Ознакомительное чтение (Fact-Finding Reading) 

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Ознакомительное чтение (Fact-Finding Reading)

Английский язык




для студентов ФТС в АПК, ИТФ и АМФ

Минск 2012






2.1 Словарь-минимум по теме «Сельскохозяйственная техника»…………………………………………………………………6

2.2 Основные тексты……………………………………………10

2.3 Грамматический минимум…………………………………17

2.4 Задания для самоконтроля по грамматике………………..22



3.1 Учебно-методические материалы к тексту А…………….23

3.2 Учебно-методические материалы к тексту В…………….30

3.3Учебно-методические материалы к тексту С……………..35

3.4Учебно-методические материалы к тексту D……………..38

3.5 Учебно-методические материалы по грамматике…… …41





5.1 Образец итогового теста по модулю «Сельскохозяйственная техника»…………………………………….........................52


6. Ответы к тестовым заданиям……………………………… 57


7. Дополнительная литература ……………………………… 60




В результате изучения темы студент должен:

· знать:

1 уровень (А): 1) лексический материал по теме «Farm Machinery»; 2) а) что такое инфинитив, его признаки, формы инфинитива в действительном и страдательном залоге, функции в предложении (The Infinitive), б) объектный инфинитивный оборот,(The Complex Object), в) субъектный инфинитивный оборот (The Complex Subject). 2) должны сформировать навыки следующих видов чтения: изучающее, ознакомительное, просмотровое.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 1 уровне ( репродуктивном) – 6 баллов.

2 уровень (В): знать и характеризовать: 1) лексический материал по теме «Farm Machinery»; 2) а) признаки инфинитива, формы инфинитива в действительном и страдательном залоге, функции инфинитива (The Infinitive), б) объектный инфинитивный оборот (The Complex Object), в) субъектный инфинитивный оборот (The Complex Subject). 2) должны сформировать навыки следующих видов чтения: изучающее, ознакомительное, просмотровое.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 2 уровне ( продуктивном) –


3 уровень (С): знать, характеризовать и анализировать: 1) лексический материал по теме «Farm Machinery»; 2) а) формы инфинитива в действительном и страдательном залоге в различных функциях в предложении (The Infinitive), б) объектный инфинитивный оборот(The Complex Object, в) субъектный инфинитивный оборот (The Complex Subject). 2) должны сформировать навыки следующих видов чтения: изучающее, ознакомительное, просмотровое.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 3 уровне ( творческом) – 10 баллов.

· уметь:

1 уровень (А): 1) анализировать иноязычный текст (его структурные, лексические и стилистические особенности) с позиций требований к знаниям 1-го уровня; 2) читать, переводить, понимать на слух тексты по профилю обучения (изучающее чтение, ознакомительное чтение и поисковое чтение); 3) вести общение профессионального и социокультурного характера на английском языке по предложенной модели, сочетая диалогические и монологические формы речи; 4) понимать иноязычную речь в объеме программной тематики; 5) использовать английский язык в качестве инструмента профессиональной деятельности: перевод на русский язык, реферирование профессионально ориентированных текстов.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 1 уровне ( репродуктивном) – 6 баллов.

2 уровень (В): 1) анализировать иноязычный текст (его структурные, лексические и стилистические особенности) с позиций требований к знаниям 2-го уровня; 2) читать, переводить, понимать на слух тексты по профилю обучения; уметь обобщить содержание текста3) вести общение профессионального характера на английском языке в различных стандартных ситуациях, пользуясь правилами речевого этикета, сочетая диалогические и монологические формы речи; 4) понимать иноязычную речь в объеме программной тематики; 5) использовать английский язык в качестве инструмента профессиональной деятельности: перевод на русский язык, реферирование, аннотации, составление тезисов, профессионально ориентированных текстов.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 2 уровне ( продуктивном) – 8 баллов.

3 уровень (С): 1) анализировать иноязычный текст (его структурные, лексические и стилистические особенности) с позиций требований к знаниям 3-го уровня; 2) читать, переводить, понимать на слух тексты по профилю обучения; уметь комментировать информацию из текста, сделать из прочитанного вывод3) вести общение профессионального характера на английском языке в различных нестандартных ситуациях, пользуясь правилами речевого этикета сочетая диалогические и монологические формы речи; 4) понимать иноязычную речь сверх программной тематики; 5) использовать английский язык в качестве инструмента профессиональной деятельности: перевод на русский язык, реферирование, составление тезисов, аннотаций, резюме аутентичных профессионально ориентированных и научных текстов.

