Unit II (тема 2): from the History of Great Britain and the usa 

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Unit II (тема 2): from the History of Great Britain and the usa


Who are the British? Ancient and Roman Britain (pp16-19)

I. Все задания из методички по теме (выполняются письменно в тетради).

II. 1) Write and Say in English

v британцы – Британские острова – Великобритания – бритты

v соединять – союз – Соединённое Королевство – Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

v Англия - англичане

v Шотландия - шотландцы

v Уэльс – уэльсцы

v Ирландия - ирландцы

v кельты – кельтский – кельтские племена – кельтский язык

v поселяться – поселение

v нация – национальность

v поклоняться – поклоняться природе

v священный – священные растения – священный падуб – священная омела

v связывать – связывать с обычаями

v дух – злой дух – защищать от злых духов

v править – правитель – римский правитель

v завоевать – завоеватель – завоевание

v Рим – римский – римлянин

v разгромить – разгромить кельтов

v обещать – обещание – получить обещание

v защищать – защищать от к-л, ч-л – защита

v отражать- отражать историю-отражение

v покорять, раб, трофеи (богатство), т.е., до н.э., точнее, следующим образом, древний

Answer then following questions in writing

  1. How many countries are there on the territory of the British Isles?
  2. What are their official titles?
  3. What Celtic tribe gave the name to the modern British?
  4. What religion idolized nature?
  5. Why did the Romans call Britain Albion?
  6. When did the Romans invade Britain?
  7. How many times did they try to conquer it?
  8. Were Roman invasions of Britain successful?

Translate sentences in writing. Pay attention to the underlined words and word combinations. (They are from the text).

1. Британцы живут на Британских островах, а точнее в Англии, Шотландии, Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии.

2. Британский флаготражает историю страны.

3. Название «британский» происходит от названия кельтского племени бриттов.

4. Кельты поклонялись природе и были язычниками.

5. Кельты верили в то, что некоторые растения охраняют (защищают) их дома от злых духов.

6. Кельты считали воду источником жизни.

7. Юлий Цезарь впервые вторгся в Британию в 55 г. н.э.

8. Римлянеразбили (разгромили) кельтов во время 2 похода в Британию.

9. Kельты платили дань Риму.

10. В 43 г. н.э. римляне завоевали Британию.


The First Settlers in North America(pp19-20)

I. Все задания из методички по теме (выполняются письменно в тетради).

II. 1) Translate in writing Russian parts of the sentences.

1.(Христофор Колумб) made 2 voyages to the American continent. 2. Since 1532 (европейцы) began to call the new continent “America”. 3. Indians arrived in North America from (Азии). 4. The first permanent English colony was named after the English king (Яков I). 5. Indians (сражались за свои права). 6. The Indians had no (оружия). 7. Puritans tried to make (церковные службы) simpler and discipline (строгой). 8. English officials (преследовали) Puritans. 9. Puritans (уехали из) England (в Новый Свет). 10. Piligrims decided (установить правила поведения). 11. They (выбрали) the first governor and (подписали) a special document “Mayflower Compact”. 12. It was a document for (самоуправления) in America.

Ask in writing English questions. Write answers in English.

1. Кто «открыл» Америку для европейцев? 2.Сколько морских путешествий к Американскому континенту совершил Колумб? 3. Когда на Американском континенте появились индейцы? 4. Откуда они прибыли туда? 5. Первые колонисты прибыли в Северную Америку в 16 или 17 веке? 6. Почему Вирджиния стала богатой колонией? 7. Помогали ли индейцы колонистам? 8. Почему начались войны между индейцами и колонистами? 9. Что означает слово «пилигрим»? 10. Сколько времени провели колонисты в море на корабле «Мейфлауер»? 11. Что ты знаешь о документе «Мейфлауерский договор»?

Choose the right variant. Copy the sentences in your exercise book.

1. Amerigo Vespucci was a noble man from….

a) France b) Italy c)Portugal

2. The American continent was opened to European colonization in….

a) the 14th century b) in the 15th century c) in the 16th century

3. The first settlers of America were….

a) Spaniards b) the English c) Red Indians

4. The Mayflower ship landed in Provincetown harbour in….

a) 1565 b) 1607 c) 1620

5) The Pilgrims were mostly….

a) Catholics b) Protestants c) Presbyterians

6) The Pilgrims’ voyage on the Mayflower lasted for almost ….

a) 2 months b) 2,5 months c) a month

4) a) Write in your exercise book English equivalents of the Russian words and combinations. Pronounce English words.

