Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of the Gerund. 

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Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of the Gerund.

1.Flying from Los-Angeles to Tokyo on board a new supersonic craft will take two hours.

2. The only way of overcoming the great air resistance at high velocities is flying higher.

3. In flowing over the aircraft’s surface the fuel cools its skin.

4. On taking off from the Earth the rocket must get as much acceleration as possible to work up the necessary speed.


Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.

1. At low speeds the engine can use turbines compressing the air before mixing it with fuel in the combustion chamber.

2. Daedalus succeeded propelling himself through the air by means of wings attached to the body with wax.

3. The aircraft of this type will be capableflyingat five times above the speed of the sound.

4. The first recorded attempt flying in heavier-than-air craft is found in the Greek legend.

5. using supercomputers it is possible to avoid making mistakes in extremely complicated computations

6. The Civil Aviation Council marked the beginning of the systematic work creating Soviet Civil Aviation.


2.15 Translate into English:

1. В 15 веке итальянский художник и ученый Леонардо да Винчи начал изучать возможность полета человека.

2. Он спроектировал первый летательный аппарат, приводимый в движение мускульной силой человека, а также изобрел планер с неподвижным крылом и вертолет.

3. Можайский был первым, кто спроектировал и построил самолет с силовым двигателем.

4. Для строительства самолетов в царской России не было специализированной промышленной базы.

5. В 1918 правительство организовало Институт Аэро-Гидродинамики во главе с Н.Жуковским.

6. Н.Жуковского можно считать основоположником современной аэродинамики благодаря его известной теории крыла самолета и гребного винта.(The wing and the screw theory)


2.16 Make a report on ”The Development of aviation”


Unit 3

Before you read

3.1. Discuss in pairs.:

What should be taken into account while designing modern aircraft structures?

Read the text and check your answers.

Modern Trends in Design of Aircraft Structures

Modern aircrafts must undergo severe conditions such as differences in atmospheric pressure and temperature, or heavy structural load applied upon vehicle components. The current generations of civil transport aircraft were designed for at least 20 to 25 years and up to 90,000 flights. Consequently, they are usually products of complex synthesis of various technologies and sciences, including developing new design methods, preparing advanced materials.

Future aircraft types are designed for the same goals, but structure with higher fatigue life (endurance), higher damage tolerance capability and higher corrosion resistance are required to minimize the maintenance costs and to comply with the requirements of the operator and the enhanced airworthiness regulations.

During the design of aircraft structures several aspects have to be considered to reach sufficient static strength as well as sufficient fatigue and damage tolerance behavior. The result of iterative calculations is an optimized design regarding weight, costs and aircraft performance. An evaluation of the strength, detailed design, and fabrication must show that a catastrophic failure due to fatigue, corrosion, or accidental damage, will be avoided throughout the operational life of the airplane. The ultimate purpose of the damage tolerance evaluation is the development of a recommended structural inspection program considering probable damage locations, crack initiation mechanisms, crack growth time histories and crack detectability. The damage tolerance design principle comprises two categories which are ''single load path'' and ''multiple load path'' structure. Single load path is where the applied loads are eventually distributed through a single member within an assembly, the failure of which would result in the loss of the structural integrity of the component involved. Multiple load path is identified with redundant structures in which (with the failure of individual elements) the applied loads would be safely distributed to other load carrying members.

Innovative materials research and engineering are essential to get the high-strength, heat-resistant, lightweight structures required in advanced subsonic and supersonic aircraft. General and specific research opportunities were determined for the civil aircraft industry using the HSCT (high-speed civil transport) as a basis for analysis.

The designer of the craft must also consider the man-hours required to supply and maintain the vehicle, as well as the training required for maintenance crews. Maintenance costs and training are also considerations in the design of civil aircraft. The length of runways and their load-bearing weight may influence the proposed gross weight of the plane, the design of its wings, and the configuration of its landing gear.




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