кран

crawl space-полупроходное техническое подполье (высотой до 1,5м), полупрох. канал

crew -бригада

dampness -сырость, влажность

damp -влажность, сырость

debris -строительный мусор, осколки, обломки

drainage system -дренажная система

drywall -стена с сухой поверхностью

duct work -трубопроводная работа

fascia –валик, сандрик

floating slab -затирка поверхности плиты

foam - пена

framing -1.каскад, рама, сруб;2.обрамление проёма (дверного)

gable -щипец, фронтон

grading -земляные работы, планирование (грунта)

gravel -гравий

hail on -прибивать

header -водосточная труба

hole -яма, углубление

installation -установка

insulation -изоляция

interface -поверхность раздела, взаимосвязь

interlock -блокировка, запирание

intricate -сложный

joist -несущая балка (перекрытия, настила, пола, крыши)

lot -строительный участок

mason (bricklayer)- каменщик

pad -опорная плита

peak -вершина

perforated pipe -перфорированная труба

plastic stripping -пластичное нанесение полос

plumbing -водопроводно-канализационная и кровельная работа

plywood (PLWD)-фанера

porch -портик, веранда

pressure – treated lumber - приводимый в действие давлением пиломатериал

punch –пуансон, пробойник

ridge –конек, ребро (крыши)

rigid foam board -жесткий пенопласт

rigidity -жесткость

roofing -кровля, покрытие крыши

septic system -условия переработки анаэробными бактериями

septic tanks -перегниватель, септиктент

sewer pipe -канализационная труба

sheathing -листовая обшивка

shingle -галька, булыжник

siding -боковая обшивка, облицовка (досками, листовым материалом)

sill - plate -лежень, опорная подкладка

site preparation -осуществить инженерную подготовку территории

slab -плита, панель

soffit -потолок

stack -стояк

staple -скоба

steel reinforcing bar -стальная арматура

subconstractor -субподрядчик

tape -рулетка

tar paper -деготь, смола, гудрон

termite - prone areaподверженная территория к термиту

to bind -завязывать, заедать, затвердевать

to cure -выдерживать, пропаривать (бетонные блоки)

to dig -копать, рыть

to dry in -высушивать

to embed -покрывать. заделывать

to extend -наполнять

to freeze -замораживать

to handle -транспортировать, подавать, управлять

to hook up to sewer -установить канализационную трубу

to insulate -изолировать

to involve -включать

to level -выравнивать, производить планировку (грунта)

to pour -бетонировать

to sandwich -помещать посередине

to slope -устраивать откос

to span -перекладывать (пролет); натягивать (проволоку)

to spread out the load -растягивать груз

tremendous -огромный       

trench -котлован; борозда; траншея

trim -обкладка, отделка

truck -грузовик, тележка

truss -ферма (сквозная, решетчатая, стропильная)

underlayment -опорная поверхность, подстилка, стяжка

vapour barrier -пар низкого давления; пары

vent pipe –вентиляционная труба

width -ширина



Глава 4

История архитектуры.

Вариант 1


  The architecture of the central Middle Ages was termed Gothic during the Renaissance because of its association with the barbarian north. Now this term is used to describe the important international style in most countries of Europe from the early 12th century to the advent of the Renaissance in the 15th century.

At the technical level Gothic architecture is characterized by the ribbed vault, the pointed arch, and the flying buttress.

One of the earliest building in which these techniques were introduced was the abbey of Saint-Denis, Paris.

The proportions are not large, but the skills and precision with which the vaulting is managed and the subjective effect of the undulating chain windows around the perimeter have given the abbey its traditional claim to the title “first Gothic building”.

In English architecture, this style is subdivided into Early English, Decorative and Perpendicular. The most influential building in Early English Gothic style was the choir of Canterbury cathedral. The building retains a passage at a clerestory level – an Anglo-Norman feature that remained standard in English architecture well into the 13th century. Attach ed colonettes became extremely popular with English architects, particularly because of the large supplies of purbeck marble, which gave any elevation a special coloristic character. This is obvious at Salisbury cathedral (begun 1220), but one of the richest examples of the effect is in the nave of Lincoln cathedral (begun 1225).

