Medical Education in the USA 

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Medical Education in the USA

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Государственная служба здравоохранения предоставляет населению США все виды медицинской помощи.

2. Государственная служба здравоохранения обеспечивает лечение физических и психических заболеваний, хирургию, услуги дантиста, акушера, семейного врача.

3. В Америке развита система медицинского страхования.

4. Современные больницы имеют все необходимое оборудование для диагностики и лечения.

5. Студент должен совершенствоваться в лабораторных предметах.

6. После окончания медицинского вуза студент получает звание Доктора Медицины, тем не менее он все еще студент.

7. Студент проходит 1 или 2 года интернатуры в больнице.

8. Во многих штатах есть лицензионная комиссия, которая экзаменует врача после интернатуры.

9. Выдержав экзамен, врач может иметь практику.


10. Match the terms to the definitions.

1. Tutors A. A consultant assigned to a trainee who provides

training during periods of direct clinical care.

2. Demonstrator B. A consultant who supervises a trainee’s period of


3. Lecturer/ senior lecture C. In anatomy teaching, someone who demonstrates

how to dissect. Demonstrators are often

postgraduate students paying their way through

medical school.

4. Professor D. An academic, or in some cases a postgraduate

student, who leads tutorials.

5. College tutor E. A senior academic with teaching and research

responsibilities for a particular discipline. Usually

a leading figure in their discipline.

6. Clinical trainer F. An academic with teaching and research

responsibilities who contributes to the teaching of

a particular discipline.

7. Educational supervisor G. A consultant responsible for delivering a college

training programme.










11. Match the definitions to the terms


1. Science that studies the structure of human body. A pharmacology

2. Science of diseases and diseased tissues b physiology

3. Brunch of medicine which deals with children’s illness c anatomy

4. Science of mind and its processes d pathology

5. Brunch of medicine which deals with childbirth e psychology

6. Science and practice of treating diseases by operations f pediatrics

7. Science of normal functions of a living organism g pediatrics

8. Science of drugs and their effects on an organism h internship

9. (A period off) completing medical education by living I obstetrics

at a hospital and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon


«Health Service in Great Britain»

1. Answer the questions:


1) Explain the difference between a paramedical and administrative service.

2) What is the purpose of anesthetics?

3) What do you think are dangers in administering anesthetics?

4) What does an X-ray photograph?

5) Are X-rays only used for diagnose, or can they be used therapeutically as well?

6) Can a person be exposed to an unlimited number of X-rays?

7)What new specialty utilizes radioactive isotopes? Explain how this specialty works.


2. Translate the sentences:


1. If you use the NHS you don't have to pay for the treatment.

2. In order to obtain the necessary information we looked through a lot of journals.

3. The general practitioner will arrange for you to be seen by a specialist if necessary.

4. We shall provide all that is necessary for your work.

5. Doctors usually prescribe this medicine in the cases like yours.

6. They decided to include this subject in the course of study.


3. Translate:


То pass an act through the Parliament

The National Health Service

To receive the Royal Assent

To provide medical treatment

To establish personal relations

To be a private patient

To be dissatisfied with one's family doctor

To provide a full range of medical service

Nursing home

Health center

Family doctor


Make up 10 sentences.


4. Which member of a practice team would be responsible for each of the following?

1. Running a clinic for pregnant women

2. teaching a patient how to strengthen his broken leg

3. Letting the GP know that a patient can’t come to her appointment

4. Running a clinic for people who want to lose weight

5. Visiting a patient who has just returned home after a hernia operation

6. Carrying out check – ups on children in a poor neighbourhood

7. Organizing cover for an absent doctor



1) midwife

2) physiotherapist

3) receptionist

4) practice nurse

5) district nurse

6) health visitor

7) practice manager

5. Изложите содержание текста на английском языке, используя ключевую лексику.


Больничная служба, входящая в Государственную службу Здравоохранения в Великобритании, объединяет различные типы больниц: районные больницы общего профиля с оборудованием для диагностики и лечения стационарных (in-patient) и амбулаторных (out-patient) больных, родильными отделениями, инфекционными отделениями, а также отделениями реабилитации.

Специализированные больницы предоставляют различные виды специального лечения, в том числе психических больных, хронических больных, пожилых людей и детей.

Идея семейных врачей всегда была популярна в Великобритании. Обычно человек сам выбирает себе врача в том районе, где он живет, и регистрируется в его списке. Семейный врач назначает лечение, выписывает лекарства, а если необходимо, направляет больного к специалисту. Все эти услуги в Великобритании бесплатны.


6.Translate into English:


1) Граждане Великобритании имеют право на бесплатное медицинское обслуживание.

2) Государственная служба здравоохранения была установлена во всем Объединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии в 1948 году.

3) Те, кто раньше не имел возможности получать бесплатную медицинскую помощь, теперь получили доступ к государственному медицинскому обслуживанию.