Максимальная оценка знаний на 3 уровне ( творческом) – 10 баллов.



2.1 Словарь-минимум по теме «Сельскохозяйственная техника»





apply fertilizers вносить удобрения в почву
break (broke, broken) up the layers of soil разбивать на мелкие куски пахотный горизонт
break down the soil рыхлить почву
compact утрамбовывать
crush the clods дробить глыбы, комья земли
cover seeds заделка семян
consolidate the soil трамбовать, уплотнять почву
destroy (syn. eliminate) weeds удалять сорняки
disk дисковать почву
fertilize the soil удобрять почву
fallow вспахивать под пар
harrow бороновать почву
hoe out the weeds пропалывать междурядья
level the ground выравнивать почву
mulch мульчировать
plant сажать
prevent weeds предотвращать сорняки
prepare seedbed готовить семенное ложе
penetrate проникать
pull тянуть, тащить
stir the soil рыхлить почву
sow (saw, sown) seeds (syn. place) сеять семена  
transmit передавать




barnyard manure навоз
beet cultivator свекловичный культиватор
bean cultivator культиватор для бобовых культур
broad- cast planter сеялка для пропашных культур
baler пресс-подборщик, сенной пресс
beet harvester машина для уборки свеклы
cultivation machinery (syn. cultivator) культиваторы
chisel cultivator чизель-культиватор
combine harvester зерноуборочный комбайн
components деталь
disc plow дисковый плуг
disk harrow дисковая борона
digger копатель
disc coulter дисковый нож
farm machinery сельскохозяйственная техника
fertilizing equipment машины для внесения удобрений
field cultivator культиватор для обработки паров
fertilizer distributor туковая сеялка
frame рама
granular fertilizer гранулированное удобрение
grain drill зерновая сеялка
harvesting equipment уборочные машины
harrow борона
heavy machinery тяжелая техника
headstock присоединительная стойка навесного орудия
lister cultivator культиватор для бороздовых посевов
moldboard отвал
manure spreader навозоразбрасыватель
moldboard plow отвальный плуг
motion движение
mounted plow навесной плуг
mower косилка  
plow; plough плуг
power operate device автоматическое устройство
primary tillage equipment почвообрабатывающие орудия для первичной обработки
planting equipment посевные машины
potato harvester картофелеуборочный комбайн
rotary hoe ротационная мотыга
rod weeder штанговый культиватор
roller каток, валец, валик, ролик
row-crop planter широкорядная сеялка
rake грабли
semi mounted plow полунавесной плуг
sub- soiler почвоуглубитель, глубокорыхлитель (без оборота пласта)
spike tooth harrow зубовая борона
spring tooth harrow пружинная борона
secondary tillage equipment почвообрабатывающие орудия для последующей обработки
sprayer опрыскиватель
share лемех, сошник
skim coulter предплужник, дерносним
tillage обработка почвы
tools for mulching and fallowing орудия для мульчирования и вспахивания под пар
thinner прореживатель
track- laying tractor (syn. crawler) гусеничный трактор
wheeled tractor колесный трактор



aim ставить цель
carry out выполнять
construct сооружать, создавать, конструировать
crush разбивать (комья земли), повреждать
deliver доставлять, поставлять
eliminate устранять, уничтожать
equip with оборудовать, оснащать
fit подгонять, оснащать
outweigh перевешивать
pass down проходить (ряды), обрабатывать
replace замещать, заменять
shift gears переключать передачи
subdivide подразделять
tow тащить, буксировать,тянуть



advantage преимущество, превосходство, выгода, польза
bush cleaning чистка кустов
clutch сцепление
convenience удобство
digging копание; рытьё; земляные работы; выемка грунта
ditch – filling засыпка канав
hauling транспортировка, буксировка
hoe мотыга; тяпка; кирка; культиватор; ковш (экскаватора)
horsepower мощность в лошадиных силах, лошадиная сила
initial cost себестоимость
land levelling выравнивание
maintenance обслуживание, текущий ремонт, ремонт и содержание, техобслуживание, профилактический ремонт
misconception заблуждение
power take off shaft (PTO) вал отбора мощности



common универсальный, общий, простой, обычный, обыкновенный
distinctive отличительный
domestic домашний
essential обязательный; необходимый; основной; неотъемлемый; существенный; весьма важный; ценный
initial начальный
multi-purpose комплексного назначения, универсального применения
ordinary обыкновенный, стандартный, простой, несложный
rear задний
sophisticated сложный (о приборе, машине, системе и т. п.), комплексный, тщательно разработанный



2.2 Основные тексты






1. We know the farmer to have a wide range of machinery to plow and disk, and harrow, and plant, and fertilize, and finally harvest faster, easier and more profitably today. The machine is known to be a device that uses force to accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work.

