Type A and Type B signalling 

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Type A and Type B signalling

Two further subdivisions of the signalling systems have evolved, corresponding to the different types of national network employed. It has been agreed that, where two countries with different types of signalling system are trying to make connection, the country setting up the call will convert its outgoing signals to that of the country receiving the call. Both types of signals convey the same informa­tion, the difference is in the detail of implementation. In general Type A signalling has been used where the telex keyboard has been used lo send the address signals to the network and Type B signall­ing where the address signals were sent lo the network with dial pulses, much like a telephone. Figure 59.5 shows the sequence of signals in each system.


CCITT recommendation F.60 specifies that every telex machine will have a unique answerback code made up of a one or two letter country code, telex line number and abbreviated subscriber's name. Sending a 'who are you' when connected through to the distant end will trigger the distant telex lo transmit the answerback aide em­bedded in the distant telex to the sending telex. This technique enables telex users to confirm that they have reached the correct distant party, before message transmission can begin, so protecting the confidentiality of the message.

Telex protocol

As telex signalling is machine to machine operation and the distant end may be unattended, then a protocol has been established. Several exist hut the ones given in Table 59.1 are generally internation­ally understood. All telex messages should commence with the sender's answerback so that the distant end can easily find the caller. The sequence of setting up a call on the telex network is seizing the line, receiving call confirmation and proceed to select indication from the telex network. The telex terminal then transmits the ad­dress information and if the call set up is successful the distant machine will automatically transmit to the caller the answerback code indicating it is ready to accept the message. If the call is unsuccessful for any reason the failure will be indicated by a service code of up to 3 letters transmitted from the telex network to the originating machine and printed out on the local record of the telex message.

The telex network has facilities for testing the telex lines and can detect if a machine has its power disconnected or the line is out of order, and then send the corresponding service message from the network to the originating machine.

Figure 59.5 Type A and B signalling


Telex terminals

Modern telex terminals are highly sophisticated pieces of equip­ment built around the principles of the personal computer. They comprise a microprocessor, disk drive, keyboard, VDU, and heavy duly printer with paper roll holder. These machines are still required to interwork with the older electromechanical machines, or paper tape transmitters or receivers, that exist on the telex networks. The modern telex terminal has in addition the ability to communicate with the telex network word processing software, to enable the telex operator to prepare messages, edit, store and finally transmit the messages. This makes the telex terminal a very powerful communi­cation tool for business use.


Table59.l Telex protocol (indicates some of the typical service codes)

1. Learn the words & word combinations:

Telex message Телексное сообщение
Manual (operator) switchboard Ручной коммутатор
Handsending Отправка вручную
To acknowledge Подтверждать прием, квитировать
Local record Локальная запись
Duplicate Снимать копию, копировать
Unattended Несопровождаемый, без внимания
A character set Набор знаков, набор символов
Teleprinter Телетайп, стартстопный телеграфный аппарат
Shift character Знак (символ) смены регистра
Figures shift Установка регистра цифр
Letters shift Установка регистра букв
Code conversion Преобразование кода, перекодировка
Voce frequency Тональная частота
Telex exchange Станция телексной связи
Double current signaling Телеграфирование на 2-х фазном токе
Single current signaling Телеграфирование на 1-фазном токе
Full duplex Дуплексный (двусторонний) режим Дуплексная (одновременная двусторонняя) связь
Half duplex Полудуплексная (поочередная двусторонняя) связь
Invariably Неизменный
Feed Питание, подпитка
Magnitude Величина, значение (величины)
Inherent(ly) Присущий
Frequency allocation Распределение частоты
Frequency-shift signaling Частотно-манипулированный сигнал
Baud Бод (единица скорости передачи информации)
To evolve Развиваться
Address signal Сигнал адресации
Dial pulse Импульс набора номера
Answerback Ответ (в протоколе передачи данных); автоответ; реакция на сигнал дистанционного управления.
Answerback code Код автоответчика
Trigger Триггер; запускающий сигнал
Trigger Запускать, инициировать, включать
VDU – video display unit Дисплей, видеомонитор
Heavy duty С тяжелым режимом работы; с высокой нагрузкой; мощный
Paper roll holder Держатель бумажного рулона
Word processing software ПО пословной обработки; ПО обработки текстов




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