Choose the correct variant of the sentence:To,came,the office,he,yesterday,taxi,by 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Choose the correct variant of the sentence:To,came,the office,he,yesterday,taxi,by

Choose the correct variant of the sentence:To,came,the office,he,yesterday,taxi,by

E)he came to the office by taxi yesterday

34.Choose the correct sentence with the Indirect Speech:The teacher says:<You don’t prepare your homework regularly>

B)the teacher says that we don’t prepare our homework regularly

Eliminate the extra word:bed,sofa,lamp,nursery,mirror


Express in one word: a dish served before the beginning of a meal


Express in one word:a king of jam


38.What does the word<loan>mean

C)a borrowed word

The morphemes which may occur alone and coincide with-forms or immutable words are

E)free morphemes

Finish the phraseologism:To make the cup run


Fill in the suitable word:The largest coal and iron fields in Britian are located in the


Eliminate the extra word:coal,iron,metal,steel,scenery


43.Choose the correct preposition:to be familiar…smth


Choose English equivalent to the word:Антарктика

C)the Antarctic

Choose the English equivalent to the sentence:Айтайын ба

E)shall I speak

Eliminate the extra word:bed,sofa,lamp,lift,mirror


Choose the word close in meaning:shore


Choose the correct preposition:to have a glimpse


Choose the correct translation of the word:To hold exams

Е)емтихандарды жүргізу

Express in one word:a game similar to tennis played by two or four people


Choose the suitable word:This gives a good supply of harbours for


Choose the suitable word: In the XIX century Akmola was a popular trading and economic steppe

E) centre

This king encouraged the arts and culture first

E) King Alfred

54. Choose English equivalents to the following Kazakh one: Менің сағатым 5 минутқа асығып тұр

C) my watch is 5 minutes fast

55. Choose the word or the word – combination closest in meaning: оқуды тоқтату

E) to stop reading

Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to have no choice

E) таңдауы болмау

Choose the proper Kzakh equivalent to: to get in tempers

E) ашулану

Choose the word opposite in meaning: lucky

E) unsuccessful

59. Complete the following sentence: Lautisse arrived on the noon train Saturday, and I met him… (mind the text “Lautisse Paints Again” H.A.Smith)

E) at the station

With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student.To complete his education he went to italy but after 5 months all the money was spent and he had to return.These sentences are from the text

E) “A Good Start”

61. Complete the following sentence: I’m going to change the whole plan and show his new work… (mind the text “ A Good Start”)

E) in the autumn

62. Complete the following sentence: The boy looked for a place to hide… (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W.Saroyan)

D) and rushed into the lavatory

63. Insert a suitable word in the following sentence: One morning… said he wanted to talk to him. (mind the text “The Verger” W.S.Maugham)

E) the bank manager

When the art student came the following week, he saw a drawing on the table the main character of the text is

D) Frank swain

Complete the sentence: O.Henry wrote the story which is entitled

A) “the happiest man on earth”

66. Complete the following sentence: Pledger gave part of his pay for a ticket to… (mind the text <<Pledger’s Ways Home>> by A.Saxton)

B) Chicago

67. Complete the following sentence: He sat deep in thought through the long hours as the train ran towards … (mind the text <<Pledger’s Ways Home>> by A.Saxton)

E) Chicago

My first application for a job in Boston was made in accordance with an idea of my own. This sentence is from the text

C) “Hunting for a Job” by S. S. Mcclure

69. Complete the following sentence: Fran Walker spent her childhood… (mind the text “The Bramble Bush” Ch.Mergendahl)

C) in a large farm house on six acres of unused pasture land

Antonyms are not

A)the words with one and the same meaning

Топ басталатын адам саны


29.Fiil in the correct form of the verb: I have not written the English exercise, I… write it on Sunday

A) shall have to

30.Fill in the necessary tence form in the following conditional sentence:IF you … me up,li…you about it

B) had rung/would have told

31.Use the necessary tense form: I Knew that he …a very clever man

A) Was

32.Choose the correct tense form of the verb: I told her that I…her later

E) would call

33.Find the correct form of the Adjective: It began geeting …and it was time to go back home

B) Darker

34.Fill in the correct article: You usually have …breakfast at 8,don t you?