2. Agricultural implements and machines being very numerous and diversified now may be divided into 4 main groups: tillage equipment, planting equipment, fertilizing equipment, harvesting equipment.

3. The aim of tillage is to prepare the soil for planting and to keep it loose and free from weeds during the growth of crops. The primary tillage equipment used by the farmer includes plows, sub-soilers, and thinners. The secondary tillage equipment embraces harrows, rollers and tools for mulching and fallowing. Plow is designed to eliminate weeds, to prepare a suitable seedbed, to improve the physical condition of the soil. Plows fall into mounted, semi mounted, disc, moldboard plows. The main components of ploughs are the main frame, the share, the moldboard, the disc coulter, the skim coulter, the headstock. The function of sub-soiler is to penetrate into the deeper depths and break up the layers of soil which have become compacted due to the movement of heavy machinery. A harrow is an implement used to level the ground and crush the clods, to stir the soil, and to prevent and destroy weeds. There are three principal kinds of harrow namely the disk, the spike-tooth, and the spring tooth.

4. Cultivation machinery is used to break down the soil before or after a crop is sown for covering seeds, for consolidating the soil and for hoeing out weeds. There are several types of cultivators designed for special crops and conditions: beet and bean cultivators, lister cultivators, rotary hoe cultivators, rod weeders, field cultivators, sub-soil and chisel cultivators.

5. Planting equipment is any power-operated device introduced to place seeds or plant parts in or on the soil for production of food and feed crops. It is classified as row-crop planters, broad-cast planters, grain drills and planting attachments for other equipment.

6. Applying such types of fertilizers as barnyard manure, granular fertilizers, and fertilizers in liquid and gaseous form is necessary where soils are deficient in plant food elements. Such fertilizing equipment as manure spreaders, fertilizer distributors, sprayers are in use.

7. Crop s are harvested by the use of many kinds of harvesting equipment for all types of crops. The principal machines required to make hay are mowers, rakes, balers. Grain and all types of seed crops are harvested by combine harvesters. Beet harvesters are available to harvest beet, potato harvesters and diggers being for potatoes.

8. The tractor is the most important machine pulling many kinds of implements that cultivate plant, fertilize, and harvest. Wheeled tractors being used for general farm work, track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be available for heavy loads on any class of land.



A tractor is a type of vehicle that is particularly constructed to efficiently deliver a tractive effort at a slow speed. The word tractor was taken from a Latin word that means “to pull”. Tractors are special vehicles which are aimed to provide the hauling of trailers and other types of machinery which are used for agricultural and construction purposes.

Farm tractors first made their appearance in the nineteenth century. The earliest ones had steam-powered portable engines. These were followed by oil-burning and then gasoline-powered tractors. The steam powered engines were in use until the onset of the 20th century, when they were replaced by more reliable internal combustion engines.

A farm tractor is a distinctive, multi-purpose farm vehicle. It is perhaps the most essential of all farm machinery. Farm tractors are used to carry out different agricultural tasks: pulling or pushing machines and trailers for tilling, plowing, harrowing, planting, disking, transporting and providing power supply and other tasks.

A variety of specialized farm tractors have been developed for particular uses. Farm tractors may be divided into two groups: wheeled and track-laying. Wheeled tractors may be subdivided into standard and row-crop types. Standard wheeled tractors are used for general work and do not have the special features associated with row-crop tractors. Row-crop tractors can be used for all ordinary purposes, but in addition they are specially designed for working on root and other row crops. The tractor can pass down rows of corn, tomatoes or other crops without crushing the plants.

Track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be used for heavy loads on almost any class of land. They are considerably more economical in fuel than are wheel machines, but their greater initial cost and their maintenance particularly that of the tracks, may outweigh this advantage. The crawler is, however, the more efficient type of tractor and, moreover, can go on the land earlier after rain and so can work a greater number of days per year.

