The politicians - schizophrenics 

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The politicians - schizophrenics

The announcement. The mankind confidently goes to destruction. He does not have enough mind to expect consequences of acts of the American politicians – schizophrenics. These consequences are extremely clear to sane mind.

Sane Earthmen, be united for rescue of the lives and a unique our civilization!


It is known, that policies - the schizophrenic is capable to generate only to itself similar. A birth of the Georgian schizophrenic by the American policies - schizophrenics– the bright proof to this. Instead of taking sane lessons from results of his acts in South Ossetia and to develop the measures excluding their recurrence, the American policies – schizophrenics hasten to fill up the schizophrenics numbers by means of the Polish superschizophrenic Kachinski. They have not understood essence of the consequences schizophrenics actions in Georgia, and have carelessly joined in formation of more terrible consequences in Poland. We shall help them to see these consequences.

For a long time it is known, that nuclear potentials of the USA and RUSSIA and means of their delivery are sufficient for twenty fold destruction by them each other. It is quite natural, that if it will begin, other nuclear powers also will start the nuclear arsenals. Only the schizophrenic cannot understand this schizophrenics situation.

Sensible mind of the person prompts, that in such situation the first and major problem of mankind – decrease the probability of the beginning of a nuclear nightmare. Schizophrenics minds of the American politicians, are not capable to understand it and do all for increase this probability. Surprisingly, but the world community instead of interfering of such destruction helps the American schizophrenics to make it.

The purposes of acts of the American schizophrenics are extremely clear - unpunished destruction of the Russian military space grouping. The Georgian consequences proofs of their schizophrenics actions. It is quite natural, the schizophrenic – the sick person, unable to estimate consequences of the acts.

It is known, that Soviet Union has created antirocket protection of Moscow almost for 30 years before occurrence of the American antirockets systems. To the expert who is watching this process, it is easy to estimate a level of perfection of these systems. The start of Russian’s antirocket neare Moscow is very seldom show on TV, but the start of American’s antirockets show on the TV daily. A conclusion of the expert: the speed of the start of extremely old Russian antirockets a minimum five times is more than speed of start American’s antirockets. It is not necessary to be the big expert to understand, that modern Russian antirockets have such characteristics which allow to catch up and destroy American antirockets.

Certainly, at Russia would not be to place such rockets near borders of Poland. But the American and Polish schizophrenics compel her to make it. Consequences are easy for predicting. Russia will be compelled to develop automatic system of destruction not only started up American antyrockets, but also bases with which they will start. Any quantity praised American sistems Patriot will not rescue Poland from a nuclear mushroom above base American antirockets, at start of the first American antirockets.

So, the American policies – schizophrenics approach the beginning of nuclear war on a planet the Earth to 100 % of probability. The same level of probability appears at Polish people to be destroyed in nuclear war by the first.

It is sad, but the Russian policies do not understand, that the circumstances reverence diplomatic ethics – the main danger not only to Russia, but also to all mankind. It is time to ignore a rule of diplomatic game and to call things by their proper names and to consider such American’s actions, as political schizophrenics. It is time to make to the United Nations the offer to consider the actions which increase the probability of the nuclear war as schizophrenics actions and to organize at the United Nations special psychically hospital for compulsory treatment of political schizophrenics.

It is necessary to develop immediately the program of reduction and the subsequent destruction of nuclear arsenals of all nuclear powers. The mankind has not the other way to stop the nuclear destruction.

I convincingly ask everyone who will receive this information to distribute it worldwide. I ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to pass on my point of view, as the point of view of the ordinary Earthman, to Polish people and Polish government. Everyone who will ignore my request, will automatically include themselves in numbers of helpers of the American schizophrenics in prepare to the nuclear war.

The biggest value is the life of each earthman. My action has the unique purpose – to keep this life. Prof. Kanaryov, Russia. 16.08.08.


Среди иностранных читателей откликнулся лишь один - патриот человечества. Он, видимо, живёт в России. Его письма на русском языке.



Думаю, что Nocholas Hell заслуживает благодарность человечества.

Президент России Д. А. Медведев в своём послании 05.11.08 г. сообщил, что Россия вынуждена разместить в Калининградской области ракетные комплексы «Искандер» и тут же телевидение показало эту ракету в запуске и привело её главную характеристику - скорость в начале пуска 2100 м/с. Президент сообщил, что будут введены электронные средства подавления радара в Чехии. Разумность этого решения очевидна.

Я ждал старые кадры старта противоракет, защищающих Москву, но их не показали. Новые кадры пуска подмосковной противоракеты уже не имели информации для оценки скорости её старта.

Думалось, новый президент США Барак Абама должен здраво оценить логичность действий нашего президента и пойти ему навстречу, отказавшись от размещения ПРО у границ России. 07.11.08 Барак Абама объявил, что главная цель во взаимоотношениях с Россией – сократить ядерные арсеналы России и США, и значительно понизить вероятность быстрого использования этого оружия. Отрадное заявление, но дадут ли ему возможность реализовать свои здравые намерения закостенелые вашингтонские шизофреники? Поживём, увидим.

Земляне! Будьте бдительны! Американские политики – шизофреники до сих пор не понимают шизофреничность своих действий.


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