4) Врач, работающий в государственной службе здравоохранения, может также принимать частных пациентов.

5) Пациент может сам выбирать себе врача или сменить врача, если он того желает.


7. Complete the diary for Dr.Stuart’s afternoon. The text will help you.


A GP’s day

Dr Stuart works in a practice in a small market town with three other family doctors. The surgery is in the centre of the town and is shared by three practices. This is a typical working morning when she is not the duty doctor, responsible for emergencies and urgent problems.

Complete the diary for Dr.Stuart’s afternoon. Look at A and C opposite to help you

1.00-2.00 pm practice team meeting over sandwich lunch

2.00-4.00 pm afternoon (1)……………………..

4.00-4.20 pm coffee break………………………

4.20-5.00 pm check with (3)…………for messages. Deal with home (4)…………..

and repeat (5)…………………..requests

5.00-6.00 pm paper work, e.g.(6)………… to secondary care, admin tasks, telephone

calls to patients, private medical examinations

6.00 pm phones switched to (7)……………………..service.



1. Surgery

2. Appointments

3. Reception

4. Visits

5. Prescription

8. Переведите следующие словосочетания и составьте с ними предложения:

главная цель; незначительные недомогания; хронические больные; специализированное лечение; лечебная гимнастика; предоставлять лечение; посещать больного на дому; получить услуги и консультации


9. Answer the questions


What medical treatment does the NHS provide?

What diseases does the NHS cover?

What aids does it provide?

What does a patient do to obtain benefits of the NHS?

What are the duties of a family doctor?

Since when does a patient pay for medicine in Great Britain?

How many patients does a general practitioner have on his list?

Why do several general practitioners join in partnership?

10. Say what is true and what is false (cards with tasks).

1) There is no free medical treatment in Great Britain.

2) 2) Charges are made for drugs, spectacles and dental care.

3) Many people who have enough money prefer to be private patients because they don't want to be put in a large room with other patients.

4) The patient cannot choose between NHS or private treatment

5) The general practitioner does invaluably work by filtering off 90 per cent of the total work.

6) Health centres provide opportunities for hospital specialists and GPs.

7) Each patient can come to the medical consultation at any time he wishes

8) The patient is the most important person in the health centre and all the energies should be directed to helping him as much as possible.


11. Закончите предложения, заменив части предложений в скобках на Participle 1:


1. The patient (he is talking to the doctor now) wants to go home as soon as possible.

  1. The nurse (she gives injections) is very experienced.
  2. The patient (he was suffering from severe pains in the back) was given a course of remedial gymnastics.
  3. There are special hospitals (they provide medical care for mentally ill, chronic sick and elderly people) in our region.
  4. There is a Hospital service (it includes both general and special hospitals) within the NHS.
  5. The wound (it is healing slowly) has to be examined by the surgeon.
  6. The new doctor (he assisted our chief surgeon during the operation) did his best.


12. Translate into English:


Медицинское обслуживание, домашний врач, бесплатный медицинский уход, делать прививки, низкий доход, значительная стоимость, пенсионные выплаты, психические заболевания, инвалидность, пострадавшие, медсестра, оказывать медицинскую помощь, штат, по записи.


13. Complete the sentences:


1. Children, over-60s, and people with some chronic diseases do not have to

pay ……………….. in the UK.

2. Patients with mobility problems may be unable to go out. They are ………………...

3. The average GP ……………….. is ten minutes long.

4. A ……………….. is someone who takes the place of a staff member who is on leave.

5. Care outside working hours is known as ………………..-………………..-………………..





1) prescription charges

2) housebound

3) appointment

4) locum

5) out-of-hours


14. Make word combinations a word or phrase from each box. One word can be used twice.


change messages

make staff

perform appointments

refer home visits

run dressings

supervise a clinic

take a patient

minor surgery




change dressings

make appointments

make home visits

per form minor surgery

refer a patient

run a clinic

supervise staff

take messages



«Health сare system in the USA»


1. Ответьте на вопросы:


1) How many levels of organization of the medical service are there in the USA?

2) Is it convenient to have a “family doctor”?

3) Where do the Americans with low income come for all their medical needs?

4) Why were two new programmers – Medicare and Medicaid developed by the Federal Government?

5) What do you know about the staff in hospitals?

6) What does a family physician do?

7) What are the chief scientific problems facing American medicine?


2. Translate:


Медицинское обслуживание, домашний врач, частный кабинет, обслуживать больных, находиться под контролем, бесплатный медицинский уход, ниже уровня, стоимость одного дня в больнице, главные проблемы, стоящие перед медициной, определить причины.


