Foundry practice. Metal casting 

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Foundry practice. Metal casting

Шевченко Е. Б.




Методические указания по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса

факультета МСИ

специальности «Литейное производство»




Издательство ОмГТУ


УДК 621.74:802.0

ББК 34.61+81.2 Англ

Л 64




Т. М. Белова, канд. филол. наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Кемеровского государственного университета;


Шевченко Е. Б.

М 64: Литейное производство: метод. указ. по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета МСИ по специальности «Литейное производство» / Е.Б. Шевченко– Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2009г.– 48 с.


Данное методическое указание предназначено для студентов и преподавателей машиностроительных специальностей. Оно включает в себя тексты по литейному производству, лексический и грамматический материал, задания по переводу текстов с английского на русский язык, узкоспециализированные тексты для дополнительного чтения, экзаменационную тему «Моя специальность» и сокращения, наиболее часто встречающиеся в технической литературе.

Грамматические упражнения, даваемые по связным текстам, имеют, как правило, своей целью обратить внимание студентов на ту или иную форму языка с тем, чтобы они объяснили эту форму, её образование, значение и способы перевода её на русский язык.

Тексты составлены так, что они объясняют основные процессы металлургии и литейного производства в доступной для понимания студентов форме. Все тексты построены целиком на знакомой студентам лексике и грамматике, чтобы учащиеся имели возможность прорабатывать большие по объёму тексты без особых затруднений и за сравнительно короткое время.


Печатается по решению редакционного-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.



© Омский государственный технический университет, 2009  





Образуйте герундий от следующих глаголов. Переведите их на русский язык (устно). Запомните, что герундий означает процесс, название действия

Model: to melt – плавить; melting – плавка, плавление.

to make, to heat, to cast, to produce, to found, to work, to shape, to divide, to prepare, to mold.


Назовите существительные, от которых образованы данные прилагательные. Запишите эти существительные и переведите их

practical, agricultural, historical, industrial, economical.


Запишите значение существительных, опираясь на значение глаголов, от которых они образованы

to develop – развивать to divide – делить, разделять to require – требовать to depend – зависеть to treat – обрабатывать to produce – производить, выпускать development – … division – … requirement – … dependence – … treatment – … production – …

Зная значение каждого существительного в следующих словосочетаниях, правильно переведите сочетания. Запомните, что первое существительное является определением ко второму, его можно переводить прилагательным, существительным в родительном падеже или существительным с предлогом

Model: magnet steel – магнитная сталь, сталь для магнитов.

sand mold, metal mold, sand casting, metal casting, machine part, mold half, casting quality.


Запишите и переведите письменно следующие определительные группы. Помните, что основным определяем словом является последнее существительное, все предшествующие слова являются его определением


foundry practice, iron and steel foundry, iron founding process, sand casting process, metal objects manufacture.


Определите степень сравнения прилагательных в следующих сочетаниях. Переведите эти сочетания на русский язык

greater importance, simplest shape, similar mold, more important method, oldest method, cheaper metal, earlier period, most economical process, less time.


Text A

Casting is the process of making metal objects. Foundry practice has been known for many centuries. The first melting and casting of metal is mentioned about 6000 years ago. Copper was the first metal to be cast. Many of the earliest molds were made of stone and were, therefore, of simple shape. The people produced simple agricultural instruments and similar castings.

The foundry industry has developed greatly since that time. As a result of new developments in metals and in casting processes, casting still takes an important place among manufacturing processes. For example, some parts that were earlier forged (ковать), are now cast since casting is more economical and the quality of cast components is as that of the forged ones.

Numerous methods have been developed for producing metal castings. At present the most important method of producing castings is sand casting. The sand casting may be divided into four divisions depending upon the metals, which are cast: grey cast iron, steel, malleable cast iron and nonferrous metals.

Iron-founding was one of the earliest methods of working iron into the required shape. It is the cheapest. The principal metals used for castings are iron and steel, brass and copper alloys, aluminium and magnesium alloys.


11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту


a) How old is the foundry practice?

b) Why were the earliest molds of simple shape?

c) What factors did the development of foundry industry depend upon?

d) Into what groups (divisions) may we divide the sand casting?

e) What are the principal metals used for castings?

f) What was the first metal to be cast?


Прочтите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на многозначность слова “since” (с тех пор как; так как). Назовите номера предложений, в которых оно является союзом со значением “так как”, “потому что”. Переведите предложения


1) Shaping gold and copper has been know since prehistorical time.

2) Many of the earliest molds were very simple since they were made of stone.

3) About 6000 years have passed since the first melting and casting of metal occurred.

4) Since iron is a cheap metal it is widely used for many purposes.

5) Many metal parts are now cast since casting is more economical process.