Modern farm tractors may have eight-wheel drive unit, caterpillar tracks, or articulated or non-articulated tracks, electrical or computer controls and are capable of multitude of different functions. Many modern farm tractors are fitted with GPS devices, auto-steer systems and other automated features. Modernized tractors may also have cabs accessorized with heated seats, automatic temperature controls, and dashboard computers.

Tractors offer a lot of use and convenience for many people. Tractors are also usually associated with farm machines and general farm use. However, there is a common misconception that they can only be found on farms. In addition to pulling implements like plows and cultivators a tractor may be used for bush-cleaning, ditch filling and land-leveling. Small tractors from one to ten horse power with single or twin cylinder petrol engines may be used for garden and orchard work.


Text C



Maintenance Activities

Good maintenance practices are essential for efficient operation of all types of farm machinery. Day-to-day maintenance and repair activities keep farm machinery and vehicles safe and reliable.

Maintenance involves fixing any sort of mechanical or electrical device should it become out of order or broken

Generally speaking, there are two types of maintenance in use: Preventive maintenance, where equipment is maintained before break down occurs. Preventive maintenance is effective in preventing age related failures of the equipment. Corrective maintenance, where equipment is maintained after break down. This maintenance is often most expensive because worn equipment can damage other parts and cause multiple damage.

There are four strategies to achieve maximum farm machinery life. These strategies are: machinery maintenance, oil analysis, machinery storage, engine tune-ups.

Maintenance activities include lubrication, oil and filter changes, battery replacement, and repairs including light metal machining. Lubrication is needed because of friction It increases engine life span, aids fuel efficiency and helps you get maximum performance from your vehicle. Lubricants are available in three forms: fluid oils, semisolids and solids.

Oil Analysis. A detailed look at a sample of engine, transmission or hydraulic oil is a valuable preventative maintenance tool. In many cases, it enables identification of a potential problem before a major repair is necessary and downtime during critical operations can be avoided. Oil analysis is a means of monitoring wear and oil contamination.

Machinery storage. Farmers must have a “good home” for the machinery when it is not working in the field. The first thing is to make sure that the machine is in good repair before you put it away. It must be kept clean, dry and lubricated. Equipment stored inside has a significantly higher trade-in value compared to the same equipment stored outside. Parts such as belts, tires and hoses deteriorate rapidly when unprotected. Machines, including tractors, combines, planters, drills should be kept inside.

Engine Tune-Ups. Diesel and gas engines require periodic tune-ups. Engines and hydraulic systems should be thoroughly warmed up periodically during periods of non-usage. A tune-up may include changing air and fuel filters, cleaning and adjusting injector nozzles, and adjusting engine timing.

Machinery Safety

It is important to be safety conscious when dealing with any job that requires the use of machinery.

To avoid any type of machinery-related injury strict safety practices must be employed.

-Never operate machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The operator not only puts himself in danger but also anyone who may be working with them or in the general area.

- Protective clothing should be worn during the operation of farm machinery. Never wear baggy or loose fitting shirts or pants.


Machinery Repair


- All machinery should be maintained regularly. When repairs are done, the machine should be fixed according to manufacturers specifications.


- Brakes, hitches, safety chains, springs and shackles, should be inspected regularly for wear, broken or missing parts and cracks in the welds.


- Whenever preparing to work on a piece of equipment, wheels need to be blocked to prevent movement and any jacks used should be stable and in good condition.


3. Грамматический минимум


Grammar Revision

Формы инфинитива

Группа Времен Действительный залог Страдательный залог
Simple (Indefinite) to use He wants to use the new machinery. Он хочет использовать новую технику. to be used The machinery to be used is new. Техника, которая будет использоваться, новая.
Continuous to be using They seem to be using new machinery now. Кажется, они сейчас используют новую технику. ___
Perfect to have used He seems to have used the new machinery this year. Кажется, он использовал новую технику в этом году. to have been used The new machinery seems to have been used this year. Новая техника, кажется, использовалась в этом году
Perfect Continuous to have been using He seems to have been using the new machinery for 2 years. Кажется, он использовал новую технику в течение двух лет. ___


Language Study

Методические рекомендации

Для успешного выполнения упражнений данного раздела вам необходимо усвоить лексический минимум по теме, уметь переводить речевые тематические модели и использовать их в речи. Это понадобится вам также для глубокого понимания текста А и последующего обсуждения его на английском языке.