3. Complete the extract from an information leaflet for patients.


Information for outpatients


When you arrive at the (1)………………, please tell the receptionist who will welcome you, check your details, and direct you to the waiting area. The length of your visit will depend on the (2)……………….. you’re going to have. You may need to have some (3)………………, such as an X-ray, which could mean going to another (4)……………….. Or you may be (5)…………… to other professionals, such as a physiotherapist or dietician. You may need to revisit the clinic. If staff at the clinic want to see you again, another appointment will be arranged for you. If you need to be (6)………………… to hospital for more treatment, either as an inpatient or for (7)…………………. surgery, you will be told when this is likely to happen. If you do not need further treatment you will be (8)……………….. to your GP’s care.



1) clinic/ hospital

2) treatment

3) tests

4) department

5) referred

6) admitted

7) day

8) discharged


4. Are the following statements true or false? Explain your answers.


1) Outpatient services are becoming more and more widespread.

2) Visiting a hospital as an outpatient is cheaper then being confined as an inpatient.

3) Children are among the greatest users of extended care facilities.

4) To be able to use a self-care center, a patient should be ambulatory.

5) Most older people do not use outpatient services because they cannot afford to pay for them.

6) Rehabilitation by occupational therapy includes the use of massage.

7) Emergency units usually operate around the clock.

8) An ambulance is a machine used in an emergency unit to administer oxygen.

9) Hospitals that have progressive health care programs encourage patients to return home as soon as possible.

10) Psychiatric patients are too sick to be treated on an outpatient basis.


5. Объедините в пары глаголы из левой колонки и существительные из правой. Переведите полученные словосочетания на русский язык.

to m aster practice

to set up patient

to treat skills

to develop laboratory science

to spend a diagnosis

to make time

to use knowledge


a) Составьте предложения с полученными словосочетаниями.


6. Are the following statements true or false?


1) A medical graduate becomes registered two years after graduation.

2) The system of training doctors in Britain is called the Foundation Programme.

3) The name senior house officer is no longer used in Britain.

4) The consultant is usually the first doctor to see new patients.

5) When working in shifts, all doctors take turns to be on call.


«Angina Pectoris»

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What are the causes of Angina Pectoris?

2) Where does the patient feel the pain?

3) How long does the pain usually last?

4) Where does the pain radiate to?

5) What factors may cause an attack?

6) What are the main drugs for treating Angina Pectoris?

2. The following paragraph describes the flow of blood through the pulmonary circulation. Complete it by filling in the blanks.

Blood leaving the right ventricle first enters the___________, which passes upwards close to the aorta and divides into the right_____________ and the left _________________at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Each of these branches goes to the corresponding__________, and enters these organs in the area called the ________________. Within the tissues, the vessels divide and subdivide, giving a network of many millions of tiny _______________, across the walls of which gases exchange. Blood draining these structures then passes through veins of increasing diameter, which finally unite in the_______________, which carry the blood back to the _______ atrium of the heart.

3.Найдите предложения, которые стоят в страдательном залоге:

1) This textbook is experimental.

2) Many experiments are carried out by students.

3) He is happy because he students at the Medical Institute.

4) Interesting lectures are delivered by Professor Orbi.

5) Physiology is taught at our Medical Academy.

4. Переведите предложения:

1) Нам дают книги.

2) Мне часто задают много вопросов.

3) Операции производятся хирургом.

4) Учебники пишутся для студентов.

5) Нас часто видят в библиотеке.

6) Курсовые собрания проводятся в конце семестра.

5. Выбрать правильный перевод:

1. is characterized а) характеризует

б) характеризуется

в) характеризующий

2. was increased а) повышает

б) повышается

в) повысился

3. are governed а) управляют в) управляли

б) управляются

6. Which of the following would increase stroke volume (assuming no other factor changes to compensate)?

a. Sympathetic stimulation: ______________

b. Increased preload:_________________

c. Increased vagal tone: _________________

d. Increased heart rate:__________________

e. Decreased secretion of adrenaline (epinephrine):______________

f. Decreased afterload: ________________

g. Increased blood volume:______________

h. Decreased venous return:_______________

7. Подобрать из колонки справа, соответствующие русские эквиваленты:

a) physical activity 1. при нагрузке

b) restriction of effort 2. сужение коронарной артерии

c) On exertion 3. снабжение кислородом

d) the oxygen supply 4. расширение коронарной артерии

e) coronary dilation 5. физическая активность

f) coronary narrowing 6. ограничение нагрузки

g) the severity of pain 7. увеличение нагрузки

h) a substernal pain 8. устранение боли

i) a precordial pain 9. боль в области сердца

j) a relief of pain 10. тяжесть (интенсивность боли)

11. загрудинная боль

Ключ: a-5, b-6, c-1, d-3, e-4, f-2, g-10, h-11, i-9, j-8.