В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на многозначность слова one (мн.ч. – ones). Запомните, что кроме числительного «один», оно может быть неопределённым определением, выполняя функцию подлежащего; в этом случае оно на русский язык не переводится. Кроме того, оно может быть словом заменителем какого-либо существительного в данном предложении, в этом случае его следует переводить тем существительным, вместо которого оно употреблено. Переведите предложенные вам предложения на русский язык.

1) One must know new methods of metal working.

2) We may classify metals into ferrous and non-ferrous ones.

3) There are many casting process but the oldest one is sand casting.


Text B


Some advantages of casting processes are as follow:

Casting is the most economical method for producing objects of complicated shapes in large quantity. In many cases castings require less time for machining than metal objects produced by other metal working processes. Some castings are produced by other final dimensions that little or no machining is then required. Casting is the only method that can be used for forming parts from white, grey and malleable cast iron.

Casting process is principally used only where several similar parts are required. Where only one or two parts having a complicated shape are required, they can be produced more economically by machining or forming. It is because the cost of the pattern is rather high.


Words to the text B:


advantage – преимущества

complicated – сложный

quantity – количество

quality – качество

machining – механическая обработка

cost – стоимость

pattern – модель, образец

close – близко, близкий, точно

dimension –размер

so close to final dimensions – так близко к окончательным размерам

no machining – никакая механическая обработка


18. Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы, подтвердив ответы примерами из текста


a) Можно ли чугунные детали изготавливать другим методом, кроме литья?

b) Почему не выгодно отливать одну деталь?


Text C


Casting is the process of forming metal objects in a foundry. A foundry is an industrial establishment for producing castings. Castings are obtained by melting metal in a furnace and pouring it into a mold, where the cast metal cools and solidifies taking the shape of the mold. The shape of the object depends upon the shape of mold cavity. The most important of cast metals is cast iron. It is made in a special furnace called a cupola. From the cupola the cast iron flows into ladles and from these it is poured into molds.

Metal casting methods may be classified into some groups depending on the type of mold used and the way in which the molten metal is poured into the mold.


Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на многозначность слова these. Запомните, что оно может быть указательным местоимением «эти», если стоит перед существительным. Кроме того, оно может быть словом-заменителем какого-либо существительного. Укажите, в каких предложениях оно является словом – заменителем; переведите предложения

1) Some metal contain iron. These metals are known as ferrous metals.

2) Metal molds are stronger than sand molds, and for these heat resistant metals must be used.

3) In the earlier period the castings of simple shape were produced, these were spear heads, simple agricultural instruments and similar castings.

4) The molten metal flows to the mold from ladles, these ladles may be of different sizes.

5) There are cupolas of old and modern constructions; they may produce cast iron from some kilograms to 30 tons per hour.


Прочтите следующие группы слов, где причастие II является определением к существительному. Обратите внимание, что причастие может стоять до и после существительного и его нужно переводить русским страдательным причастием. Переведите данные сочетания

the process used the casting obtained the molten metal the metal poured the produced objects the process called.

Найдите в каждом предложении причастие I и образуемый им оборот в функции обстоятельства. Запомните, что он может стоять перед подлежащим или в конце предложения и переводится деепричастным оборотом. Переведите данные предложения


1) Melting metal in a furnace, we obtain cast metal.

2) Being the most important cast metal cast iron is widely used in foundry.

3) When producing cast iron we use cupolas very often.

4) Hot metal cools in the mold cavity solidifying there and forming a metal object.

5) When using casting heavy and large metal parts may be produced.

6) When producing a large number of castings we usually use special machines for making molds.

7) Cooling in a large mold, the metal will be hot there for a longer time.


37. Прочтите текст D, переведите его и ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы


1) О чём этот текст?

2) Сколько лет вагранке?

3) Почему она получила широкое применение?

4) Где была построена самая большая вагранка?

5) Какова её производительность?

6) Что нового вы узнали из этого текста?


Text D

Although nowadays we may produce cast iron by melting it with electricity, cupola is the most widely used furnace for this purpose.

The first cupola in Russia was built by Batashev in 1774. Because of its simple construction and high productivity cupola began to be widely used in foundry. There are some thousands of cupolas in all foundries of the USSR.

The construction of cupolas is steadily (постоянно) developed. Both cupolas of old those of modern construction are used at present in foundries. Some of them are fully automated and meet the necessary requirements (удовлетворять требованиям).

The cupolas may produce from some kilograms to 20-30 tons of cast iron per hour. The biggest cupola in the world, built in 1972, in the USA, can produce 100 tons of cast iron per hour.


38. Пользуясь следующим вопросами, перескажите по-английски содержание текста D


1) When and by whom was the first Russian cupola built?