1. самоуправление

2. произойти

3. церковная служба

4. причалить

5. уехать из…в…

6. строгая дисциплина

7. сойти на берег

8. морское путешествие

9. бороться за права

10. король Яков I

11. назвать в честь

12. быть разгромленным

13. поселение

14. европейцы

15. испанцы

16. преследовать

17. в море

18. подписать документ

19. в поисках

20. прибыть в

21. установить правила поведения

b) Write in your exercise book Russian equivalents of the English words and combinations. Pronounce English words.

1. colonization, colony, colonist

2. noble

3. voyage

4. to people

5. originally

6. permanent

7. to settle, settler, settlement

8. to establish, to establish rules of behaviour

9. to name after sth, smb

10. to go ashore

11. to find out from smb

12. to grow (3 forms) (tobacco)

13. to fight for (rights)

14. weapons

15. to take place

16. religious service, religious freedom

17. strict discipline

18. this(that) is why

19. to persecute

20. to leave …for… (to leave Great Britain for America)

21. because of sth, smb

22. wanderings

23. in search of smb, sth

24. to choose (3 forms), to choose governor

25. to sign, to sign a document, to sign an agreement

26. self-government

Translate into English.

1.Люди многих национальностей населяют нашу планету. 2. Первоначально Франция отказалась (to refuse) подписать это соглашение. 3.Её свадьба состоится на следующей неделе. 4.Эта частная школа установила строгие правила поведения. 5. В поисках работы он уехал из Иванова в Москву.

6. Католики преследовали протестантов за их религиозные убеждения (beliefs).7. Она выбрала для себя профессию юриста. 8. Я узнала правду от своей подруги. 9. Маленький магазинчик вырос в большую фирму. 10. Ей нужна постоянная работа.



Unit III State Organization (pp21-25)


Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy (pp 21-22)


I. Все задания из методички. Выполняются дома письменно в тетради.

II. 1) Write in your exercise book Russian equivalents of the English words and combinations. Pronounce English words.

1. monarchy

2. royal, ~ authority, ~

3. the Crown

4. power, actual ~, powers

5. carry out (v)

6. in smb’s name

7. the Queen, the King

8. exercise(v)

9. on smb’s advice, advise (v)

10. be responsible to, be responsible for, in charge of smth

11. parliament

12. deprive (v) smb of smth

13. retain (v)

14. summon (v)

15. dissolve(v)

16. approve (v), give approval to smth

17. Bill, pass a ~

18. House of Parliament

19. appoint(v)

20. judge (n, v)

21. officer

22. armed forces

23. governor

24. bishop, archbishop

25. the Church of England

26. the Prime Minister

27. majority

28. the House of Commons, the House of Lords

29. head of the state

30. international (foreign) affairs

31. declare (v) war


Translate the dialogue into English. Reproduce it at the end-of-the –tem test




A. - Насколько мне известно, Великобритания B. - Да, но Великобритания - конституционная

монархия, не так ли? монархия. Королева не обладает абсолютной властью.

- А кем ограничена власть Королевы? - Власть Королевы ограничена Парламентом.

- В Британском Парламенте две Палаты? -Да, в Парламенте 2 палаты: Палата лордов и

Палата общин.


- Как часто избирается парламент? -Палата общин избирается раз в 5 лет. Членст-

во в Палате лордов передаётся по наследству.


- Итак, законодательная власть представ- - Высшим органом исполнительной власти

лена Парламентом и Королевой. А испол- является Кабинет министров во главе с Пре-

нительная власть? мьер-министром.


- Премьер – министр назначается? - Премьер-министром обычно становится ли-

дер партии, которая получила большинство

мест в Палате общин.


- Где находится резиденция Премьер- Резиденция Премьер-министра находится в

Министра? Лондоне, на Даунинг стрит 10.


- А кому принадлежит высшая судебная - Высшим органом судебной системы является власть? Палата лордов.