8. Test

1. Blood pressure is usually expressed as:______.

a. diastolic pressure over systolic pressure

b. Pulse pressure over diastolic pressure

c. Systolic pressure over diastolic pressure

d. Diastolic pressure over pulse pressure

2. Which of the following events can be measured as systolic blood pressure? _______.

1. Atrial contraction b. Ventricular contraction c. Pulse pressure d. Cardiac diastole.

3. What are the two main factors determining blood pressure? _________.

a. Cardiac output and peripheral resistance

b. Peripheral resistance and blood volume

c. Blood volume and pulse pressure

d. Pulse pressure and cardiac output

4. Which of the following is associated with the moment- to- moment control of blood pressure?_________

a. The rennin-angiotensin system

b. Control of blood volume

c. The baroreceptor reflex

d. The Hering – Breuer reflex





1. Ответить на вопросы:


1. How does pneumonia usually begin? 2. What are the symptoms of influenza virus pneumonia? 3. What is the usual temperature? 4. What are the pulse and respiratory rates? 5. What does X- ray examination usually reveal? 6.Is the cough dry of moist? 7.When do the lung infiltrates usually disappear? 8.What drugs are usually administered?

2. Какие глаголы в следующих предложениях при переводе на английский язык должны быть использовании в Past Perfect.Укажите номера предложений и переведите их.


1. Где вы жили, прежде чем приехали в Красноярск.

2. Мы сдавали экзамен в конце января.

3. Сколько английских слов вы выучили к концу 1-го семестра?

4. После того как мы позавтракали, мы сразу пошли дамой.

5. Мы переехали на новую квартиру 15-го марта.

6. Хотя я вернулась дамой очень рано, он уже лег спать.

7. Я часто бывала у них в прошлом году.



1. A lung that can be stretched easily but that does not return to it’s original shape is:______

a. Elastic but not resistant

b. Resistant but not compliant

c. Compliant but not elastic

d. Elastic but not compliant.


2. Compliance is:_______

a. The ability of the lung to stretch

b. Very low in the normal healthy lung

c. Another term for elasticity

d. Increased when surfactant levels are low.


3. Elasticity is (choose all that apply):________

a. The ability of the lung to stretch

b. Very high in the normal healthy lung

c. An opposing force to compliance

d. Important in determining airways resistance.


4. Which of the following would decrease resistance in the healthy airway?_________

a. Increased goblet cell activity

b. Parasympathetic activity

c. Decreased pleural fluid production

d. Relaxation of airway smooth muscle.


Key 1-c






3. Ответьте на вопросы:


1. What is the definition of lobar pneumonia?

2. What is the specific cause of pneumonia?

3. How does lobar pneumonia set in?

4. What are the first symptoms?

5. What helps to make a diagnosis?

6. What diseases may stimulate lobar pneumonia?

7. What complications may occur with lobar pneumonia?


4. Перевести предложения с русского на английский язык.


1. Заболеваемость пневмонией обычно увеличивается во время эпидемий гриппа.

2. Пик заболеваний пневмонией наступает примерно через 2 недели после начала эпидемии.

3. Количество госпитализаций с пневмонией может возрасти в 2, 3 раза в этот период.

4. Возбудители пневмонии - стафилококк, стрептококк, пневмококк.

5. Заболевание обычно начинается у больных, недавно перенесших вирусный грипп.

6. Первые симптомы пневмонии - слабость, сухой кашель, озноб, t до 38-39

7. Затем появляется одышка, обильный пот, боль в боку.

8. Рентген показывает инфильтраты в легких.

9. Лечение пневмонии включает кислород, антибиотики.


5. Make word Combination using a word from each box.

Blood Cough

Breath Rub

Pleural Stained

Productive Resonance

Vocal Sounds



Вариант 1

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:


1) How long does complete medical education last now days in Great Britain?

2) What periods does modern medical education consist of?

3) What is the aim of premedical training? How long does in last?

4) What sciences do student study during the second (clinical) period of medical education?

5) How long does this period last?

6) When do student begin to get practical experience in the care of patients?

7) What subjects begin to medical students learn in the thing (clinical) period of studying?

8) How long does internship last?

9) What is the aim of internship?

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык


1) Каждый врач знает строение тела человека.

2) Все студенты-медики проводят много времени в больнице

3) Невозможно изучить функции организма только по книгам

4) Трудно научить лечить людей

5) Каждый день у них лекции и практические занятия

6) Студенты изучают физиологию и гистологию


  1. Образуйте слова, используя указанные суффиксы и приставки. Переведите исходные слова и слова с суффиксами и приставками на русский язык.


- ion(-tion) – to reproduce, to distribute, to preserve

- ity – to diverse, peculiar, simple

- ment – to entertain, to establish

- able(-ible) to divide, to vary, to inherit, to reproduce

-al(-ical) structure, bacteria, type

- ful – purpose, use, help

- ly- entire, simple, collective

- ify- pure, identity, simple

Re- to distribute, to organize, to tell

In – visible, direct

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What are the causes of Angina Pectoris?

2) Where does the patient feel the pain?

3) How long does the pain usually last?

4) Where does the pain radiate to?

5) What factors may cause an attack?