Тренировочные задания распределены по трем уровням сложности (А, В, С), что поможет проверить и оценить глубину и качество усвоения материала. Они отражают современный подход к оценке знаний, умений и навыков по иностранному языку. Максимальная оценка знаний на первом уровне (А) - 6 баллов, на втором (В) – 8 баллов, на третьем (С) – 10 баллов.

(А) Exercise 1. Guess the meaning of the following international words.


Method, farmer, disk, machine, physical, component, cultivation, cultivator, sprayer, tractor, primitive, to compact, to crush, to prevent, principal, production, to classify, granular, deficient, element, class


(А) Exercise 2. Remember some common prefixes and suffixes and their meaning.

ab anti co dis extra in (il -, im -, ir -) mis non post semi - an (ian) - ance - ant - dom - eer - ence - ent - er - ess - ion (tion, - ation) - ist - ity - ment - ness - or
sub un - ate - en - fy (- ify) - ize
Adjective; Adverb
sub un -- able - al -a n (ian) - ary - ful - ial - ibley - ical - ish - ive - less - ly - ous - y

a) Mark the root, the prefix or suffix in the following worlds: farmer, principal, classify, cultivation, misconception, unusual.

Text Study

(A)Exercise 1. Read the text and make up sentences according to the information from the text.

Tillage equipment to consist of 1.row-crop planter,drill,broad-cast cultivator
Planting equipment to embrace 2.manure spreader, fertilizer,distributor,sprayer,plow
Fertilizing equipment to include 3.digger,rake,baler,tractor
Harvesting equipment to be classified as 4.sub-soiler,harrow,roller,tool for mulching and fallowing

(A) Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the aim of tillage?

a. to cultivate

b. to prepare the soil

c. to harvest

2. What is a plow designed for?

a. making the soil more fertile

b. preparing the suitable seedbed

c. placing seeds

3. How many components does a plow have?

a. 4

b. 7

c. 6

4. What is a bean cultivator designed to?

a. to cultivate beets

b. to cultivate beans

c. to cultivate weeds

5. What can a tractor pull?

a. many kinds of implements

b. food crops

c. feed crops

(B) Exercise 3.Complete the sentences with the appropriate ending according to the text and translate them into your native language.


1) Today the farmer has many agricultural implements to….

2) The machine is a device….

3) Ploughs are divided into….

4) The principal parts of a plow are….

5) Cultivators are designed for ….

6) To make hay ….

7) To harvest beet ….

8) To pull many kinds of implements ….

9) To do general farm work ….


(B) Exercise 4. Look through the text again to define whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1) There is a wide range of machines to plant.

2) Agricultural implements may be divided into several groups.

3) To prepare the soil for harvesting is the aim of tillage.

4) A harrow is designed to eliminate weeds.

5) After a crop is sown, fertilizing equipment is used.

6) Planting equipment is used to place seeds in the soil.

7) When soils are deficient in plant food elements, many types of fertilizers are applied.

8) There are diggers to harvest all types of seed crops.

9) A beet harvester is the most important machine on the farm.

10) Wheeled tractors are available for heavy loads.


(B) Exercise 5

1) Find in the text and using the key words give in writing the main information about:


a) Cultivating machinery.




_____________________________________________________ Key words: to_break down, to sow, to cover, cultivator, rod weder, sub-soil, chisel. ________­_____________

_____________________________________________________ b) Fertilizing equipment.



Key words: applying of fertilizers, manure spreader, distributor, sprayer. ________________________________________________ c)Harvesting equipment.


_____________________________________________________ Key words: to harvest, to make hay, mover, rakes, balers, combine harvester. _____________________________________________________



(А) Exercise 1. Complete the diagram and the table.


