Its too expensive not to stop smoking 

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Its too expensive not to stop smoking

You can’t afford not to stop smoking

2.All we are saying:

all we are saying Is why don’t you take the money that you would have spend out of your monthly wage on cigarettes and spend it on becoming a non-smoker. Because you will be saving 2-3 hundred dollars a month, which works out to be 2-3 thousand dollars a year. That’s like getting a raise of 3-4 thousand dollars a year before tax. When you think about it, you can’t afford not to stop smoking.


3.Other hypnotherapists charge less:


yes that’s true. There are three main reasons for that. We do constant ongoing research of other methods, and we have found the three main reasons why other hypnotherapists can charge as little as $50-$90 a session are these:


· other hypnotherapists usually do a program of 3 or 4 sessions, which means not only do you have to go back over and over again, but you end up paying $150-$360 any way

· they only have 30%-40% success rate. Which means that even though you have gone back over and over again, and you spent money, the chances are it’s not going to work.

· Even if you are one of the lucky ones, the 30%-40% who responds well to placebo effect and basic hypnosis techniques, and actually stop smoking, the change is usually temporary with such basic techniques


That’s why they cant backup their work with a lifetime guarantee. If you look at the entire field, our rates are very reasonable. Some charge over a thousand dollars for a smoking cessation, and we have found one or two charging as little as $75 (usually unqualified, inexperienced, and just starting up in practice). In this profession, as well as any other profession, you get what you paid for. With us, for only $275 you get the best of advanced hypnotherapy techniques, and we are also the only hypnotherapy practice to back up their work with a lifetime guarantee.


Why not a money-back guarantee?

Years ago when we were first testing this technique, we gave a money back guarantee, but our success rate dropped to around 70%-80%. This is because the unconscious mind sometimes has secondary reasons(we call it secondary gain) for bringing back a smoking habit. Such a guarantee creates an unconscious conflict between the part of your mind that wants to give up smoking and a part of your mind that wants to have $275, so a client can start smoking again in an attempt to relieve conflict. We’ve found about 20%c (1 in 5 people) would come back. We don’t do that anymore, instead we offer a lifetime backup and we find that more then 95% of people stop smoking completely. nothing is more important to us then your success, because nearly all of our clients come from word of mouth, and we want to help as many people as possible to stop smoking. So why don’t you make an appointment and become a non-smoker?


TURNAROUND # 2: does it work?


What if it doesn’t work?

We couldn’t offer a lifetime guarantee if it didn’t work. If we didn’t have more then 95% of [people stopping in one session we would put ourselves out of business by offering a lifetime guarantee. That’s why we are the only ones in the business offering a lifetime guarantee, because we are absolutely certain that the method is so good that over a 95% will stop smoking. if in the first 15 minutes we don’t think it will work for you, we will send you away with a full refund. Because nothing is more important to us then your success.

The people we turn away: we only turn away people who don’t really want to stop smoking for themselves. For example, people that have been pushed into it by their husbands or wives and who really don’t want to be there. This is because we can’t make people do things they don’t want to do, we can only make it easy to do something you want to do for yourself, or for your reasons. And in your case you want to be a non-smoker, don’t you? And you want to do it for your own reasons, don’t you? So let’s get you into our appointment book, shall we? I’m looking at next week on______________________


2. Tried hypnosis before and it didn’t work:

when people say that they’ve tried hypnosis before or it doesn’t work, we always say,” the question isn’t dopes hypnosis work, because it always works when its done correctly, the question is how good is the hypnotherapist?” other hypnotherapists use a very basic form of hypnosis, which only usually gets a 30%-40% success rate. The way that we get an aver 95% success rate is that we use a unique combination of the most advanced techniques of hypnosis. And our success rate is the reason why we are the only hypnotherapy practice that is prepared to back our work up with a lifetime guarantee.


3. Other hypnotists claim a 95% success rate.

They may claim it, but the question is “do they back it up with a lifetime guarantee?” the reason why they don’t is because they can’t. They use a very basic form of hypnosis that produces only a 30%-40% success rate. We use a very advances form of hypnotherapy which produces over a 95% success rate helping people to stop smoking. The most important thing to us is our unblemished success record because nearly all of our clients come from word of mouth, so if we are not absolutely certain that you will succeed, we don’t take your money. If we do accept you as a client, which we will know in the first 10 minutes, then we will stick with you. The difference with us is that no one, absolutely no one, is left out in the cold. We are there for you, that is our lifetime guarantee/


TURNAROUND #3: FAQ’s about hypnosis:


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