6) What are the main drugs for treating Angina Pectoris?

5. The following paragraph describes the flow of blood through the pulmonary circulation. Complete it by filling in the blanks.

Blood leaving the right ventricle first enters the___________, which passes upwards close to the aorta and divides into the right_____________ and the left _________________at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Each of these branches goes to the corresponding__________, and enters these organs in the area called the ________________. Within the tissues, the vessels divide and subdivide, giving a network of many millions of tiny _______________, across the walls of which gases exchange. Blood draining these structures then passes through veins of increasing diameter, which finally unite in the_______________, which carry the blood back to the _______ atrium of the heart.

6. Найдите предложения, которые стоят в страдательном залоге:

1) This textbook is experimental.

2) Many experiments are carried out by students.

3) He is happy because he students at the Medical Institute.

4) Interesting lectures are delivered by Professor Orbi.

5) Physiology is taught at our Medical Academy.

Вариант 2


1. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие по смыслу слова в скобках.

Переведите предложения на русский язык:


1) Professor Smith gave us a … of lectures on pathology last month. (cause, course)

2) To find the … of his disease was not difficult. (cause, course)

3) Pre medical … takes three or four years and complete medical … usually takes more than ten years. (education, training)

4) Working at a hospital and caring for patients an intern gets the necessary practical …. (experiment, experience)

5) The students made a lot of … in their laboratory classes in chemistry. (experiment, experience)

6) Newton was the famous English … who discovered the law of gravitation. (physician, physicist)

7) After graduating from a medical school, he began to practice as a … at his native town. (physician, physicist)


2. Match the two parts of the sentences.


1) An FY1 is a doctor

2) A demonstrator is an anatomy teacher

3) A clinical trainer is a consultant

4) A supervisor is a consultant

5) A medical school is

6) A placement is

7) A college is

8) A Fellow is a specialist


a. a body of specialists responsible for delivering and assessing training in their specialty.

b. responsible for the training programme of a trainee.

c. a period spent as a trainee in a hospital or in General Practice.

d. in the first year of the Foundation Programme.

e. who has reached the highest level in their specialty.

f. who provides training during periods of direct clinical care.

q. part of a university responsible for medical education.

h. who teaches dissection.



1d; 2h; 3f; 4b; 5g; 6c; 7a; 8e.


3. Distribute the sciences according to the stages during which they are covered: neurology, pathology, public health, personal and professional development, community medicine, medical microbiology, hospital medicine, basic pharmacology, investigative medicine, basic cell biology, cardiovascular and respiratory biology, cell function, medical data handling.


pre-medical course  
phase I pre-clinical training  
phase II clinical training  

а) Спросите о недостатках информации. Начните вопрос с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Premedical training of students will take … years. (How many years…)

2) We shall study clinical subjects in … years. (When …)

3) In pathology classes the students will learn about …. (What …)

4) We shall have medical practice …. (Where …)

5) During the period of internship an intern will …. (What …)

6) … will make a diagnosis after a thorough examination of the patient. (Who …)


4. Переведите предложения:


7) Нам дают книги.

8) Мне часто задают много вопросов.

9) Операции производятся хирургом.

10) Учебники пишутся для студентов.

11) Нас часто видят в библиотеке.

12) Курсовые собрания проводятся в конце семестра.

5. Выбрать правильный перевод:

4. is characterized а) характеризует

б) характеризуется

в) характеризующий

5. was increased а) повышает

б) повышается

в) повысился

6. are governed а) управляют в) управляли

б) управляются

6. Which of the following would increase stroke volume (assuming no other factor changes to compensate)?

a. Sympathetic stimulation: ______________

b. Increased preload:_________________

c. Increased vagal tone: _________________

d. Increased heart rate:__________________

e. Decreased secretion of adrenaline (epinephrine):______________

f. Decreased afterload: ________________

g. Increased blood volume:______________

h. Decreased venous return:_______________

Вариант 3

1) Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Государственная служба здравоохранения предоставляет населению США все виды медицинской помощи.

2. Государственная служба здравоохранения обеспечивает лечение физических и психических заболеваний, хирургию, услуги дантиста, акушера, семейного врача.

3. В Америке развита система медицинского страхования.

4. Современные больницы имеют все необходимое оборудование для диагностики и лечения.

5. Студент должен совершенствоваться в лабораторных предметах.

6. После окончания медицинского вуза студент получает звание Доктора Медицины, тем не менее он все еще студент.

7. Студент проходит 1 или 2 года интернатуры в больнице.

8. Во многих штатах есть лицензионная комиссия, которая экзаменует врача после интернатуры.

9. Выдержав экзамен, врач может иметь практику.



2) Match the terms to the definitions.

1. Tutors A. A consultant assigned to a trainee who provides

training during periods of direct clinical care.

