Measures of the protection of atmosphere 

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Measures of the protection of atmosphere

Measures of the protection of atmosphere are subdivided into three large groups:

• First group: decrease measures of gross amount of contamination, thrown out into atmosphere. This is the improvement of the quality of fuel, using of special liquids in fuel etc. Same group of measures includes perfecting of technological processes including development of the closed cycle production without making of harmful substances into atmosphere.

• The second group includes measures of protection of atmosphere by dispersion, processing and neutralization of harmful wastes.

• The third group of measures assumes prevention of the air contamination by rational placing of the «dirty» enterprises - sources of harmful wastes with consideration of natural conditions and potential possibility of the air contamination.

For realization of atmosphere protection measures the strict state control of air environment, economic and legal stimulation of measures for control of its pollution are also important.




I. Learn the words from topical vocabulary.

The right to education право на образование
To be stated отмечаться, констатироваться
To be ensured by smth. обеспечиваться чем-либо
Compulsory Обязательный
A secondary school средняя школа
A vocational school Училище
A higher education establishment высшее учебное заведение
An extramural course заочное обучение
An evening course Вечернее обучение
State scholarships and grants государственные стипендии
An academic subject академический предмет
A lyceum Лицей
A gymnasium Гимназия
An applicant Абитуриент
To take competitive examinations сдавать конкурсные экзамены
A higher education institution ВУЗ
An undergraduate студент последнего курса
A graduate course аспирантура
A thesis Диссертация
A candidate degree степень кандидата наук
A doctoral degree степень доктора наук
To be headed by Rector возглавляться ректором
To be in charge of academic Отвечать за учебную
and scientific work И научную работу
A faculty Факультет
Free Бесплатный
Fee-paying Платный


II. Read and translate the text.


The right to education is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is ensured by compulsory secondary schools, vocational schools, and higher education establishments. It is also ensured by the development of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants.

After finishing a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium one can go on in higher education. All applicants must take competitive examinations. The sole criterion for admittance to higher school is knowledge and capability. There is no restriction based on race, sex, etc. at the entrance examinations. At all state educational institutions tuition is free of charge and most of the students receive state grants. But there can be departments where the tuition is paid.

In order to provide young people with greater opportunity to acquire education, many institutes and universities opened preparatory sections (courses).

Higher education institutions, that is institutes or universities, offer a 5-year program of academic subjects for undergraduates in different fields, as well as graduate course. If one finishes a graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.

Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students opportunity to study without leaving their jobs.

Higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. Pro-rectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. An institute or a university consists of faculties, each specializing in a field of study.


III. Answer the questions

1. Is the right to education in Russia stated in the Constitution?

2. What types of educational establishments ensure the right to education?

3. Can a person enter an institute or university without finishing a secondary educational establishment?

4. What kinds of secondary educational establishments are there in Russian Federation?

5. What is it necessary for entering a higher educational establishment?

6. How long does a course at an institute or university last?

7. Can a person continue education after graduating from the university?

8. What course does a person takes to go on in his/her education?

9. What degree one can get after finishing a post graduate course?

10. What is the structure of an institute or a university?

11. Who heads the higher educational establishment?

12. Who is in charge of academic and scientific work?

13. Can people study at an institute without leaving their jobs?

14. How can they do it?

15. Is the higher education in our country free?

16. Why are there fee-paying departments at some universities?


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