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Калининградский филиал




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ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ: Английский язык



Специальность: 080112, 080501, 080402, 080110,

100106, 230103



ТЕМA: «Организация торговли




Ефимова И. А.

Калининград 2009


Заседанием ПЦК Зам.Директора

Гуманитарных наук

_______________________ по учебно-воспитательной


Протокол №_____________


От «___»___________200_г.

Мотолянец Л. И.

Председатель ПЦК



Составитель: Ефимова И.А., преподаватель английского языка

(Ф. И. О., должность)

Рецензенты: Борина Е.Б. преподаватель английского языка


Пояснительная записка

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2 курса всех отделений.

Цель данного материала - содействовать развитию навыков устной речи у студентов, расширить их словарный запас, познакомить с образцами современного английского языка.

Материал разделен на семь подтем, каждая из которых в своем составе имеет отдельно вынесенный блок слов и словосочетаний, диалоги и коммуникативные упражнения. Для развития навыков общения широко используются парные и групповые формы работы, а также ролевая игра.

Учебное пособие по теме “Организация торговли непродовольственными товарами” соответствует целям и задачам, которые ставит программа по английскому языку для средних специальных учебных заведений. Данный материал помогает заложить основы владения английским языком, используя лексику по данной теме.

Для оживления материала использованы пословицы, поговорки, в которых особенно ярко проявляется своеобразие устной речи.




  Название темы     Кол-во часов   Вид занятия   Формы контроля
1. Универмаг.     П.З. Т.К.
2. Отдел готовой одежды.     П.З. Т.К.
3. Обувной отдел. Трикотажный отдел.   П.З. Т.К.
4. Отдел тканей. Парфюмерный отдел. Галантерея.   П.З. Т.К.
5. Отдел радио. Автомобильный отдел. Отдел электрических приборов.   П.З. Т.К.
6. Возврат товара.   П.З. Т.К.
7. Обобщающее занятие.   П.З. Т.К.


Всего: 16



Преподаватель: Ефимова И.А.



List of words

Shop, store (am.) – магазин

Customer – покупатель

Shop assistant, sales person – продавец


Boutique – салон модной одежды

Supermarket – супермаркет

Self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания

Second-hand – комиссионный магазин

Clothes shop – магазин готовой одежды

Camera shop – магазин фототоваров

Florists – цветочный магазин

Antique shop – антикварный магазин

Hardware shop – магазин cкобяных товаров

Bookshop – книжный магазин

Toyshop –магазин игрушек

Furniture shop – мебельный магазин




Ready-made clothes department – отдел готовой одежды

Haberdashery – галантерея

Hosiery – чулочные изделия

Department for electrical appliances – отдел электроприборов

Jeweller’s – ювелирный

Perfumer’s – парфюмерный отдел

Footwear – обувной отдел

Millinery – женские головные уборы

Drapery/Textiles – отдел тканей

Stationary – канцтовары

To buy – покупать

To sell – продавать

II. Read and translate the text

The Baxters go shopping"

The other day my wife took me on usual shopping round. In fact, I hate going to the butcher’s, grocer’s and shops of this sort but of course, I have to help my wife about the house.

First, we bought some pork and beef at the butcher’s. Then we dropped in at grocery and greengrocery. Jill wanted to buy sugar, salt, tomatoes and cucumbers. We also called at the baker’s where we bought a loaf of brown bread, some buns and biscuits.

On our way home, we were passing Selfridge’s. “Let’s drop in here for a while. You need a suit for everyday wear”, my wife said. I agreed.

Selfridge’s is still one of the biggest and most popular stores in London. They sell everything here. All the things for sale are on the counters. The customers walk round and choose what they want. The store has several departments: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, toys, sports goods, and umbrellas, leather goods, china and glass, food and so on.

When we entered the shop, we went straight to the men’s department. A salesgirl showed us a number of suits but we didn’t like any of them. One of them was a bit loose on me, another was a bit loose on me, and another was too tight. As to the third, our opinions were quite different. I like the suit. My wife found it too expensive. She wanted a suit as good as that one but less expensive. The salesgirl showed us a cheaper suit. It was of good quality but I did not like the style. We were about to leave the counter when they delivered a new selection of goods. They were not only suits but also different kinds of clothes: coats, raincoats, shirts, jackets and trousers. I tried on two or three suits. The last was all right. It was just my size and fitted me perfectly. We both liked the suit and the price was not high. “We’ll take it, wrap it up, please!” I said to the salesgirl.

