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Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста


a) There are polychnies for the adult population and for children.

b) Doctors, nurses ami all workers of the hospital are the members of the
Medical Workers Union.

c) There are private clinics in Russia.

d) All large factories provide medical care for the workers,

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий содержанию текста

5. Polyclinics have their own



c)... terms


Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абазцами текста ABCDE

6. The treatment & prevention of eardiologieal and oncological diseases are the main medical scientific problem in our country.

7. The main attention of the health service in Russia is paid to prophylaxis.

8. The emergency ambulance service operates day & night.

9. In our country there are centres to ensure the birth of healthy children.

10. Hie patients who are seriously ill are visited l\v their district doctors at home.

Вариант 2

  1. b
  2. d
  3. b
  4. a
  5. d
  6. e
  7. a
  8. b
  9. d
  10. b



1. The coughing begins, and there may be (отхаркивание).

A. attention C. breathing

B. prostration D. expectoration

2. (Воспаление) of the lung, with or without infection is also called pneumonitis.

A. complications С inflammation

B. cause D. infection

3. The organisms that (вызывают) most pneumonias are already present in the environment.

A. form С lead

B. do D. cause


4.There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including(HH<|>eKHHio). A. condition С hypersensitivity

В cause D. infection


5. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic


A. qualified C. starting

B. dental D. emergency

6. The patient has (двустороннюю) pneumonia.

A. chronic C. lobular
B. clear D. bilateral
7. The (причина) of the disease is unknown. A. conditionu B. cause С signs D. attack

8A variety of (осложнений) may occur with lobar pneumonia.

A. inflammation C. cases

B. complications D. rates

9. The lungs are main organs of (дыхательной системы).

A. respiratory surface C. respiratory rate

B. respiration D. respiratory system

10. Children often (жалуются) pain in the throat.

A. suffer from C. try to

B. complain of D. breathe out

11. This medicine (облегчает) an asthma attack.

A. causes C. takes

B. is given D. relieves

12. Sometimes the pain may extend in the (брюшная полость или живот) simulating acute appendicitis.

A. lymph C. lung

B. abdomen IJ. chest

13. (Младенцы) have the lungs of pale rose color.

A. children С pupils

B. infants D. junior children

14. The disease usually terminates by crisis, when the temperature (падает).

A. does C. drops

B. makes D. looks

15. She had (сухой кашель) two days ago.

A. dry cough C. purulent sputum

B. persistent cough D. acute attack

II. Выберите форму перевода сказуемого

16. These various factors lead to two different patterns of pneumonia.

A. приводят С. приведут

B. привели D. могут привести

17. Many pneumonias that are infectious begin for no apparent reason.

A. были начаты С. начались

B. начинаются D. начнутся

18.Inflammation of the lung, with or without infection is called pneumonitis. А.называет С. назывался

В. называется D. был назван

19. General measures include rest, support of breathing, if needed.

A. включает с. будут включать

B. включил d. включают

20.What do you complain of?

A. Жаловались С жаловался

B. Жалуется D. жалуется

III.Выберите правильный перевод формы причастия:

21. These various factors can lead to two different patterns of pneumonia. А. не нужно С. мог

В. можем D. могли

22. His temperature is high. He cannot go to school today.

A. не нужно С. Не должен

B. не может D. Не пойдет

23. Many complications may occur with lobar pneumonia,

A. могли бы С. должен

B. мог D. могут

IV. Выберите правильный перевод формы причастия:

24. Interstitial pneumonia is inflammation involving the tissue between the air sacs.

А.вовлечение С.вовлеченное

В. вовлекающее D. вовлек

25. When examined by the doctor, he complained of a severe pain in his chest

A. при осмотре С. осматривая

B. после осмотра D. осмотрел

26. Sometimes the pain may extend in the abdomen simulating acute appendicitis.

A. симулированный С. будучи симулированным

B. симулируя D. симулирование

27. Cold weather, draughts, loss of sleep are the chief predisposing factors.

A. предрасположенные С. предрасполагающие

B. будучи предрасположенным D. предрасположение

28. The data obtained by the scientist were very interesting.

А полученныее С. получающие

В. получили D. получавшие

































I. Подберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках:

1. (Преждевременный) rupture of membranes caused the delivery of the infant at the 30l week of pregnancy.

