Crippen, Dr. Hawley Harvey, 1882 -1910 

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Crippen, Dr. Hawley Harvey, 1882 -1910

Crippen is famous as a murderer mainly because he was the first one to be caught by the use of wireless telegraphy. He was an American-born doctor who settled in London in 1900 with his wife Cora who had theatrical ambitions and used, the stageлпате Belle Elmore. In 1910 Crippen's wife vanished in susprcious cirqtmimnces and whenthe house was searched herdismembered body was d^cpvered buried in a cellar. She had been pofeonecjC Meanwhile^ Crippen had fled with his girlfriend Ethel Le Neve, who was aisguBea as а boy. They thought that they were sare once they ррагШа the liner Montrose for America, but the authorities used the newly irrventecrwireless to^aaTon a j^ajfrimgJE>' the ship's captain. Shortly afterwards "Mr Robinson" and his "son" were recognised and Crippen and Le Neve were arrested in New York and

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returned to Britain. Largely due to Crippen s insistence that she knew nothing of the crime, Ethel Le Neve was freed, but the miM, Inoffensive looking little man was nangra at Pentonville prison on 23rd November 1910. It was for his evidence given at the Crippen trial that Sir Bernard Spilsbury, the Home Office pathologist, first made a name.

Find in the text the synonyms for the expressions in brackets.

1. Those with (a strong desire to be successful) usually work hard.

2. The house was (examined carefully) in order to find the body.

3. He (used a strange appearance in order to hide) his looks, but he could not change his voice.

Dreyfus, Captain Alfred, 1859 - 1935

The name of Dreyfus is one of the most famous in the history of espionage. He was a French army officer of Jewish ancestry who in 1894 was * sentenced to life imprisonment for selling military secrets to the Germans. The high command of the French army was strongly anti-Jewish and Dreyfus was a convenient scapegoat. His court martial was carried out as if he had already been found guilty. To serve his sentence he was sent to Devil's Island, the French prison colony off the coast of Guiana. In 1896 an army intelligence

officer found proof that Dreyfus was innocent, but the army chief of staff refused to accept it. Support for Dreyfus grew and in 1898 the writer Emile Zola published a famous open letter, "J'accuse", calling for his case to be reopened. At last, the army brought Dreyfus back from Devil's Island and retried him in 1899. To the amazement of everyone, this second court martial again found him guilty. Such was the public fury that the President pardoned Dreyfus immediately, but it was not until 1906 that his name was fully cleared, and the real traitor exposed.

Find in the text the English equivalents for the words and expressions below.

- шпионаж;

- приговорить к пожизненному заключению;

- козёл отпущения;

- военный трибунал;

- признать виновным;

- отбыть срок;

- найти доказательства чьей-либо невиновности;

- возобновить слушание дела;

- снова допросить;

- найти предателя.

Ellery Queen

This was at the same time the name of a fictional detective (a) and also the pen-name (b) of the two authors, Frederick Dannay (1905-1071) and Manfred Lee (b. 1905). The books written by "Ellery Queen" are about Ellery Queen, an American playboy writer of detective stories (c). who keeps getting involved in mysteries (d) himself. He first appeared in The Roman Hat Mystery in 1929, and in many later books. He was also the hero of several films made between 1935 and 1943, and Peter Lawford starred in a television series based on the books in 1971. Ellery Queen (the author) also founded a Mystery Magazine, which was a popular outlet for detective stories by other writers.

Match each word and phrase on the left with the correct definition on the right.

a) a detective 1.a name used by an author instead of a real name

b) a pen-name 2.a police officer whose job is to investigate a crime

c) a detective story 3.sth. of which the cause or origin is impossible to

explain or understand

d) a mystery and the in which the main interest is crime process of solving it

Fawkes, Guy, 1570 - 1606

Guy Fawkes is the best known member of the gang which planned Gunpowder plot of 1605. The originators of the plot were Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter, Thomas Percy and John Wright. Fawkes was only brought in later by Catesby, who knew of his reputation for courage. All were Roman Catholics and their plan was to destroy James I and his Protestant parliament by blowing them up. Percy rented a house next to parliament and later the cellar below the House of Lords. There Fawkes hid thirty-six barrels of gunpowder, covering them with wood and coal. The plot was discovered when one of the conspirators sent a letter to Lord Monteagle in October 1605 asking him not to attend the opening of parliament on 5th November. Suspicions were aroused and on the night of 4th November Fawkes was arrested in the cellar. He had been given the task of lighting the fuse to set off the explosion. Tortured, he refused to give the names of his fellow conspirators until they had either been killed or captured. He was executed by hanging on 31st January 1606.