English architects for a long time retained a liking for heavy surface decoration: thus, when Rayonnant tracery designs were imported, they were combined with the existing repertoire of collonettes, attached shafts, and vault ribs. The result which could be extraordinary dense – for instance, in the east choir (begun 1256) at Lincoln cathedral – has been called the English Decorative style (1280 – 1350).

The architectural affects achieved were more inventive generally than those of contemporary continental building.

English Gothic came to an end with the final flowering of the Perpendicular style (1350-1550). It was characterized by vertical emphasis in structure and by elaborate fan vaults. The first major surviving statement of Perpendicular style is probably the choir of Gloucester cathedral.

Gothic was essentially the style of the Catholic countries of Europe. It was also carried to Cyprus, Malta, Syria, and Palestine by the Crusaders and their successors in the Mediterranean. The forms that were developed within the style on a regional basis were often of great beauty and complexity. They were used for secular building, as well as for cathedrals, churches, and monasteries.

By the Gothic survival is meant the survival of Gothic forms, particularly in provincial traditional building. It developed after the advent of the Renaissance and into the 17th century. It should be differed from the Gothic Revival (Neo- Gothic) in the 18th – the 19th centuries.


1.Answer the following questions:

6. When did Gothic architecture develop?

7. What are the characteristic features of the style?

8. What is the first Gothic building?

9. What are the Gothic phases in England?

10. What are the major monuments of Gothic architecture in England?

11. To what countries did the Crusaders carry Gothic?

12. What is meant by the Gothic Survival?

2.Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian:


 The Middle Ages, the barbarian north, the ribbed vault, the skills and precision, to be subdivided, the most influential building, tracery designs, inventive, emphasis, to come to an end, secularbuilding


3. Finish the sentences:

6. At the technical level Gothic architecture is characterized by the ribbed vault, the flying buttress, and…

7. The title the “first Gothic building”is given to…

8. In English architecture, the usual subdivisions are Early English, Decorative and … style.

9. English architects for a long time retained a liking for…

10. Gothic was essentially the style of the… countries.


Вариант 2



The Renaissance began in Italy, where there was always a residue of classical feeling of art.

Knowledge of the classical style in architecture was derived during the Renaissance from two sources: the ancient classical building, particularly in Italy but also in France and Spain and the treatise De architectura by the Roman architect Vitruvius. For classical antiquity and, therefore, for the Renaissance, the basic element of architectural design was the order, which was a system of traditional architectural units. During the Renaissance five orders were used, the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite, with various ones prevalent in different periods. For example, the ornate, decorative quality of the Corinthian order was embraced during the early Renaissance, while the masculine simplicity and strength of the Doric was preferred during the Italian High Renaissance.

On the authority of Vitruvius, the Renaissance architects found a harmony between the proportions of the human body and those of their architecture. There was even a relationship between architectural proportions and the Renaissance pictorial device of perspective.

The concern of these architects for proportion caused that clear, measures expression and definition of architectural space and mass that differentiates the Renaissance style from the Gothic and encourages in the spectator an immediate and full comprehension of the building.

In the early 15th century an Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi formulated linear perspective, which was to become a basic element of Renaissance art. At the same time, Brunelleschi investigated ancient Roman architecture and acquired the knowledge of classical architecture and ornament that he used as a foundation for Renaissance architecture.

His brilliant work, the loggia of the Ospedale degli Innocenti (1419 –1451) was the first building in the Renaissance manner; a very graceful arcade was designed with composite columns, and windows with classical pediment were regularly spaced above each of the arches.

In Russia the Renaissance is represented by the works of Italian masters (the Moscow Kremlin, the 15th-16th cc) the cathedral of the Assumption was built in 1475-1479 by Aristotile Fioravante on the site of an old church dating back to the reign of Ivan Kalita. By combining the characteristic features of the Vladimir-Suzdal and early-Moscow style with Italian Renaissance decoration and construction methods Fioravante produced a masterpiece of lasting beauty.

The Granovitaya Palata Faceted Palace (1487-1491) was built by Russian craftsmen according to the design of Italian architect. Its eastern façade is faced with faceted white stones, hence the name.


