I. Define the genre of the text. What are the peculiarities of this genre? As a representative of Mass Media would you exaggerate the situation? What linguistic means would help you do it? 

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I. Define the genre of the text. What are the peculiarities of this genre? As a representative of Mass Media would you exaggerate the situation? What linguistic means would help you do it?

At 21.10 on October, 25a hostage drama began in Moscow when after the second act of the musical Nord-Ost had just started a group of 54 Chechens entered the hall, running, shouting their automatic weapons. They took control over the approximately 800 persons who at that time were in the theatre and threatened with the blowing up of the building if their demands were not met. The commando - 36 armed men dressed in camouflage and 18 women all in black, with guns and revolvers and explosives strapped to their bodies - identified themselves as the Chechen fighters and demanded the immediate stop to the ongoing war in Chechnya and the withdrawal of the Russian troops from 1his republic within one week.

After more than two hours the hostage takers rebels released some Muslims of he audience and about two dozen children. They tire wired explosives and mines at key points throughout the theatre. They also allowed their hostages to making panicked calls on their cellphones. Outside, hundreds of military troopers, city police and security services agents cordoned off the theatre, which is owned by a ball-bearing factory.

In the early hours on Thursday, October, 25some women and children were released, a young man escaped, and then the gunmen killed Olga Romanova, 26, after she refused to stop talking on her cell phone. Hostages were forced to remain in their seats. At 5.30 two women manage to escape through a bathroom window. Rebels threw grenades at them and placed the bathrooms off-limits. The orchestra pit becomes the toilet for the 750 hostages.

Both on Thursday and Friday a number of people is involved in the negotiations with the Chechen hostage takers. On Friday a journalist, a Russian TV crew, a few non-Russian doctors, some liberal lawmakers and Red Cross envoys come and go from the theatre, invited by the militants. A handful of hostages are freed. Security forces, able to decipher mobile phone calls, eavesdropped on every call going in and out of the theatre. One of negotiators, Boris Nemtsov, who met with the rebels later said that there was 'a real threat of detonation.' In the meantime the rebel leader, Movsar Barayev. informed that he could consider releasing the 75 foreigners in the theatre. The U.S. ambassador Alexander Vershbow and other envoys rash to the theatre at 9 a.m., then again at 11 a.m., but no foreigners were released and Barayev said there would be none. Barayev added that he wanted to see the evidence that Russian troops were to leave Chechnya and threatened with killing of hostages if it was not the case. On Friday, 25 October president Vladimir Putin addressed the nation, reiterating his hard-line stance on Chechnya. On Saturday at 1 a.m. a man from outside entered the theatre. The rebels caught him beat him bloody believing lie was a security agent. One of hostages threw a bottle at a gunman and a shot was fired. The bullet hit another man in the eye and wounded a woman in the stomach. Just after 2 a.m., two ambulances arrived and took away both. The man died. The woman survived.

Just after 3 a.m. on Saturday two explosions and bursts of gunfire were heard. The rebels were firing on commandos who tried to approach the theatre. At 5.15 a.m. as hostages and some of rebels dozed in their seats, commandos begin to pump a powerful sedative gas into the main hall through ventilation ducts. Pumping of the gas was the beginning of the special forces raid on the theatre. Sergey Ignachenko, spokesman for the Federal Security Service informed later that the gas was used and the raid began when troops heard the rebels stalling shooting hostages. However, according to all hostage accounts, this did not happen and at the moment of the action everything was quiet.

According to eyewitnesses the sedative gas concentrated under the stage and it quickly knocked out the rebels there. Olga KJiurina who was sitting in the front row said: 'The terrorists clumsily tried to put on gas masks. Thank heaven they didn't blow us up. I guess they weren't kamikadzes after all. They could have if they had wanted. They had enough time to push the buttons. 'Another hostage, Tatyana Kolpakova, remembers it differently: 'The Chechen women fell asleep right away. None of them even moved a finger. But the men didn’t pass out. They started to run around, screaming in their language, and shooting. I never fell asleep. I saw the raid with my own eyes.' One another hostage told her mother: 'They poisoned us like cockroaches!") At 7a.m. the attack was over. About 200 commandos took the hall. No mines or bombs had beer detonated. No hostages were shot in the chaos of the raid. Fifty of the 54 hostage takers were killed, many of them shot in the head while they slept with what Russian special troops tanned after the action as a 'control shot1).

The raid was conducted by Alpha Group, a special Russian anti-terror detachment. One of Alpht commanders taking part in the operation gave the following account of the action to the Russian newspaper Izvestiya: 'As far as those bitch-terrorists are concerned, take my word for it, there's a bullet in each of them. Some of the Chechen men were, however, unfazed by the gas. These beasts vigorously shot back and tried to throw grenades at our fighters. But all of them were liquidated in a few minutes. Against Alpha, they were just puppies.'

