New types of weapon of mass destruction. 

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New types of weapon of mass destruction.

Weapon based on new physical principles (BNPP) - this type of weapon, based on the quality of new or not previously used by the physical, biological and other principles of action and technical solutions, based on developments in the new areas of knowledge and new technologies.

BNPP include radiation (laser and accelerator), infrasound, radio frequency, geophysical.


Radiation (laser and accelerator) weapon - kind of directed energy weapons based on the use of electromagnetic radiation of high-energy lasers. Striking effect of RW is determined mainly by thermomechanical and shock - impulsive laser beam on the target. One of its type- combat laser gun (CLG).

Infrasound weapon - a weapon that affects the impact of which is light on the human low-frequency elastic waves - less than 16 Hz. Sound Generator - sound gun battle. It is mounted on an armored heavy machinery (crawler-type APCs). "Shoot" the sound waves, usually imperceptible to the ear. The most dangerous, according to experts, is considered a period of 6 to 10 Hz.


Geophysical weapon - is a weapon that affects the action is based on the military use of natural phenomena and processes induced by artificial means. Depending on the environment in which these processes occur, it is divided into atmospheric, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and ozone.

Atmospheric (weather) weapon - the most studied to date view of the geophysical weapon. With regard to the atmospheric weapons it affecting factors are different kinds of atmospheric processes and the associated weather and climatic conditions, which may affect the life, both in individual regions and on the entire planet.

Lithospheric weapon is based on the use of energy of the lithosphere, ie the outer sphere of "hard" Earth, including the crust and the upper layer of the mantle. This damaging effect is manifested in the form of catastrophic events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the movement of geological formations. The source of the energy released at the same time is a tension in the tectonically-hazardous areas.

Hydrospheric weapon based on the use for military purposes of the hydrosphere energy. Damaging factors of hydrospheric arms are strong waves and flooding.


Biospheric weapon (environmental) based on a catastrophic change in the biosphere. Biosphere covers the part of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper part of the lithosphere, which are interconnected by complex biogeochemical cycles of matter and energy migration. Currently, there are chemical and biological weapons, the use of which in extensive territories can destroy vegetation, the surface layer of fertile soil, food supplies, and others.

Ozone weapon based on the destruction of the shielding ozone layer, extending to a height of 10 to 50 km with a maximum concentration at an altitude of 20-25 km and a sharp decrease of up and down.


Methods and means of protection from the lesions / centers of mass destruction.


Tools of protection from weapons of mass destruction fall into the collective and individual.

Collective safety tools is a simple earthen shelter (trenches, bunkers, dugouts, cracks and other structures), as well as a special haven.

Individual protection tools are gas masks, protective clothing, individual anti-gas package.

Sanitization, the deactivation, decontamination and disinfection of various objects are held in case of infection in order to prevent destruction of people and the preservation of wealth.


Protection against weapons of mass destruction - a system of measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the enemy on the staff of troops, civilians and property. Measures for the protection can be common (for all used types of weapons) and special.

Protection measures are divided into preliminary, ongoing until the effects of weapons and measures to eliminate the consequences of its use by the enemy.




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