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Вставить глаголы в нужной грамматической форме.

2. Where is Mike? He (pack) his kit-bag. Oh dear, isn’t he ready yet? He (pack) it since the very morning and (not finish) packing it yet.

3. Your friend is fond of you. He (talk) of you very much these days.

4. Look! My son (drive) a car for the first time in his life.

5. We (go) to the pictures twice a month lately.

6. My mother doesn’t work. She (be) retired for two years.

7. How long they (look) for a flat by next Monday?

8. By the end of the week we (wait) seventeen months for our telephone to be repaired.

9. They (hear) he (not agree) to sign this papers.

10. I hope you (finish) this report by the end of the day.

11. We (fly) non stop for fifteen hours before we get to Calcutta.

12. They (be married) for twenty five years next year.

13. He (not be) the best student in the class.

14. She unburdened herself of a secret which (keер) locked within her own bosom.

15. Two members of the group (design) a machine to enable the blind to read.

16. Evidence for the association of Grignard reagents in solution (accumulate) for a long time.


2. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, соблюдая правило согласования времен. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. “We saw a lot of places of interest when we were travelling around Europe last summer,” said Walter. 2. “I suppose we shall go to the theatre tomorrow,” said Jane. 3. “Please don’t take the books from my table,” said Lena to me. 4. “Don’t be afraid, Nick,” said his grandfather. 5. “Ishall gladly go to the cinema with you because I haven’t seen this film and Iwant to see it very much,” said my aunt. 6. “Which of you can answer my question” the teacher asked the pupils. 7. “Do you think that simple food is better for children than rich food?” she asked the doctor.” 8. Nellie said: “I haven’t yet seen the film you are talking about .” 9.“Have you received a telegram from your wife?” she asked Robert. 10.Mabel said: “Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town tonight.” 11. “Pease don’t smoke in the room,” said the old woman to her nephew. 12. She said to me: “How long are you going to stay in the country?” 13. He asked me: “When will you go to the canteen?”


3. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях сочетанием must have been / may have been, употребив глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме V3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Model: 1. This palace (build) quite recently.

This palace must have been built quite recently. – Этот дворец, должно быть, построен совсем недавно.

2. These books (take) by mistake.

These books may have been taken by mistake. – Эти книги, возможно, были взяты по ошибке.

8. This line (put) into operation long ago.

9. System problems that exist today (solve) a year or two ago.

10. Something (happen) with the telephone, it is out of order.

11. You (feel) that such concepts as mathematical expectations were new and unfamiliar.

12. You (misunderstand) me.

13. Our telegram (reach) never them.

14. He (leave) the letter unanswered.


5. Определите пассивную форму, дайте ей название и переведите фразы на русский язык.

14. All the advertisements were looked through very attentively.

15. No doubt the successful debut of the young actress will be talked much about.

16. He was a brilliant speaker, and, whenever he spoke, he was listened to by the audience with great attention.

17. This cup has just been broken by my little brother.

18. His native town was destroyed by a strong earthquake.

19. My piano is being repaired at the moment.

20. He was very glad that his late arrival wasn’t taken notice of by anybody.

21. All the dry leaves were gathered and were set fire to by the gardener.

22. The translation of the article had been finished by 5 o’clock yesterday.

23. A new topical article is being written by her for the newspaper.

24. All the exams will have been passed by them by the beginning of July.

25. She heard footsteps; she thought she was being followed.

26. I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They are being mended.


6. Преобразовать активную конструкцию в пассивную.

11. Who wrote the will?

12. They saw her at the wedding of my cousin.

13. Even a modern bride will observe this custom.

14. The teacher hasn’t asked Peter any questions at the lesson.

15. His family supported him.

16. She wears such clothes only on special occasions.

17. People are spending so much money nowadays.

18. They are still checking the data.

19. They gave him the keys to his room.

20. The guide showed us the sights of the town.

21. A guide will show the tourists most of the sights of Rome.

22. The police didn’t arrest anybody during the demonstration.

23. People wished the newly married couple a long and happy life.

24. The secretary dictated the address to us and also explained how to get there.

They say it’s dangerous.


7. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных с помощью суффиксов – able, -ible, -al, -ic, -ful.