2) Are there many cupolas at present in our country?

3) What constructions of cupolas are used today in the foundry?

4) How much cast iron per hour can cupolas produce?

5) How much cast iron can the biggest cupola in the world produce?

6) When and where was it built?




1. Прочтите и запомните новые слова и примеры с ними


hollow – полый, пустой; полость, пустота

f.e. Sometimes it is necessary to make a hollow in the casting.

The two parts of metal mold are hollow.

to join – соединяться, присоединять

f.e. Before pouring the metal two halves of the mold must be joined.

To join is to make two parts together.

inside – 1) внутренняя часть, сторона; 2) внутри, внутрь; 3) с внутренней стороны

f.e. Molten metal solidifies inside the mold.

f.e. The inside of the mold has the shape of a casting.

to cover – покрывать

f.e. Before pouring the metal into a metal mold it is covered with carbon.

f.e. We must cover the inside of the metal mold with a carbon.

to stick – прилипать, приставать, приклеиваться

f.e. Casting must not stick to the inside of the mold.

core – литейный стержень

f.e. Cores are used to make hollows in the castings.

f.e. Cores may be made of sand or metal.

to employ – применять, использовать

f.e. Metal molds are employed for many purposes.

f.e. Cores are employed for forming a hollow.

permanent mold – постоянная форма

f.e. Permanent mold is a metal mold.

size – размер, величина

f.e. There are ladles of different sizes.

medium – средний

f.e. Permanent molds are used for producing casting of small and medium size.

to withstand – выдерживать, противостоять

f.e. Permanent molds must withstand high temperature.

cost – стоимость, цена

f.e. It is important to produce castings at a lower cost.

f.e. The cost of metal molds is rather high.

suitable – соответствующий, годный, подходящий

f.e. Suitable molds must be used for pouring the metal.

to remove – удалять, извлекать, вынимать

f.e. Casting must be removed from the mold when they cooled.

expensive – дорогой

f.e. Metal molds are more expensive than sand molds.

pattern – образец, модель (для литья), литейная модель

f.e. Patterns may be of different size and shapes.

to alloy – легировать, сплавлять (металлы), добавлять примесь к металлу

f.e. To alloy metals is necessary to get better properties of cast metals. Alloying metals is a very important operation in foundry.

alloy – сплав (металлов), примесь, присадка

to clean – очищать, зачищать

clean – чистый

f.e. Casting are cleaned by different methods.

clay – глина

f.e. Clay is a molding material in foundry.

to mix – смешивать, перемешивать

mixture – смесь

f.e. To make an alloy some elements must be mixed.

f.e. Molding sand is a mixture of different materials.

smooth – ровный, гладкий

f.e. The inside of the mold must be smooth.

f.e. Cleaning the casting makes it smooth.

сoarse – грубый, шероховатый; крупный, крупнозернистый

f.e. Coarse surface of the casting is usually cleaned.

Coarse sand makes the casting less smooth.

fine – мелкий, мелкозернистый

f.e. Fine sand makes the surface of the casting smooth.

amount – количество, объём

f.e. Large amount of castings can be produced in metal molds.

work – 1) работа; 2) обработка; 3) обрабатываемая заготовка (деталь, изделие)

f.e. A sand mold must be used for producing a large work.

porosity – пористость

porous – пористый

pore – пора, отверстие

f.e. Coarse sand is more porous than fine sand.

f.e. The porosity of the molding material is a very important factor.

to contain – содержать (в себе), вмещать

content – объём, содержание

f.e. The molding sand contains some different materials.

f.e. Alloys contain some elements. The content of clay in the molding sand makes it strong.

certain – определённый, некоторый, известный

f.e. Molds must be of certain size. Patterns must have certain shape.


Основываясь на значении следующих глаголов, скажите, что будут означать производные от них глаголы, образованные с помощью приставки dis-, которая придаёт слову отрицательное или противоположное значение


to believe – верить to charge – нагружать to cover – покрывать to join – соединять disbelieve – … discharge – … discover – … disjoin – …


Text A


One of the most important operations in foundry is molding. There are sand and metal molds. Metal molds are also called permanent molds.

Metal molds consist usually of two hollow parts which should be joined for pouring metal into the mold. The inside of the metal mold is covered with carbon or graphite in order that the castings could not stick to the mold.

When the metal in the mold has solidified, these hollow parts are disjoined and the casting is removed. If necessary, cores constructed of metal or sand are employed to form hollows in the castings.

Castings are produced in permanent molds from non-ferrous metals and their alloys. These castings are strong and better finish surface and structure.

Metals used to make permanent molds must withstand high temperature and may be steel, iron, bronze or other suitable metal, depending on the melting point of cast metal. Bronze molds are employed sometimes for casting metals and alloys of very low melting temperature.