2. Demonstrator B. A consultant who supervises a trainee’s period of


3. Lecturer/ senior lecture C. In anatomy teaching, someone who demonstrates

how to dissect. Demonstrators are often

postgraduate students paying their way through

medical school.

4. Professor D. An academic, or in some cases a postgraduate

student, who leads tutorials.

5. College tutor E. A senior academic with teaching and research

responsibilities for a particular discipline. Usually

a leading figure in their discipline.

6. Clinical trainer F. An academic with teaching and research

responsibilities who contributes to the teaching of

a particular discipline.

7. Educational supervisor G. A consultant responsible for delivering a college

training programme.










3)Match the definitions to the terms


1. Science that studies the structure of human body. A pharmacology

2. Science of diseases and diseased tissues b physiology

3. Brunch of medicine which deals with children’s illness c anatomy

4. Science of mind and its processes d pathology

5. Brunch of medicine which deals with childbirth e psychology

6. Science and practice of treating diseases by operations f pediatrics

7. Science of normal functions of a living organism g pediatrics

8. Science of drugs and their effects on an organism h internship

9. (A period off) completing medical education by living I obstetrics

at a hospital and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon

4) Подобрать из колонки справа, соответствующие русские эквиваленты:

k) physical activity 1. при нагрузке

l) restriction of effort 2. сужение коронарной артерии

m) On exertion 3. снабжение кислородом

n) the oxygen supply 4. расширение коронарной артерии

o) coronary dilation 5. физическая активность

p) coronary narrowing 6. ограничение нагрузки

q) the severity of pain 7. увеличение нагрузки

r) a substernal pain 8. устранение боли

s) a precordial pain 9. боль в области сердца

t) a relief of pain 10. тяжесть (интенсивность боли)

11. загрудинная боль

Ключ: a-5, b-6, c-1, d-3, e-4, f-2, g-10, h-11, i-9, j-8.

5) Test

1. Blood pressure is usually expressed as:______.

a. diastolic pressure over systolic pressure

b. Pulse pressure over diastolic pressure

c. Systolic pressure over diastolic pressure

d. Diastolic pressure over pulse pressure

4. Which of the following events can be measured as systolic blood pressure? _______.

1. Atrial contraction b. Ventricular contraction c. Pulse pressure d. Cardiac diastole.

5. What are the two main factors determining blood pressure? _________.

a. Cardiac output and peripheral resistance

b. Peripheral resistance and blood volume

c. Blood volume and pulse pressure

d. Pulse pressure and cardiac output

4. Which of the following is associated with the moment- to- moment control of blood pressure?_________

a. The rennin-angiotensin system

b. Control of blood volume

c. The baroreceptor reflex

d. The Hering – Breuer reflex


6) Ответьте на вопросы:

- What are the types of cardiovascular disease, and how do they affect a person’s health?

- What behaviors can help prevent cardiovascular disease?

Поставить прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень.


The veins are (large) than capillaries.

The aorta is the (large) artery which distributes the blood through the body.

I know the structure of the heart (good) than that of the lungs.

Anatomy is (difficult) subject for me.

The human heart weighs (little) than a pound.


Перевести эти предложения.

Вариант 4


1. Закончите предложения. Используйте сравнительную степень.


1) Helen’s car isn’t very big she wants a bigger one.

2) My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something ….

3) You are not very tall. Your brother is ….

4) Doctor Ivanov doesn’t work hard. Doctor Petrov works …

5) Our hospital isn’t very modern. Yours is ….

6) Your plan isn’t very good. My plan is ….

7) These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are ….

8) My ward isn’t very bright. Your ward is ….

9) I am not very interested in medicine. I’m … in languages.

10) It isn’t very today. It was … yesterday.

11) These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted ….

12) Britain isn’t very big. France is ….

13) Anatomy isn’t very interesting. Biology is ….

14) This scalpel isn’t very sharp. Have you got a … one?

15) People today aren’t very healthy. In the past they were ….

2. Ответьте на вопросы:


1) What are the manifestations of Myocardial Infarction?

2) What is the cause of death in Myocardial Infarction?

3) What can you say about the treatment of Myocardial Infarction?

4) What measures must be taken in the case of Myocardial Infarction?


3. Hачните ваши ответы, используя выражения:

a. It is apparent that...

b. Everybody knows that...

c. To our knowledge...

4. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

risk factors, to develop heart disease, the gap narrows, to suffer the effect of, to obtain, natural protection, the risk declines, to give up smth, to make an effort, immediate treatment

1. Answer the questions:


1) Explain the difference between a paramedical and administrative service.

2) What is the purpose of anesthetics?

3) What do you think are dangers in administering anesthetics?

4) What does an X-ray photograph?

5) Are X-rays only used for diagnose, or can they be used therapeutically as well?

6) Can a person be exposed to an unlimited number of X-rays?

7)What new specialty utilizes radioactive isotopes? Explain how this specialty works.


