Explain and develop the following ideas from the text. 

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Explain and develop the following ideas from the text.

“What is necessary was possible”.

“Eccentric people,..., were good for conventional people, simply because they made them conceive of everything being quite different. This gave them a sense of freedom”.

“In fact, you can’t teach children to paint... They already know how to paint. It is the only art that conies naturally to all human beings”.

“We must, if we paint it (object), attempt to show what it is like in itself, and not treat it as a symbol of our own moods and wishes”.

“Our paintings are judgments upon ourselves”.

4. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian.

“Mr Everard believed keenly that the servants should be spared...-… he gave annually late in the summer term”.

Be ready to speak on the following topics.

1) School regulations and rules.

2) Modern view on the idea of painting.

3) People at the party.

  1. Retell the chapter as if you were one of the guests at Mr Bledyard’s party.

Chapter 6

Find the following words and word combinations. Remember the situations where they occur. Give synonyms of them.

- to have endured sb’s company

- to fly along in the car

- to diminish to silence

- to take smth at a rush

- to be cross with sb

- pranks

- to be distinctly audible

- to feel a deep anguish

- to held sb in a grip


2. a) Answer the following questions.

1) What opinion did Miss Carter have about Mr Bledyard? Why?

2) Why did Miss Carter suggest having a ride? Where did they move to?

3) Why did Mor tell a lie? How did he explain this to himself?

4) What was the river like? What did Miss Carter suggest? Did Mor agree?

5) What was Mor occupied with while Miss Carter’s bathing?

6) How did it happen that ’’they seemed to be stuck for the moment’’? How did they manage to cope with the situation?

7) Why did Mor feel a mixture of sadness and relief on his way to the town?

8) Whom did Mor meet just near his house? What did they speak about?

b) Who is characterized by the following words. Why?

“He is remarkable, but infuriating. He has a characteristic of mad people. He argues insistently and coherently and with the appearance of logic”.

3. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian.

“Before he could say any more Miss Carter skipped out of the car...-… He experienced a deep and intense joy”.

Fill in the correct prepositions in the following phrases. Make up your own sentences with them.

to turn to the main road

-to be remarkable sb

-the appearance logic

-to feel knocked by the conversation

-to stop the traffic lights

-to keep sb anything

-to be no sign something

-to speak a low voice

-to turn the pool

-to come from the shadow of a tree


5. Say if these statements are true or false:

1) Miss Carter felt comfortable after the conversation.

2) Mor refused to have a ride with Miss Carter.

3) Mor had nothing to do at school on that day.

4) Miss Carter did not let Mor to drive her car.

5) Miss Carter and Mor were searching a way to sea.

6) Mor bathed in the river.

7) Miss Carter suffered a lot when saw her car in the middle of the river.

8) Mor told his wife about his trip to the river.

9) Miss carter asked Mor to stay with her in the wood.

10)Tim said to Nan about Mor and Miss Carter’s drive.

Make up a short summary of the events of the chapter. Use new vocabulary to describe what had happened.

Chapter 7

Find the following word combinations in the text. Remember the situations where they occur. Give synonyms to them.

- to take refuge

- to be at sb’s request

- an agony of rheumatism

- to speak in a factual voice

- a battering ram

- to ponder over

- to feel less sanguine about sth

- a state of collapse

- to become a spirit


Answer the following questions.

1) Was everything all right with the Riley? Who took care about the car?

2) What was Miss Carter busy with the following day? What did she think about?

3) Was Demoyte satisfied with Miss Carter’s work? What did he say?

4) What complicated the picture according to Mor’s thoughts? Was Mor sure to tell his wife the whole story?

5) How did Nan behave when Mor came home? What did he feel about the whole situation?

6) What kind of letter did Mor write to Miss Carter? Did he manage to hand it to her?

7) What did Mor think about the portrait? Did he show his feelings?

8) Why did Demoyte seem to have decide not to take part in the conversation? What was the conversation about?

9) What did Mor and Demoyte speak about after Miss Carter’s leaving the room? What did Demoyte suggest?

10) What did Mor want to do terribly and desperately staying in the garden?

3. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian

“Rain surveying now at leisure the object placed before her... -…He had done this with many complaints”.

Explain and develop the following ideas from the text.

“Every portrait is a self-portrait... In portraying you I portray myself”.

“Artist do paint themselves in their sitters”

“Now both Tim Burke and Demoyte would be thinking that something was going on, whereas in reality nothing was going on”.

“Mr Demoyte has a rather exaggerated view of the benefits of education. He thinks that no one can stand up unless he’s had the stuffing put in by his school and college”.

Be ready to speak on the following topics.

1) A painter at work.

2) Every person should have a chance in his or her life (Mor children’s future).

3) Mor’s unexpected feelings.

  1. Retell the chapter as if you were Demoyte or Miss Carter. Use necessary vocabulary.

Chapter 8

Find the following words and word combinations. Remember the situations where they occur.

- to look on exasperated

- to wriggle backwards

- to resume a former posture

- to drag arms away

- unknown quantity

- to stop in sb tracks

- an exclamation of pleasure

- to keep pace with sb

- an ancient ritual


2. Answer the following questions:

1) Why was Felicity disappointed? What did she do to feel better?

2) Why was Felicity frightened by a man sitting on the ground in the school ground?

3) How did Donald’s room look like?

4) What was an inflexible rule at St Bride?

5) Where did children intend to go? Were they successful at their business?

6) What secret did Felicity reveal by chance? Did she share it with her brother?

7) What oath did children swear to each other?

3. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian

“The school fence was composed of slats of wood...-… there was good cover all the way up the hill”.

4. Say if the following statements are true or false:

1) Nan liked her daughter’s behavior.

2) Felicity was allowed to visit her brother at school.

3) Felicity asked Donald to climb the school tower.

4) Donald was surprised by Felicity’s appearing at school.

5) Miss Carter ask children to call in.

6) Children brought a bunch of roses as a present for Miss Carter.

7) Felicity told about the letter to her mother.

Explain and develop the following idea from the text.

“You can’t behave anyhow to people and expect them to love you just the same”.

Be ready to discuss the following topics.

1) Felicity’s trip to school.

2) Donald and his room at school.

3) Children’s visit to miss Carter.

  1. Make up sketches of the characters: Felicity and Donald.

Chapter 9

Find the following words and word combinations in the text. Remember the situations where they occur. Give synonyms to them.

- to go on without intermission

- to turn the place topsy-turvy

- to use an exasperating technique

- colossal quantity of luggage

- to tickle pink

- to know by sight

- inexpressible violent sense of joy

- to be intensely conscious of sb’s presence

- to say in a very quiet pensive voice


Answer the following questions.

1) Why did Mor look the prospect with relief?

2) Why didn’t Mor like his house?

3) How did Nan react to a Mor’s serious attempt of becoming Labour candidate?

4) How should Nan and Felicity get their destination?

5) What did Nan remember looking at the asters?

6) What emotions occupied Mor’s soul while he was saying good-bye to his wife?

7) How did Mor discover that he was desperately in love?

8) Where did Mor find Miss Carter? Why was she transformed?

9) Did Rain understand Mor’s feelings? How did she react?

3. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian

“Mor walked very slowly back down the platform... - …he was at the centre of its movement”.


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