35.Fiil in the correct preposition: She Is …Kazakhstan

C) from

36. Fiil in the correct preposition:What is the capital …Russia

D) of

37. The object of…deals with the evolution of any vocabulary

E) historical lexicology

38. …is derivational morpheme following the stem

C) Suffix

Education in britain is

E)class-divided and selective

64.Use the pronouns in the proper form: the work at home.(we)


65.Choose the correct modal verb: You... speak english with your friends in order to have some practice A)must

66.Choose the correct modal verb: I... stay here any longer. I have to go home E)can't

67.So many % of the english vocabulary are loan words B)70%

68.The first american dictionary of the english language was published by С)Samuel Johnson

69.Complete the following sentences: Sladen Morris has grown very... now, and all the giris... he is....(mind the text "The Boy Next Door" by L. Baker) A)tall,think,wonderful

70.These sentences are from: It seemed impossible that i should die on the shores of my own country and within view of men's houses. But the second day passed; and though l kept a look out for boats or men, no help came E) ''the shipwreek''

71. Choose the correct modal verb: He Jooks so pale. He... ill E) must be 72.Choose the correct modal verd: You... come. The problem is settled B)needn't

73.Choose the coorect modal verd: He said, ''the boy... to apologize'' E)ought

74.Choose the correct modal verb: I asked him where l... wait for him E)should

75.Choose the correct modal verb: We... go on foot, we are not tired A)can

76.Choose the correct modal verd: She... to help her mother E)ought

77. Choose the correct verb: The book... by him E)was written

78.Choose the correct verb: The Olympic Games... in 4 years B)are held

79.Choose the correct verb: I wish you... it well E)would know

81.Choose the correct verb: I wish …soon

E)would come

Тілді білу дегеніміз

Е) тілдің құрылымы мен сөдерді білу, тілді меңгеру

5. Жаңа сөздердің мағынасын ашуда қолданылатын алғашқы іс-әрекет

В) анықтама беру

6. Оқу-әдістемелік кешен... кітаптан тұрады

Е) төрт

7. Аударманың бұл түрі мектеп бағдарламасында қолданылмайды

Е)көркем әдеби аударма

8. Мектеп жасына дейінгі оқушыларды шет тіліне үйрету мына іс-әрекет арқылы жүзеге асады

Е) ойын іс-әрекеті

9. Мектепте шет тілін оқытудың мақсатының саны

Д) 3

10. Грамматикалық-аударма әдісімына ғасырда қолданыла бастады

Е) XVIII-XIX ғасырда

11. Шет тілінен “жақсы” бағасы қойылады

Д) егер көмекші көрсеткіштердің біреуі орындалмаса 75%

12. Шет тілін оқытудың зерттеу объектісіне жатпайды

Е) шет елдің саяси экономикалық жағдайы

13. Шет тілінен үйірме және клуб жұмыстары сыныптан тыс жұмыстардың... түріне жатады

С) топтық

14. Педагогика үшін ерекше маңызы бар ғылым саласы

Е) психология

15. Тәрбие әдісін таңдауға негіз болатын педагогикалық категория

Д) тәрбие мақсаты


16. Адамгершілік тәрбиесінің ең көп тараған формалары

Е) этикалық әңгіме, пікірталас, дискуссия, кездесу, оқырмандар конференциясы

17. Қоғам мүшелерінің белгілі бір ережелерге бағынуы

Е) тәртіп

18. Ұлтжандылыққа тәрбиелеу міндеттерін орындайтын тәрбиенің түрі

Е) елжандылық

19. «Принцип» сөзінің қазақ тіліндегі мағынасы

Е) негіз, қағида

20. Ырықты зейіннің дамуымен тікелей байланысты психикалық үрдіс

С) сөйлеу

21. Оқу-кәсіби іс-әрекет қай жастағылардың негізгі әрекеті болып саналады

Е) жасөспірім

22. Жастардың тәлімгері ретінде өзіне қойылатын әлеуметтік үміттерді тепе-тең қабылдай негізінде құрылатын мұғалімнің мінез-құлқы

