Intellectual Tool Chart for Deciding Among Responsibilities 

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Intellectual Tool Chart for Deciding Among Responsibilities

  Responsibility Responsibility
1.What are the responsibilities?    
2.What are the rewards for fulfilling them?    
3.What are the benefits of fulfilling them?    
4.What are the costs of fulfilling them?    
5.How urgent are they?    
6.What is the time required to fulfill them?    
7.What other values or interests are involved?    

5. Listening.

Pre-listening activity.


Think of some examples from your school life where you fulfilled some responsibilities and felt great after that (depressed, tired, exhausted)

Listening: Listen to the story about three friends and their behavior after the performance. Be ready to retell it from the part of Marty.

The Accident

Peter, Mario, and Marty looked older than they were. The three high school seniors played in a band they called Marley's Ghost; they played well enough to get gigs at local nightclubs. Although the state’s minimum drinking age was 18, these 17-year-old students had no trouble buying drinks with their take IDs.

After a particularly energetic performance at the Ace of Clubs one Friday night, Peter, Mario, and Marty stayed at the bar drinking beer for an hour or two. As they stumbled to the van at two-thirty in the morning, Marty said. "I don't think I should drive. I've had too much to drink." But Peter replied "Come off it. You're okay. Besides, Mario and I have had just as much as you. Just take it easy on the road, and well be home before you know it."

The three young men climbed into the van, with Marty behind the wheel, Peter in the passenger seat, and Mario passed out in the back. The short drive home was never completed. Swerving to avoid an oncoming car, Marty lost control of the van and crashed into a huge oak tree by the side of the road. Fortunately, he had his seatbelt on, and merely suffered a concussion and some cuts and bruises. Mario was not so lucky. He was thrown into the back of the front seats, separating his shoulder and seriously injuring his back. With therapy, he should recover most of his prior mobility, although he can expect back pain for the rest of his life. Peter, however, will not have to deal with any pain in the future. He was thrown through the windshield into the tree, and his injuries were fatal. He died before the ambulance arrived to take the victims to die hospital.

After listening activity.


Comment on this story and say what responsibilities the boys didn’t fulfill, where their mistake was and what you would do if you were Marty. Could he change the situation? What wouldn’t happen then? (P1 P2 P3 P4 …)



Speaker: You have been nominated for a top position in your student government that will involve after-school activities each week. This position would look impressive on your college applications. You also have been offered a job in the local video shop that would be very helpful financially, but would conflict with the student government position. Discuss in groups which position you would choose and explain your choice. Report to the class about the results of your talk.

Summing up.


1. Write a short newspaper article or the news on the radio or television. List the events involving different responsibilities.

2. Write a short essay in your journal describing how you would make a choice as for the leader in your class.



Практичне заняття факультативу на ІІ році навчання


Тема: Leadership at school. The portrait of a leader.

Лідерство в школі. Портрет лідера.

Навчальна мета: Розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, усного

монологічного мовлення, уміння працювати в парах, малих групах. Навчити висловлюватись вільно по темі.


Розвиваюча мета: Розвивати уяву учнів, критичне мислення, їхні творчі

здібності, логічне мислення.

Виховна мета: Виховувати активну життєву позицію, прагнути бути

прикладом для інших, вміти відповідати за свої вчинки, повагу до людей.

Унаочнення: Роздатковий матеріал, творчі проекти учнів, картки, магнітофон.

Хід заняття

Introduction. Greeting.


Today we continue our talk about responsibilities we learned at the previous lesson, and talk about leadership at school, in your class. Also we will try to create a portrait of a leader as you see him to be. I wish you good luck in our today’s work As far as I know, you are very curious pupils and like to watch TV news a lot, or listen to them on the radio. Y ou have prepared some information from the mass mediafor today and now you will share it with the classmates. Listen to each other carefully and be ready to comment on the information you hear, speaking about responsibilities of different people.

But first, lets revise all the categories of responsibilities (the pupils enumerate: upbringing, law, assignment, appointment, promises, occupation, custom, civic principles, moral principles responsibilities).



Discuss with your partner the last events in your school, the way they were performed, who was responsible to prepare them. Define what responsibilities the pupils had to fulfill. Say how you like those events.


Pre-listening activity.


What happens, when you resume a responsibility? There are consequences to your choices. Some of the consequences may be benefits and some may be costs. It is important to recognize these benefits and costs in deciding whether to talk on the particular responsibility. Do you agree with it? Prove it with your own examples.


Listen to the story and complete the chart. Then answer the “What do you think?” question. Be prepared to share your answers with others.

What should Selina do?

Consequences Benefit or Cost

Selina, a junior at Elkwood High School, was well liked by her classmates and her teachers. Outgoing and friendly, with a sharp sense of humor, Selina got along well with most everyone. Yesterday, the assistant principal had asked Selina if she would be willing to take on the responsibility of serving as a peer mediator in the school's new violence-prevention program. Peer mediators helped to resolve disputes between students by listening to each student involved and by suggesting ways to resolve the dispute. The peer mediator cannot require the students to agree to any particular solution, but can help the students reach agreement by discussing the dispute with them. Peer mediators are not paid for their services, but they do receive a certificate of appreciation from the school, and their participation in the program can be helpful in applying to college. Peer mediators must participate in a two-week training course, which develops their abilities to listen, to defuse conflicts, and to get people to agree to proposed solutions. They must be available for at least one hour every day after school to conduct peer mediation sessions with students involved in disputes.

As Selina considered the assistant principal's request, she decided to list the consequences of taking on the responsibility, to help her decide what to do.


After listening activity.

The pupils share the results of their pair work in filling the chart and their opinion on the choice of Selina could be.

Interraction activity.


Go along the classroom and find a person who:


– would never try to be responsible for any serious task in class;

– would like to be active in after-classes activity if there weren’t so much homework every day;

– would like to change his life style if somebody helped him with it;

– would like to be a leader in class;

– wouldn’t like to be a leader in class;

– would like to organize interesting meetings with different people if the teacher gave him such a task;

– would never be aggressive if he quarrelled with his classmates;

– would be afraid to be the member of a student’s committee because of the costs of it.



Report to the classmates about the information you have just got. Say if you approve of your friends’ ideas. Explain why.

Speaking on the topic.



Comment on the following quotations. Demonstrate them with the examples from your life experience.

· “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody”. Bill Cosby.

· “Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom though failure”.

William Saroyan.

Round-table talk.


You have just talked about successful people, you met in life, how they overcame difficulties and found their happiness.

· What can you advise to a man, who often fails in something?

· What should any person do on the way to his aim?

· Must he be responsible for his actions?

· Must he “First think, then speak”?

· What must he rely upon?

· What traits of character must he possess to succeed?

· Do you know such people?


So, to sum it up let’s try to answer the question “What makes a good leader?”

Project work.

Group work.


What do you feel when you hear the word “leader”? What words come to your memory, when you hear this word?

So, for today you have brought many pictures, photos to create a portrait of a leader as you see him to be. Work in groups of 4 pupils and make up your projects. Don’t forget to use the words, we learn on this topic. Choose the captain of your team, the secretary, the pupil who will watch the time. Work cooperatively and be ready to answer the questions of your opponents after the presentation of the project.

Use the following phrases:

I really appreciate your idea!


A fantastic idea!

Might it be an idea to…

The first thing you have to do is…

Make sure you remember…

Be careful not to…

Mind the time


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