Find in the text the words that mean:

- a group of criminals;

- a secret plan to do sth.;

- destroying sth. using explosives;

- a feeling of doubt or mistrust;

- a group of people involved in a secret operation;

- to cause intense suffering to sb.

20. Guess the name of the character.

A doctor and member of the French Legislative Assembly, he suggested the use of the guillotine for executions in 1789. The guillotine consists of a heavy blade with a diagonal edge, which falls between two upright posts to cut off the victim's head cleanly and quickly. Similar machines had been used in various other countries including Scotland and Italy. His main idea was to make execution as quick and painless as possible. The first person executed by guillotine was the highwayman Pelletier in 1792, but the machine came into its own in 1793, during the Reign of Terror following the French Revolution, when aristocrats were guillotined by the hundred. It is still the official means of execution in France.

21. Guess the name of the character.

The most famous of English outlaws, he was first mentioned in the second edition of William Langland's epic poem Piers Plowman in about 1377. His legend has grown steadily ever since. He is the great popular hero, robbing

the rich to help the poor, and defying evil King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. He is supposed to have lived in Sherwood Forest, dressed in Lincoln Green, with his Merry Men who included Friar Tuck, Will Scarlett, Alan a Dale - and of course, Maid Marion (almost certainly a sixteenth century invention and addition to the legend). While there is probably some truth in the stories, it is impossible to decide if he was a real person or how many of his adventures are true, or just fiction. Many versions of this legend have been produced and he was a natural hero for both films and television.

22. Jack the Ripper

"Jack the Ripper" (a) was a mysterious killer who terrorised (b) the East End of London in the autumn of 1888. His victims (c). all women, were killed by having their throats cut, and in many cases the bodies were savagely mutilated as well. The number of victims is said to be between four and fourteen, though police authorities generally thought that only five murders (d) were definitely the work of the Ripper. The Ripper was never caught, and his identity (e) remains a mystery. All kinds of people have been suggested as possible Rippers, including the Duke of Clarence, a Russian barber/surgeon, a society doctor and even a barrister (f).

Match each underlined word in the text with the correct definition.

- facts that describe who a person is;

- to fill people with terror by threats or acts of violence;

- a robber;

- the unlawful killing of a person on purpose;

- a person suffering pain because of circumstances;

- a lawyer who has the right to speak and argue in higher law courts.

23. Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde

In 1866 Robert Louis Stevenson wrote his famous thriller The Strange Case of Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde. Dr.Jeckyll is a kind man who wants to find out more about the evil side of human nature. He invents a potion, which changes him into the bestial Mr.Hyde, who looks quite different and who roams the Streets committing terrible crimes. By taking an antidote Dr. Jeckyll is then able to revert to his former self. However, as time goes by, he finds it more and more difficult to change back, until finally he remains in the form of Mr.Hyde. In desperation he

commits suicide, and as soon as he is dead he returns to the form of Dr.Jeckyll and as such is found by his friends. Mr.Hyde is then hunted for the murder, never, of course, to be found. Many films have been made of the story, and the term "Jeckyll and Hyde" had entered the language to describe a person who has two personalities, one good and one evil.

Find in the text the words that correspond to the following definitions.

- a work of fiction, or drama in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements, esp. one involving crime;

- an offence for which there is punishment by law;

- an act of taking one's own life intentionally;

- an unlawful killing of a person on purpose;

- a remedy that counteracts the effects of poison;

- utter loss of hope and surrender to despair.


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