Agricultural operations: sowing, …
Agricultural crops: wheat, beans, …




To place seeds To plant parts

seed crops


(А) Exercise 2. Give the information about the functions of all groups of agricultural machinery. You may use the diagram from ex.1

(В) Exercise 3. Compare the functions of:

a)plows and sub-soilers

b)grain drills and bean cultivators

c)granular distributors and sprayers

d)combine harvesters and diggers

(В) Exercise 4. Make up a plan of the text A. Sum up the information from the text according to your plan using the following expressions:


1. The text under consideration is head-lined …

2. The text under discussion presents an outlook of…

3. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…

4. The text can be divided into … parts.

5. The first part reviews some common information …

6. The second part deals with…

7. The third part touches upon…

8. The fourth part of the text includes…

9. The text highlights…

10.According to the text…


(B)Exercise 5. Discuss and provide answers to the following questions. (Work in pairs or it may be a group work.).


1.) What agricultural operations is farm machinery known to perform?

2.) What is a machine?

3.) How many groups may agricultural implements and machines be divided into?

4.) What equipment can be used for tillage?

5.) What is a plow designed for?

6.) What kinds of plows do you know?

7.) What are the principal kinds of harrows?

8.) What is planting equipment designed for?

9.) What equipment helps farmers to apply fertilizers?

10.) What machinery is required for harvesting?


(C) Exercise 6. Develop the following situations.

1. You have to take your exam in Farm Machinery. Your groupmate seems to be confused. Help him to understand the functions of different types of agricultural implements and machines used on the farm.


2. Suppose you have do deliver a presentation about the means of improving soil fertility at a conference. Share your ideas with your groupmates.


3. You don’t know anything about cultivation machinery Your groupmate (groupmates) is ready to help you. Ask him (them) your questions. Role-play the dialogue on the situation.



(A)Exercise 1. Translate the following words and phrases into your native tongue.


At a slow speed, multi-purpose farm vehicle, harrowing, steam-powered portable engines, gasoline-powered tractors, maintenance, auto-steer systems, internal combustion engines, gasoline tractor, automatic temperature controls, wheeled tractors, row-crop tractors, initial cost, outweigh this advantage.


(A)Exercise 2. Make sure you know the English equivalents for the following:


Type of vehicle, tractive effort, for particular uses, great advantage, providing power supply, efficient type, crawler, a great number of days per year, a common misconception.


(B) Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

push, rotate, turn, depress, press


1. When you … this wheel clockwise the tractor turns to the right.

2. When you … accelerator pedal the tractor goes slowly

3. When you … the horn the tractor makes a sound signal.

4. When you … the brake pedal the tractor stops.

5. When you … the key clockwise the engine switches on.


(B)Exercise 4. Many compounds mean exactly what you would expect them to mean if you combine the definitions of their separate words. Explain the compounds below. Translate them into Russian.


Farm machinery; wheeled tractor; track-laying; multi-purpose; steam-powered engine; gasoline-powered machine; row-crop tractor; internal combustion engine.

(B) Exercise 5. Make up the pairs of synonyms.

1. evolve A. supply
2. tow B. benefit
3. maintenance C. service
4. provide D. aim
5. implement E. track-laying tractor
6. multitude F. equipment
7. crawler G. economical
8. advantage H. develop
9. purpose I. great number
10.efficient J. haul
11.machinery K. main
12.general L. device

(B) Exercise 6. Make use of the prepositions from the list.

with of on from in


1. Tractors are also usually associated __ farm machines and general farm use.

2. The word tractor was taken ___ a Latin word that means “to pull”.

3. The steam-powered engines were___ use until the onset of the 20th century.

4. The crawler is a more efficient type ___ a tractor.

5. Tractors may be used not only ___ the farms.

(C) Exercise 7. Use the word given in the brackets at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

1.___ of the tractor includes devices and assemblies. (construct)

2. Farm tractors first made their _____ in the 19th century. (appear)

3. A ___ of specialty farm tractors has been developed for particular uses. (vary)

4. ___ tractors are subdivided into standard and row-crop types. (wheel)

5. There is a common ______ that tractors can only be found on farms. (conception)

6. The great _____of crawlers is their initial cost. (advantage).


(C) Exercise 8. Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences contain no errors.

1. A variant of specialty firm tractors have been depended for particular uses.

2. Row-group tractors can be used for all ordinary purposes.

3. The oil powered engines were in use until the onset of the 20th century.

4. Tractors offer a lot of use and convenience for many people.

5. Farm tractors first made their appearance in the 19th century.

6. Farm tractors are used to carry on different agricultural tasks.

7. Crawlers are more economic in fuel.

8. Small tractors from 1 to 10 hours-power may be used for garden and orchard work.

9. Farm tractor is a distinctive multi-purpose farm vehicle.

10. The crawler is, moreover, the more efficient type of tractor and, however, can go on the land earlier after rain so can work a greater number of days per year.