Although shuttle ambulances and buses were at the scene, there were no mobile hospitals, anti-gas medical supplies, nurses or doctors. Commenting on the results of the operation one of the doctors at toe scene said: 'I saw no gunshot wounds at all. Those who died had swallowed their vomit or their tongue or their hearts had stopped. If only we had known beforehand! It might have been a bit different.' Although the raid was initially hailed as a success, the high death toll 117 hostages had been killed, 116 of them due to the gas has lead to raising many questions. Russian public seems, however, to give its support to the decision taken by the Russian authorities. A recent public opinion poll by Vtsi revealed that almost 80 per cent support the action taken by the Russian authorities. The hostage taking in Moscow has also resulted in the tougher Russian stance on the war in Chechnya and may result in more harassment of the Chechen diaspora living in Russia, meaning that the action taken by Chechen rebels in Moscow was in a way counterproductive... Sources: Various sources.

II. Read the following articles and talk about your ideas and feelings concerning the events of Nord Ost in Moscow and Beslan in Northern Osetiya. What are the versions of those terrorist attacks? Analyze the language used in depicting the events: which adjectives describe the circumstances? feelings of the victims? which are the strongest verbs and expressions and how do they add up each other?


Те, кто внимательно следил за развитием ситуации вокруг «Норд-оста» могли заметить ряд странностей. Например, весь мир обошли кадры, на которых рядом с рукой убитого Мовсара Бараева стоит бутылка коньяка Хеннеси. Именно стоит целая, и, кажется даже не открытая. Получается, Бараев упал, предварительно аккуратно поставив бутылку на пол? Есть гипотеза о том, как коньяк попал к нему.

По мнению газеты «Жизнь», «Хеннеси» – своеобразный «автограф» группы Альфа, которая проводила штурм здания. «Когда я видел по телевизору возле убитого Бараева бутылку «Хеннеси», я сразу понял, что его ликвидировали наши ребята”, – рассказал в интервью этой газете один из ветеранов группы «Альфа». – Хеннеси – наш фирменный знак.

Все знают: «Альфа» почти не пьет, но если чем и отмечает победу или юбилей, то только этим элитным коньяком. Не знаю уж, где ребята взяли ту бутылку – в буфете или специально с собой принесли. Но теперь все «посвященные» знают: с Бараевым разобрались именно «Альфа»!

Другая странность – внезапный прорыв водопроводной трубы в здании ДК. Оказывается, он действительно был подстроен. Дело в том, что газ не возможно было запустить через вентиляционные трубы: террористы предвидели попытку воспользоваться психотропным газом и не только перекрыли, но и заминировали вентиляционные шахты.

Газ было решено пустить по водопроводным трубам. Этим же объясняется активное участие диггеров в проведении спецоперации. Диггеры изучили подземные коммуникации под зданием, собрали нужные сведения.

И самая большая загадка операции – газ, которым были отравлены и террористы, и заложники. Врачам запрещено рассказывать и о нем, и даже о симптомах отравления. Однако журналистам стало известно, что если в больницы и поступали люди с огнестрельными ранениями, то очень мало. Большинство – именно отравлены.

Перед тем, как потерять сознание, люди, видимо, задыхались и пытались стащить с себя одежду. На губах, у отравленных газом, выступала пена, они смертельно бледнели. Начиналась рвота. Сознание у них на столько помутнялось, что, даже придя в себя, они могли забыть собственный возраст.

Как только заложников выносили из зала, врачи вкалывали каждому препарат под названием «налоксон». Это – наркотический анальгетик, помогает при угнетенном дыхании, поражении центральной нервной системы. Применяется при лечении острого отравления, токсическом шоке. Противопоказания – заболевания сердца, детский возраст. Побочные явления – тошнота, рвота, тахикордия, нарушения сердечной проводимости.


Террористический акт в Беслане (Северная Осетия) мир еще долго не сможет забыть. В заложниках оказались дети, и они были обречены, поскольку школу захватили не переговорщики, как это было в случае с "Норд-Остом", а смертники. И, несмотря на меры, которые предпринимаются сегодня руководством России, осетинские оперативники уверены, что эта трагедия была лишь первым этапом в тщательно спланированной лидерами террористов широкомасштабной диверсионной акции, завершающий этап которой уже близок: потерявшие своих близких люди, вот-вот готовы взяться за оружие.

Осетинские милиционеры убеждены, что трагедия в Беслане была лишь первым этапом в тщательно спланированной лидерами террористов широкомасштабной диверсионной акции. Ее задачей-минимум было разжигание старого осетино-ингушского конфликта, задачей-максимум - война на всем Северном Кавказе.