Metal molds are generally used to make many castings from one mold. There are practical for large production of small and medium-size castings of simple shape. However, the use of metal molds is limited because of some difficulties. Large castings are difficult to produce in permanent molds. Metal molds are of the higher cost than sand molds.


5. Объясните, что означают английские термины «metal mold» и «permanent mold». Один и тот же тип формы или нет? Подтвердите своё суждение текстом.


Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на те, в которых инфинитив (инфинитивный оборот) выполняет функцию обстоятельства цели. Запомните, что в таком случае он стоит в начале предложения перед подлежащим или в конце предложения и переводится на русский язык с помощью союзов «чтобы», «для того, чтобы» или предлога «для»


1) It is necessary to join two parts of the mold before pouring the metal.

2) To cast large castings in the permanent molds is very difficult.

3) To remove the casting from the mold, it is disjoined.

4) To produce strong castings it is necessary to control all operations in the foundry.

5) Different ladles are used to pour the molten metal into molds.

6) Metals for permanent molds must be of high melting point to withstand the temperature of the cast metal.

7) Materials to be used in casting must be carefully controlled.


18. Переведите следующие предложения, обратите внимание на союз «in order to …» («in order that …») – «чтобы», «для того, чтобы». Запомните его


1) In order to melt metals furnaces are used in the foundry.

2) Permanent molds are usually employed in order to produce many castings from one mold.

3) Two parts of the mold are joined in order to pour the metal.

4) In order to obtain the molding sand, some water, sand and other materials are used.

5) Suitable molding materials and cast metals must be employed in order that the quality of castings could be high.


Прочтите следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание, что приставки in-, un- придают слову отрицательное, противоположное значение. Переведите данные справа прилагательные и наречия, образованные с помощью приставок


usually – обычно necessary – необходимо complete – законченный, завершенный definite – определенный real – настоящий certain – определенный, известный expensive – дорогой un usually un necessary in complete in definite un real un certain in expensive


Text B


Most castings are produced in sand molds, since this method of production is relatively simple, inexpensive and is not limited to any type of metal or sizes and shapes of castings. Of course, sand molds are used only once, and each casting requires a new mold.

In the production of sand castings the important functions are making the pattern, melting and alloying the metal, pouring the alloy into the mold and cleaning the castings.

Sand molds are made of refractory molding sand. It is a mixture of sand and clay. The clay helps the sand to stick together, and the strength of the molding sand depends upon the clay content in it. Large proportion of clay makes the sand less porous, however. And the sand porosity is very important in medium and heavy work.

The molding sand is to be mixed with water in certain proportion. Too much water should not be poured into the molding sand. The quality of castings often depends upon the amount of water the sand contains.

It is necessary to make a casting with smooth surface; fine sand is to be used. The finer is the sand; the smoother will be the casting. Coarse sand is usually used for making large iron and steel castings.


Сравните сказуемые в каждой паре следующих предложений. Запомните, что сочетания глаголов be, have, should с последующим инфинитивом смыслового глагола выражают долженствование. Сравните перевод каждой пары подчеркнутых сказуемых


1) The casting is removed from the mold only after its being solidified. The casting is to be removed from the mold only after its being solidified.

2) We join two parts of the metal mold before pouring metal into it. We have to join two parts of the mold before pouring metal.

3) Clay is usually used to make the molding mixture strong. To make mixture strong clay should be used in certain proportion.

4) Metals used for permanent molds are refractory. They are to withstand the temperature of the liquid metal.

Text C


Materials which are used for sand molds are refractory silica sand, bonding materials and facing materials.

Bonding materials is a suitable binder which is usually a form of clay.

Molding sand is a mixture of silica sand, a suitable binder and water. Sometime two or more bonding materials are mixed with silica sand.

Molding sands require the following characteristics: they must be refractory to withstand the high temperature of molten metals, porous and must have sufficient bond.


Notes to the text C:

silica – кварц, двуокись кремния

to bond – связывать, связывающее вещество, соединение

binder – связывающее вещество, крепитель, связь

sufficient – достаточный

facing – облицовочный песок, припыл


36. Запишите по-английски 3 термина, соответствующие русским. Поясните, выражают ли эти термины разные понятия или одно и то же


связующее вещество – …, связующий материал – …, крепитель – ….


37. Прочтите текст С ещё раз. Ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы


1) What materials is this text about?

2) What materials are usually used binders?

3) What sand is used as mold material?

4) What components does the molding mixture contain?

5) What characteristics must the molding sand have?