5. Translate the sentences:

1. If you use the NHS you don't have to pay for the treatment.

2. In order to obtain the necessary information we looked through a lot of journals.

3. The general practitioner will arrange for you to be seen by a specialist if necessary.

4. We shall provide all that is necessary for your work.

5. Doctors usually prescribe this medicine in the cases like yours.

6. They decided to include this subject in the course of study.

6. Translate:


То pass an act through the Parliament

The National Health Service

To receive the Royal Assent

To provide medical treatment

To establish personal relations

To be a private patient

To be dissatisfied with one's family doctor

To provide a full range of medical service

Nursing home

Health center

Family doctor


Make up 10 sentences.

Вариант 5


1. Which member of a practice team would be responsible for each of the following?

1. Running a clinic for pregnant women

2. teaching a patient how to strengthen his broken leg

3. Letting the GP know that a patient can’t come to her appointment

4. Running a clinic for people who want to lose weight

5. Visiting a patient who has just returned home after a hernia operation

6. Carrying out check – ups on children in a poor neighbourhood

7. Organizing cover for an absent doctor



1) midwife

2) physiotherapist

3) receptionist

4) practice nurse

5) district nurse

6) health visitor

7) practice manager

2. Изложите содержание текста на английском языке, используя ключевую лексику.


Больничная служба, входящая в Государственную службу Здравоохранения в Великобритании, объединяет различные типы больниц: районные больницы общего профиля с оборудованием для диагностики и лечения стационарных (in-patient) и амбулаторных (out-patient) больных, родильными отделениями, инфекционными отделениями, а также отделениями реабилитации.

Специализированные больницы предоставляют различные виды специального лечения, в том числе психических больных, хронических больных, пожилых людей и детей.

Идея семейных врачей всегда была популярна в Великобритании. Обычно человек сам выбирает себе врача в том районе, где он живет, и регистрируется в его списке. Семейный врач назначает лечение, выписывает лекарства, а если необходимо, направляет больного к специалисту. Все эти услуги в Великобритании бесплатны.


3. Translate into English:


1) Граждане Великобритании имеют право на бесплатное медицинское обслуживание.

2) Государственная служба здравоохранения была установлена во всем Объединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии в 1948 году.

3) Те, кто раньше не имел возможности получать бесплатную медицинскую помощь, теперь получили доступ к государственному медицинскому обслуживанию.

4) Врач, работающий в государственной службе здравоохранения, может также принимать частных пациентов.

5) Пациент может сам выбирать себе врача или сменить врача, если он того желает.


4. Complete the diary for Dr.Stuart’s afternoon. The text will help you.


A GP’s day

Dr Stuart works in a practice in a small market town with three other family doctors. The surgery is in the centre of the town and is shared by three practices. This is a typical working morning when she is not the duty doctor, responsible for emergencies and urgent problems.

Complete the diary for Dr.Stuart’s afternoon. Look at A and C opposite to help you

1.00-2.00 pm practice team meeting over sandwich lunch

2.00-4.00 pm afternoon (1)……………………..

4.00-4.20 pm coffee break………………………

4.20-5.00 pm check with (3)…………for messages. Deal with home (4)…………..

and repeat (5)…………………..requests

5.00-6.00 pm paper work, e.g.(6)………… to secondary care, admin tasks, telephone

calls to patients, private medical examinations

6.00 pm phones switched to (7)……………………..service.



1. Surgery

2. Appointments

3. Reception

4. Visits

5. Prescription

5. Ответить на вопросы:


1. How does pneumonia usually begin? 2. What are the symptoms of influenza virus pneumonia? 3. What is the usual temperature? 4. What are the pulse and respiratory rates? 5. What does X- ray examination usually reveal? 6.Is the cough dry of moist? 7.When do the lung infiltrates usually disappear? 8.What drugs are usually administered?

6. Какие глаголы в следующих предложениях при переводе на английский язык должны быть использовании в Past Perfect.Укажите номера предложений и переведите их.


1. Где вы жили, прежде чем приехали в Красноярск.

2. Мы сдавали экзамен в конце января.

3. Сколько английских слов вы выучили к концу 1-го семестра?

4. После того как мы позавтракали, мы сразу пошли дамой.

5. Мы переехали на новую квартиру 15-го марта.

6. Хотя я вернулась дамой очень рано, он уже лег спать.

7. Я часто бывала у них в прошлом году.