1.Answer the following questions:

1. When and where did the Renaissance begin?

2. What were the knowledge of the classical style in architecture?

3. What was the basic element of the architectural design for the Renaissance?

4. Who was the first to elaborate and to show the Renaissance system of perspective?

5. What was the first building in the Renaissance manner?

2.Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian:

a system of traditional architectural units; the ornate, decorative quality of the Corinthian order; the masculine simplicity of the Doric order; the Renaissance pictorial device of perspective; an immediate and full comprehension of the building; a very graceful arcade; windows with classical pediment were regularly spaced above each of the arches.

3. Finish the sentences:

  1. For classical antiquity and, therefore, for the Renaissance, the … was the basic element of architectural design.
  2. Clear, measures expression and definition of architectural space and mass differentiates the Renaissance style from…
  3. it was an Italian Renaissance architect … who formulated linear perspective.
  4. The first building in the Renaissance manner was …
  5. The cathedral of the Assumption was built by…
  6. The eastern façade of the Faceted Palace is faced with…

Вариант 3


Baroque and late Baroque, or Rococo, are terms applied to European art of the period from the early 17th century to the mid-18th century.

“Baroque” was probably derive d from the Italian word barocco. This term was used by philosophers during the Middle Ages to describe an obstacle in schematic logic. This word also described an irregular or imperfectly shaped pearl.

During the Baroque period (1600-1750), architecture, painting and sculpture were integrated into decorative ensembles. Architecture and sculpture became pictorial, and painting became illusionistic. Baroque art was essentially concerned with vivid colours, hidden light sources, luxurious materials and elaborate, contrasting surface textures.

Baroque architects made architecture a means of propagating faith in the church and in the state. Baroque space, with directionality, movement, and positive molding, contrasted markedly with the static, stable, and defined space of the High Renaissance and with the frustrating conflict of unbalanced spaces of the preceding Mannerist period. Mannerism is the term applied to certain aspects of artistic style, mainly Italian, in the period between the High Renaissance of the early 16th century and the beginning of Baroque art in the early 17th.

The Baroque rapidly developed into two separate forms: the strongly Roman Catholic countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Poland, etc.) tend ed toward freer and more active architectural forms and surfaces; in Protestant regions (England, Netherlands and the remainder of northern Europe) architecture was more restrained and developed a sober quiet monumentality impressive in its refinement. In the Protestant countries and France, which sought the spirit through the mind, architecture was more geometric formal and precise – an appeal to the intellect.

Hardouin-Mansart’s Dome des Invalides, Paris (1675), is generally agreed to be the finest church of the last half of the 17th century in France. The correctness and precision of its form, the harmony ad balance of its spaces, and the soaring vigour of its dome make it a landmark not only of the Paris skyline but also of European Baroque architecture.



1.Answer the following questions:


1. How is the word “Baroque” defined?

2. What are the main features of Baroque?

3. What arts were integrated into decorative ensembles?

4. What outstanding Baroque architects do you know?

5. What examples of Baroque architecture can you give?

2.Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian:


unbalanced spaces; vivid colours; hidden light sources; luxurious materials; the harmony and balance of spaces; the static, stable and defined space.


3. Finish the sentences:

  1. The term “Baroque” was used by philosophers…
  2. During the Baroque period architecture and sculpture became…
  3. Baroque architecture was a means of propagating….
  4. Mannerism is the term applied to certain aspects of …
  5. The Baroque rapidly developed into two separate…


Вариант 4



During the period of the Enlightenment (about 1700 to 1780), various currents of post-Baroque art and architecture evolved. A principal current, generally known as Rococo, refined the robust architecture of the 17th century to suit elegant 18th-century tastes. Vivid colours were replaced by pastel shades; diffuse light flooded the building volume; violent surface relief was replaced by smooth flowing masses with emphasis only at isolated points. Churches and palaces still exhibited an integration of the three arts, but the building structure was lighted to render interiors graceful and ethereal. Interior and exterior space retained none of the bravado and dominance of the Baroque but entertained and captured the imagination by intricacy and subtlety.

By progressively modifying the Renaissance-Baroque horizontal separation into discrete parts, Rococo architects obtained unified spaces, emphasized structural elements, created continuous decorative schemes, and reduced column sizes to a minimum. In churches, the ceilings of side aisles were raised to the height of the nave ceiling to unify the space from wall to wall (Church of the Carmine, Turin, Italy, 1732, by Filippo Juvarra, Pilgrimage Church, Steinhausen, near Biberach, Germany, 1728, by Dominikus Zimmermann, Saint-Jacques, Luvenvilli, France, 1730, by Germain Boffrand).