В) педагогикалық әдептілік

23. «Өмір, практика - таным көзі» деген ережеге негізделетін принцип

С) теория мен практиканың байланысы

24. Жаттығулар, зертханалық жұмыстар

В) практикалық әдістер

25. Проблеманы шешуге оқушылардың ізденісін, шығармашылық іс-әрекетін ұйымдастыру әдісі

А) зерттеу әдісі

26. «Инновация» сөзінің қазақ тіліндегі баламасы

С) жаңалық

27.психологиялық ғылымның негізін құраушы

В)адам физиологиясы

28. Мінездің нақты қалыптасуына себепші фактор

Д) қоғамдық шарттар

29. Choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: There aren’t … fruit at this time of the year

B) any

30. Use the right pronoun: Mary must not eat too … salt because she has problems with her blood pressure

C) much

31. Use the correct pronoun: I am sorry to say, I have read very … books by Walter Scott

D) few

32. Find the correct sentence with the Inderect Speech: Mother asks me: “What are you doing?”

C) mother asks me what I am doing.

33. Choose the correct tense form: When I come home tomorrow, my family … supper

E) will be having

34. Fill in the necessary tense form in the following conditional sentence: If mother … a cake, we … a very nice tea party

E) bought/would have

Leila was too shocked to answer. But garred went on: “I think it’s wonderful. I never doubted bill would catch up with the modern trends. Now Leila, are there more pictures for a full show? I’m going to change the whole plan and show his new work in the autumn”. There sentences are from the text

E) “A Good Start”

55. The boy kept squeezing politely out of the drunkard’s way, hurrying through the crowd, not saying anything and trying his best to be as decent as possible. The main character of the text as… (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W. Saroyan)

B) Filipino

The princess was still smiling, though less easily. She was unused to asking for asking for things twice. The silence continued, i still though that it could only a practical joke, and that one of us probably the prince himself – would produce the ring with a laugh. These sentences are from the text

E)”The Dinner Party”

57. Complete the following sentence: On the… Clifford reached his study, turned on the light over the table and dropped info the chair before it. (mind the text ”Then in Triumph” by F. L. Parke)

E) second floor

These sentences are from: David Balfour, a sixteen – year old boy is on board, a bring bound for America. The bring meets with a violent storm off the coast of Scotland. During the ship wreck that foolows David is coast overboard. He cannot swim and is being carried along by the waves and choked until fortunately, he manages to get hold of a floating board. After a desperate struggle he is flung upon the shore

E) “the shipwreck”

62. One day, very soon, we’re going to have an out break of an epidemic. It’s the main sewer that’s to blame. This sentence is from the text… (mind the text “The Explosion” by A. J. Cronin)

E)”The Explosion”

63. Complete the following sentence: Soon he… the bank rising before him … drum going round and round. (mind the text “The Banks of the Sacramento” by J. London)

B) saw/and the old familiar

64. Complete the following sentence: Ales called the boy to …(mind the text “a Foul Play” R. Ruark)

C) his cabin

Unassimilated loan word is

E) affiche


They are not antonyms

D) the words with one and the same meaning

Standard English is not

A) the regional dialect of London

American English is

E) the variety of English spoken in the USA

Choose the correct variant of the sentence:To,came,the office,he,yesterday,taxi,by

E)he came to the office by taxi yesterday

34.Choose the correct sentence with the Indirect Speech:The teacher says:<You don’t prepare your homework regularly>

B)the teacher says that we don’t prepare our homework regularly


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