Text D

In order to give a smooth surface to the casting, facing materials are used. The usual method is to apply the facings fine powder to the surface of the mold after the pattern is taken out. The facing prevents the sand from sticking to the casting and also prevents the hot metal from burning into the sand. As a result, the sand separates easily from the casting when it is cold. Different forms of carbon, such as graphite, coke and sea coal are applied as facing.


Notes to the text D:

powder – порошок

to prevent from – предотвращать, мешать

to burn into – проникать, врезаться

to separate – отделяться

to apply – использовать, применять

coke – кокс, уголь

sea coal – цирконовый песок


Text E

Molding materials may be classified into some groups: molding sand, bonding material, facing and some others.

Molding sands may be light, medium and heavy. Light sand is used for castings which may have very finely produced detail on their surfaces. The sand should be very fine to bring out this detail. It must be strong so that the mold could retain every detail as the metal flows in.

Medium sand is used for making machinery castings having from ½ to 2 in. sections. The molding sand for this type of castings is coarser than those molded in light sand. The bond mixed with medium sand must be sufficiently strong to retain the shape of the mold. The large proportion of clay necessary for a strong bond makes the sand less porous. For the better sand porosity the sand of larger grain size is to be used.

Heavy sand is used for very large iron and steel castings. This sand is high in silica, and its grain is coarse to withstand the heat of the molten metal and the better porosity.


Notes to the text E:

light sand – тощая земля

medium sand – полужирная земля

heavy sand – жирная земля

to bring out – выполнять

to retain – сохранять

in. = inch – дюйм

section – сечение

grain – зерно, крупица


43. Основываясь на содержании текста Е, ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы


1) What types of molding sand is this text about?

2) What sands must be fine (coarse)?

3) Is bond used for light, medium and heavy sands?

4) What material is used as a band?

5) When is heavy sand used?


Text F


There are two large groups of casting metals: the ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Foundries mix the relatively pure metals to produce necessary alloys. The ferrous or iron alloys include all the cast irons, carbon steels and alloy steels.

Among the ferrous metals cast iron is the most important cast material used in the manufacture of products necessary in everyday life. It is made from pig iron by remelting it in the cupola. When the pig iron has been remelted in the cupola, its carbon content is reduced. It contains already from 2 to 5 percent carbon. The more carbon the iron contains, the more brittle it is. That is why the brittleness of cast iron is very high.

So, cast iron is not a very strong material, it is not plastic. But it has a low melting point and is the cheapest, the most economical. It is often used for making objects and machine parts which are to be large but the strength of which is not very important.

The non-ferrous metals used in the foundry are usually alloys of two or more metals. They are copper-base, aluminium-base, zinc-base alloys and some others. All these metals have a lower melting temperature then iron alloys.


Notes to the text F:

to include – включать, содержать в себе

alloy steel – легированная сталь

pig iron – доменный чугун, сырцовый (чушковый) чугун

to reduce - восстанавливать

percent - процент

brittle - хрупкий

base – основа





Text A


Sand mold is made by packing the molding sand around a pattern. A pattern of wood, metal or wax is needed to form the cavity in the sand which molten metal will be poured. Patterns are to have the same shape as the finished object (отливаемый предмет), but their size should be a little (немного) larger as the casting shrinks when cooling. A pattern made of metal may be used longer.

If the pattern is made of one piece, it is called a solid pattern. The pattern made in two halves is known as split pattern. The split patterns may be removed from the mold in pieces (по частям).

For a small amount of castings a wooden pattern may be used. It is more economical than a metal pattern. Sand molds are made in the flasks which are wooden or metal boxes consisting of two parts. The upper portion is called the «cope», and the lower portion is called the «drag».

In sand molding two special boards are to be used. The drag is placed on the moldboard. A molding board is smooth and a little larger than the flask opening. The size of the moldboard should be the same as the outside of the drag. The board which is placed on top of the packed drag is called the bottom board because after turning the flask over, it becomes the bottom of the mold.


7. Напишите для следующих русских терминов по три варианта английских названий


1.) нижняя полуформа; 2.) верхняя полуформа.


8. Ответьте (кратко) положительно или отрицательно на следующие вопросы


1) Can solid pattern be removed from the mold in pieces?

2) Must the pattern be of the same size as the finished object?

3) Does metal shrink during the cooling process?

4) Is the metal pattern stronger than the wooden one?

5) Is the drag turned over after being packed?


Text B

To form a hole (отверстие) or hollow in the casting a core is placed in the mold cavity. Cores are formed of sand in core boxes, which are metal or wooden boxes. After removing the core from the box, it is dried (сушить) in a special oven (печь). The core is placed into the mold after the pattern had been removed. The molten metal flows around the core and forms the hole in the casting.