(A) Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant.


1. Farm tractors first made their appearance in the (nineteenth/seventeenth) century.

2. (Crawlers/wheeled tractors) work a greater number of days per year.

3. (Wheeled tractors/crawlers) may be subdivided into standard and row-crop types.


1. The steam powered engines were in use until the onset of the 20th century, when they were replaced by more reliable (cabs/internal combustion engines/steam engines).

2. The earliest tractors had (steam-powered/gasoline/petrol) portable engines.

3. The word tractor was taken from a Latin word that means (to pull/to plow/to crush).



1. Modern tractors use a power take-off shaft to provide rotary power to (plows/cabs/wheels/machinery).

2. Tractors are special vehicles which are aimed to provide the (hauling/plowing/driving/repairing) of trailers.

3. The steam-powered portable engines were followed by (oil-burning/water-burning/steam-burning/lubricant-burning) and then gasoline-powered tractors.

(A)Exercise 2.Match the questions with their answers.

1. What is a tractor? A. In the 19th century.
2. What are tractors aim to do? B. Into wheeled and crawlers
3. When did first farm tractor appear? C. Standard and row-crop types
4. How can farm tractors be divided? D. To provide the hauling of trailers and other types of machinery
5. How may wheeled tractors be divided into? E. Crawler
6. What kind of tractor is more efficient? F. Not so. Some tractors have specific uses.
7. Do tractors work only on farms? G. A type of vehicle that is constructed to deliver a tractive effort at a slow speed.

(B)Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Farm tractors are used to carry out different agricultural tasks….

2. The word “tractor” was taken…

3. Farm tractors first made their appearance…

4. Farm tractors may be divided into two groups: …

5. Wheeled tractors may be subdivided into…

6. Row-crop tractors can be used…

7. Farm tractors are used…

8. Modern tractors may have…


(B) Exercise 4. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones according to the text.


1. Row-crop tractor can be used for all ordinary purposes.

2. Farm tractors first made their appearance in the 18th century.

3. The gasoline engines were in use until the onset of the 20th century.

4. A farm tractor is a distinctive, multi-purpose farm vehicle.

5. Wheeled tractors can be used for heavy loads and can work on almost any class of land.

6. Crawlers may be subdivided into standard and row-crops types.

7. The crawler is the more efficient type of tractors.

8. The earliest tractors were steam-powered portable engines.

9. Tractors are special tools which are aimed to perform different tasks.

10. Tractors can be used only on a farm.

(B)Exercise 5.


(A) Exercise 1.

A. Complete the table.

Types of Tractors

Farm Tractors
2. Wheeled
Wheeled Tractors
1. Standard

Student A is a sales manager of agricultural machinery. Student B wants to purchase a tractor and must find out all the information about the types of tractors, their function, the tasks they perform and their specifications.


3.3 Учебно-методические материалы к тексту C



Language Study


(A) Exercise 1. Read these words and word combinations.

traction тяга, тяговое усилие
wheel колесо
engine двигатель
internal внутренний
run on diesel работать на дизельном топливе
tackle справляться
transmission трансмиссия
durability прочность
fuel топливо
track гусеница, трак
hitch сцепка
gear передача
be harnessed быть выработанным
fixed закрепленный
transfer передавать


(A)Exercise 2. Without reading the text guess what the text is about.


a) farm machinery

b) combine harvester

c) main components of a tractor


(A)Exercise 3. Read the text and say

What abstract - deals with трансмиссией

- includes the information about двигателях

- touches upon видов сцепки

- presents колеса и гусеницы

Start with:


the first abstract  
the second abstract  
the third abstract  
the fourth abstract  

(A) Exercise 4. Read the text and choose the right answer according to the information from the text.


1. What is the heart of any tractor?

a) hitch

b) wheel/track

c) engine


2. What do tractors use in locations with wet or heavy soils?

a) tracks

b) engine

c) transmission


3. Why must the tractor be stopped before shifting gears?

a) because of synchronized transmission

b) because of unsynchronized transmission

c) because a number of gear rations


4.What do hitches allow a tractor to do?

a) to use tracks

b) power to be transferred from the engine to implements

c) to move


(B)Exercise 5. Find and mark the key-words connected with the main information in each abstract of the text.