1.Answer the following questions:

1. What is the principal current of post-Baroque art?

2. What are the main features of Rococo?

3. What is the difference between Baroque and Rococo?

4. How did the Rococo architects obtain unified spaces?

5. How did they change the churches ceilings?

6. What examples of Rococo architecture can you give?



2.Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian:

the robust architecture; an integration of the three arts; graceful and ethereal; to be replaced by pastel shades; violent surface relief; the bravado and dominance of the Baroque; continuous decorative schemes, Pilgrimage Church.

3. Finish the sentences:

  1. Various currents of post-Baroque art and architecture evolved during the…
  2. The principal current was called…
  3. Churches and palaces still exhibited an integration of the three arts, but the building structure was lighted to…
  4. Interior and exterior space entertained and captured the imagination by…
  5. In churches, the ceilings of side aisles were raised…


  1. Translate the following sentences, explaining the way of rendering the passive constructions:

1. The architecture of the central Middle Ages was termed Gothic during the Renaissance because of its association with the barbarian north. 2.One of the earliest building in which these techniques were introduced was the abbey of Saint-Denis, Paris. 3.In English architecture, this style is subdivided into Early English, Decorative and Perpendicular. 4.The forms that were developed within the style on a regional basis were often of great beauty and complexity. 5.Knowledge of the classical style in architecture was derived during the Renaissance from two sources. 6. A very graceful arcade was designed with composite columns, and windows with classical pedimentwere regularly spaced above each of the arches. 7.Its eastern façade is faced with faceted white stones, hencethe name. 8. This term was used by philosophers during the Middle Ages to describe an obstacle in schematic logic. 9.The building structure was lighted to render interiors graceful and ethereal.


  1. Translate the following sentences, paying attention at the translation of the passive constructions:

1. Now this term is used to describe the important international style in most countries of Europe from the early 12th century to the advent of the Renaissance in the 15th century. 2. The skills and precision with which the vaulting is managed have given the abbey its traditional claim to the title “first Gothic building”. 3.It was characterized by vertical emphasis in structure and by elaborate fan vaults. 4.By the Gothic survival is meant the survival of Gothic forms, particularly in provincial traditional building. 5.During the Renaissance five orders were used, the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite, with various ones prevalent in different periods. 6. In Russia the Renaissance is represented by the works of Italian masters (the Moscow Kremlin, the 15th-16th cc). 7. The cathedral of the Assumptionwas built in 1475-1479 by Aristotile Fioravante on the site of an old church dating back to the reign of Ivan Kalita. 8.Vivid colours were replacedby pastel shades; diffuse light flooded the building volume; violent surface relief was replaced by smooth flowing masses with emphasis only at isolated points. 9.In churches, the ceilings of side aisles were raised to the height of the nave ceiling to unify the space from wall to wall.


8. Find and translate the passive constructions:

1.At the technical level Gothic architecture is characterized by the ribbed vault, the pointed arch, and the flying buttress. 2.When Rayonnanttracery designs were imported, they were combined with the existing repertoire of collonettes, attached shafts, and vault ribs. 3. The result which could be extraordinary dense has been called the English Decorative style. 4.It was also carried to Cyprus, Malta, Syria, and Palestine by the Crusaders and their successors in the Mediterranean. 5. They were used for secularbuilding, as well as for cathedrals, churches, and monasteries. 6. For example, the ornate, decorative quality of the Corinthian order was embracedduring the early Renaissance, while the masculine simplicity and strength of the Doric was preferred during the Italian High Renaissance. 7. The Granovitaya Palata Faceted Palace (1487-1491) was built by Russian craftsmen according to the design of Italian architect. 8. “Baroque” was probably derived from the Italian word barocco. 9. Hardouin-Mansart’s Dome des Invalides, Paris (1675), is generally agreed to be the finest church of the last half of the 17th century in France.


9. Translate the following sentences, explaining the way of rendering the nouns with the articles:

1. It wasn’t easy for a company to build a cottage in a Gothic style. 2. This architect was a Solari. 3.They were taught by a Mr.White. 3. The Vitrivius who was the author of the treatise De architectura is considered the main authority of the Renaissance style. 4. The France of the Baroque period is very beautiful. 5. One is the Italy of the Renaissance, the other is the Italy of the Rococo, and there can be no misunderstanding.