Text C

When two halves of the sand mold have been packed with the molding sand, the cope is placed on the drag. The surface where the cope and the drag meet is called a parting surface, or joint. Parting sand is applied to this surface in order that the mold halves could not stick when they are disjoined for removing the pattern. Sometimes a number of vent holes may be formed in a mold to help the escape of the steam and gases produced during pouring. However, this is usually not required because a sand mold properly rammed will allow these gases to escape.

Molten metal is poured into the mold through the pouring basin. From there it flows downward through the gate sprue to a runner at the parting surface, then into the mold cavity through the gate or gates. A riser is used to supply molten metal which will compensate for the metal shrinkage during solidification of the casting. Gates and risers are removed from the castings in the cleaning department and later remelted.


Text D

Ramming of the sand is necessary in order to make the sand retain its position (заставлять землю удерживать свое положение) in the mold. The sand is rammed around the pattern. Long practice is necessary for proper ramming. The proper ramming depends upon the molding sand used, the metal poured, and other factors. Ramming too hard will close up openings (vents) in the sand, so that steam and gases produced during pouring process cannot readily escape. This may cause blowholes in the casting. Too soft ramming will not give sufficient strength to the sand and mold surface. This may alloy the flow of molten metal to make the casting larger than the pattern or may cause other casting defects.

The joint and the bottom parts of the mold must be rammed harder than the upper portions.


Unknown words to the text D:

hard – плотно, плотный

soft – слабо, слабый

readily – быстро, легко

to cause – вызывать

blowhole – раковина.


33. Используя текст D, ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы


1) Where is the sand rammed?

2) Is long practice an important factor for producing proper ramming?

3) What other factors does the proper ramming depend upon?

4) What defects may too hard ramming and too soft ramming cause?

5) What parts of the mold must be rammed harder?


34. Распределите пункты плана в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию текста D


a) Purpose of ramming.

b) Ramming of different parts of the mold.

c) Defects in ramming.

d) Requirements to ramming.




Text A

Castings are produced into different types of molds. The various types of molds for sand castings are classified as green-sand, skin-dried, dry-sand and air-dried molds.

Green-sand molds are most commonly used. Most of small castings are made in green-sand molds, as green-sand molding is economical and simple.

Green-sand molds are formed by mixing silica, clay and a small amount of water. The permeability of the sand must be high so that the steam and gases formed by heat of metal can escape through the mold. The damp molding sand is rammed around the pattern. When the pattern is withdrawn, the mold is finished. The mold may be poured as soon as made or it may be held over a day or more, depending upon its size. Greensand causes less cracks when the casting cool to room temperature.

Green-sand molds are softer and weaker than all other types of molds. This characteristic is desirable for complicated castings which have high solid shrinkage.

Green-sand molding is recommended for cast iron and is applied to large-quantity production.

Since large molds may require much time for making and assembling, some other type of mold is usually used for larger castings.


Text B

When the entire mold is dried, it is known as a «dry – sand mold». It is formed by mixing sand, bonding material and water. These molds have a hard surface and produce little gas or steam during casting.

They are stronger than green-sand molds. Dry-sand molds allow the use of finer sands with lower permeability, since nearly all of the moisture is removed. This produces smoother surfaces on the castings.

Dry – sand molds are usually made up one day, dried overnight, and assembled and cast the next day.

The drying is usually done in large ovens at temperatures about 450 degrees of Fahrenheit. Drying can also be done on the foundry floor using heated air or torch.

Dry – sand molds require the use of metal flasks because heat is used to dry them.

Dry – sand molds are recommended for steel castings and may be also used for many types of non-ferrous castings.

Since dried molds are more expensive than green-sand molds, they are used only when green-sand molds would be unsatisfactory.


Unknown words to the text B:

entire – весь; вся

moisture – влага

overnight – ночью

oven – печь

torch – горелка; пламя; факел

… on the foundry floor – на плацу (полу)

would be unsatisfactory – не удовлетворяют требованиям.


11. Ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы, используя текст В


1) What materials are used for producing dry – sand molds?

2) How are usually dried dry-sand molds?

3) What is the temperature of ovens for drying these molds?

4) What flasks do dry-sand molds require?

5) In what cases are dry-sand molds recommended?


Text С

Skin dried molds can be constructed economically by one of two methods. By the first method, silica sand is mixed with a dry – sand bond. The mixture is packed around the pattern to a depth of about ½ or 1 inch. Them the mold surface is dried by heat. When this part of the mold is dried, the remaining portion of the mold is completed with green sand.

By the second method the entire mold is constructed of green sand. Certain binders are added to this sand, and a stronger, harder surface is produced. The mold is then dried by air, oven or gas torch.

Air – dried molds remain open to the air for a certain period of time before closing. Some moisture escapes from the mold surfaces, making the mold harder. Large molds, such as pit molds, become air-dried while they are being made. Additional drying by heating may be done to remove any remaining moisture, and they would then become dry – sand molds.


