Exercise 9: Find the words with opposite meaning 

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Exercise 9: Find the words with opposite meaning

(Найдите к словам из колонки А антонимы из колонки В):

1.native a.output
2.portable b.upload
3. input c.separation
4.similar d.spiritual
5.switch on e.foreign
6.possible f.plural
7. known g.different
8.single h.constant
9.physical i.high-level
10.connection j.impossible
11.low-level k.unknown
12.download l.turn off


Exercise 10: Read and decide: what’s the occupation of the speakers in the dialogues?:


Speaker 1: Is it possible to recreate human intelligence with computer?

Speaker 2: The question ofartificial intelligence is very complicated, but it’s very interesting. I’m sure, we’ll have all this by 2020.

Speaker 1: Really?! What must be done to achieve that?

Speaker 2: We need to match the speed and memory capacity of the human brain and, of course, the right hardware. We also need to capture the complexity and richness of human intelligence.

Speaker 1: Is it difficult?

Speaker 2: Yes, it’s quite difficult. But we’ll do it by reverse engineering of the human brain.

Speaker 1: What do you mean?

Speaker 2: Well, we’ll explore the human brain from the inside and find out how it works, how it’s connected, how it’s wired up.

Speaker 1: That sounds great. But is it possible?

Speaker 2: Now we can see inside the brain with brain scanning. And by 2030 we’ll have another instrument for exploring the brain. We’ll be able to sent tiny scanning robots along blood vessels to map the brain from the inside.

Speaker 1: That’s fantastic. And what will it give?

Speaker 2: This will give us all the data on how the brain is connected and all the features which enable it to perform.

Speaker 1: As I understand, after receiving such data you will know how the brain works and you’ll be able to recreate its operation using the powerful computers.

Speaker 2: You are absolutely right.




Speaker 1: How long has your site been up?

Speaker 2: Just a couple of months. It’s brand new.

Speaker 1: What’s your site all about?

Speaker 2: It’s called the Movie Shrine, and it’s just a site with movie reviews, strange things I’ve noticed about certain films, and lots of links to other movie sites

Speaker 1: Why did you dedicate your site to this subject?

Speaker 2: I decided to make a site about movies because I’ve been a huge movie fan for a long time. Right now, films are my biggest hobby.

Speaker 1: What makes you site special?

Speaker 2: I guess my site is just a little less formal than the most of the film sites on the Internet. It’s for people who like movies of all kinds and for fans of all types

Speaker 1: How did you create your site?

Speaker 2: I created the site using Netscape Composer.

Speaker 1: What was the most difficult part?

Oh, the design. Just working out how the site would look and how the pages would link up.

Speaker 1: How did you get your domain name?

Speaker 2: I got a free domain name from www.donainzero.com.

Speaker 1: Have you registered your site on a search engine?

Speaker 2: Not yet.

Speaker 1: Have you included links to other sites?

Speaker 2: I included many links to other sites. That may be the best thing about my site, the huge number of links. I’m also in a lot of Yahoo! Clubs and I’ve linked to them too.

Speaker 1: What do you intend to do next with your site?

Speaker 2: I’m going to update the Movie Journal section and I’d like to build in new links.

Grammar review:

Present Continuous


Настоящее продолженное время обозначает:

  • действие, происходящее в настоящий момент

He is playing computer now.

Look! He is crossing the street.

She is listening to the radio at the moment.

  • действие в виде непрерывного процесса

The Earth is rotating.

It is raining outside.

  • будущее действие, если оно запланировано

The plane is arriving at the airport at 7 pm.

They are leaving Moscow next week.

Некоторые глаголы не употребляются в Continuous. Это глаголы, обозначающие чувственное восприятие (to hear, to see), умственную деятельность (to know, to understand, to remember), желания (to wish, to want), чувства (to love, to hate, to like).



Present continuous: am/is/are + Participle I (-ing)

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I am sitting I am not sitting Am I sitting?
He is sitting She is sitting It is sitting He is not sitting She is not sitting It is not sitting Is he sitting? Is she sitting? Is it sitting?
We are sitting You are sitting They are sitting We are not sitting You are not sitting They are not sitting Are we sitting? Are you sitting? Are they sitting?

