Ex. II. Look through the following texts and render them in Russian. 

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Ex. II. Look through the following texts and render them in Russian.

Text A

The academic year in the Russian educational establishments starts on the first of September. In full-time departments the course usually lasts four or five years. Students usually have three or four lectures a day. Twice a year they sit for exams. There are usually not more than five exams in a session. If the results of the exams are good, students get grants.

Twice a year students have vacations. Some of the students go to the country to have a rest, some of them work in different branches of our economy. This work is usually connected with their future speciality. Students are paid for their work.

Text В

Yesterday was not a very difficult day for group 4. They had only 2 lectures and a test in physics. There were not very many students in the lab; it was not difficult to do the work properly. The results of the test were very good. The students of group 4 hope that the results of their next test will be good too. Their next test will be in chemistry. It will be next week. Group 4 is a good one, the students of it are always prepared for their tests, and they will be ready to write their next test as well.


Ex. III. Translate into English:

1. Я поступил в университет в 2007 году.

2. Наш вуз сравнительно молодой. Он был основан в 1981 году.

3. Университет расположен недалеко от центра города.

4. Строительный университет размещается в четырех корпусах.

5. Наш университет готовит инженеров по различным специальностям.

6. Я – студент первого курса строительного факультета.

7. Полный курс обучения в университете продолжается пять лет.

8. Учебный год делится на два семестра.

9. Студенты посещают лекции и практические занятия по различным предметам.

10. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают зачеты и экзамены.

11. Студенты, которые успешно сдают экзамены, получают стипендию.

12. Студенты старших курсов пишут курсовые работы по специальным предметам.

13. По окончании учебы каждый студент защищает дипломную работу и сдает выпускные экзамены.

14. Нашей стране требуется все больше и больше специалистов с высшим образованием.

15. Выпускники нашего университета работают в различных сферах национальной экономики.


Ex. IV. Form sentences using the following word combinations:

to enter the University, to train specialists, to take examinations, to attend lectures on, a graduation thesis, well-equipped laboratories, major construction sites, to prepare for, the academic year, complete course of study, to require specialists, to get grant, to graduate from, first-year students.

Ex. V. Answer the questions:

1. Where do you study? 2. When did you enter the University? 3. When was the University of Civil Engineering and Architecture founded? 4. Where is your University situated? 5. How many and what faculties are there at your University? 6. What faculty do you study at? 7. What specialists does the University train? 8. How long does the course of study at your University last? 9. When does the academic year begin? 10. How many terms are there in the academic year? 11. What subjects do the first-year students study? 12. What do students do at the lectures and practical hours? 13. When do students take examinations? 14. How are grants paid to students? 15. When do students begin independent research work? 16. Do most of your fellow-students live in a hostel or rent a room in town? 17. What profession will you go into after you graduate from the University? 18. Do you like your future speciality? 19. Where do the graduates from your University work? 20. What degree or document is given to those who graduate from Russian Universities and Insti­tutes? 21. Who can take a post-graduate course?


Ex. VI. Make up dialogues using the given situations:

1. Planning to enter the University you ask your friend who studies there all about it.

2. You discuss with your friend your first day at the University

3. You talk with your friend about your favourite subjects.

4. You talk with your friend about the examination you have failed at.

5. You want your friend to help you in the subject you are not good at.

6. You talk with an extra-mural student about his methods of self-education.

7. You and your friend change your views on education.

Ex. VII.Let's discuss the prob­lem of the grant from the following points of view:

1. Should all students get grants? Why? What about schoolchildren?

2. What students should get grants? What marks should they have (and what marks shouldn't they have) to get grants?

3. And what about those students who can't afford to study but want to? Should they be helped somehow?

4. How much money should be paid? Should the sum be always the same or should it vary?

Perhaps there are some other things you would like to speak about. Let's listen to different points of view and discuss this problem.

Ex. VIII. Translate into English. Make up a dialogue and perform it:

В прошлом году я встретил одного из студентов нашего курса. Я спросил его, что он сейчас делает. Он ответил, что учится в аспирантуре. Я спросил его, когда он поступил и кто его научный руководитель. Он сказал, что учится в аспирантуре уже год и его научный руководитель – заведующий кафедрой. Меня интересовало, сдал ли он какие-либо экзамены и опубликованы ли у него статьи по теме диссертации. Он ответил, что одна статья напечатана, две другие печатаются сейчас, и он надеется, что они будут напечатаны к концу года. Он добавил, что уже сдал два экзамена по языку и философии.


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