Unknown words to the text C:

depth – глубина

to remain – оставаться

to complete – завершать, заканчивать

certain – определенный

to add – добавлять, дополнять

additional – добавочный, дополнительный

while – в то время как

pit – яма.


15. Разделите содержание текста С на две части. Озаглавьте по-английски каждую часть.


16. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя сказуемое в пассивном залоге (глагол to be + Participle II смыслового глагола)


1) Формы, подсушенные с поверхности, делаются двумя методами.

2) Связующие вещества применяются для этих форм.

3) Песок смешивается со связующим веществом.

4) Смесь трамбуется вокруг модели.

5) Поверхность формы сушится теплом.

6) Остальная часть формы заполняется сырой смесью.

7) Большие формы делают в ямах.

8) Влагу удаляют нагреванием.


17. Ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы:

1) What types of molds is this text about?

2) How many methods may be used for constructing skin-dried mold?

3) Are bonding materials used for skin-dried molds? What other materials are used for these molds?

4) What other materials are used for these molds?

5) How are skin-dried molds dried?

6) How are air-dried molds dried?


18. Составьте и запишите по-английски план пересказа текста С.

19. Перескажите содержание текста С по записанному плану.



It is well known that ferro-alloy furnaces and other electric melting furnaces, operating at high temperatures, will in time develop craters which result in a less efficient operation of the furnace. These craters lead to uneconomical and difficult operation.

The furnace gases cannot penetrate the crater walls, and accordingly have to force their way along the surface of the electrodes to the top of the furnace. The gases thus become overheated and leave the furnace at an unusually high temperature, and will often, with great violence, break through the slag covering at certain sports, and simultaneously fine white flames of evaporated metal will appear. In this way serious losses of material from the furnace may result, due not only to evaporation of the constituents of the charge but also due to dust caused by the violent escape of gas. Consequently, there may also be large losses of heat from the furnace. The hot gases will overheat the electrode sections outside the furnace so that the wear and tear on the electrode holders will be very serious.

New rotating electric melting furnaces effectively eliminate the formation of craters. Ordinarily this furnace is designed as a three phase furnace with the electrodes suspended at the three points of an equilateral triangle. The furnace pot is round and rotates, so that the melting zones constantly move sideways relative to the electrodes. By this rotation the whole furnace charge is successively drawn into the melting zone, and the bath is kept clean and free from craters.

At first there was put in operation a 700-kw furnace of 190 tons weight on the turnable. This furnace proved very satisfactory and now many new furnaces of this type are build in metallurgical works.

At one metallurgical works such a furnace and an ordinary non-rotating furnace were operated simultaneously, producing 75 percents ferro-silicon with the same class of raw materials. The result showed that the rotating furnace had about 17 percents larger production with the same consumption of power and the consumption of materials per ton of ferro-silicon produced was about 10 percents less.

The operation and maintenance costs for the rotary equipment are very little.



The three main types of electric melting furnaces are resistance, arc, and induction. Resistance furnaces are very simple, but high temperatures cannot be obtained. Arc furnaces contaminate the charge with carbon from the electrodes and volatile elements may be lost from the melt. Induction furnaces may be constructed with or without a magnetic core.

The induction furnaces operate with a current that may be generated by an alternating current (a. c.) generator, which has a relatively low fixed frequency, or by an electronic tube, where a triode tube functions as the source of the alternating current.

Electric tube induction furnaces have many advantages for small charges, especially of expansive metals. The frequency may be as high as several million cycles per second and is easily regulated. An adjustment of the circuit when the charge melts is not so important as it is with furnaces using an a. c. generator. Melting is very rapid. The operation of these furnaces is very flexible and uniform. The crucible is deep to minimize oxidation. Moreover, the melting can be conducted in vacuum or under a controlled atmosphere if desired.

Since the heat is generated in the metal, there is no danger of carburizing the melt. The equipment is easy to maintain as there are no moving parts. The crucibles are cheap and have a long life. However, the equipment is more expensive than an a. c. generator and is justified only for small charges.