I am =I’m

He is = He’s

We are = We’re

is not = isn’t

are not = aren’t


Практические задания:


    1. Is the sentence right or wrong?

a. He is going to work now.

b. She reading a book at the moment.

c. They are write essays for the university newspaper.

d. My brother are coming tomorrow.

e. The students are having a lecture now.


    1. Make the sentences negative:

a. He is doing the English exercises.

b. We are dancing now.

c. They are downloading software from the Internet.

d. She is having an exam at the moment.

e. I am correcting the mistakes in the newspaper article.

    1. Ask the questions to the sentences:

a. We are having a lecture.

b. The students are working at the computer class now.

c. The students are spending much time communicating on-line.

d. He is watching TV.

e. I am writing a message for you.


    1. Use the correct form of the verb:

a. She (to help) me to solve a difficult problem.

b. They (to go) to help their grandmother in the garden.

c. Alex (to record) his favourite music.

d. Kate (to sweep) the floor.

e. I (to translate) a difficult article from French into Russian.


    1. Translate into English:

a. Смотри! Кто-то бежит сюда.

b. Кто едет на той красной машине?

c. Я сейчас делаю домашнее задание.

d. Она занята сейчас. Она разговаривает по телефону.

e. Мы чертим курсовую.


Past Continuous


Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Continuous) обозначает:

  • действие, имевшее место в определенный момент в прошлом, который обозначен либо обстоятельством времени, либо другим действием в прошлом. При этом ни начало, ни конец длительного действия неизвестны. Подчеркивается процесс действия и его продолжительность.

I was writing a letter at 5 o’clock.

I was writing a letter when my mother came.


  • действие, протекавшее в определенный период в прошлом

I was writing a composition the whole day yesterday.

I was waiting for you from six to seven p.m.



Past Continuous: was/were + Participle I (-ing)

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I was sitting I was not sitting Was I sitting?
He was sitting She was sitting It was sitting He was not sitting She was not sitting It was not sitting Was he sitting? Was she sitting? Was it sitting?
We were sitting You were sitting They were sitting We were not sitting You were not sitting They were not sitting Were we sitting? Were you sitting? Were they sitting?


was not = wasn’t

were not = weren’t



Практические задания:


    1. Is the sentence right or wrong?:

a. He was passing his exam at 9 o’clock.

b. She was reading books at night.

c. We were walking from 5 to 8 pm.

d. My brother was typing a report when I came.

e. The children watching cartoons.


    1. Make the sentences negative:

a. He was packing things for the trip.

b. We were eating breakfast when he called.

c. They were cooking all together.

d. She was standing behind the door.

e. I was reading an English book the whole evening yesterday.

    1. Ask the questions to the sentences:

a. We were working when he came in.

b. The students were having practice training when they heard an alarm signal.

c. While I was working in the garden, I hurt my finger.

d. At night he was listening to music.

e. From 6 to 8 am on Saturday they were playing tennis.


    1. Use the correct form of the verb:

a. She broke a tooth when she (eat) nuts.

b. They (help) their grandmother, when the rain started.

c. Alex (to meet) with his friends the whole evening yesterday.

d. It (rain) when we went out from the theatre.

e. When Nancy came in, she (drink) Cola.


    1. Translate into English:

a. Он ехал на машине 6 часов.

b. Они смотрели телевизор, когда пришла мама.

c. Все студенты сидели в аудитории, когда зашел профессор.

d. Она писала эссе с 4 до 7 вечера вчера.

e. Я пошел домой, а они сидели в кафе.


Future Continuous


Будущее продолженное время ( Future Continuous) обозначает будущее действие в процессе его совершения, которое закончится до определенного момента в будущем. Это время также употребляется для выражения намерения совершить действие в будущем или уверенности в его совершении:


He will be updating computer programs the whole day tomorrow.

At midnight she will be sleeping.

At 10 o’clock next Monday I shall be having an exam.



Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I shall be playing I shall not be Shall I be?
He will be playing She will be playing It will be playing He will not be She will not be It will not go Will he be? Will she be? Will it be?
We shall be playing You will be playing They will be playing We shall not be You will not be They will not be Shall we be? Will you be? Will they be?

shall not =shan’t

will not = won’t



Практические задания:



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