10. Translate the following sentences, paying attention at the way f expressing the modality:

1. The Renaissance can be divided into several periods. 2. You can see many Gothic cathedrals in France and Germany. 3. The house cannot be built without a foundation. 4. They will be able to visit the choir of Canterbury cathedral in a week. 5. The ancient architects could not possibly build the skyscrapers. 6. This building may be originated from the Baroque period. 7. Pope Julius II had to rebuild St Peter’s cathedral because it was in a very poor condition. 8. The Renaissance style can be illustrated by any examples. 9. The Architects who took part in projecting the arcade would be upset to learn that it collapsed. 10. the abbey of Sait Denis may be considered the first Gothic building.

Chapter Five Vocabulary


acquire - приобретать

aisle – неф

antiquity - античность

appeal – призыв, обращение

Apply -применять

arcade – аркада, сводчатая галерея

arch -арка

Assumption – ( рел.) успение

attach – прикреплять, присоединять

authority – (зд.) авторитетное мнение, утверждение

buttress - контрфорс

capture – захватывать, увлекать

cathedral - собор

cause – вызывать, являться результатом

choir – место хора в соборе

church - церковь

clerestory – верхний ряд окон, освещающий центр высокого помещения

comprehension - понимание

current - течение

dense – густой, плотный

derive - происходить

device - средство

discrete - раздельный, состоящий из разрозненных частей

elaborate – тщательно разработанный, искусно сделанный

embrace – воспользоваться, выбирать

encourage – ободрять, поощрять, поддерживать.

Enlightenment – Эпоха Просвещения

entertain – занимать, извлекать

ethereal – легкий, воздушный

evolve – происходить, возникать

faith - вера

flood – литься потоком

flowing -текущий

flying buttress – аркбутан, арочный контрфорс

graceful – грациозный, изящный

hence – отсюда, следовательно

hidden -скрытый

immediate – непосредственный, прямой, немедленный

intricacy – запутанность, сложность

luxurious -роскошный

masculine – мужской, мужественный

means - средство

nave – неф

obstacle - препятствие

obtain – получать, приобретать

order - орден

pearl - жемчуг

pediment - фронтон

pointed arch – стрельчатая арка

preceding - предшествующий

precise - точный


rapidly - быстро

Rayonnant - лучистый (стиль)

reduce – сокращать, уменьшать

refinement -утонченность

remainder – остальная часть

replace -заменять

retain –сохранять, поддерживать

rib – ребро

robust – крепкий, сильный, грубый

secular – светский, мирской

seek (sought) – искать, обращаться

spirit - дух

subtlety – тонкость, нежность

surface - поверхность

tend – иметь тенденцию, направляться

the Middle Ages – Средние века, средневековье

vault -свод

vivid – яркий, ясный

Глава 5

Искусство архитектуры

Вариант 1


Architecture is the art and the technique of building, employed to fulfil the practical and expressive requirements of civilized people. Almost every settled society that possesses the techniques for building produces architecture. It is necessary in all but the simplest cultures; without it, man is confined to a primitive struggle with the elements; with it, he has not only a defence against the natural environment but also the benefits of a human environment, a prerequisite for and a symbol of the development of civilized institution.

The characteristics that distinguish a work of architecture from other man-made structures are (1) the suitability of the work to use by human beings in general and the adaptability of it to particular human activities; (2) the stability and permanence of the work's construction; and (3) the communication of experience and ideas through its form.

All these conditions must be met in architecture. The second is a con­stant, while the first and the third vary in relative importance according to the social function of buildings. If the function is chiefly utilitarian, as in a factory, communication is of less importance. If the function is chiefly ex­pressive, as in a monumental tomb, utility is a minor concern. In some buildings such as churches and city halls, utility and communication may be of equal importance.



  1. Give the English equivalents.
    1. требования цивилизованных людей
    2. борьба со стихией
    3. природная среда
    4. предпосылка и символ
    5. произведение архитектуры
    6. стихия
    7. в соответствии с общественной функцией зданий
    8. ратуша
    9. здание муниципалитета



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