One of the most powerful furnaces of this type has the following characteristics. It is a 2-crucible, 250 kw. installation of the electronic tube type. The nominal capacity is 110 lbs., but actually 287 lb. may be melted. The average melting times are 21 min. for 192 lb. of steel and 32 min. for 287 lb. However, some heats are much shorter. Each pound of steel melted requires 0.57 kwh. (kilowatt-hour). With 176 lb. heats of steel, each crucible will last about 100 heats. Particular attention is given to the simplicity of operation and to the safety provisions.



amps – amperes – ампер

C/ Cent – Centigrade – шкала Цельсия

Co – Company – компания

deg – degree – градус, степень

dia – 1) diameter – диаметр, 2) diagram – диаграмма

dprt – department – отдел, отделение, участок

etc – et cetera/ and so on – и так далее

F – Fahrenheit – шкала Фаренгейта

fce – furnace – печь

Fig. – figure – рисунок, чертёж

ft – foot (feet) – фут (футы) = 30,5 см.

fph – feet per hour – футов в час

fpm – feet per minute – футов в минуту

fps – feet per second – футов в секунду

HP/ hp – horse power – лошадиная сила

hr – hour – час

in – inch – дюйм = 25,4 мм.

kw – kilowatt – киловатт

lb – libra, pound – фунт = 453,6 г.

No – number- номер

oz – ounce – унция = 28, 35 г.

p.c. – per cent – процент

viz – videlicet – то есть, а именно

vs – versus – против

yd – yard –ярд = 91,44 см.

yr – year – год

z – zero – нуль




1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для технических вузов.– Серия «Высшее образование».- Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2004.– 352 с.

2. Балабан М.А. Английский язык для учащихся вузов по специальности «Машиностроение». – М.: УРАО, 1991.– 225 с.

3. Бгашев В.Н. Английский язык для машиностроительных специальностей.– М.: Высш. шк., 1990.– 416 с.

4. Комиссаров В.Н., Кораллова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский.- М.: Высш. шк., 1991.– 320 с.




Part I. Foundry Practice. Metal Casting Part II. Metal Molding. Sand Molding Part III. Making a Sand Mold Part IV. Types of Molds Specialized texts for reading Topic: «My Speciality is Foundry» Abbreviation Bibliography    



ИД № 06035 от 12.10.2001

Свод. темплан 2009г.

Подписано в печать 2009. Формат 60х841/16. Бумага офсетная.

Отпечатано на дупликаторе. Усл. печ. л. 2,0. Уч.-изд.л. 2,0.

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Шевченко Е. Б.




Методические указания по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса

факультета МСИ

специальности «Литейное производство»




Издательство ОмГТУ


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Т. М. Белова, канд. филол. наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Кемеровского государственного университета;


Шевченко Е. Б.

М 64: Литейное производство: метод. указ. по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета МСИ по специальности «Литейное производство» / Е.Б. Шевченко– Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2009г.– 48 с.


Данное методическое указание предназначено для студентов и преподавателей машиностроительных специальностей. Оно включает в себя тексты по литейному производству, лексический и грамматический материал, задания по переводу текстов с английского на русский язык, узкоспециализированные тексты для дополнительного чтения, экзаменационную тему «Моя специальность» и сокращения, наиболее часто встречающиеся в технической литературе.

Грамматические упражнения, даваемые по связным текстам, имеют, как правило, своей целью обратить внимание студентов на ту или иную форму языка с тем, чтобы они объяснили эту форму, её образование, значение и способы перевода её на русский язык.

Тексты составлены так, что они объясняют основные процессы металлургии и литейного производства в доступной для понимания студентов форме. Все тексты построены целиком на знакомой студентам лексике и грамматике, чтобы учащиеся имели возможность прорабатывать большие по объёму тексты без особых затруднений и за сравнительно короткое время.


Печатается по решению редакционного-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.



© Омский государственный технический университет, 2009  







1. Прочтите новые слова и примеры с ними. Запомните их


to found – лить, отливать

foundry – литьё, литейная промышленность, литейный цех

f.e. Foundries melt much metal and produce metal objects.

f.e. Foundry is a very old and important industry.

to cast (cast, cast) – лить, отливать (металл)

casting – литьё (процесс), отливание; отливка (изделие)

sand casting – литьё в земляную форму

f.e. Many metal objects are produced by casting. These metal objects are called castings.

f.e. Sand casting is the oldest method of producing castings.

shape – форма, конфигурация, очертание

to shape – придавать форму, обрабатывать

f.e. By casting metals are shape into the needed form.

to heat – нагревать

f.e. To melt a metal we must heat it well.

mold – литейная форма

sand mold – земляная форма

metal mold – металлическая форма

to mold – формовать, отливать в форму

molding – формование, формовка, отливка

f.e. Molding is one of the most important operations in foundry.

f.e. In a mold the metal takes its shape.

to work – обрабатывать

f.e. People began to work metals many centuries ago.

to require – требовать

f.e. High temperature is required for melting metals.

f.e. Many metals require hot working.

part – деталь, изделие

f.e. Many machine parts are produced by foundry.

similar – похожий, сходный, одинаковый

f.e. The parts may have similar shapes.

simple – простой

simplicity – простота

f.e. Some centuries ago castings had only simple shаpes.

purpose – цель, назначение


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