Участники расследования теракта уверены: банде "Полковника" (его личность, кстати, точно пока так и не установлена) с самого начала отводилась роль пушечного мяса в масштабной акции, организованной Шамилем Басаевым. Оказавшиеся в заложниках дети были обречены, поскольку школу захватили не переговорщики, как это было в случае с "Норд-Остом", а смертники.


Минута молчания в память жертв в Беслане и против международного терроризма состоится во вторник в полдень по среднеевропейскому времени (14:00 мск) в десятках тысяч школ стран Евросоюза. Инициатором проведения этой символической акции стал новый председатель Европарламента Хозеп Боррель.

Этот жест должен стать символом нашей солидарности с детьми, ставшими жертвами террора, а также продемонстрировать непреклонную решимость бороться с международным терроризмом, отметил Боррель в специальном послании, направленном на имя лидеров всех стран-членов Евросоюза. "Каждый человек потрясен теми драматическими событиями, которые сопровождали захват заложников в школе Беслана. Насилие над невинными детьми, школьниками показало нам всем варварство терроризма", - подчеркивает Боррель. Инициатива председателя Европарламента был широко поддержана во всех странах Евросоюза.

Так, во Франции после минуты молчания пройдут специальные мини-уроки против мирового терроризма, национальной и религиозной розни и экстремизма. Во Франции отмечают, что преступления, совершенные террористами в Беслане, по своей трагичности и брошенному человечеству и Богу вызову равны тем, о которых пишет Библия, рассказывая об убийствах подручных царя Ирода невинных детей.

Призыв Европарламента был широко поддержан в Европе. Так, Совет Европы, объединяющий 45 стран, также призвал провести сегодня в школах Европы минуту молчания в память жертв в Беслане. "Длинный список преступлений, совершенных в последние три года в мире мировым терроризмом показывает, что он представляет собой глобальную опасность для всего мирового сообществ и тем, ценностям, которые объединяют 800 млн европейцев", отметил в обращении к гражданам Европы / генеральный секретарь Совета Европы Тьери Дэвис. Об этом сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.

III. Read president Putin`s reaction to the attack in Beslan. Addressing the nation in a time of tragedy is something that many presidents have had to do. What do you think goes through the president`s mind as he prepares to comfort the citizens and assert a sense of control? (вопрос про особенности политической речи)


Putin Tells Nation 'This Is an Attack Against All of Us'

International terrorist networks are waging "total war" against Russia to try to tear the country apart and the Russian people need to mobilize to help the authorities fight back, President Vladimir Putin told a nation reeling from the tragedy of the latest terrorist attack.

"This is a challenge to all of Russia, to all our people. This is an attack against all of us," a solemn-faced Putin said in a 10-minute televised address Saturday evening as it became clear that the death toll in Beslan had reached catastrophic proportions. "We are dealing with the direct intervention of international terror against Russia, with total and full-scale war, which again and again is taking away the lives of our compatriots."

Putin and his senior aid have said they see the hand of Аl-Qaida in terrorist attacks in Russia, and Chechen-based radicals have maintained ties with the terrorist group.

In his address, Putin chose not to specify what terrorist organizations are waging a war against Russia. But in a clearly emotional outburst he revealed that the Kremlin believes some countries could be supporting the terrorist attacks to try to weaken Russia, whose nuclear deterrent they see as a threat.

The efforts to "tear off a big chunk of our country" are being assisted by those who "think that Russia, as one of the greatest nuclear powers of the world, is still a threat, and this threat has to be eliminated."

Putin did not say what countries he was referring to, but he appeared to have Western countries in mind.

In an astonishing admission, Putin said his regime and Russia as a whole have failed to protect the country from the threats of terrorism.

"We demonstrated our weakness, and the weak are beaten," he said, in a surprising reversal of the image of a strong country with a strong leader that he has always tried to project.

"We found ourselves absolutely unprepared for much that changed in our lives," Putin said, referring to developments in Russia since the demise of the Soviet Union. These years saw the escalation of ethnic conflicts, once suppressed by the Soviet regime, while Russia was left with porous borders.

The nation has failed to discern new challenges and threats evolving in and around Russia, and failed to react to them adequately, he said. The government and society failed to give due attention to these new security and defense needs, as corruption plagued Russia's judicial and law enforcement systems, Putin said.

The president, standing motionless in front of Russia's flag for what was a rare address to the nation, appeared deeply troubled by what happened in Beslan. He was emotional and paused to inhale when referring to "the horrible tragedy."

Putin made a brief visit to Beslan early Saturday, where he visited a hospital and faced some of the anger that many feel after a group of terrorists was able to take more than 1,000 people hostage.

But in his address, he sounded forceful and resolute when outlining what Russia will do to prevail in this war and prevent the disintegration of Russia.