7. Ответьте на вопросы:


1. What is the definition of lobar pneumonia?

2. What is the specific cause of pneumonia?

3. How does lobar pneumonia set in?

4. What are the first symptoms?

5. What helps to make a diagnosis?

6. What diseases may stimulate lobar pneumonia?

7. What complications may occur with lobar pneumonia?



2 курс 3 семестр


1.Concerning the etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma, the
"excitory factors'' include each of the following, except:

A. Allergy to some foreign substances

B. Respiratory infection

C. Heredity

D. Emotional disturbances

2.Concerning the etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma, the
predisposing factors include each of the following, except:

A. Heredity

B. Childhood infections like measles and pertussis

C. Constitution

D. Prematurity.

3.Characteristics of etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma include
each of the following, except:

A. The basic lesion is the spasm of the smooth muscles of

B. Inspiratory wheezing

С Progression of disease results in collapse and emphysema

D. Bronchiectasis is a rare squelae or association.

4.Concerning onset of an asthmatic attack, each of the following
is correct, except:

A. Usually insidious

B. Often occurs at night

C. Occasionally preceded by the so-called asthmatic aura.

B. Inspiratory wheezing

5.Which of the following is not a usual form of asthmatic aura?

A. Tightness in the chest С. Polyuria

B. Restlessness D. Head aid

6.A typical attack of bronchial asthma may consists of each of the

following, except:

A. Marked dyspnea С. Expiratory wheezing

B. Bouts of cough D. Bradycardia

7.Status asthmaticus refers to an asthmatic paroxysm persisting

A. One hour С Over 24 hours

B. Several hours D. Over 48 hours.

8.Complications of bronchial asthma include each of the follow­ing, except:

A. Emphysema

B. Collapse

C. Tuberculosis in patients on prolonged steroid therapy.

D. Amyloidosis.

9.Measures recommended for controlling a paroxysm of bronchial
asthma through relief from bronchospasm include each of the
following, except:

A. Adrenaline C. Ephedrine sulfate

B. Aminophyline D. Disodium cromoglycate

10.Additional measures recommended for controlling a paroxysm
of bronchial asthma include each of the following except:

A. Sedation with morphia

B. Expectorants to remove excessive secretions

C. Antibiotics in the presence of infection

D. Oxygen inhalation in case of marked respiratory embar­rassment and cyanosis

11.Each of the following statements concerning prognosis in
bronchial asthma is correct, except:

A. The disease has relatively good prognosis in childhood

B. A bout the time of puberty, a 'proportion of the children
may spontaneously recover or have only much milder

C. Death in status asthmaticus is extremely rare.

D. Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte imbalance

12. Diagnosis of bronchiectasis is from each of the following,

A. High eosinophil count

B. Chest X-ray shows increased bronchovascular markings,
extending towards the base of the lung. Later, areas of
cavitation may become apparent.

С. Bronchography to localize and establish the extent of


D. Bacteriological examination of sputum.

13. Each of the following is important in the management of
bronchiectasis, except:

A. Appropriate antibiotic cover

B. Postural drainage

C. Surgical interventions to remove the affected lobe(s),
provided medical treatment over a 12-month period has'

D. Steroid therapy.


14. The commonest causative organism in empyema is:

A. Pneumococcus C. H. influenzae

B. Staphylococcus D. Streptococcus

15. Each of the following is a predisposing condition for empyema.

A. Lung abscess

B. Bronchiectasis

С. Pneumothorax

D. Metastatic spread of suppurative foci form distant lesions such as


16.Clinical manifestations of empyema may include the following,

A. Dyspnea C. Toxemia

B. Cough D. Extremely foul-smelling


17.Chest signs of empyema include the following, except:

A. Diminished movements of the affected side

B. Barrel-shaped chest

C. Widening and fullness of intercostal spaces

D. Dull percussion note

18.Diagnosis of empyema is from the following, except:

A. Clinical suspicion C. Diagnostic pleural tap

B. Chest X-ray D. Bronchography.

19.Currently recommended measures for empyema include each of
the following, except:

A. Antibiotics

B. Fibrin solvents like streptokinase and streptodornase.
С. Closed intercostal drainage

D. Thoracotomy.

20.Causes of single lung abscess include each of the following,

A. Antibiotics

B. Tuberculosis

C. Foreign body

D. Metastasis from other sites

21.Causes of multiple lung abscesses include each of the following,

A. Pneumonia C. Cystic fibrosis

B. Rupture of amebic liver D. Tuberculosis
abscess into lung

22.Common complications of an unresolved lung abscess may
include each of the following, except:

A. Pleurisy C. Empyema

B. Pleural effusion D. Pyogenic meningitis.

23.Each of the following statements about chronic lung abscess
in correct, except:

A. Onset is usually insidious

B. Generally there is fever, persistent cough and foul-
smelling sputum

C. Dyspnea and chest pain may be present in some cases.

D. The best treatment is surgical drainage.

24.Therapeutic measures in lung abscess include each of the
following, except:

A. Appropriate antibiotics

B. Breathing, exercises

C. Surgical resection of the particular segment or lobe

D. Steroids.

25.The following observations about acute bronchiolitis are true, except:

A. Usually occurs infants

B. A serious illness characterized by inflammation of bronchioles

with the resultant severe dyspnea

C. Always due to viruses

D. More or less confined to winter months.

Test № 2

Task №1



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