B. Грамматика Задания из учебника Иониной

B. Грамматика.

I. Задания из учебника Иониной выполняются письменно в тетрадях.

Present tenses

Present tenses

p.267 зад 189,190,191

p. 268 зад. 192,194

p. 270 зад. 195

p. 272 зад. 198

p. 273 зад. 199,200

p. 276 зад. 204

p. 278 зад. 207

p. 279 зад. 209

p. 284 зад.218

II. Дополнительные упражнения

Chose the right variant.

1. Jeremy..... basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies.

doesn’t play hasn’t been playing isn’t playing hasn’t played
  1. What..... with yourself? There is mud all over you!
has you been doing are doing did you do have you been doing
  1. As far as I know Mike..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.
is learning has been learning has learnt learns
  1. I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she..... a shower.
is taking has taken takes has been taking
  1. How long..... Jerry? - But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him.
do you know have you known has you known did you know
  1. - Hello! May I speak to John, please? - Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He..... for his History exam there.
has been reading is reading reads has read
  1. Excuse me I..... a public telephone. Is there one near here?
have been looking for have looked for look for am looking for
  1. Her family..... from town to town ever since she can remember.
is moving has moved moves has been moving
  1. About 85 percent of American students..... public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes.
attend are attending have attended have been attending
  1. I don’t like Alice. She..... about difficulties of life all the time.
complains is complaining has complained has been complaining
  1. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she..... it very often.
doesn’t use isn’t using hasn’t used hasn’t been using
  1. I think you..... very silly. Don't get out of bed. You’ll only make your temperature go up again.
are are being were have been
  1. Peter and Mary..... on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for half an hour.
have been standing are standing stand have stood


Put the right form.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I …(write) for over two hours.

2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I …(have) it for over ten years.

3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you …(drive) at over 90mph?

4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We …(already see) it twice - so we said "no" and we went to a restaurant instead!

5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they …(work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she …(cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.

7. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think she …(cry) before we got there.

8. No-one even noticed when I got home. They …(all watch) the big game on TV.

Choose proper variants

1. Hardly..... the place of our destination when it became quite dark.

had we reached

we reached

we were reaching

we had been reaching

2. When I first..... to England in 1938, I thought I knew English fairly well.


had come

was coming

had been coming

3. She was not interested in the book because she..... it.

hadn’t understood

didn’t understand

wasn’t understanding

hadn’t been understanding

4. A man once built a house and..... his friends to visit him.

had invited

was inviting


had been inviting

5. The Browns..... in a large house when their children were at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home.


had lived

used to live

were living


6. Before I went to bed I decided to check the front door. I was sure my sister..... it. And I was right!

didn’t lock

hadn’t locked


had locked

7. Suddenly they heard a strange noise and..... at each other in horror.


were looking

had looked

had been looking

8. Sam says he didn’t enjoy the program because the TV set..... properly.

didn’t work

hadn’t worked

wasn’t working

hadn’t been working

9. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She......


was crying

had been crying

had cried

10. Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I..... a mistake.


was making

had made

had been making

11. A strong wind..... and I decided to put on a warm coat.


had blown

was blowing

had been blowing

12. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They......

had been fighting

had fought


were fighting

13. I had a cup of tea for breakfast because I..... of coffee.

had run out

ran out

was running out

had been running out

14. Our neighbours called the police when they found out that somebody..... into their house.


was breaking

had broken

had been breaking

15. I got lost in the forest because I took the road I..... before.

didn’t never take

never took

had never taken

didn’t take


Requests pp23-30

Leavetaking pp30-35

Congratulations pp36-40

D. Дополнительное чтение ( учебник Just English, pp. 220 – 223, 9 текстов до текста Roy Bean; в старом издании это тексты: Cain, Marcus J.Brutus, Gaius L.Cassius, Caligula, Colonia Agrippina, Guy Fawkes, Captain William Kidd, Alessandro Cagliostro, Billy the Kid, Jack the Ripper).

I. 1) сделать полный письменный перевод всех 9 текстов; 2) выписать незнакомые слова и сочетания с переводом. На зачёте нужно будет устно перевести текст(ы), которые выберу я (из 9).

На зачёте пользоваться текстом полного перевода не разрешается. Вы можете пользоваться только переводом слов и сочетаний!

II. Выбрать дома один любой текст, подготовить его чтение вслух.

III. Для студентов гр.1 (бюджет): написать на английском языке аннотацию одного любого текста.


Good Luck!




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