The Moscow Times

* * *


Поэзия! Стихи…Они удивляют нас порой неожиданными образами, чутко найденным словом, музыкой рифмы…Но всегда ли за красивыми строчками, за доверительным тоном читатель ощущает искреннюю любовь? А может тревогу за судьбу будущего?

I. This poem has a cynical tone, describing step-by-step how a terrorist might prepare to go to “Allah Land” (Heaven) through destroying others. Do you think the poet kept control of his angry feelings and channeled them into powerful poetic images? What is your reaction to this poem?

Trip to Allah Land

Memoriam to the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center Catastrophe:


A trip to Allah Land

is never easy as it sounds

first you need an enemy


then it helps to have a plane


Camels are too slow these days

and nights of Uncle Sam where

enemies abundantly are found


In ant hive rush hours


outside a billowing tent

in stone-age deserts

(blasting Buddhas

too with booming


no radio allowed while

they practice for their Low tech is still the answer though

no scimitars no “La-la-la-la-la!”

across the dunes no oily

towels around the face no

bleating camels but


trip to Allah Land

in a rented car a book


open to a page that says


“How to Fly an Airplane”

from here to Allah Land

Ed Wickliffe, USA

II. This poet works with description and dynamic verbs to record the event of 9-11 and the emotional response. Are the rhymes well-chosen and effective? Viewing the events from Australia, the poet has some emotional “distance”. Does it take on a more universal theme? Does she leave room for forgiveness?

Terrorism’s Tragic Tale

Many souls cry horror in the dawn

The world altered this terrible morn

Twin pillars of steel, fire and ash

To the ground tumble and crash

Disbelievers looked on in shock

Waited for news around the clock


Anger smouldered deep then flared

Seeking those criminals who had dared

Humanity mourns the uncounted dead

And wonders how so much hate was fed

Compassion flows for all victims involved

The perpetrators can never be absolved


Rachel Barkley, Australia

Unit V.


“I love not Man the less, but Nature more”
G.G.Byron. Childe Harold`s Pilgrimage.

Nature pardons no errors.
R.W.Emerson. Essays


Diane Goyle

Here's a familiar and terrible story. It says we live in a world where powerful corporations are ravaging the environment on a global scale and technology is out of control. Some environmentalists think growth in itself is intolerable, that any growth depletes natural re­sources and contributes to global warming. The extreme environmentalist case is wrong, anyway. If it were correct, many commodities, includ­ing oil, would be rising and not falling in price over long periods. Yet there is no sign that scarcity is biting, despite extraordinary in­creases in demand. The explanation lies in the most fundamental engine of economic growth: technology. Technological advances mean ever-increasing economic demands are being met without parallel in­creases in the pressure on natural resources. So, for example, a 1% in­crease in world GDP growth raises demand for energy by only 0.4%, a much lower rise than 10 or 20 years ago because of the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. Some developing countries are among the most efficient: in China 1% more growth uses only 0.1% more energy. And new energy technologies are moving steadily away from hydro­carbons towards "renewables". As developing countries industri­alise, they will be able to leapfrog older and dirtier technologies. Their terms of access to these technol­ogies are crucially important, but there is no reason to believe they will ignore the lessons learned in the leading economies by trial and error over a century or so. The richest economies are weighing less heavily on the environment than they used to — literally so. In the United States and UK, the growth of the 1990s occurred without additional use of resources. Manufacturers have become more efficient and far less wasteful of raw materials and energy. New materials have been developed. Most environmental problems call for better environmental pol­icies, not different economic pol­icies. The aim of economic policy must be maximum growth, spread as widely as possible. Poverty is the biggest environmental problem. About 80% of the annual logging in Asia, Africa and South America is for domestic fuel, as wood and char­coal are cheap energy sources. Rich cities have cleaner air than poor cities. It's obvious that the pattern of world economic development has been deeply flawed. Most economists believe faster growth for developing countries is as much a moral imper­ative as an economic one. Environmentalists, on the other hand, stake their expertise on the likelihood of catastrophe. In the teeth of the evidence, few will admit any of their pessimism is misplaced.

Interpretation of the Text

1. Express your perceptions of the title. Is there a sense of irony, doubt, expectation, advice?

2. What is technology in the author’s opinion?

3. How does the author explain the economic growth?

4. Why are energy-efficient technologies moving away from hydro-carbons?

5. Why are developing countries leapfrogging older and dirtier technologies? What do they get access to and don’t ignore?

6. What is at the bottom of manufacturer’s aims?

7. What do environmental problems call for?

8. Why is poverty the biggest enviromental problem?

9. Do economist believe in faster growth?

10. Are enviromentalists likely to expect a catastrophe?

Key Notions and Words


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