(B)Exercise 6. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Tractors don’t fill many roles on today's farms.

2. The engine is the lungs and soul of any tractor.

3. When they were first invented, tractors used steam engines.

4. Since the 20th century tractors have used internal combustion engines that run on a variety of fuels.

5. Most modern tractors today run on diesel and biodiesel.

6. Tractor service in the agriculture industry has increased dramatically over the past century.

7. Unfortunately, these older transmissions are typically unsynchronized, meaning the tractor must be stopped after shifting gears.

8. Modern tractors on the other hand use synchronized or continuously variable transmissions (CVT).

9. Today's tractors always follow the classic design, with two large rear wheels and two smaller front wheels.

10. Tractor engines put out an enormous amount of power, but in order to be useful that power must be harnessed.

(B)Exercise 7. Elicit key-sentences which help to express the main idea of the text. Offer your title of the text.

(B)Exercise 8. Put the sentences in logical order according to the text.

1. The engine is the heart and soul of any tractor..

2. Tractor hitches take the form of draw bars, fixed mounts or three-point hitches and quick hitches..

3 .Modern powerful engines typically range in size from 18 to 575 horsepower..

4. For example, in.locations with wet or heavy soils,tractors typically use track, because of their superior traction

For (B) – 2-3 sentences

For (C) – 4-6 sentences


(B, C)Exercise 13. Express your opinion about the text. You may start with the phrases given below.

I found the text interesting (useful, informative) …

I think (believe, should say, consider) …

In my opinion …

To my mind …

It seems to me …

From my point of view …

For (B) – 2-3 sentences

For (C) – 4-6 sentences


(C)Exercise 14. Express your attitude to the text in your own words. Say what information from the text you consider the most interesting and useful. Why?

(C)Exercise 15. Make a short summary of modern components of tractors compared to older ones.

(C)Exercise 16. Suppose you are delivering a lecture on the latest innovations in main components of the tractor. You have to feature all the components.

(C)Exercise 17. Suppose you have to cover the topic of the main components of modern tractors at the agricultural conference. Prepare your speech. Be ready to report back to your partner.

3.4 Учебно-методические материалы к тексту D


(A) Exercise 1. Read the title of the text and try to guess what it is about.

(A) Exercise 2. Read the first paragraph of the text and say what questions are discussed in it.


(B) Exercise 3. Scan the text. Focus on the general ideas of each part to say how they are connected and why.


(B) Exercise 4. Think of the alternative way to entitle each part.


(B, C) Exercise 5. Extend the following statements.

for(B) – 1-2 sentences

for(C) – 3-4 sentences.


1) Agricultural implements and machines need day-to-day maintenance and repair activities.

2) Farm machinery maintenance and repair may result in environmental pollution.

(A, B, C) Exercise 6. State what you have learned from the text about:


1) Maintenance activities.

2) Strategies to achieve maximum farm machinery life

3) Lubrication

4) Oil filter

5) Oil analysis

6) Machinery storage


(B,C) b) Promote theses to the text.

for (B) – 4-6 sentences

for (C) – 6-10 sentences


(B) Exercise 7. Look through the text again. Write down a concise summary. You may use the following expressions:

The text presents an outlook of…

The text gives information about…

The text highlights…

The text encapsulates…

The expresses the main idea of…

The text wraps up …

The importance of … is emphasized in the text.

The target reader of the text …

The text is addressed to…

The text is of interest to…

The text is instructive to…

(C) Write down an expanded summary. Express your attitude to the text. Derive a conclusion. Elicit the information from the text and use additional information from your general knowledge of the subject or any other source of information that is coherent to the subject of farm machinery maintenance.

3.5 Учебно-методические материалы по грамматике

Grammar revision

The Infinitive

(А) Exercise 1. Find the infinitives in these sentences. Translate the sentences.

1) The purpose of the test is to collect data that can be used to assess the performance of tractors of different makes and models.

2) To enhance the quality of life of rural and urban people it is necessary to provide programs focused on human activity, food, fiber and natural resource systems.

3) For the computer system to operate, computer programs are required.

4) The purpose of the dynamometer is to apply varying loads through the PTO and to measure the power generated by the tractor.

5) The soil is bad to cultivate.

(A) Exercise 2. Complete the table with the appropriate form of the infinitive.


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