Exercise 11. Say it in English. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 11. Say it in English.


1. Лидерство и руководство взаимосвязаны: способность вести за собой является основным качеством хорошего руководителя.

2. Выполнение управленческой работы требует от руководителя умения вести за собой (лидировать).

3. Люди следуют за теми, кто понимает их желания и потребности и предлагает пути осуществления их личных целей.

4. Лидер должен хорошо понимать людей, которые идут за ним.

5. Лидеры должны откликаться на запросы людей. Атмосфера, которую они создают в организации, может стимулировать подчиненных либо, напротив, охладить их рвение.

6. Лидерство определяется как процесс влияния на людей таким образом, чтобы они с готовностью и энтузиазмом стремились к достижению общих целей.

7. Способность вдохновлять своих работников на работу с полной отдачей является ключевой в искусстве руководства.

8. Лидеру недостаточно понимать теорию мотивации, он должен уметь применить знание основных положений этой теории к конкретным людям и ситуациям.

9. Важным компонентом руководства является власть и то, как руководитель пользуется этой властью, влияет на климат в коллективе.

10. Если руководитель помогает своим подчиненным в выполнении их стремлений к таким вещам как деньги, власть, положение в обществе или гордость успехами, то он всегда в ответ получит желаемый отклик.

11. Чем лучше руководитель понимает, что движет его сотрудниками и каким образом эти мотивы работают, тем лучше он поможет воплотить это понимание в своих поступках.

12. Чем больше люди склонны следовать за теми, кто, по их мнению, предлагает им средство удовлетворения их личных целей, тем больше руководители должны понимать, что движет их подчиненными.

Exercise 12. Read and translate text B making use of the vocabulary.

challenge n вызов; сложная проблема; трудная работа challenge v бросать вызов; претендовать quarterly statement квартальный отчет transformational a преобразующий; меняющий мнение и отношение последователей к поставленной цели transaction n дело; сделка visionary a фантастический; мечтательный defiance n вызов, открытое неповиновение transcend v переступать; превосходить concurrence n совпадение мнений; согласованность elation n приподнятое настроение intensity n сила; напряжение domain n владение; область, сфера autocratic a самодержавный, властный free-rein a бесконтрольный, свободный тип управления rein n узда, сдерживающее средство; контроль the reins of government бразды правления to keep a tight rein on держать в узде, строго контролировать compliance n подчинение (правилам) aloof a отчужденный

Text B



Traditional management teaching would have us believe that the ideal organization is orderly and stable. Yet, when successful leaders talk about their personal best achievements, they talk about challenging the process, about changing things, about shaking up the organization. The leadership challenge is about how leaders get extraordinary things done in organizations. It is about the practices leaders use to turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes.

The effective leaders do not focus their attention on the short term, the quarterly statements, and the annual report, they have a long-term orientation. They look beyond the horizon of the present. Transactional leaders guide followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. However, transformational leaders, who are charismatic and visionary, can inspire followers to transcend their own self-interest for the good of the organization. Transformational leaders appeal to followers' ideals and moral values and inspire them to think about problems in new or different ways.

Leaders must have a vision (see “Texts for Supplementary Reading”, Operating Guidelines), a sense of direction, but the vision can spring from original thinking or represent the inspiration of something else. In fact, leaders attract followers not because of their willful defiance but because of their deep respect for the aspirations of others.

Some people think that leaders ought to be cool, aloof and analytical – separating emotion from work Actually, when leaders discuss the things they are proud of in their own careers, they describe feelings of inspiration, passion, elation, intensity, challenge, caring, kindness.

To be sure, leaders must be energetic and enthusiastic. But a leader’s dynamism does not come from special powers. It comes from a strong belief in a purpose and willingness to express that conviction.The most effective leaders are involved and in touch with those they lead. They care deeply about others, and they often refer to those with whom they work as family.

Tradition suggests that leaders direct and control others by giving orders and by issuing policies and procedures. But leaders know that the more they control others, the less likely it is that people will excel. Leaders do not control, they enable others to act. Leaders’ deeds are far more important than their words. Credibility of action is the single most significant determinant of whether a leader will be followed over time.

Leadership is not associated with superior position and when you are on top you are not automatically a leader, because leadership is not a place, it is a process. It involves skills and abilities that are useful whether one is in the executive suite or on the front line. In accordance with leaders’ authority we can classify leadership styles.

The three main types of leaders based on how they use their authority are described as autocratic, democratic and free-rein leader.

The autocratic leader is defined as one who commands and expects compliance, who is dogmatic and positive, and who leads by the ability to withhold or give rewards and punishment.

The democratic, or participative, leader consults with subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and encourages participation from them. This type of leader is seen in ranging from the person who does not take action without subordinates’ concurrence to the one who makes decisions but consults with subordinates before doing so.

The third type of a leader uses his or her power very little, if at all, giving subordinates a high degree of independence, or free-rein, in their operations. Such leaders depend largely on subordinates to set their own goals and the means of achieving them, and they see their role as one of aiding the operations of followers by giving them the necessary information and acting primarily as a contact with the group’s external environment.

Leaders do exhibit certain distinct practices when they are doing their best. And this behavior varies little from industry to industry, profession to profession. Good leadership is not only an understandable but also a universal process. It is a process ordinary managers use when they are bringing forth the best from themselves and others.

The domain of leaders is the future. The most significant contribution leaders make is not to today’s bottom-line but to the long-term development of people and institutions who prosper and grow. But more than that, leadership is important not only in your dealings with others but the equality in your own career. It is the leader who reaches the summit in any field.

Because leadership development is ultimately self-development, the leadership challenge is, in the end, a personal challenge.


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