It’s time to brush up your phonetics. 

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It’s time to brush up your phonetics.


Inspection, area or the abdomen, the liver, to be greatly enlarged, bulging of the lower ribs, the right hypochondrium, fullness in the epigastrium, the right costal margin, widening of the costal arch, the sharp lower border of the normal liver, to be of good tone,

Palpation.-, palpation of the lower hepatic border To be supplemented by percussion, To demonstrate its contour, consistency and size reveal–,

To reveal, to extend, beyond the limits of the right hypochondrium,Enlargements of the liver, hepatic area, to descend on deep inspiration-, retrect on deep expiration,,

hepatomegaly - enlargemet of the liver, tumors not connected with the liver



Приложение № 3


.Проверка домашнего задания



What did you have to do for homework? How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult? First I want to make sure you know the new words

Find in the Text the English for the eollowing phrases and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

Обследование брюшной полости в области печени, выпячивание нижних рёбер в правой подреберной области, полнота в надчревной области ниже правого реберного края,расширение реберной дуги,

отчётливая нижняя граница нормальной печени, быть в хорошем тонусе,пальпация нмжней печёночной границы,быть дополненным выстукиванием (перкуссией),демонстрировать контур, степень плотности, разиер печени, увеличиваться выше границы правой подреберной области, увеличение печени, опускаться при глубоком вдохе, сокращаться при глубоком выдохе, вздутие не связанное с печенью




Inspection, area or the abdomen, the liver, to be greatly enlarged, bulging of the lower ribs, the right hypochondrium, fullness in the epigastrium, the right costal margin, widening of the costal arch, the sharp lower border of the normal liver, to be of good tone,

Palpation.-, palpation of the lower hepatic border To be supplemented by percussion, To demonstrate its contour, consistency and size reveal–,

To reveal, to extend, beyond the limits of the right hypochondrium,Enlargements of the liver, hepatic area, to descend on deep inspiration-, retrect on deep expiration,,

hepatomegaly - enlargemet of the liver, tumors not connected with the liver




Приложение № 4

Презентация лексики по теме

New words

1. Incidence-число случаев, частота заболеваний

2 can be prevented –может быть предотвращён, предупреждён

3 to become more acutely aware of this problem –стать более практически осведомлённым по этой проблеме

4 to recognize –узнавать, распознавать,признавать

5 the symptoms of early and curable cancer of the stomach—симптомы раннего и излечимого рака желудка

6 to seem insignificant—выглядеть незначительным

7 education of the public—образование общественности

8 to teach individuals of the cancer age--

9 treat digestive symptoms lightly—не относиться легко к симптомам заболевания жел,-киш. тракта

10 to seek competent medical advice early—найти компетентный медицинский совет на ранней стадии

11 In the operable period –в операбельный период

12 To be made only by X-ray examination or by gastroscopy—осуществлять только с помощью рентгена или гастроскопии

13 The symptoms of early gastric cancer –симптомы раннего рака желудка

14 loss of appetite and other vague symptoms of indigestion—потеря аппетита и другие незначительные жел.-киш. симптомы

15 that of peptic ulcer may be present—может быть в наличии язва желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки

16 emphasizing the importance of never treating these patients until –не придавая особого значения лечению

17 to be confirmed by X-rays—подтверждать рентгеновским снимком

18 Marked weight loss—отмечается потерей веса

19 Bleeding--кровотечение

20 the appearance of metastases –появление метастаз

21 diagnostic findings of late cancer—диагностическое обнаружения рака на поздней стадии

22. Surgery-- хирургия

23 gastric resection –желудочная резекция

24 treatment for gastric cancer –лечения рака желудка

25 considerable symptomatic relief may be obtained—может наблюдаться значительное симптоматическое облегчение



Gastric cancer

Incidence. About 30,000 deaths occur yearly in the United States from cancer of the stomach. Many of these deaths can be prevented in the medical profession if people will become more acutely aware of this problem and will recognize that the symptoms of early and curable cancer of the stomach may seem quite insignificant. Much education of the public also is necessary in order to teach individuals of the cancer age treat digestive symptoms lightly and to seek competent medical advice early.

Diagnosis. In the operable period this can be made only by X-ray examination or by gastroscopy. The symptoms of early gastric cancer are not characteristic: loss of appetite and other vague symptoms of indigestion may be the only complaints. Periodic pain simulating that of peptic ulcer may be present, again emphasizing the importance of never treating these patients until the diagnosis has been confirmed by X-rays. Marked weight loss, bleeding, sometimes vomiting and the appearance of metastases are diagnostic findings of late cancer. It is, therefore, a fatal mistake to wait for these findings before making the diagnosis.

Treatment. Surgery (usually subtotal (subtotal - not quite total or complete) gastric resection) is the only treatment for gastric cancer and, if operation is performed early in the disease by a competent surgeon, the prognosis is surprisingly favorable. The question whether or not operation will be successful in a given case is difficult to answer. Even if cure is not effected, considerable symptomatic relief may be obtained.



Приложение № 5


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