After we left the men’s department, my wife spent the rest of the morning trying on hats. She wanted a pink straw hat to match one of her summer frocks. There was such s good selection of hats in the shop that in the end Jill bought two.

III. Answer the questions:


1. Does Mr. Baxter help his wife about the house?

2. What food shops did the Baxters go to?

3. Why did they go to Selfridge’s?

4. What departments does Selfridge have?

5. Did the Baxters choose the right suit at once?

6. What did Jill buy for herself?



IV. Agree or disagree with the statements, using the following phrases:

That is right…

I quite agree with it…

I don’t agree with it…

On the contrary…

I am afraid it is not quite so…

1. Mr. Baxter is very fond of shopping. 2. The Baxters started their shopping with the baker’s. 3. Selfridge’s is one of the biggest and most popular stores in London. 4. The men’s department had a good selection of goods and it was not difficult to choose the right suit. 5. Finally, the Baxters bought the right suit. 6. Jill didn’t buy anything for herself.



V. Speak on the Baxter’s shopping round. Retell the text one by one.

VIII. Give a brief account of the conversation.

IX. Act out the conversation.

At the Ready – made clothes department.



List of words:

Dress, frock – платье

Smart – нарядный, элегантный

It suits me – это мне идёт

Fashionable – модный

Tight – узкий

Loose – широкий

What can I do for you? – чем могу помочь?

Can you wait on us? – не могли бы нас обслужить

Cash desk – касса

Cashier – кассир

Change – сдача

Fitting-room – примерочная

Sweater – свитер

Goods – товар

Coat – пальто

Raincoat – плащ

Trousers – брюки

Fur coat – шуба

Jacket – куртка

Blouse – блузка

Shirt – рубашка

T-shirt – футболка

Denim suit – джинсовый костюм

Tracksuit – спортивный костюм

Double-breasted suit – двубортный костюм

I. A) Answer the questions.

1. What is shop with many departments called?

2. What are the shops without shop assistants called?

3. Where can we buy clothes?

B) Write the missing shop in the sentences below:

1. You can buy card at the ….

2. You can buy a new sofa or bed at the …

3. You can buy almost everything at Harrods in London/ it’s a very big …

4. You can buy a pair of boots at the ….

5. You can buy a hammer at the …

6. You can buy a bunch of roses at the …

7. You can buy a ring at the ….

(Furniture shop, jeweler’s, department store, shoe shop, florist’s, supermarket, newsagent’s)

II. Read the text:

The ready-made clothes department offers articles of home and foreign production. Clothes in different styles, colours and sizes are for sale here. At this department women can buy dresses, shirts, blouses, coats, jackets and jeans. The shop-assistant is always ready to serve the customers politely and will help everybody to choose the thing which will fit the person well.

For men the ready-made clothes department offers suits, shirts, trousers, jeans, sport shirts. If you liked something that you intend to buy, you may try it in the fitting room.

Answer the questions:

  1. What goods can women buy at the ready-made clothes department?
  2. What articles of clothes can men buy at the ready-made clothes department?
  3. Where can you try the things on?

VI. Give a brief account of the conversation.



List of words:

Shoes – туфли

Boots – ботинки

Slippers – тапочки

Leather – кожаный

Shoelace – шнурки

Pair – пара

Heel – каблук

Purchase – покупка

They pinch my toes – они жмут в носке

Flat-heeled shoes – туфли без каблука

Sock – носок

Tights – чулки

Worn – изношенный

Sandals – сандалии

How much will it be in all? – Сколько всё это будет стоить?

I. Translate these phrases into English:

  1. Покажите мне, пожалуйста, костюм.
  2. Сколько стоит этот костюм.
  3. Какой ваш размер?
  4. У меня …………………….
  5. Пройдите в примерочную, пожалуйста.
  6. Могу я вам помочь?
  7. Я хотела бы купить летнее платье.
  8. Я могу предложить вам это платье.
  9. Это последняя мода.

10. Я бы хотела примерить этот костюм.

11. Платите в кассу, пожалуйста.