Model: response – responsible ответственный

respect, nation, science, pay, wonder, advice, skill, care, use.


8. Преобразовать придаточные предложения в оборот Complex Subject. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

11. It is said that he is a good programmer.

12. It seems that the town is old.

13. It seems that the car is new.

14. It is said that they are friends.

15. It is said that the first step is difficult.

16. It is said that the magazine contains a lot of good photographs.

17. It seems these engineers examine the high-voltage line every week.


9. Употребите инфинитив, данный в скобках, в составе Complex Object. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I heard him ___ (to speak) Japanese. It was great.

2. I felt the blood ___ (to rush) into my cheeks.

3. My mother wants you ___ (to come and stay) with us next week.

4. I saw him ___ (to come) into the hall.

5. The teacher made her pupils ___ (to read) the long text again.

6. He wants the book ___ (to return) tomorrow.

7. I didn’t hear the bell ___ (to ring).

8. Do you want me ___ (to translate) the article?

9. They noticed us (to leave) the room.

10. We asked the engineer (to show) us radio instruments.

11. We consider this equation (to have) different solutions.

10. Образовать от данных глаголов все возможные формы причастий, дать их перевод и указать виды причастий.

To admit, to enjoy, to draw, to clean.


11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая передачу герундия средствами русского языка.

1. Having been bred in that communion was like being born an Englishman.

2. I realize now that coming here was a mistake.

3. Roger went on speaking with energy, calculation and warmth.

4. He kept on smiling at her and speaking.

5. One of them suggested going out later on.

6. I remembered hearing my aunts telling me in my childhood that great men never cared for flattery.

7. English grammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided making mistakes in it.


12. Переведите предложения на английский язык,

используя Infinitive:

1. Я был слишком возбужден, чтобы есть.

2. Мой сын был достаточно взрослым, чтобы заметить мое настроение.

3. Всегда легко найти основание, для того, чтобы ничего не делать.

используя Participle:

1. Фил сунул деньги в карман, не сосчитав их.

2. Не дожидаясь ответа, она стала собирать чашки.

3. Прежде чем ответить, он зажег сигарету.

используя Gerund:

1. Я думаю поехать туда осенью.

2. Я запишу номер вашего телефона, так как боюсь забыть его.

3. Я помню, что меня уже спрашивали об этом.

4. Доктор велел ей избегать сидеть на солнце.

используя Subjunctive Mood:

1. Я не думаю, чтобы Дорис сделала это.

2. Он бы еще многое рассказал, но он устал.

3. Я думаю, что было бы разумно подождать до вечера.



Требования к экзамену по английскому языку

На экзамене проверяется:

1. Наличие словаря с тематической лексикой, изученной в течение всего срока обучения.

2. Наличие тетрадей с грамматическим материалом и выполненными соответствующими грамматическими заданиями.

3. Наличие тетрадей с лексическими темами и текстами монологического и диалогического характера.

4. Наличие конспектов по аннотированию и реферированию текстов.


Структура заданий на экзамене:

1. Сделать письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык текста по специальности объемом 1800 печ.з.

2. Передать на иностранном языке содержание русского текста по специальности объемом 800-1000 печ.з. (устное реферирование).

3. Беседа с преподавателем на изученные темы как общебытовой, так и специальной направленности.

Критерии оценки

Оценка «отлично» ставится за правильное выполнение и оформление грамматических заданий и адекватный перевод текста, что свидетельствует о сформированности грамматических умений у студента, усвоении им определённого лексического минимума и необходимых историко-культурных сведений.

Оценка «хорошо» ставится за успешное выполнение заданий не менее чем на 75-80% и знание основного учебного материала. При этом допускаются грамматические ошибки, связанные с исключениями из правил, неточности перевода, ошибки в оформлении морфологических разборов.

Оценка «удовлетворительно» ставится, если студент может перевести только отдельные смысловые отрезки текста, не знает активного лексического минимума, допускает ошибки в грамматических разборах. При этом задание должно быть выполнено не менее чем на 50-60 %.

Оценка «неудовлетворительно» ставится, если студент не владеет навыками перевода, допускает грубые ошибки в грамматических разборах.



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