Here are some more texts by G. Mikes. How do they add each other? Prepare their analyses. 

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Here are some more texts by G. Mikes. How do they add each other? Prepare their analyses.


Foreigners have souls; the English haven’t.

On the Continent you find any amount of people who sigh deeply for no conspicuous reason, yearn, suffer and look in the air extremely sadly. This is soul.

The worst kind of soul is the great Slav soul. People who suffer from it are usually very deep thinkers. They may say things like this: Sometimes I am so merry and sometimes I am so sad. Can you explain why? (You cannot, do not try.) Or they may say: I am so mysterious… I sometimes wish I were somewhere else than where I am.’ (Do not say: “I wish you were.’) Or ‘When I am alone in a forest at night-time and jump from one tree to another, I often think life is so strange’

All this is very deep: and just soul, nothing else.

The English have no soul; they have the understatement instead.

If a continental youth wants to declare his love to a girl, he kneels down, tells her that she is the sweetest, the most charming and ravishing persons in the world, that she has something in her, something peculiar and individual which only a few hundred thousand other women have and that he would be unable to live one more minute without her. Often, to give a little more emphasis to the statement, he shoots himself on the spot. This is normal, weekday declaration of love in the more temperamental continental countries. In England the boy pats his adored one on the back and says softly: ‘I don’t object to you, you know.’ If he is quite mad with passion, he may add: ‘I rather fancy you, in fact.’

If he wants to marry a girl, he says:

‘I say … would you?…

‘If he wants to make an indecent proposal:

‘I say … what about…’

Overstatement, too, plays a considerable part in English social life. This takes mostly the form of someone remarking: ‘I say …’ and then keeping silent for three days on end.

(George Mikes “How to be an Alien”)


This is the most important topic in the land. Do not be misled by memories of your youth when, on the Continent, wanting to describe someone as exceptionally dull, you remarked: ‘He is the type who would discuss the weather with you.’ In England this is an ever-interesting, even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather.

Examples For Conversation

For Good Weather

‘Lovely day, isn’t it?’

‘Isn’t it beau tiful?’

‘The sun …’

‘Isn’t it gorgeous?’

‘Wonderful, isn’t it?’

‘It’s so nice and hot…’

‘Personally, I think it’s nice when it’s hot – isn’t it?’

‘I adore it – don’t you?’

For Bad Weather

‘Nasty day, isn’t it?’

‘Isn’t it dreadful?’

‘The rain … I hate rain …’ I don’t like it at all. Do you?’

‘Fancy such a day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain, all day long.’

‘I remember exactly the same July day in 1936.’

‘Yes, I remember too.’

‘Or was it in 1928’

‘Yes, it was.’

‘Or in 1939?’

‘Yes, that’s right’

Now observe the last few sentences of this conversation. A very important rule emerges from it. You must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it hail and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from he sides of the road, and should someone remark to you: ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’ – answer without hesitation: Isn’t it lovely?’

Learn the above conversation by heart. If you are a bit slow in picking things up, learn at least one conversation, it would do wonderfully for any occasion.’

If you do not say anything else for the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation, you still have a fair chance of passing as a remarkably witty man of a sharp intellect, keen observation and extremely pleasant manners.

English society is a class society, strictly organized almost on corporative lines. If you dot this, listen to the weather forecasts. There is always a different weather forecast for farmers. You often hear statements like this on the radio:

‘To-morrow it will be cold, cloudy and foggy; long periods of rain will be interrupted by short periods of showers.’

And then:

“Weather forecast for farmers. It will be fair and warm, many hours of sunshine.’

You must not forget that the farmers do grand work of national importance and deserve better weather.

It happened on innumerable occasions that nice, warm weather had been forecast and rain and snow fell all day long, or vice versa. Some people jumped rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong with the weather forecasts. They are mistaken and should be more careful with their allegations.

I have read an article in one of the Sunday papers and now I can tell you what the situation really is. All troubles are caused by anti-cyclones. (I don’t quite know what anti-cyclones are, but this is not important; I hate cyclones and am very anti-cyclone myself.) The two naughtiest anti-cyclones are the Azores and the polar anti- cyclones.

The British meteorologists forecast the right weather – as it really should be – and then these impertinent little anti- cyclones interfere and mess up everything.

That again proves that if the British kept to themselves and did not mix with foreign things like Polar and Azores anti-cyclones they would be much better off.

(George Mikes “How to be an Alien”)

Key notions and words

Complete the list of the vocabulary using dictionaries and reference books, transcribe the words and practice their pronunciation?

Language – a system of words, phrases, and grammar that is used by the people who live in a particular country for speaking and writing to each other; the use of words, grammar etc to communicate with other people.

Native speaker – is someone who was born in the country where that language is spoken

Dialect – a form of a language that is spoken by the people who live in one area of a country, which is different in some ways from the standard form of the language.

Communication – act of imparting (esp. news) information given; intercourse; the activity or process of giving information to other people or living things.

Communicate – to make your feelings or thoughts clear to other people by talking to them.

Culture – the customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time; the way of life; a particular society or civilization, especially one considered in relation to its ideas, its art, or its way of life.

Culture - shock – a feeling of confusion, etc that you may experience when you go to a country that is very different from your own.

Intercultural (cross-cultural) communication – an adequate mutual understanding of the communicative act participants belonging to different national cultures.


Vocabulary Exercises

I. Translate the following sentences with active vocabulary from English into Russian. Make up your own sentences.

1. I am in communication with him about this.

2. The young say they can’t communicate with their parents.

3. He is not at all communicative on the subject.

4. The bathroom here communicates with the bedroom.

5. We speak the same language.

6. They were speaking their native language.

7. She speaks some local language.

8. She speaks Spanish like a native.

9. The country’s cultural diversity is a result of taking in immigrants from all over the world.

10. The city has a rich cultural life with many theatres, concert halls and art galleries.

11. The international conference aims to bring together people from many different cultures.

12. There is little real communication between father and daughter.

13. The astronauts are in direct communication with the control center in Houston.

14. Daphne seems shy and not very communicative.

15. Latin is a dead language.

16. She lives in Oxford but she’s a native of York.

17. Are you a native speaker of Dutch?

II. Match the words under column A with their synonyms under column B.

1. culture a) conversation
2. dialect b) tongue
3. language c) polish, refinement
4. communication d) jargon (localism)
5. speaker e) spokesperson, mouthpiece

Ш. Translate the following sentences with particular care for the marked models: If smb does (did, had done) smth – smb will do (would do, would have done) smth; Should smb do smth – smb will do smth.

1. Если все же он заговорит на местном диалекте, и вы перестанете понимать его, не бойтесь прервать выступление и сделать пояснение.

2. Если вы потерпите неудачу в общении с аудиторией, проанализируйте причины и не отчаивайтесь.

3. Если все же когда-нибудь вам придется испытать культурный шок, вы больше никогда не будете задавать таких глупых вопросов.

4. Если бы я владела несколькими иностранными языками, я бы нашла более интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу.

5. Если бы у нас была возможность активного общения с носителями английского языка, мы не испытывали бы трудностей в понимании и интерпретации такого рода текстов.

6. Если вы отнесетесь с большим вниманием к вопросам национальной культуры участников коммуникации, ваше общение и ваш бизнес будут успешными.

7. Если бы тогда мы проявили больше внимания и терпения друг к другу, у нас сейчас бы не было проблем с взаимопониманием.

Discussion Exercises


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