In Britain shops have fixed prices, but you can bargain in street markets.Shops have sales in January and again in the summer, when a lot of items are cheaper. Superstores have special offers on some items every week. Shops don’ t usually give a discount for cash. The British usually bargain when they buy houses and cars, or anything that is second-hand.


Answer the questions:

1. Which things can you bargain for in our country?

2. Where can you bargain in our country?

II. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary:

Mr. Jackson: Excuse me, how do I get … the man’s department?
Woman: Over there … the left, sir.
Mr. Jackson Thank you.
Shop Assistant: What can I do … you
Mr. Jackson: I need … a suit … everyday wear. Can I have a look … that grey suit? What size is it?
Shop Assistant: 16.
Mr. Jackson: Can I try it …?
Shop Assistant: Certainly.
Mr. Jackson: I’m afraid this suit is too loose … me.
Shop Assistant: Don’t think so. It’s just … your size.
Mr. Jackson: All right. I’ll take it.  

III.Name as many things as possible that you can buy:


At the haberdashery

At the perfumery department

At the ready-made clothes department

At the footwear department


Use the models: At the …. one can find …..


The following goods are for sale at the …..


You are not a Millionaire.


Mr. Frith: I like this record player very much. How much does it cost, please?
Assistant: It’s the most expensive model in the shop. It costs 34 pounds.
Mrs. Frith: That’s too expensive for us. We can’t afford all that money.
Assistant: This model’s less expensive than that. It’s only 28 pounds.
Mr. Frith: I don’t like this model. The other model’s more expensive. However, it’s worth the money. Can we buy it on installments?
Assistant: Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks.
Mr. Frith: Do you like it, dear?
Mrs. Frith: I certainly do, but I don’t like this price. You always want the best but we can’t afford it. Sometimes you think you are the millionaire!
Mr. Frith: Millionaires don’t buy things of installments.



  1. How much does the record player Mr. Frith like cost?
  2. Can he afford buying it?

At a car shop.

The sale is now trying to sell a customer a second-hand Lotus Elan but the customer thinks to prefer a Jaguar.

Man: I think l rather like-the look of that Jaguar.
Salesman: But Lotus is a much better car.
Man: Well, yes, but.
Salesman: It’s smaller and easier to park.
Man: Perhaps, but I need room. Moreover, Jaguar is a good, fast car.
Salesman: But the Lotus has better acceleration. In fact, it’s much faster alto longer.
Man: Yes, I know, but I do like the red and black interior of the Jaguar.
Salesman: But the Lotus has seats that are more comfortable.
Man: Mmm. However, I want a quiet car.
Salesman: Well, the Lotus is much quieter than the Jaguar. It makes far less noise.
Man: Yes, but you see …
Salesman: It’s a smaller, better, more comfortable car.
Man: Yes, yes. I know it’s a fantastic car because I sold it to you altogether … last week, remember?
  1. What car does the man want to buy?
  2. What car does sales man want to sell?
  3. What does sales man say about the Lotus?

At a car shop

A: Well, what do you think?

B: I think we should buy a Ford.

A: I still don’t know.

B: They are very reliable.

A: Yes, I suppose so. Moreover, they don’t use much petrol.

B: No. They don’t cost very much.

A: It was cheapest car we looked at.

B: What do you think?

A: Well, I rather liked the Austin.

B: Yes, I liked it, too. But it was a bit more expensive.

A: Not much.

B: Well, more than we can afford

A: Not really. And it was a pretty color.

B: The color doesn’t matter, darling.

A: It matters to me.

B: Well, I think of the extra money.

A: Well, I can’t see you’ve made up your mind so there’s not much point arguing

XII. Read the text “The super Save Department Store” and answer the questions:


List of words



Warranty – гарантия

Manufacturer – производитель

Fix – ремонтировать

Item – товар

Repair – ремонтировать

Receipt – квитанция

Persistent – настойчивый

To refund – возмещать убыток, возвращать деньги

Bargain – выгодная покупка

Value – ценность


I. Imagine that you are a shop- assistant:

  1. Спросите покупателя, чем вы можете ему помочь.
  2. Спросите, какой размер ему нужен.
  3. Скажите, что вы можете предложить другой цвет.
  4. Предложите покупателю пройти в примерочную.
  5. Скажите, что ему ещё показать.