a) complicated b) successful c) premature d) external


2. Some babies require special care because of (врожденных) malformations,

a) internal b) congenital c) constant d) physical


3. Contagions diseases (передаются) to others by direct or indirect contact,

a) are transmitted b) are caused c) are given d) are proved


4. Pneumonia may have (скрытое) onset in newborn infants.

a) shallow b) insidious c) indicated d) various


5. Jaundice is (встречается) very frequently in the newborn.

a) affected b) encountered c) arisen d) appeared


6. Intracranial (повреждения) may occur both in normal and complicated deliveries,

a) pregnancies b) obstructions c) transfusions d) lesions


II. Подберите синоним к выделенному слову:

7. In such cases surgical treatment is i nstituted immediately,

a) transferred b) administered c) exchanged d) suggested


8. Contagious diseases are classified according to the mode of infection,

a) constant b) congenital c) acute d) infectious


9. Tetanus of the newborn has a rapid fatal termination.

a) disorder b) exploration c) outcome d) fracture


10. Usually such children respond well to specific therapy.

a) admit b) occur c) react d) produce


  1. Some drugs are rapidly carried across the placenta from mother to fetus,

a) protected b) transferred c) performed d) contributed


III. Выберите форму перевода сказуемого:

12. Late respiratory depression should have been expected.

а) следовало бы ожидать b) можно было ожидать с) ожидали d) была ожидаема


13. As the newborn shows signs of sever hyperbilirubinemia, exchange transfusion has to be performed without any delay.

а) может быть сделано b) делается с) должно быть сделано d) будет сделано


14. In spite of intensive care and high calory diet the child wouldn't gain weight.

а) не мог набрать b) никак не набрал с) не должен набрать d) никак не набирает


15. The mild form of scarbet fiver allowed the child to be treated at home.

а) позволяет b) позволила с) позволено d) было позволено



16. Thanks to the constantly improving maternity serves and child care there has been a large decrease in infant mortality in Russia.

а) происходит b) будет происходить с) произошло d) происходящий


17. In some cases of labor complications surgical procedures are applied, а) применяются b) применены с) применяем d) применяемы


IV. Выберите правильный перевод формы причастия:

18. The laboratory results achieved in this study require further assessment, а) достигнув b) достигаемые с) достигающие d) достигнутые


19. By following the doctor's advise carefully parents may prevent many infections disease.

а) следовав b) следующий с) следуя d) проследовав


20. The sick child was lying quietly without complaining of anything.

а) не жалуясь b) не пожаловавшись с) без жалоб d) жалуясь


21. Grippe is a highly communicable and rapidly spreading disease.

а) распространившееся b) распространявшееся с) распространившись

d) распространяющeеся


22. There having been no postoperative complications, the patient's health was quickly restored.

а) не было b) не будучи с) не бывает d) не будет


23. In our country the health of children is under constant care, various measures being taken to protect their health.

а) приняв b) принимаются с) принимая d) принимались


24. Выберите правильный вариант вопросительного предложения:

Reduce(l), has(2), infections(3), what(4), helped(5), rate(6), from(7), mortality(8), to(9), the(10). a) 4,9,1,8,10,7,5,6,3,2. b) 4,2,5,9,1,10,8,6,7,3. c) 4,1,8,9,10,3,2,7,5,6.

d) 2,8,9,3,10,4,6,1,5,7.


1.с 19.c

2.b 20.a

3.a 21.d

4.b 22.a

5.b 23.b

6.d 24.b













Complete the sentences using some of the following words and word combination:

Delivery, span of life, deafness, full term babies, trimester, premature, fetus, pregnant.

1. It is obvious that…is an important symptom in congenital infection.

2. The… of this patient depends upon the surgeon’s professionalism.

3. During the external examinations the … didn’t show any signs of life.

4. … infants are placed in special beds called incubators.

5. Every … woman must undergo regular external examinations beginning with the first ….

6. Nervous overstrain may cause premature ….


1-b 6-c

2-a 7- a

3-b 8- a

4-d 9- c

5-b 10-a



Тест «английский язык»

ФФМО Педиатрическое отделение


Pneumonia in infants

A. In the early stage it is often difficult to make the diagnosis of pneumonia by
examination of the child. The rapid, shallow respirations with the associated
movements of the alae nasi and the sudden onset of high fever are strongly
suggestive of a pneumonic infection. The physical findings of the
bronchopneumonic variety depend upon the number and extent of the
individual pneumonic areas. When there are only a few small isolated areas,
they may not be detected.

B. Cough is general present. In the early stage it is usually dry and often
associated with pleuritic pain, so that the patient makes an effort suppress it.
In the stage of resolution the cough may become looser and productive.

C. Vomiting at the onset is a common symptom, but is seldom continued after
the first day unless feeding is forced. Initially there may also be a loose stool
or two, but persistence of diarrhea is uncommon. The appetite is greatly
diminished although thirst may obscure this fact in infants, since they may
continue to take the usual amount of milk. Abdominal distention in
tympanites of a severe degree is a serious complication.

D. Convulsions are relatively common at the onset in infants. Headache is a
fairly common complaint of older children. Infants may be extremely
restless, and there may be a marked degree of apathy and somnolence.
Delirium may occur, especially in association with extremely high fever.
Herpes of the lips, face or other regions of the body is not uncommon about
the third or fourth day of the disease.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте нa вonpoc:

1. What may obscure the diminished appetite in infants?

a) cough

b) sleep

c) thirst

d) pain in the stomach

Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца:

2. The A passage is about

a) general complaints of child

b) the peculiarities of examination of an infant

c) feeding of an infant

d) die onset of a disease


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