Others into the sick man's room. 

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Others into the sick man's room.



1 Genco Abbandando had run a long race with death (долго состязался, бежал

наперегонки со смертью; race – состязание, бег), and now, vanquished

(побежденный), he lay exhausted (изможденный; to exhaust [ıg’zo:st] – исчерпывать,

израсходовать /полностью/; изнурять) on the raised bed (на поднятой /в изголовье/

постели). He was wasted away to no more than a skeleton (от него остался не более

как скелет; to waste – растрачивать), and what had once been vigorous black hair

(густые черные волосы; vigorous [‘vıg∂r∂s] – сильный, энергичный) had turned into

obscene stringy wisps (в неприличные, свисающие прядями, клочки, пучки; string –

веревка, ремешок). Don Corleone said cheerily (ободряюще), "Genco, dear friend, I

have brought my sons to pay their respects, and look, even Johnny, all the way from


2 The dying man raised his fevered eyes gratefully to the Don. He let the young men

clasp his bony hand in their fleshy ones (дал молодым людям крепко пожать: «сжать,

сдавить» свою костлявую ладонь в их мясистых ручищах). His wife and daughters

ranged themselves along his bed (встали, выстроились в ряд вдоль его кровати),

kissing his cheek, taking his other hand in turn (по очереди).

3 The Don pressed his old friend's hand. He said comfortingly, "Hurry up and get

better (поспеши и выздоравливай = давай скорее выздоравливай) and we'll take a

trip back to Italy together to our old village (отправимся вместе; trip – поездка,

путешествие). We'll play boccie in front of the wineshop (поиграем в /деревянные/

шары /итал./) like our fathers before us."

4 The dying man shook his head. He motioned the young men and his family away

from his bedside (показал жестом, чтобы отошли от его кровати); with the other bony

claw he hung fast to the Don (другой костлявой лапой он крепко, тесно притянул

себя: «повис» к Дону; claw – коготь; клешня; лапа). He tried to speak. The Don put


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his head down and then sat on the bedside chair. Genco Abbandando was babbling

about their childhood. Then his coal-black eyes became sly (затем его черные, как

уголь, глаза сделались хитрыми). He whispered. The Don bent closer (наклонился

ближе; to bend). The others in the room were astonished (удивлены, изумлены

[∂s’tonı∫]) to see tears running down Don Corleone's face as he shook his head. The

quavering voice (дрожащий голос; to quaver [‘kweıv∂] – дрожать, вибрировать) grew

louder (становился громче; to grow – расти), filling the room (наполняя, заполняя

комнату). With a tortured, superhuman effort (со сверхчеловеческим =

нечеловеческим усилием ['ef∂t]), Abbandando lifted his head off his pillow, eyes

unseeing, and pointed a skeletal forefinger (указал указательным пальцем) at the Don.

"Godfather, Godfather," he called out blindly, "save me from death, I beg of you (спаси

меня от смерти, умоляю тебя). My flesh is burning off my bones (моя плоть «сгорает

с моих костей») and I can feel the worms eating away my brain (чувствую червей,

пожирающих мой мозг). Godfather, cure me (исцели меня), you have the power, dry

the tears of my poor wife (осуши слезы). In Corleone we played together as children

and now will you let me die when I fear hell for my sins (когда я боюсь ада за свои


5 The Don was silent. Abbandando said, "It is your daughter's wedding day, you

cannot refuse me."

6 The Don spoke quietly, gravely, to pierce through the blasphemous delirium (чтобы

пробиться сквозь богохульствующий бред; to pierce [‘pı∂s] – прокалывать, пронзать;

[‘blжsfım∂s]). "Old friend," he said, "I have no such powers. If I did I would be more

merciful than God (более милосердным, милосерднее Бога), believe me. But don't

fear death and don't fear hell. I will have a mass said for your soul every night and every

morning (закажу мессу). Your wife and your children will pray for you. How can God

punish you (наказать) with so many pleas for mercy (при стольких просьбах о

помиловании, снисхождении; plea – судебный акт, тяжба; обращение одной из

сторон /в суде/; аппеляция)?"

7 The skeleton face took on a cunning expression (хитрое, коварное выражение;

cunning – знание, познания /устар./; хитрость, умение; коварство) that was obscene.

Abbandando said slyly (лукаво), "It's been arranged then (значит, все улажено)?"

8 When the Don answered, his voice was cold, without comfort. "You blaspheme

(богохульствуешь [blжs’fi:m]). Resign yourself (смирись [ri'zain])."

9 Abbandando fell back on the pillow (упал на подушку). His eyes lost their wild

gleam of hope (утратили слабый свет, проблеск надежды; to gleam – мерцать). The


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nurse came back into the room and started shooing them out (выгонять,

выпроваживать; shoo – кыш; to shoo – вспугивать, прогонять /птиц/) in a very

matter-of-fact way (очень по-деловому, сухо = строго). The Don got up but

Abbandando put out his hand. "Godfather," he said, "stay here with me and help me

meet death. Perhaps if He sees you near me He will be frightened (испугается: «будет

напуган») and leave me in peace. Or perhaps you can say a word, pull a few strings

(замолвишь словечко, потянешь за ниточки /как в кукольном театре/ =

используешь связи), eh?" The dying man winked as if he were mocking the Don

(подмигнул, как будто подшучивал, насмехался), now not really serious. "You're

brothers in blood («братья по крови» = побратимы), after all." Then, as if fearing the

Don would be offended (словно опасаясь, что Дон будет оскорблен), he clutched at

his hand (схватил, зажал). "Stay with me, let me hold your hand. We'll outwit that

bastard (перехитрим этого ублюдка; wit – разум, ум) as we've outwitted others.

Godfather, don't betray me (не предавай меня)."

10 The Don motioned the other people out of the room. They left. He took the withered

claw (высохшую; to wither [‘wıр∂] – вянуть; сохнуть) of Genco Abbandando in his own

two broad hands. Softly, reassuringly (мягко, успокаивающе; to reassure [rı∂’∫u∂] –

уверять, заверять; успокаивать), he comforted his friend, as they waited for death

together. As if the Don could truly snatch the life of Genco Abbandando back

(выхватить, вырвать) from that most foul (от этого, у этого самого грязного, подлого

[faul]) and criminal traitor to man (и преступного предателя человека).




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