II. Say to what section of the department store you go if you want to buy:

A skirt and a blouse

Fashionable shoes

A souvenir

A tooth-brush and a soup

Jeans and a sport shirt

Gloves and umbrella

A ring or earings

Eye shadows and mascara

Use the model: If I need …., I go to the …..

Обобщающее занятие

“At the Department store”

Information cities pavement

London is one of the world’s great shopping …… and many …… even come to London especially to go shopping. On the whole you’ll find Londoners friendly and …... to help you if you need directions or...... Oxford Street is the main shopping street in central London but it can be very …… and extremely tiring to walk up and down. Ignore the …. shops for tourists, which are often too expensive. Try to find ordinary shops where British people go if you want to find the best ……. Fortunately you can find ….. kinds of shops together in one area. For a example Charing Cross Road is well-known for it’s bookshops. If you just want to look round, the London street ……. For the best value and for the best show in town- Londoners going about their daily business.



XI. Memorize these proverbs:

Much coin, much care – лишние деньги – лишние хлопоты

To buy for a song – купить за бесценок

To sell like hot cakes – продаваться нарасхват.

Использованная литература:

1. Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, М.А. Дунаевская Everyday English, Антология, Санкт-Петербург, 2002.

2. В. Рыжков Английский язык в бытовых и деловых ситуациях, Янтарный сказ, Калининград, 2003.

3. А. Христорождественская Английский язык 2 Практический курс, ООО “Попурри”, Москва, 1995.

4. Mariusz Misztal Tests in English Thematic Vocabulary, Alma Mater, Vilnus, 1997.

5. Peter Viney, Karen Viney In English, Oxford, University press, 2008



Калининградский филиал




Для всех форм обучения



ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ: Английский язык



Специальность: 080112, 080501, 080402, 080110,

100106, 230103



ТЕМA: «Организация торговли




Ефимова И. А.

Калининград 2009


Заседанием ПЦК Зам.Директора

Гуманитарных наук

_______________________ по учебно-воспитательной


Протокол №_____________


От «___»___________200_г.

Мотолянец Л. И.

Председатель ПЦК



Составитель: Ефимова И.А., преподаватель английского языка

(Ф. И. О., должность)

Рецензенты: Борина Е.Б. преподаватель английского языка


Пояснительная записка

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2 курса всех отделений.

Цель данного материала - содействовать развитию навыков устной речи у студентов, расширить их словарный запас, познакомить с образцами современного английского языка.

Материал разделен на семь подтем, каждая из которых в своем составе имеет отдельно вынесенный блок слов и словосочетаний, диалоги и коммуникативные упражнения. Для развития навыков общения широко используются парные и групповые формы работы, а также ролевая игра.

Учебное пособие по теме “Организация торговли непродовольственными товарами” соответствует целям и задачам, которые ставит программа по английскому языку для средних специальных учебных заведений. Данный материал помогает заложить основы владения английским языком, используя лексику по данной теме.

Для оживления материала использованы пословицы, поговорки, в которых особенно ярко проявляется своеобразие устной речи.




  Название темы     Кол-во часов   Вид занятия   Формы контроля
1. Универмаг.     П.З. Т.К.
2. Отдел готовой одежды.     П.З. Т.К.
3. Обувной отдел. Трикотажный отдел.   П.З. Т.К.
4. Отдел тканей. Парфюмерный отдел. Галантерея.   П.З. Т.К.
5. Отдел радио. Автомобильный отдел. Отдел электрических приборов.   П.З. Т.К.
6. Возврат товара.   П.З. Т.К.
7. Обобщающее занятие.   П.З. Т.К.


Всего: 16



Преподаватель: Ефимова И.А.



List of words

Shop, store (am.) – магазин

Customer – покупатель

Shop assistant, sales person – продавец


Boutique – салон модной одежды

Supermarket – супермаркет

Self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания

Second-hand – комиссионный магазин

Clothes shop – магазин готовой одежды

Camera shop – магазин фототоваров

Florists – цветочный магазин

Antique shop – антикварный магазин

Hardware shop – магазин cкобяных товаров

Bookshop – книжный магазин

Toyshop –магазин игрушек

Furniture shop – мебельный магазин



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